Chapter 1

What's Basketball?

So as always, it was another rainy night in london, and harry and his friends were sitting next to the fire, which was the only source of warmths these days, considering that the dark lord is on the rise. Harry stared at the fire, thinking. But what was he thinking about? It Occured to Harry that ever since the dark lord rose, thing just didn't seem... Fun...

Ron, as always, did seem to be enoying himself though.

"What's wrong Harry, it's saturday, no homework!"

"It's Not Homework, Ron... I'm Just Thinking."

Ron Didn't Say Anything. He was Too Relaxed.

Harry Got Up And Walked to the Other side of the room, he kept getting these visions...

"Harry, Summer Break is in 1 Week, I'd be Relaxing if i were you."

"You Wouldn't If you Had Visions every 5 Seconds."

"I Do When I'm Hungry."

1 Week Later

Harry Was Finally back home.. with the dursleys. Sleeping on his rock-hard bed and groaning at the thought of the day ahead of him. but then... he remembered he would get to go to ron's house and they would take a trip to the muggle world. Harry already knew about muggles but he was excited because he couldn't wait to see ron learn new things. it was as if harry treated ron learning about muggles like a baby just getting up and walked. He looked at his alarm clock. The Time read 8:30 AM.

Harry Slowly got up, got dressed, ate breakfast and left before the dursleys could wake up.

He Apparated to Ron's House.

"Easy." He Said.

Harry Sensed the house was buzzing, and it was. The Dursleys usually wake up extra-Early.

Harry Knocked on the door, not trying to be rude. Ron Answered. "Harry! Hi! Ready to go on that trip to America?" "Yes." "Can we Apparate There?" Harry Asked.

"Nah, Dad wants us all to stick together." "Oh." Harry Said,

"Ready to Learn About Muggles, Ron?" Harry Said,

"Yeah. I Have Backup If I need it." Said Ron, Pointing at Hermione.

Hermione Rolled Her Eyes.


As Soon as he said that, the car stretched itself to what wasn't a ford angela any more, but a Limo.

They All Got In.

"OK Guys! Ready?" He Said.

3..2..1.. They Fired Off Towards America.

3 Hours Later.

Almost Everyone Was Asleep WHen The Radio Boomed Loud Rap Music, And The Car Sped up to 100 MPH, then drake's 0-100 started playing. Everyone Woke Up With A Startle.







They All Said In Unison.

"What's This?" Ron's Dad Said.

"Rap Music." Hermione Said.

They All Listened in Silence for the Rest Of The Drive...