Hey guys! I know many of you have been waiting anxiously for this update, Nerd's guide chapter is halfway done and this story's chapter 1 is a bit short but It's just to show you that the plot has been adjusted slightly but still has the answers to the questions you've been asking me for many months :P
Hope you like, pls review and tell me your thoughts and ideas, it really helps ;)
Disclaimer: Don't own PJO etc etc
The god of time walked through Camp Half-Blood in silence. His duties as the god of heroes and others required him to do a monthly inspection of the camp. He remembered a time when he was camp director. The camp was even more vibrant than it was today. He smiled ever so slightly as he observed the campers trying to climb the lava wall.
'Those poor newbies must be dying inside.' He thought.
Ever since Dionysus had been punished, he was relinquished of his role, which was rather irritating, but what could he do? At least Perseus could live with the fact that as soon as Mr. D's few hundred years were over, the god of time could retrieve his position.
Perseus was tempted to just fast forward this age so he could be director again, but that would be selfish, Perseus was not as self-serving as his many fellow Olympians. Or at least, he liked to think so.
"Perseus!" A voice said from behind him.
Dante', his second in command was calling out to him. The warriors, his own band of male loyal followers were his life, had been for hundreds of years. Especially after his very reason for living had been shattered many years ago.
Now he took refuge with his warriors, since his own company and theirs was way better than the company he had to keep on Olympus. Although, there was three gods he particularly had a good relationship with.
Hestia and Aphrodite, his sisters by choice. He'd known them since before they were born, and after the hardships they'd faced, he took it upon himself to take them under his wing. Then there was Apollo, his best friend. Fun-loving and easy going, he was the only god besides his two sisters that Perseus would open up to. There was once another, but that died a long time ago.
"Yes, Dante'?"
Dante's spine straightened as he spoke to his master, "Well milord, there is something you might want to know."
"What may that-"
The conch horn blew, it was lunch. The campers began to stop what they were doing and filed into the dining hall. I smiled as a few younger girls and boys ran past us, playing a game of tag and giggling cutely.
"What were you saying Dante'?" I asked as we stepped into the mess hall.
Dante's facial expression was filled with anxious signs. He fingered the strap of his torso's armour and looked out at the borders.
I sat down and raised my eyebrow, wanting him to answer me.
"One of scout's came backā¦"
"And? Is he hurt?" I stood up.
I searched the room frantically for my injured companion. They were close to me and when one was hurt or killed it was just as painful as it would be for a parent to see it happen to their child.
Dante' shook his head, his brazillia coloured locks swaying with the movement, "He's fine, the borders are fine, but he spotted a certain group of bow wielding girls heading in the direction of camp."
I growled softly. That meant the Hunters were about to arrive, probably any minute now. The Hunters were the opposite of my Warriors. Unlike my Warriors, the Hunters were an all girls group. While my Warriors and the Hunters both swore oaths swearing off love, my warriors were not punished for it. The Hunters however, depending on the circumstances were. Like if they lied to their mistress about such infidelity.
The conch horn blew once again, signaling their arrival. Making me glare daggers at the entrance of the hall.
Chiron and older campers all went silent as the hunters entered the room.
Chiron announced nervously, "Welcome Hunters!" Chiron was aware of my feelings towards the group. Well, it wasn't the hunters specifically, it was their mistress who I couldn't stand. And wherever the hunters went, so did their mistress. "And Lady Artemis had graced us with her presence this fine day." Chiron finished.
Eyeing us like we were some kind of tennis match. I could tell he was on alert, knowing exactly how Artemis and I felt about each other.
I was aware when Artemis entered as new campers gasped at the sheer beauty and power she held. As soon as she was in your sights, it was obvious that she was not to be trifled with. Her movements could only be described as confident and graceful. Hey striking eyes travelled the room, they showed no emotion, until she saw me that is.
Pure hatred filled her silver orbs as our eyes met, and from my side, the feeling was mutual.
Artemis, how was I to describe her? To anyone, even gods, gorgeous was not worthy enough to explain how physically beautiful this woman was. I'd grudgingly admit, she really was stunning. With her angular and regal features, a perfectly symmetrical face combined with a curvaceous and toned figure. Though, this was me describing her older form from memory. At the moment she sported the look of a 13 year old.
Her dark auburn hair that shone in the light had natural light red highlights. It swayed along with her hips as she walked towards the head table.
"Good luck." Dante' whispered as he sat at our table.
I inhaled angrily as I walked over to take my seat at the head table. I could just sit with my hunters, but that would give her the satisfaction of me avoiding her. This I am certainly not going to give. What am I? Santa? No way.
I pulled my chair out and sat down next to her stiffly.
"Artemis." I greeted stonely.
She didn't give me the honour of looking at me, instead eyeing her nectar filled goblet and nodding.
I myself had nectar in my own goblet. I didn't bother to make any conversation after that, I didn't want to, nor did she.
I occupied myself by watching over the crowds of demigods camp half-blood brought forth in summer. My Warriors were laughing together like the family they were, my eyes then cast over to the hunters, they were less noisy than my boys, but seemed to be content. Although, both lieutenants of our followers glanced over at Artemis and I ever so often. Probably checking to see if we were ready to kill each other yet.
Zoe, the Hunters second in command happen to catch the eye of my own lieutenant. They glared daggers at each other, their relationship being built off just as much hate as Artemis and mine. I wasn't aware of how theirs started, but I knew if Dante thought it important he would say so. Frankly, I think there's a hidden detail not even he was aware of yet.
"Uhm-" Chiron cleared his throat, "Lady Artemis, Lord Perseus, shall there be a capture the flag game? Or will you not be staying that long?"
"Please, Chiron. Just Perseus." Was my response, I was waiting for Artemis's reply to his question before I answered.
As of tradition at camp, when one of the groups of followers arrived, they'd verse the campers in the classic game of capture the flag, but when both groups were here, it was a classic game of boys Vs. girls.
Artemis looked at me for the first time today, "Hmm, what do you say Perseus?"
I frowned, she was asking my opinion. There must be some ulterior motive to her words.
"Yes, the game can proceed." I said.
Artemis's brow furrowed, "Are you sure you want to lose? Alright." She smirked as she looked at her hunters.
A low growl escaped my chest as I narrowed my eyes, "Lose? Ha! If anyone shall lose, it is you."
She had managed to press exactly the right button to unleash part of my anger which I had been holding in at the sight of her. Although I am the god of loyalty, I still had the pride of a god. And when Artemis threatened it, I couldn't stand it. More so, I couldn't stand the fact that she knew exactly what buttons to push to use to her benefit.
She sniggered, "Oh really? I'll lose? That would imply I was competing in the game. Are you challenging me?"
I smirked internally, she was merely taunting me. Not expecting me to actually agree with her statements. It wasn't what my intentions were going into this conversation, but now it seemed like the best way to wipe that smug look off her face.
"Perhaps I am."
Her eyes widened for a split second and she hesitated before replying, allowing me to chirp at her one last time.
"Will you not accept? Is the great and mighty, Artemis scared of me?" I said loud enough for any campers, including our followers to hear. She couldn't back out without looking like a coward. They turned their attention to us, waiting for her response.
Artemis knew she had walked right into my trap. She sneered at me, "Please, Perseus. I accept your challenge, I would never be in fear of you. You prideful vlacas." She spat the last sentence out as if they were laced with poison.
I hissed like a snake, "Very well!" I stood up and faced the campers, "Demigods of camp Half-Blood. As tradition states, we shall compete in a game of capture the flag. The classic, boys Vs. girls." Many cheered, a few remarks thrown, trash talk had already begun. But I wasn't finished, "But we shall be doing it a little differently tonight!" They all went silent, anxious to hear my announcement, "Lady Artemis and I shall be competing."
The campers broke out into not so quiet whispers of surprise and scandal.
Lots of Love!