Archangel origins



First fic, okay? Reviews are my equivalent to purgatory souls and flames will be used to burn your bones with my salt.


Gabriel was nervous, to say the least. He would be in battle in just a matter of moments alongside his brethren. The Darkness was strong and powerful, but he, they, were archangels. All of them. Beings of pure light. And they weren't going to let their father down. They weren't going to lose this war. And he was going to help bring victory.

As Gabriel looked around him at the rows of his siblings ready for war, he wondered how many of them would actually last to the victory. Would even he male it?

As they approached the battlefield, all there could been seen was Darkness trying to cover the light of his siblings graces. As Gabriel looked, he saw his brother Balthazar fighting. He smiled, assured that his big brother was alright.

You see, Balthazar was his favorite brother. Balthazar was a protector through and through. He had kind gray-blue eyes and short blonde hair. He was also the fourth eldest, surpassed only by Michael, Lucifer and Uriel. And their father and his friend, Death.

Gabriel hoped Death would not come for anyone but Darkness today though. He and the others wanted to fight to their last breath. But they didn't want to die on the first day. Gabriel glanced up at Michael, patiently waiting for the signal to join from their leader.


They fought for years. Day upon day, night upon night. With only short breaks, switching out positions with other groups. Many were injured per day, but many more were found dead. It seemed as though they were fighting a battle they'd already lost. But they kept going. It was their job.

But still, whenever Gabriel got some time away from the battlefield, he let his mind wander to happier times when he was younger, before the Darkness returned.


"I got you Gabriel!" Balthazar shouted, lifting Gabriel off the ground and pushing him up. "Come on Gabey! You can do it!" he cheers as his little brother starts to flap his six wings hard.

"I'm doing it Balthy! I'm doing it!" He calls, a huge grin practically splitting his face in two as he hovers over Balthazar's head.

"Yes you are little brother... yes you are."

Gabriel hovers for a bit more and ten, slowly, starts trying to move forwards,

"That's it Gabey, almost got it." Balthazar continues to encourage Gabriel as he watches his little brother get slightly farther away from him. But Gabriel get's too excited and starts trying to move faster. Gabriel looses control just as Balthazar reaches him and he falls into his brothers lap.

"Good job Gabey!" Balthazar praises his little brother. "You did so well!"

"B-but I fell! I was so close and then I fell!" Gabriel pouted.

"No Gabey! You just have to work on it a little more. I'm so proud of you though! You did such a good job little brother. Now, why don't we go show Michael and Lucifer? I'm sure they'll love to see your new ability! And I can bet they'll be proud of you too!"


"Yeah! And maybe we can show dad later too, okay?"

"Okay Balthy. Let's go show Luci now!" Gabriel says as he practically drags his big brother towards the Garden of Heaven, where Lucifer likes to visit.


Gabriel had rushed ahead of Balthazar in his rush to get to Lucifer and didn't notice when he started to fly above him. That is, until Gabriel was lifted into the air as his big brother flew around in circles.

"Ah! Balthy! Put me down! Balthy stop! Put me down!" Gabriel yelled as he was lifted higher and higher in the arms of his brother.

"It's okay Gabe. I got you. I'm not going to let you fall."

"O-okay Balthazar..."

The pair continue to go higher into the sky, marveling at how much smaller everything looks. When they stopped above the garden, they could see the bright grace of their brother, Lucifer, in the center.

"Wow Balthy, Luci looks really tiny from up here!"

"Yes he does... do you want to dive to him?"

"Yeah! Can I do it by myself though?"

"Of course Gabriel." Balthazar says, he then let's go of his little brother, and they dive towards the ground, screaming joyously as they do so. When they reach Lucifer, they tumble into him.

"Hey!" Lucifer shouts in indignation. "What are you two in such a hurry about that you can't watch where your going?" he asks, trying to mask the smile creeping onto his face.

"I flew Luci!" Gabriel shouts as he jumps up and down. "Really? Why don't you show me Gabriel?" Lucifer asks, smiling broadly now at the idea of his little brother flying finally. Gabriel nods his head wildly, so much so that Lucifer and Balthazar were afraid it would fall off. He then looks up at Balthazar to ask for a little help getting into the air.

Lucifer watched proudly as Gabriel was thrown up into the air, and instead of falling back down to the ground, flapped his wings and hovered.

"Good job Gabriel! I'm so proud of you! Your such a good job!" he shouts. He then flies up and grabs his little brother and places him gently on the ground.

"Aw! Luci! I wanted to keep flying!" Gabriel complained. Lucifer just chuckled. "Sorry little brother, but your wings aren't big enough to hold you up in the air for too long. Besides- ah!" Lucifer was cut off as he fell to the ground with a little Gabriel on top of him.

"Gabriel? What- ah! Ahahahaha! No! St-Sta-hap! St-hap it G-gab-briel!" Lucifer shouts as he's attacked by his little brothers fingers and wings being tickled into oblivion. "B-Balthazar! H-help m-me! Hahahahaha!"

Balthazar puts on a thoughtful face and then smiles gleefully. "No." he states simply, and then he joins his little brother in tickling their big brother. "Balthazar, y-you trait-traitor!" Lucifer manages to get out as he laughs. He then sits up and gains the upper hand. Using one hand and three wings on one boy and the other hand and wings on the other, he tickled the two into hysterics.

"Ha! Got you!"

They continue to play and make each other laugh for hours before stopping and falling against a tree. Lucifer leans against the tree, panting heavily, smiling at his little brothers. Balthazar falls down next to him, and little Gabriel crawls up into Lucifer's lap to sleep.

"Hm... that was fun."

"Yeah," Balthazar answers tiredly. "I'm glad we could do this. Before we go..."

"Yes. I just hope we don't hurt Gabriel to much when we go. The Darkness is a powerful being, and it is coming. I just hope we can get rid of it before he has to join us in battle." Lucifer answers. He then smiles slightly as his brother rests his head on his shoulder. "Go to sleep little brother. I'll watch over both of you."

Balthazar nods slowly and closes his eyes. Neither archangel noticed that Gabriel had heard the entire conversation, only sleeping with the reassurance that his brother would keep him safe.


Balthazar looked over at his little brother's resting form. It has been a while since he had seen the boy at peace. This war was taking it's hold on everyone. But Balthazar had sworn he would protect his little brother since the day his father assigned the protection of the young archangel to him. He could still hear his fathers words.

"Balthazar, I am entrusting to you the safety of Gabriel. He has a great destiny ahead of him. It is your job to make sure he can reach it. I need you to watch over your little brother for I, regretfully, will not be able to spend much time with him. He will need someone to watch over him, to protect him, to love him and to cherish him. And I fear I will not be able to do it as well as I would like. Would you do this for me Balthazar? Please?"

That was the day Balthazar was entrusted with his little brother. The day that started him on the path of protective big brother. He had been assigned a couple other brothers and sisters as well. Iofiel*, his little sister, Chamuel** and Orifiel***, his other little brothers. But Gabriel had been the first. And the young boy, who had been once so full of joy and life, had been his favorite. He still was.

It broke Balthazar to watch the light of happiness slowly fade from the boys eyes. It hurt him to watch Gabriel slowly break away as he watched his siblings die before his eyes, as he watched their wings become etched into the cosmos. To forever be a reminder of these fateful times.


So, that was it. Hope it wasn't to bad.

* Iofiel archangel- name means 'Beauty of God.'

** Chamuel archangel- name means 'He who seeks God'

*** Orifiel archangel over thrones and the second hour of the day

and no. This Balthazar is not the same one as the angel in the show. But, his appearance an name have a meaning that will be explained in later chapters.