Okay, end of chapter is kinda graphic. It's Dean's death by Hell hound so... yeah...

Prologue - No Rest For the Wicked

"I don't want to die Sam. I don't want to go to Hell.

"Look, Dean, we're cutting it close, I know. But we're going to do what it takes. You're not going to Hell. I'm not going to let you. I swear.

"Just because I have to die, doesn't mean you have to Sam.

"We are not making the same mistakes over again! If you want to save me, find something else.

"What? That psychic crap? It's been gone since yellow eyes died.
"Not gone Sam, Dormant. And not just visions either.

"You deserve Hell Dean! And you know what? I wish I could be there! I wish I could be there to smell the flesh sizzle off your bones! I wish I could be there to hear you scream!

"We do it our way. The way dad taught us. And if we go down, we go down swinging.

"Don't you want to be here? Don't you love me?

"Do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?

"Family don't end in blood, boy.

"And I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back! I play for keeps, cause I might not make it back. I been everywhere. Oh yeah. I'm standing tall. I've seen a million faces and I've rocked 'em all. Cause I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I'm wanted. Wanted. Dead or alive. Dead or alive. Dead or alive.

"You're almost Hell's bitch, so now you can see Hell's other bitches.

"I don't think I like you anymore.

"I gave you a way to save Dean, and you shot me down. It's to late, he's dead. And I'm not going to let you die to.

"You think they know we're here?"


The three people continue to advance into the house. A noise came from behind them and the shorter man turns and grabs at what was behind him. He's holding another man's shirt and clasping his hand over the guys mouth.

"Shh! We're here to help," Dean whispers, "Okay, I'm going to remove my hand and we're going to talk quietly." The man Dean is holding nods his head quickly and Dean removes his hand. The man's eyes look up in fear, a fear that was obviously not only from the strangers standing in his living room.

""Sir, where's your daughter?" Sam asks the man slowly, as if talking to a wounded animal.

"It-it's not, it's not her anymore,"

"Where is she?"

"Upstairs, in her bedroom," the man says, voice shaking.

"Okay, okay, listen to me," Dean asks, "I want you to go downstairs to the basement, and put a line of salt on the door behind you. Do you understand me?" Dean asks slowly. The man shakes his head.

"But what about my wife?" he asks Dean, eyes wide

"Yes, without your wife."

"No-" he's cut off as Dean punches him in the face, knocking him out. Dean then precedes to pick the man's limp body up off the floor with a role of his eyes. He takes the body to the basement as Sam and Ruby, the third member of their party, start to head upstairs.

Sam looks cautiously out into the upstairs. All clear. Sam nods to Ruby before walking forwards slowly.

Him and Ruby are going to find the room Lilith is in. Ruby takes the door in front of them and goes in slowly, Sam takes a look around the empty hallway again before picking another door and heading in.

Sam must have had someone of higher power wanting him to succed that night, because Lilith was just inside the door. Well, actually, she was in the bed there, the Mother of her meatsuit curled up next to her.

Sam pulls back the clear pink curtain that surrounds the bed so he can have a better shot. The Mother look up at him, and she nods subtly.

"Do it," she whispers. The little girl– no, the Demon, moves slightly and the Mothers eyes go wide in fear. She mouths at Sam to 'Just do it.'

Sam pulls the Demon blade out of his back pocket, where he had been keeping it, it was now or never.

"Do it, go ahead. Do it! Hurry!" the mother whisper/yells in her panic.

Sam lunges forward, prepared to strike the young girl and kill the Demon inside of her, when a strong arm stops him.

"Stop! It's not the girl anymore!" Dean says. The girl wakes up and screams, clutching onto her Mother, eyes wide and confused. She's crying.

"Alright, no matter what you hear, you, your daughter and your husband stay in the basement" Dean says to the woman as he opens the basement door. Sam is a little ahead of Dean, Ruby standing in front of him.

"Well, I hate to say I told you so." She says with a smirk.

"Where is she?" Sam replies with a growl.

"I don't know." Ruby shrugs.

"Can she get past the sprinklers?"

"You know as well as I do, Sam,"

A moments pause. "Alright, you win." Sam says.

"Win what?"

"What do I have to do to save Dean? What do you need me to do?" Sam asks, pleading.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dean asks from behind, his hand pulling Sam away from Ruby.

"Dean, shut up for a second! Ruby-"

"You had your chance," she cuts him off, "You can't just flip the switch. We needed time."

"Well there's gotta be something! The-there's got to be some way, whatever it is, I'll do it!" Sam shouts, his desperation showing on his begging tone.

Dean grabs Sam, trying to pull him away. But Sam knows he has to do this to save Dean. He has to.

"Dean! I'm not going to let you go to Hell!" he yells at his brother.

"Yes, you ARE!" Dean shouts back, before calming himself, and repeating, "Yes, you are." He says, eyes wide and pleading with his little brother to understand. "I'm sorry, I mean, this is all my fault. I know that, but what you're doing? It's not going to save me. It's only going to kill you."

"What am I to do?" Sam says, tears coming to his eyes. This was Dean. This was his big brother. Dean looks at Sam, the barest trace of a smile graces his face for a moment.

"Keep fighting," he says, "take care of my wheels Sam. Remember what Dad taught you." He said softly. Sam looked like he was holding back tears. I have to stay strong for Dean, like he has for me all these years.

"And remember what I taught you," he smiles.

Then the clock sounds.

"It's time.

"I'm sorry Dean. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy," Ruby says quietly. Almost, regretfully.

A howl sounds through the room. The hounds are here. I'm ready. I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready. Dean says over and over in his head.

He turns slowly towards the door, towards the growling. Dean notices Sam's face is streaked with tears as he does this.

Then, he sees it. A massive black dog, with blood red eyes. It stares hungrily at him. Dean can feel the fear claw it's way up his throat.

I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.

The dog bounds forwards, and Dean runs. Sam and Ruby close behind him. Dean can feel it taunting him with its growls and barks. They close the door to the office area behind them, and Dean gets to work lining the doors and windows with the goofer dust they got a while back. He can feel their presence just outside the door. Their scratching at he wood. Pushing on it, trying to get in.

"Give me the knife, maybe I can fight them off," Ruby says to Sam.


"Come on! That dust won't last forever Sam"

Dean turns and walks up behind the pair, getting a good look at the Demon inside the girl.

That's not Ruby. He realizes.

"Wait!" Dean shouts, stepping between the two.

"You want to die?" the Demon asks incredulously.

"Sam, that's not Ruby. It's not Ruby!" Dean says, panicking. I don't want to die. I don't want to become a demon. I don't want to go to Hell. Dean thinks, before looking over at his not so little Sammy. But it's worth it. I'll do it for Sammy. Anything for Sammy.

Sam punches the Demon, before getting hit right back, dropping the knife and getting thrown into a wall. A pressure is put on top of Dean as he's thrown against the desk.

"How long have you been in her?" Dean manages to get out.

"Not long, but I like it. It's so grown up and pretty," she looks up as she says this, eyes pure white.

"And where's Ruby?" Sam asked from his spot on the wall.

"She was a very bad girl. So I sent her far, far away."

"You know, I should have seen it before," Dean says nonchalantly, "But you all look alike to me" he finished with a smirk.

"Hello Sam." She says, turning away from Dean. Wait... what?

"I've wanted to meet you for a very long time." She says, walking up to Sam. She grabs Sam's face and... Is she kissing him?

"Your lips are soft," she whispers to Sam as she pulls back. To much information Lilith. Sam looks uncomfortable. If Dean wasn't about to die, he'd probably be laughing at Sam's expression right about now.

"Alright, so you have me. Let my brother go." Oh Sammy, why?

"Silly goose," Lilith whispers, "You want to bargain, you have to have something that I want. You don't."

Sam looks like his last hope had just been crushed undertow. It probably was. Dean decided it was time he get back into the conversation again.

"So is this your big plan, huh? Drag me to Hell, kill Sam, and then what? Become Queen Bitch?"

"I don't have to answer to puppy chow," She answers with a smirk. She then steps away from Sam. Toward the door. Toward the dogs. I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.

"Sick 'im boys," she shouts as she opens the door to reveal Hell's dogs. Sam looks distraught. He looks scared. I'm so sorry Sammy. I'm so sorry. And then they're on him. He feels pain like never before, as they pull him off the table and begin ripping him up. Tearing him to shreds

"Agh! Stop it! Stop it! No! Nngh!" Dean shouts. Lilith is laughing like this is absolutely hilarious.

Their ripping his chest open. Heavy claws and jaws ripping through his flesh like it was tissue paper.

"Stop it!" Sam shouts. But Dean can barely hear him as his life fades away. It hurts so much. The dogs are ripping at his flesh, nipping at his soul. I'm sorry Sammy. I am so, so sorry... And then he's being dragged down. Away from his body. Down into a fiery pit where they put hooks in his flesh and stretch him and carve him to bits.

Down into Hell.

"No!" Sam shouts as he watches Dean get torn to pieces. His screaming is all Sam can hear. I can't help him. I need to help Dean! Why can't I help him?!

He can hear Lilith laughing now. And for a while, he just struggles to get to his brother, screaming for him. And then Lilith is there, next to him.

"Yes." She whispers. Her hand opens in front of her and a bright light escapes from it. Sam looks over towards Dean.

I'm sorry big brother. I broke my promise. I couldn't save you in time.

I'm not dead. That is the first thing Sam Winchester realizes when he wakes up. He looks up. Was it a dream? He thinks hopefully. His hopes are ruined though, when he takes in his surroundings.

He's on the ground. In front of Lilith. The only thing different from what he remembered was the lack of screaming, and Lilith's face. Which was frightened almost. Sam's stands up.

"Back," she says, thrusting her hand out toward Sam. Nothing happens, so he continues forwards.

"I said back," she repeats as Sam steps even closer, leaning down to collect his demon knife from the ground in front of her. She's scared, and Sam feels a bit of satisfaction at knowing it was him who created that fear present in her eyes.

"I don't think so" He thrusts the knife towards her abdomen, pulling short his thrust as she smokes out into the vent. When her meatsuit falls down limp, Sam sees Dean. Lying down. Not moving. Completely shredded. Sam kneels down next to his fallen brother. Unshed tears in his eyes.

"No, no. Dean" Sam chokes out before he's sobbing. Clutching on to his big brothers lifeless body for dear life.

"Dean," he whispers into his brothers blood soaked hair as his cry's quiet slightly, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I couldn't keep my promise to you. I'm so sorry..."

Don't own Supernatural.

Reviews are my equivalent of purgatory souls. So review please. They keep me going.

-E. Winchester