Hello everyone...As you know, I took a century to write this again...My last chapter was last year and I was finishing school back then...I hate lots of things to do...Also, I kinda lost inspiration to continue. I didn't like Inside Out as much as I used to when I first started this. I mean, it is a cute movie, but this happens no? ROTG didn't die to me, it still is one of my favorite movies, but I have a new thing to write fanfics about.
However! I am not giving up on this! I re read this to know what I did, and I seriously HATE when people discontinue their stories, I didn't want to be that person...At least not with an story that was so close to finishing hehehe- So I wrote you this, if i get reviews I'll finish writing the rest. Please forgive me those who waited too long :)
(Also, forgive any spelling mistakes, u know, like always ahahah)
The black sand Jamie bravely touched suddenly turned GOLDEN and the streams of dreamsand swirled around the city, reaching to every sleeping kid.
Jamie's Joy gaped at the screen. "Did you see it?! Did you guys SEE WHAT WE DID?!" He started shaking Fear, who was also gaping.
"Whoa! Whoaaa!" All the kids exclaimed amazed, hardly believing their eyes. They-They could do that?!
The Fearlings growled and pushed anger towards the panel. That was NOT supposed to happen! They looked at Kozmotis, as if it was somehow his fault, but the fallen general simply shook his head and looked down. Keep the act…Keep the act…The moment was close…He felt it.
Pitch gaped in shock as the dreamsand forced the nightmares to buck and jump scared, trying to dodge the bright sand as it made its way past them. However, most of them turned back into golden sand! No!
Jack smiled and watched in awe. The white haired Joy and his team cheered. They didn't expect this but this was great! This was better than expected!
"Guys, look!" Joy squealed and pointed at the screen as a golden orb got stored.
Tooth's pale face suddenly recovered her normal tone and she watched in awe as the dreamsand reaching the across the town calmed the nightmares most children were having. Suddenly, her wings started flutter with a resurgence of strength and energy.
"Oh god! Yes!" Tooth Joy giggled and her companions couldn't say anything. This was amazing! They couldn't believe it!
Tooth took off and flew past the kids who cheered on her. "Yay! Tooth Fairy! Go!" "Whoaa!"
The same effect happened to North. His old man state suddenly changed to his old swordman physique. Yellow orbs were stored in the guardian's mind as he laughed and unsheathed his swords, glaring at Pitch with a wide grin.
"Let's get him!" North Anger laughed madly.
Bunny waited for his change as well, but Pitch had enough. "No! Get them!" Polluted red orbs got stored as he sent another wave of Nightmares towards the Guardians and the children. "Do your jobs!"
Kozmotis bit his lip as Anger was manhandled by the Fearlings. Damn, he didn't see this coming. Please don't notice…please don't notice…
Unaware of the danger, Bunny shook as he waited to transform back to his Pooka warrior self. "Oh yeah, come on, come on!"
"Why the hell is it taking so long?!" The red bunny growled. "We will never go back to normal, we will stay little forever and useless!" The blue bunny sobbed as he threw himself to the floor.
"Guys, look out!" The purple bunny screamed and moved a lever.
Bunny's ears twitched when he heard noise and he gasped when he saw a snarling Nightmare running towards him. "Oh, crikey!" He quickly ran away.
"We are going to die!" The purple and blue rabbit wailed as the other three emotions rolled their eyes.
Jack watched amazed as the battle started. North, as cool as ever, threw two snow North threw two snow globes down to the ground, through which an army of yetis and elves emerged growling and ready to fight.
'North is so cool…' Jack thought amazed. Disgust glared at Joy. "Are you serious, Joy?! He isn't even THAT great!"
"I think he is pretty nice…" Sadness said from his spot on the floor.
The winter boy watched Bunny being chased by a nightmare and hid under a parked car.
"We should go help him!" Fear ran towards the panel, but before he could do anything, they, and of course, Jack gasped when they saw Bunny being snatched by his tail…in HIS NORMAL SIZE!
"Hehe, G'day, mate!" Bunny smirked at the Nightmare, holding his boomerangs as he was held upside down. The yellow bunny cheered. "See! I told you we needed to be more patient!"
Bunny quickly escaped from the Nightmare. He kicked it, dramatically flipped into the air and threw his boomerangs which sliced through two more Nightmares, turning them to dust.
The white-haired boy watched as he drummed his feet on the ground and an army of sentinel eggs suddenly rose up out of the earth. Was this how the Guardians usually fought their battles?! With yetis, egg sentinels and…wow! Were those elves riding toy planes?! Where did they come from! He looked around in joy, enjoying this as much as the kids were doing.
Joy watched the scene unfold in front of him. Everyone was fighting. Now the kids were determined and charged at the nightmares, turning them into trendils of dreamsand. He watched at Anger and both grinned. "Let's go get Pitch!" Both grabbed the panel at the same time and Jack jumped into the air to face Pitch.
For Kozmotis' relief, Anger was freed for a while, and it was Joy's turn on the panel. Pitch was really enjoying the chaos in the streets below them. They heard a thud and Fearlings and emotions stared as Jack landed on the roof behind them. He smiled even more relieved. They didn't kill the boy!
"Why isn't the brat dead?!" The Fearlings sneered.
"Let's get him!" Jack's Joy roared next to Anger.
Jack gave a war cry as he sent a streak of frost toward the nightmares in front of Pitch and managed to disable a few of them.
As the polluted panel turned red, Pitch charged at the boy, and responded with an attack of his own. Jack easily dodged it and jumped to another roof to send another blast of ice.
"Stay put! Don't you see I'm trying to freeze you?!" Anger growled. "Guys! Be careful! He could hit us!" Fear bit his nails.
The Guardians noticed Jack fighting the Boogeyman and they quickly jumped to his aid. North jumped into a rabbit hole Bunny made for both of them to travel through.
Tooth Fear gasped when she saw Jack running into Pitch as he rounded the corner of a chimney. "Oh no! Jack is going to get hurt!" She whimpered. Tooth Anger pushed her away from the panel. "Then do something, idiot!" She snarled.
Tooth fly towards Jack when Jack froze at the sight of the arrow. She flew between them and deflected the arrow, also taking down a few other Nightmares as well.
Tooth Anger high-fived Tooth Joy.
"Thanks, Tooth!" Jack grinned.
"Suddenly, Bunny came flying out of a nearby chimney, drawing his boomerang as he landed. "Ho, ho HO!" He shouted and threw the boomerangs at Pitch, making the surrounding nightmares explode into dust.
"Seriously? Ho, ho ,ho? That is so embarrassing!" The green bunny whined. "Oh come on! I think it was fitting for the moment!" The yellow bunny wagged his little tail excitedly. The red bunny rolled his eyes. "Move it! Don't let the bastard escape!" He snarled.
Bunny and Tooth charged at Pitch who quickly rode his nightmare away from them. He jumped off the building but was unluckily intercepted by North who jumped into the air as well to meet him with his swords!
"Eat my sword, Pitch! Hahaha!" North Joy laughed, his voice echoing in the Christmas-y headquarters.
He swung his swords at him and knocked Pitch to the ground. The Fearlings growled even more and the boogeyman stood up, forming his scythe to start crossing swords with the Cossack.
Kozmotis grinned.
The Fearlings wiggled nervously as they found themselves surrounded by the Guardians, each of them taking their turn to hit Pitch a little bit. Jack even managed to kick his arm.
"Seriously?! From all we could have done! You decide to give him a little insignificant kick?!" Disgust glared at Joy and Anger who were controlling the panel at the moment. "Stop ruining the moment! Be positive" Joy spat.
Meanwhile, the kids were admiring the floating dreamsand. Jamie watched Caleb play with it.
"Wait! Guys! Look!" Jamie Joy typed something down and the memory with all the Guardians in his room was projected. "You see!? The sandman was made of this! We have to collect all of this!"
"What? You think just putting a bunch of it together will bring him back?" Jamie Disgust crossed his arms over his chest. Jamie Sadness watched them argue and sniffed. "We won't be able to bring him back…"
"Not without belief, not!" The yellow emotion inserted a lightbulb on the panel. Jamie's eyes widened as he had an idea.
"I got it. I know what we have to do! Guys, come on!" He motioned his confused friends to follow him as they follow the streams down the street towards the growing mass of golden sand. They needed to belief the Sandman will come back! Believing was seeing…
"It's over Pitch! There's no place to hide!" Jack frowned at the dark spirit. His emotions nodded with frowns as well.
The Fearlings laughed loudly. "You really think so, Frost Boy?!"
Pitch gave them a wry smile, that gave him an idea, and he quickly descended into the shadows, casting multiple versions of himself along the alley walls.
'Great. Me and my huge mouth…' Jack thought sourly.
Suddenly, in their moment of distraction as they tried to find where Pitch was, the man rose up behind Jack, his Nightmare sand scythe in hand and totally ready to murder the annoying boy.
Bunny looked up and threw his boomerang. "Jack, look out!" Pitch hit the boomerang and was about to swing at Jack, much to every Guardian Fear's panicked screams, when suddenly, a golden whip wrapped itself around Pitch's wrist.
Everyone watched in shocked as Pitch screamed and was pulled away from them, dragged by the golden sand. They shared a look before running after him.
"Could…Could it be who I think it is?!" Joy buzzled with excitement.
Sandy hated darkness. As a being of light, darkness was NOT something he enjoyed much. When the nightmare sand started consuming him, his five little emotions were running around, panicking as Headquarters froze. It didn't fall, his memories didn't disappear, they simply froze. Sandy was the Guardian of Dreams, when his very center, his bright island was consumed, Sandy was simply frozen in the nightmare sand.
They needed belief, belief from a child to turn the black sand into its real form, golden dream sand.
Sandy Joy opened his eyes and blinked. The screen turned on and he looked around. Burgess. Right. "What happened?"
"Pitch…" Sandy Anger sighed. Even when they couldn't speak to others, it didn't mean his emotions couldn't speak. Sandy could speak before, as a guardian he bowed to stay silent.
"Poor, poor Kozmotis…" Sandy Sadness sighed. The great General. He had tried talking to him so many times he had lost count, but the man wasn't just evil, he was possessed, he was being controlled.
"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Joy gave them a little smile and pressed a button.
Sandy threw a golden whip to where he felt Pitch's presence and dragged him towards him.
Pitch was dragged through the snow screaming until he reached the cloud of Dreamsand. Sandy dramatically emerged from it and the Fearlings shrieked. AH! BUT THEY KILLED HIM!
Kozmotis cheered mentally. Wait…No time yet…Almost…
Sandy Joy grinned. "Bad Pitch! We don't like being murdered!"
The Sandman gave Pitch a look, wagged his finger disapprovingly with a pout and punched him so hard he threw him into the air. The kids watched him and Jamie grinned proudly. His plan actually worked.
"Whoa! The Sandman!" They all gaped and exclaimed.
Sandy Joy looked at them and cooed. "Kids! So cute!" The other emotions watched calmly. Sandy controlled his emotions very well. He was ancient after all and he needed peace of mind to be a quite being, to give sweet dreams to every kid in the planet.
Sandy looked at the kids and smiled. He materialized a dreamsand hat and tipped the cap to Jamie. Him. Jamie Bennett. The Last Light. He felt his belief was strong, his belief brought him back.
Jamie Joy squealed loudly. "He greeted us, guys!" Jamie Disgust rolled his eyes. "Stop! It isn't even THAT amazing! We talked to the others already!
The brunet boy gave the guardian a wide smile anyway and waved back at him as his friends stood behind him in awe.
"Um, I think Pitch is still up in the air." Sandy Anger commented lightly. Everyone looked up. Oh! Right.
Sandy looked at his whip and tugged on it with much more force than necessary, and purposely slammed Pitch into the ground, effectively knocking him out.
Kozmotis, his emotions and the Fearlings yelped as Head Quarters shook. One memory, blocked and covered by the Fearling's control, fell from long-term memory into a tube and it was projected on the screen as the Dreamsand took effect on him.
The memory was one of Kozmotis, playing around with his little dark-haired daughter. They were laughing loudly as they had a picnic on the quiet, nice forest. Suddenly, a group of beautiful butterflies flew past them and his little princess gasped. "Daddy look!"
The Fearlings scowled at the disgusting memory, but Kozmotis' heart broke. His daughter…His Emily Jane…
He had enough.
He kicked the bars opened and he held his sword valiantly. "NOW!"
The Guardians finally reached the scene and they had to a double take to see if their eyes weren't lying to them. All the Guardians' emotions gaped with their eyes wide as they stared at the golden bright person in front of them.
Joy's hands flew to his mouth as Sadness started wailing, not really knowing why. A yellow and blue orbed rolled to the storage.
Jack gave the Sandman a huge, relieved smile. He was alive! "SANDY!"