Hello! As the title says, I need OC's! I wish to do a new kinda story which I wish to play around with, and I won't do major things as in the first few chapters the main character gets attacked.

Before I give you the form and the Clans, here is the jist of the storyline!

"A young girl known as Ava has always been interested in the Warrior Cat series, she brought all the main series, and got her hands on some of the special additions. While she was reading the newest book she got, she felt sick, and as everything started to shift, her ears feeling as though they were going to fall off, and as if every bone was shifted unnaturally, she passed out. Only to wake up in a place she did not belong…and as a cat."

Yes, I am going to play with the 'girls falls into warrior cat series' but the only difference is it won't involve the books, but that is all I can say for now, I don't wanna spoil it. Let's get onto the forms, and then the ranks/allegiances!

Name: Blank (Make sure to keep it cannon, so no Sparkle, Drizzle, Ocean, Star, Dawn, Dusk, and Night and stuff for prefix, and no vole, wave, star(unless leader), tree, or stuff like that for suffix. Just try to keep to cannon as possible, and if you can't find a reliable sight, do your best, and I will fix it.)

Age: (0-6 moons is a kit, 6-12 moons is a apprentice, 12 moons is young warrior, and 24 moons is a season warrior, 36-46 is experience, 50-70 is senior, and is a good age for deputy, and 70 and up is either lead or elder)

Gender: Blank

Profile: (Do as much detail as you are comfortable with, and I prefer you to go off a picture of a real life cat)

Clan:(Don't be afraid to choose another open clan!)

Clan Rank: (Just incase, check the comments incase another has leaders)

Parents/Siblings: (I do ask to keep the half-clan cats, half-rouge/kittypet cats, past rouge/kittypets, and forbidden cats to a low, it doesn't happen often)

Mate/Crush:(I will only accept two forbidden relationships)

Kits/Adopted Kits: (Forbidden kits, half-clan or whatever kits will only come from the two forbidden couples)

Personality: (Try to balance it! If their kind and helpful, make then guidable and easily manipulated, just try make sense, and balance it out)

Strengths: (Balance it with weakness, they can have 1-3 notable strengths, while everything else is neutral, and make it sensible for their clan)

Weaknesses: (Same as above, just with weakness)

History: (Please don't make it where every clanmate hates them or love them, the issue with Brokenstar was pretty much a one time thing, just try to make it natural. I prefer to put their kit-hood, apprentice-hood, warrior-hood into parts, but do what you wish)

Extra Information:(This could be for leaders, and how many lives they have, or short stories on how they may have gotten the scar, and wasn't mentioned in the History on accident, whatever)

I know this is a bit long, and I am asking a lot, but you can combine some of them into one thing! Like Clan and Clank Rank, kits and parents/siblings can just be family, and strengths and weaknesses can just be one thing, just depends on formatting.

**NOTE**: If you do not use my form, just please put name, age, gender, clan, and personality, at LEAST, otherwise it gets WAY confusing.




Medicine Cat:








Medicine Cat:








Medicine Cat:





Anyways, please submit your OC's! I know I am asking A LOT, but I have had a lot of experience, so maybe this could help...?

Anyways, here is a short story thing since I do not wish FanFiction to ban this story or me;

The cold, icy wind nipped and bit at his pelt, which was damp, looking darker then it originally was, it mostly flat against his body, but some fur stuck up.

His cold, gray-blue eyes stared down at the rippling pool, and he was to cold and tired to even wince at the throbbing pain that ached in his chest-thought it frankly ached all over.

Memories of the fateful day stung him like a sharp thorn, it was a good day.

His mother had groomed his pale gray pelt, his black patches standing out, his kitten fur fluffed out. He was the perfect mix, his father was a pale gray tabby with gray eyes, his mother a solid black she-cat, with only a pale muzzle, he inherited that mark, though it was still black, and he also took after her blue eyes.

His eldest sister took more after their father, if a tad darker, and has more green-blue eyes, and his younger brother was black like their mother except with white paws, and gray lining his big green eyes.

They were all messing around as their parents watch joyfully, his older sister name was simply Pebble, apparently to their parents she looked like a pebble when she was born, while his younger brother was more unique, as it being Ashely, shorten to Ash, because of the gray lining his eyes.

They were getting closer to the edge of a rather big pond that was rather deep, especially for a kit.

Their parents didn't notice.

Until it happen.

His sister, Pebble, had shoved him off of Ash, since they were playing on different teams, and he fell into the water.

Now, if a full grown cat stepped into it, it would only come a few mouse-tails above their paws, but he was young, and he panicked.

He thrashed widely, water splashing, and he drifted more out to the deeper end, as his siblings cried out for help.

His father noticed, diving after his son, struggling to get a hold of him before he nudged him along, and his mother met him half way, running to the banks and soon setting him down, but then...his father didn't move

It was so clear...

His father cried out in utter pain, blood pooling into the once blue pond, and he remember his father tail go missing.

Their gave a startled cry, running to her mate, who had tried to tell her to run, but she wouldn't listen, and got to close.

Seconds later, she also cried out in pain.

The water lapped at their belly fur, and he was shocked to see blood soak from her belly, a gurgling coughing nose uttering from her lips, and she collapsed as his father cried out in pain and shock.

His father tried to push his mates limp body close to the shore, but he fell to his belly when the strange being grabbed his leg, a crack filling the leg, and Pebble cried out, it was happening so fast that they only realized what happened.

Now not as surprised, his two siblings jumped in, struggling, having seen their parents swim once or twice, and trying their best to copy as they reached their mothers body, trying to push her, and actually got far.

Oh, but he saw everything.

Crippled, his father struggled to keep his head above the surface, and the thing was so quick, it was hard to see what it was.

Its slightly round head jumped from the water, a sorta beak gleaming as it bit onto the side of his fathers neck, pulling a patch of flesh from pale gray tom before retreating to strike again.

His father fell dead.

Startled, his brother and sister didn't focus, and they both dipped under water, and for five horrifying seconds, they didn't rise.

It might've been less painful.

The strange creature had friends.

Ash was first, having been the weakest, and was thrashing, turning, taking in more water then he was meant.

It was quick as lightning.

The creature head snapped from the water, grabbing his brother...and biting him in half, his upper body and lower being barely held together by strings of flesh and the monster holding it.

A scream resounded through the air from his sister.

His mother had finally gained consciousness, though was weak as she realized what was happening,and swiftly picked up her daughter, crawling to the best of her ability to land, fear ringing in her eyes.

It was no use.

The other monster snapped forward, wrenching Pebble from his mothers grip, and his sister-and what remained of her-fell from his mothers grasp.

Scared, and only having her one son left, she surged forward with any strength she had left, and dragged her bloody body to the shore, her son scrambling to help how he could.

They left the blood bath behind, his mother heaving as she kept her son close, licking his head.


Her words were short, choppy, and she seemed so tired...

He cried, yelled, commanded her not to go...but he was a fool.

She died, and he slept by her body for a quarter-moon, and when his hunger finally over came his grief, he moved on, to shaken to look at that deadly pond for a long time.

The pale gray and black tom fur burned with anger, daring for any of those monsters to come up, to even bite one of his long whiskers off, but of course it didn't.

Troubled by grief, he crawled to where there laid a few bumps in the ground, and laid there...only whispering a few words...

"I hold you dear to my heart, my dear family, I love, and miss you..."

Bit sad and short, but I enjoyed it.

Submit away!