Hey guys!
okay, I want to say thank you to all who reviewed, and to Tsunasoraceillover for helping with this chapter!
*hugs all of u*
now, enough chick-flick moment
Adam and Eve managed their life out of the Garden of Eden. Even if it was a much harder life, they knew that they deserved this punishment.
But, when Eve found that she was with child for the first time, she was ecstatic. She had known she was undeserving of such a wonderful gift, even if God said that the birth would be painful.
When the child was born, Eve was in much pain, but she gave birth to a young girl. She named the girl Lilith.
Lilith grew up into a happy little girl, and she became a big sister at the age of 5, to her little brother, Cain. After that, she felt ignored and unwanted. Adam and Eve just adored their son.
Little did they know, that Lilith was in for a horrible fate. When Lilith was 10 years old, she came face to face with Lucifer. Lucifer offered her a deal.
"Your parents make you feel unloved, yes? I know the feeling. My father doesn't notice me anymore either. We could make a great team, you and I. But first, you must agree to help me. If you do, well, I can turn you onto something that can destroy your parents. You can have your revenge on them. Or even, on your brother. But, you must know, before you accept, that for the process to take place, you need to die."
Lilith, as a young girl, didn't know any better. She knew the consequences. But her parents didn't seem to care. Why should she stay? And so, a couple months later, Lilith accepts Lucifer's deal. What she didn't know, was that five year old Cain had followed her, wanting a goodnight kiss from his big sister.
She died in front of him, and caused her little brother to cry out. She knew then that her choice had been wrong, as she came away from her body.
But before she could even think of turning away, Lucifer grabbed her, and pulled her away from her little brother. Said young boy was hunched over her unmoving body, staring down into the lifeless eyes not understanding what he had just seen.
Lucifer had his way with her. He transformed her soul, twisted it into something small and shriveled. He scorched it, blackening it. And when he was done, he fashioned her a new body, so that she could exact her revenge.
She never did use it though. With the small amount of emotions she had left, she decided that she would not hurt her beloved brother anymore. At least for the moment.
Gabriel found Balthazar curled up small in the nest.
"Gabriel!" the boy breathed in relief before launching himself onto his brothers arms.
"Hey Balthazar, I know what happened. It was Adam and Eve. Gadreel let the serpent in, and it convinced Eve, who then convinced Adam, to eat from the forbidden tree."
Balthazar looked up at Gabriel, eyes wide.
"Isn't the serpent Michael's creature? Surely Michael wouldn't do this... would he?"
"No Balthazar, I do not believe it was Michael. I have the suspicion that it was Lucifer."
"But why, Gabriel?"
"Lucifer has grown jealous. He has lost sight of many things. I guess, he wanted the others out if his way. Which would be Adam and Michael."
"Oh." Balthazar says simply. Balthazar hugs Gabriel once more before turning around and pushing his brother forwards, a determined look in his eye.
"Balthazar, what are you doing?" Gabriel asks confused.
"You, are going to have a nice long talk with our dear brother."
Gabriel was confused and upset. He had hoped that after the war, God, Michael, Lucifer, Balthazar and him would play together again. And then Balthazar died. And God changed, so Michael, always dad's soldier, changed with him. Lucifer was good for a while. But he slowly started drawing away too.
And so Gabriel didn't know what to do.
He really wanted to go and find Lucifer and ask if his brother has any new tricks to teach him, but he knew his brother would probably just push him away, like usual. Lucifer had been pushing everyone away recently. Gabriel knew even Michael was worried about their brother.
Gabriel could see it in his older brothers eyes when he watched (or saw) Lucifer. But Michael was too proud of a soldier to tell his worries to his younger brothers. He tried to tell his Father, but God turned him down. Refusing to believe that Lucifer wasn't what, or who, he used to be.
"Don't tell the fledglings about your worries boy. You don't want to worry them with untrue rumors, do you?" Gabriel had heard God say to Michael as he listened in on their conversation. It wasn't eavesdropping. He was just, curious.
Lucifer was reclining against his father's empty throne, he does not sit in the throne though. Not just yet, it is not the time. He smirks, a job well done, if he did says so himself. He then hears the flutter of angry wings behind him as one of his little brothers appear.
"Lucifer," Gabriel's voice rings out, "What are you doing in here? You know that Father's order are to stay out when you are not given permission to be here-"
"Brother," Lucifer cuts off Gabriel's rant, "If that is so, why are you here?"
"To get you out before you get in trouble! You know that Father doesn't want us to be in here alone, you should know the consequences as well." Gabriel whisper yells at him.
"Oh, Gabriel," his brother replies sadly, "You're such a daddies boy. He once said that we were his children that we had free will. That he wanted us to choose our own paths, not follow anyone else's plans. He wants us to break his rules. To show our strength. To prove to him we are worthy!"
"No Lucifer. That can't be what he wants. He wants us to be obedient. To prove that we can do what he asks of us without failure." Gabriel replies to his brother.
"No Gabriel, you do not see... come with me, I can show you. You'd enjoy it. We can be brothers again, I can teach you some more tricks!" Lucifer says, hand stretched out towards his little brother, a hopeful gleam in his eye.
And Gabriel almost takes it. He was so desperate to have one of his big brothers back. But then a remembered his Father, and the disappointment he would see in God's eyes at the action. He thought of Balthazar, and the other young angels who looked up to him.
"No." Lucifer pulls his hand back sharply as if burned.
"What?" he hisses, much like the serpent he had used against Adam and Eve. "You dare defy me? I am the brightest! I am the best! You will obey ME! You will come with ME!"He growled, his voice lowering in a way Gabe has only heard against enemies.
"No" Gabriel replies, fighting hard to keep his voice steady. Lucifer has never done this before, much less to Gabriel.
"Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel," Lucifer tuts, shaking his head. "You had so much potential. We could have ruled heaven together. We could have been brothers forever." He shakes his head sadly, before looking onto Gabriel's eyes. " And now? Well, I can't let you live to tell Father, no, that would ruin the surprise," he says, before pulling out his angel blade. Gabriel looks into his brother's eyes as Lucifer lunges towards them, an angry glint in his eye.
It's been years since the death of Adam and Eve's beloved daughter, and now Adam and Eve had two boys, Cain and Abel. Cain was the older brother, and he did all that he should. Able was the younger brother, who tried his best to be like his brother.
But that did not last long. Abel had grown apart from his brother. And was now doing many things in secret. He talked with Lucifer. And did not see that Lucifer was just using him. It was one of these meetings that Cain walked in on.
And he was scared, because it reminded him of something that had happened years before, when he watched his sister talk to the very same being.
Then died.
Balthazar was flying through heaven when he felt it. A small feeling of something not right. Balthazar shrugged it off at first, and he continued to fly freely through the sky, the feeling kept nagging at him though. And once he had gotten close to the edge of heaven, the feeling grew incredibly strong. Balthazar had to fight the urge to flee. Only his curiosity edged him into continuing farther.
As he slowly moved farther along, he began to hear a soft chanting and a dark feeling crept upon him. He did not know what was happening, but his feet carried him forwards softly, without his consent. He could hear soft moans of pain and the occasional scream mixed in with the chanting.
The moans reminded him all too much of Adam and Eve's, along with their son's, from a few years back when their daughter, Lilith, died. It was chaos in heaven as well, for the girl never came to her heaven. It will be left forever empty.
As he got even closer, he could make out the familiar form of a brother, leaning over a blackened and broken soul. It was Lucifer, hands wrapped around the, once so beautiful,now darkened soul of Lilith. He wasn't sure what was happening, but scared him, and he ran.
He couldn't believe Lucifer, their Luci, could do something like that. He had to have seen that wrong, right? But he isn't sure what he saw, he just felt own blood stop in his veins.
That what Lucifer was making was wrong.
It had felt wrong.
It had felt dark.
Why would Lucifer have anything to do with something like that?
Gabe looks up to Lucifer, how can Gabriel be wrong?
That was chapter 6, yay!
reviews are my equivalent to good hunts, and they motivate me to continue, so yeah.
-E. Winchester