
Chapter 2 - Bobby and hunting

Adam sighed as he rested his head on the cars window, waiting for Sam to come back out with his things. He wondered what happened to his other half brother. He wondered what would happen to him now. Adam hoped Sam would take him with him. He knew that what Sam did, what he hunted, they were out there. All the monsters hiding under the bed, all the creatures you thought were just stories, they were all real. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified by that idea. But he also knew that he wouldn't be able to just sit by and do nothing, knowing those things were out there. He wondered if Sam would even let him tag along.

He was pulled from his pondering when the drivers door opened and Sam's duffle went flying by his ear into the back seat.

"So, Adam, where am I taking you? Do you want me to take you back to your school? Do you have any relatives I can take you to?" Adam stared at Sam with wide eyes.

"Do you seriously think you can just show up like this, tell me my dad is dead, I have two half brothers, one who is also dead, and my mother was possessed by a demon and was killed because of it, and expect me to want to go back to a normal life? Monsters are REAL. And they HURT PEOPLE. And you seriously think I wouldn't want to save people from that?" he asked, incredulous that Sam would just leave him with this knowledge and expect him to be okay.

Sam shook his head, looking surprised and slightly amused. "Should have known you'd say that, you're a Winchester." Sam sighed, "Alright, here's the deal, I'll bring you with me to Bobby's. He's a great guy, if not a little surly, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind. We can work on your training when we get there, alright?" Sam turned from Adam and revved the engine, smiling slightly as the old car purred and AC/DC came on.

Adam nodded his head in consent. "How long till we get to this Bobby's place?" Adam asked his... big brother. Damn, that was so cool and yet so weird to think.

"About an hour and a half, we'll be there just in time for dinner. And don't worry, I told him I'd be coming today, and he always makes extra food. There will be plenty for you too."

Bobby Singer was having a great day. He got to make good food, with enough to feed a horde of hunters, and he got a call that morning that Sam would be coming by. He hadn't seen the damned idjit for a while, not since about a month after Dean's death, when he just up and left. He did call in every now and then though. But Bobby missed the boy.

Bobby walked out to his porch when he heard the familiar engine pulling up. He smiled at Sam when he stepped up, giving him a hug, not noticing the smaller blonde boy behind the moose of a man in front of him.

"How'd the hunt go boy?" he asked, smiling at Sam.

"It was fine. Just a demon. But-uh-I may have found out something else too..." Sam stepped aside and ushered the boy behind him up, "Bobby, this is Adam Miligan. He's, uh, he's my little brother."

Sam was nervous about Bobby's reaction. Logically, he knew that Bobby would most likely accept Adam, even if he had to test him first, but that was just what Bobby did.

When he looked back up to Bobby's face, seeing the surprise there, he was nearly relived to see it wasn't angry.

"He's your what?" Bobby said gruffly, pushing Sam aside to get a look at Adam. After some inspection, Bobby grabbed Adam's arm and Sam's shoulder and dragged them into the house, grumbling something about Idjits and John being stupid under his breath.

He sat them down in the chairs around the small dinning table, pulling one up for himself before dishing up the food and setting it in front of the boys.

"So, yer John's kid?" he asked as he set the plate of shepherds pie in front of Adam. Adam nodded, sniffing the food in front of him as his eyes lit up.

"Yea, John's my dad. Didn't know him till I was 12 though. Actually, I didn't meet him till my twelfth birthday." he said, beginning to play with his fork as Bobby sat down, setting down his and Sam's plates as he did so. "He would show up for as many birthday's as he could after that, took me to ball games or fishing or something, gave me my first beer at 15 and taught me how to drive his car, but never really showed up for anything else, and stopped coming when I turned 16, that would have been 2006. 2005 was the last time I saw him." Adam said, "And I call him my father, but in reality, he is my father by blood, not by bond."

Sam took a breath as Adam finished, before shoving some more of Bobby's shepherd's pie in his mouth.

"He's dead, you do know that, don't ya? Died 'cause of a no good demon and a deal to bring yer other brother back from death..." Bobby said, his eyes sad at the mention of Dean. They sat in silence after that, Adam having nodded his head in understanding, already knowing John was dead.

After dinner, Bobby elected Sam to do the dishes as he took Adam out to the living room. Sam was hesitant to leave Adam with Bobby alone, seeming to guess what was going to happen, but he agreed after a stink-eye sent his way from Bobby.

As Bobby sat down, motioning for Adam to take a seat as well, he rubbed his beard and sighed.

"I'm guessing that Sam has told you some of what's been going on around here, correct?" Adam nodded his head.

"Sam told me some. Mostly about... demons, and his older brother, Dean. And John's death. But not much else." Adam said to the older man, Bobby just nodded his head, before speaking up.

"Well. Then I guess you should be officially entered into the world of monsters" Bobby said, "Time to teach you about what's really out there in the dark."

A few days later, Adam was still learning all he could about the monsters of the world. He took surprisingly well to the knowledge, and had a hunger for learning all he could. Sam had taken it upon himself to teach the boy how to shoot a gun and aim, and made a training schedule for the mornings before Adam went back to his 'studying'.

It was five months later, approximately 6 months after Dean's death, that it happened.

Sam and Adam had recently finished a hunt, just a simple salt 'n' burn, and Adam's third actual hunt, when they received the call from Bobby. The older hunter had sounded freaked out, and he had said to be careful, to hurry their asses up and get home. Bobby didn't give many details, but he urged them to keep salt and/or iron close by at all times.

Stopping at the store, just before entering Sioux Falls, they found what Bobby was talking about. Sam had been in the bathroom, while Adam payed for the supplies Bobby had asked for, and when he looked into the mirror, Sam was not only looking at himself, but also Kate Milligan. Kate looked strange, pale and almost sickly. She had a smirk on her face, but as Sam turned around, she was gone. Sam had just shaken his head, blaming it on nerves, and exited the bathroom, looking for Adam.

When Adam had finished paying, he decided to wait outside for his brother. Placing the bags in the trunk, he turned to get in the car, and bumped into someone, falling down. A shudder ran through his body at the touch, he felt cold, and watched as his clouded breath fogged up in front of him. Adam looked up quickly and nearly screamed at who was standing in front of him.

"M-mom?" he asked, his voice wavering. Kate smiled sweetly down at her son.

"Hello sweetheart" she said, she opened her arms, and Adam, without thinking, launched himself into her arms, ignoring the cold that seeped into him from the touch. Adam tried to hide the tears that came to his eyes.

"I miss you" he said. He smiled when he felt her hand come up to his hair and stroke it like she used to when he was a child. He took in a deep breath, and could still smell her favourite perfume lingering on her dress.

"I know sweety," she said, before lifting Adam's head to look at her, her hand resting on his chest, "I miss you too..."

Adam gasped as he felt a pain rising in his chest, he looked down, to see his mothers hand disappearing into his chest, slowly, before his head was jerked back up to look at his mothers cold eyes.

"But you're not my Adam any more. You left me to die, you left that demon inside of me, you let it KILL ME!" she screamed the last part, "I would have been better off if you had never been born, if I had gotten the abortion like I planned. If I had never mat John Winchester. I would have been better off without YOU. A pathetic little boy, still crying for his Mommy aren't you?" she shoved her hand deeper into his chest, and he could feel her hand moving around, jostling his inner organs.

Adam felt tears of pain coming to his eyes. She's right. If it weren't for me, she would still be alive, she would be happy and alive... Adam began to cry, from the pain of hearing his mother say those words, and the pain in his chest, as she suddenly gripped his heart and squeezed.


So, how's that for an ending?

*maniacal laughter*

Till next time

-E. Winchester