CHAPTER 9: A Fitting Name

"What do you mean you can't remember?" asked King Orrin, irritated. I sighed for the umpteenth time, but made sure to conceal my annoyance. "Like I said, King Orrin, the dragons took my memories about the future and send the books back to my world. It is the price I payed for them to remove the spell on me."

I shook my head. "I also lost my wolf. You see, we shifters carry two minds in our body. My wolf has her own memories while I have my own. Because it is impossible for a dragon to bond with two people, the dragons ejected my wolf."

Nasuada talked from her place behind the table. It was visible from her stance that she was tired. "I'm sorry for your loss. But you still can change your form, right?" I stared at the fabric of the tent blankly. "I should be able to."

Nasuada rubbed her forehead, showing her fatigue. "I think..." she mused, then turned to Arya who was sitting at her right. "Is the elf Islanzadí sent arrived?" Arya nodded her head. "She is resting in the tent given to her."

"Good," Nasuada looked at me. "You have to travel to Ellesméra to complete your training as a Dragon Rider. I know you just woke up yesterday, but we can't afford to lose anymore time. I hope you understand."

I smiled a sad smile as some memories came to the front of my mind. "I understand, we can't afford to lose more time in this war. Now if you excuse me, I have to get ready." After bowing my head to show my respect, I exited the pavilion.

My dragon was laying next to the big tent, his eyes closed. He opened one eye, than stood up and walked next to me. I had talked with him all day after I woke up yesterday and he hadn't left my side since.

I stopped when I heard footsteps and turned around. Eragon was walking toward me. I inclined my head in greeting. "Can I accompany you?"

"Of course."

I turned back and continued my strolling, with Eragon easily keeping up with my pace. People we passed stopped and bowed murmuring 'Shadeslayer' or 'Swiftsword' while some of them chose the easier way, just saying 'Argetlam'.

I put a hand on my dragon's shoulder and asked, not taking my eyes from path we are currently walking on. "So, what do you want?"

Eragon glanced at me. "Nothing." His heart skipped a beat, signaling that he lied. But, instead of telling him I knew he lied, I just asked. "I don't think you just accompany me for a walk."

Instead of replying he quickened his pace. I frowned but still followed him.

He stopped in front of his tent and opened the flap. "It's better if we talk inside." I looked at my dragon and told him to wait next to my tent by both word and pictures, which was moved next to Eragon's. The dragon nudged my shoulder with his snout then flopped down next to my tent.

I slowly walked forwards and entered the tent, followed by Eragon. I sat on the first thing I saw, which happened to be his bed and sat on a stool and moved it a little to saw me better. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, actually interested.

"I want to know more about me." He quickly added when he saw me tense. "Because you know about my past and since we are going to be comrades from now on, I thought it is only fair if I know about your past, too."

I nodded, already thinking about what I should say. "Fair enough," After a pause, I began telling in an even voice. "After my parents were killed I moved to a town called Beacon Hills to live with my aunt Talia. My cousin, Derek was in a relationship with a werewolf hunter at that time, but he didn't know and told her the location of the house along with that he's a werewolf. So, after living with them for about a year or two, the fire that killed my whole family happened. My uncle Peter saved me."

I paused and glanced at Eragon to saw his reaction. His eyes were wide with his mouth slightly open, not looking at me. "My cousins, Derek and Laura, weren't in the house during the fire. After it, I started to live with a hunter who had saved me once, until a two-three years ago. We had to move back to Beacon Hills because Laura was killed. I live with my cousin Derek there ever since."

I closed my eyes, hoping it would help in controlling the pain and sadness that comes with remembering what had happened to my family. But, it was not a goodidea because all I saw was fire. I was in the Hale house again, red and yellow fore burning everything. Agony filled cries cut through the air, smoke making it hard to breath and see. I felt the heat of the fire; the big, merciless fire burning my skin.

Then, suddenly I felt calm and content, all of the painful memories going away. It took me a second to realize it was my dragon using our bond to force the memories away. I let him felt my thanks and he retrieved his mind from mine, but not completely. His mind still lingered at the edge of mine.

"Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes. Eragon was sitting at the edge of the stool to stood up if I was not okay. His eyes held worry. I forced a smile, and hid the sadness in my eyes. "I'm okay. There's notting to worry about." Eragon nodded and leaned back, not convinced, but didn't say anything.

After a few seconds, he pursed his lips into a tight line. "Who's Scott?" My eyes instantly narrowed. "Where did you heard that name?" I basically growled out. Instead of flinching, he frowned. "You murmured that name for a time while you were out. Sorry if I offended you."

"I'm not offended." My heart clenched in pain and I sighed. "You see, in my world there are steps in a relationship. You first date; becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. And when you come to age, you either first engage then get marry or straight marry. H-"

"He is your boyfriend."

I shook my head. "Wad. I don't think I will ever see him again." I gazed into Eragon's eyes and added. "I'm okay." But it was a lie. The pain in my heart was still there; the cold hard truth that I will never see Scott again.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling of my tent. A bag was sitting next to the bed, the things I would be taking with me packed inside it. The night was early, there was still a few bird singing their last song of the day. Every time a guard walked by my tent, his torch caused different shapes to form on the fabric.

I turned my head to side. My dragon was laying at the back of the tent, taking most of the space. He insisted to sleep inside, near me, for as much as I was trying to hide I knew he was still able to feel my pain; the pain which didn't let me sleep. The idea of never seeing Scott again was killing me. He was the first person who got me to show feelings, to care and trust again. He was the reason I was who I was now.

I sighed, rolling on my side to look at my dragon. Like sensing I was looking at him, he opened his eyes. We stared at each other, then he sent me some feelings and pictures asking me what's wrong. And I told him everything and he listened, never breaking the eye contact. It looked like he was absorbing every word I said. I waited for him to reply with a thought or feeling when I finished, but he just tilted his head to side and spoke.

'You have me now.'

His voice was surprisingly deep, deeper than the voice I heard in my dream. It was strong and comforting, like the water pouring from waterfalls; while at the same time was soft and filled with intelligence. Tears formed in my eyes, but I blinked them away. 'I know,'

He puffed his chest out and lifted his wing, exposing his belly. 'Partner-of-my-mind-and-soul...' he cooed. I smiled and got up from the bed, curling next to his warm belly. He dropped his wing down, hiding me from the outside world.

'What is your name?' I asked. He made a low sound. 'I am open to suggestions.' I again remembered the voice in my dream. 'How about Shyamal?' I felt his dislike.




'That's the name of a stone.'

A name came to my mind and I suggested it just to tease him. 'What about Evarín?' A growl sounded and I quickly stated. "I'm kidding!" I thought for a while, my brows furrowing as I thought hard. Then a name came to my mind. I looked at his translucent wing, following the silver colored vessels with my eyes. 'What about Sulfrábar?'

He was silent for a second, then he started to purr with pleasure. I closed my eyes, a smile formed on my lips. 'Sulfrábar it is then.' I thought sleepily.

I shouldered my pack and glanced at Sulfrábar who was licking his talons. 'Are you ready?'

He exhaled a plume of smoke out of his nostrils. I creased my face at the smell of smoke, but didn't complain just exited the tent. The sun was barely above the horizon, the birds still sleeping. The morning air caused a chill to run down my body, but I didn't care. The freshness of the air was making me slightly dizzy. I felt Sulfrábar next to me and asked. "Who do you think will get to the edge of the camp first?"

Sulfrábar snorted. Spreading his wings, he jumped and soared into air. I watched him climb into the still slightly dark sky then took of running. Last night I learned from Eragon where we were going to meet. I was not the only one leaving though, Eragon was going to Helgrind with his cousin.

I smirked when I saw Sulfrábar was slightly behind.

I slowed down when I heard heartbeats, all in the same place. "Lady Nasuada!" I called. They turned around, a smile broke on Nasuada's face when she saw Sulfrábar land beside me. "I never thought I would ever see a dragon. And now, I saw two..." she shook head. After greeting everyone, somebody I had never seen before caught my eyes.

She was an elf, with silver hair and blue eyes. She had had angular face like all elves and was very beautiful. But that wasn't what caught my attention. She was staring at me wide eyed, murmuring under her breath which made me confused. Elves hardly showed any emotion, especially around other species.

It didn't take long for her to compose herself. She bowed touching her first two fingers to her lips. "Atra esterní ono thelduin,"

Arya visibly tensed. She hadn't had the time to taught me the greeting of the elves. But, like the time I was dueling with Arya, something came over me and without thinking I mimicked her action. "Atra du evarínya ono varda."

A ghostly smile formed on the female elf's lips. "Un atra mor'ranr lífa unin hjarta onr." She straightened up. "It's an honor to meet with you, Rider. And with your dragon." I smiled, putting a hand on Sulfrábar's shoulder. "His name is Sulfrábar." At the mention of his name, Sulfrábar lifted his head a little higher and puffed his chest out.

"A fitting name." murmured Arya, then turned to the elf. "I think it's better if you go now, Yaela. We don't have time to waste." Yaela nodded. "You're right, Dröttningu." Taking it as my cue, I bid goodbye to everybody present, Eragon and Roran doing the same. They climbed on Saphira and she spread her wings. With a flap of her wings they were climbing into air. Sulfrábar did the same and I turned to Yalea and said, "Let's go." And we started to run.

I hope you like this chapter! Please review.