This is the final form!
Leader: Ravenstar, a raven black thick-furred-kinda shorter-she-cat with white legs and a white tuft on her chest, and light green eyes
Deputy: Crowheart, large jet black tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Tallpaw
Medicine Cat: Fallenheart, a soft short-furred brown she-cat with a white speckles on her lower spine, and a white ring around her tail and pretty blue eyes
Apprentice, Ashpaw
Warriors: Daisycloud, a pale ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes (Mother to Featherpaw & Wolfpaw)
Apprentice, Rabbitpaw
Mudfoot, a dark brown tom with light-brown stripes, and pale green eyes (Father to Featherpaw & Wolfpaw)
Apprentice, Whitepaw
Flamepelt, a mostly ginger tabby tom with a white belly and front paws, and pale green eyes (Father to Leafpaw and Tallpaw)
Apprentice, Leafpaw
Littlefang, a small black tom with a white belly and blue eyes
Snowtooth, a bulky snow-white tom with vibrant green eyes (Father to Whitepaw & Rabbitpaw)
Cloudwhiskers, a small white she-cat with blue eyes (Mother to Whitepaw & Rabbitpaw)
Apprentice, Wolfpaw
Mintpelt, pale grey she-cat mottled with darker smears and green eyes
Lightningstripe, a coppery tom with jagged black stripes and yellow eyes
Blackfrost, a lean black tom with a white throat and chest, and green eyes
Brownfur, a simple brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Rainstream, a dark gray tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes
Leafstripe, a brown and white tabby tom with amber eyes
Whitemist, a white-gray she-cat with green eyes
Dustycloud, a long furred worry dusty brown tabby tom with beautiful pale blue eyes
Whitetalon, a gray and white tom with amber eyes
Hawksnow, a bulky brown and white tom with dark blue eyes
Cindercloud, a dark gray she-cat with black stripes and pale blue eyes
Mouseshade, a dark brown tom with black tabby stripes and pale green eyes
Apprentices: Featherpaw, a short light brown furred tom with darker brown spots all over his body and amber-brown eyes
Wolfpaw, a short furred pale ginger-sandy colored tom who almost appears white with light green eyes
Leafpaw, a rather pretty black she-cat with white-sandy colored tipped paws and tail tip with simple blue eyes
Rabbitpaw, a white tom with pale/light blue eyes
Whitepaw, a solid snow colored tom with dark blue eyes
Tallpaw, a mostly black tom with a white patch on his eyes and amber eyes
Ashpaw, a light gray short-furred she-cat with white patches and short ears tipped with white and eyes that are sky blue, that appear to be narrowed
Queens: Badgertail, a mostly black she-cat with a faint white stripe running down her head to the tip of her tai, and yellow eyes, (mother to Flamepelt's kits, Shadowkit, a mostly white she-cat with ginger and black patches and has light blue eyes, and Lightkit, a pale ginger tabby she-kit with pale yellow-green eyes, and mother to Tallpaw and Leafpaw)
Dewpool, a red she-cat with light blue eyes, (mother to Whitetalon's kits, Smallkit, a small white tom with amber eyes, Antkit, a red tom with black ears and blue eyes, and Stormkit, a gray and white she cat with blue eyes)
Elders: Shredear, a white tom with black patches and green eyes, and a badly shredded left ear
Leader: Rosestar, a red-ginger she-cat with light brown, kinda coppery colored, paws, and green eyes
Deputy: Palecloud, a long-furred pale beige she-cat with a white chest, belly, and paws with hazel brown eyes
Medicine Cat: Darkbreeze, a white long furred tom with a black stripe on his underbelly and black legs and lake blue eyes
Apprentice, Tansypaw
Warriors: Whitemist, a mostly white she-cat with a light grey tabby patches and pale green eyes (Mother to Brookpaw)
Pebblenose, a pale gray tom with black stripes and yellow eyes (Father to Brookpaw)
Adderblaze, a dusty brown tom with jagged black stripes and bright amber eyes
Grayfoot, a mottled gray and brown long-furred tom with pale yellow-green eyes
Skyheart, a dark ginger she-cat with black tail tip and a white front left paw and deep blue eyes
Oakbranch, a dark brown tom with white patches and a black muzzle and green eyes
Stonethorn, a very dark gray tom with a white marking on his forehead and forest green eyes
Apprentice, Bluepaw
Stormfrost, a black tom with a white tipped tail, ears, and two front paws with icy blue eyes (Father to Willowpaw & Crowpaw)
Flameflower, a light ginger tabby she-cat with a fluffy white tail and amber eyes (Mother to Willowpaw & Crowpaw)
Rainfeather, a light gray tabby she-cat with a black spot on her head and glowing amber eyes
Emberwing, a black pelted she-cat with light brown patches and long whiskers and bright green eyes
Whitenose, a black and white tom with blue eyes
Blossomshine, a calico she-cat with yellow eyes
Finchthroat, a sandy tabby tom with a ginger throat and blue-green eyes
Robinflight, a pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes
Cinderspots, a pale gray speckled she-cat with dark blue eyes
Icetooth, a silver dappled tom with yellow eyes
Ivystripe, a brown she-cat with darker stripes and dark green eyes
Mapleclaw, a bulky dark brown and white tom with amber eyes
Apprentices: Brookpaw, a white and light gray pacthed short-furred small she-cat with a light gray striped tail and green eyes
Tansypaw, a white and brown ticked patterned cat with brown-amber-hazel like eyes.
Willowpaw, a gray tabby with a white patch on her face and green eyes
Crowpaw, a strong ginger tabby tom with fierce looking green eyes
Bluepaw, a blue-gray she-cat with gray-blue eyes
Queens: Antleg, a dark ginger tabby she-cat with a pale belly and amber eyes, (mates with Whitenose)
Dappleleaf, a tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Brightfire, a dark ginger tabby she-cat with white paws and chest and yellow eyes
Foxfang, a bright ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Graybreeze, a wiry pale gray she-cat with dark green eyes
Leader: Jaystar, a small dark grey tabby tom with white paws and dark green eyes
Deputy: Grasstail, a brown tabby tom with a long ringed tail and lively green eyes
Medicine Cat: Snowdust, a solid white long furred blue eyed she-cat
Apprentice, Lightpaw
Warriors: Blackwing, a jet blacks she-cat, with only her front right paw being a lighter shade, and blue eyes.
Apprentice, Rainpaw
Ravenfeather, a black furred she-cat with a white chest and green eyes
Adderpelt, a small dark ginger tom with white paws and pale green eyes
Apprentice, Brindlepaw
Skyfeather, a light gray feathery fur gray tom with blue eyes
Hailfern, a white spikey short-furred tom, with one ginger ear and yellow eyes
Ashspot, a spotted gray tabby with pale blue eyes
Rocktooth, a bulky, muscular, solid stone gray tom with big amber eyes
Sandheart, a sandy tabby she-cat with a white tipped tail and small green eyes
Windstorm, a pale light gray-silvery tabby tom with blue eyes
Lightbreeze, a pale-sandy ginger, medium furred, tabby she-cat with dark yellow eyes
Stormheart, a long furred mottled-stripe gray tom with pale green eyes
Blackbee, a small tawny-pale brown tom with black stripes, small but thorn sharp claws, and yellow eyes
Gingerbelly, a mostly beige she-cat with a ginger belly and striking blue eyes
Mistlenose, a black and gray tabby tom with a white muzzle and white legs and green-blue eyes
Mosswing, a mostly white she-cat with brown, black, and ginger patches, along with vibrant green eyes
Scorchstripe, a ginger and black tabby with amber eyes
Emberfeather, a fiery ginger she-cat with green eyes
Sunstep, a long-furred golden tabby with his back legs, front feet, and chest white and stormy gray-blue eyes
Tigertooth, a ginger-brown tom with black tabby stripes and blue eyes
Apprentices: Flowerpaw, a dark brown she-cat with a light brown underbelly and paws and simple green eyes
Rainpaw, a gray and white pelted she-cat with amber eyes and long fur
Stonepaw, a dark gray tom with amber eyes and a white tail
Brindlepaw, a white she-cat with beige and black tabby patches and blue eyes
Light paw, a silky furred she-cat with light beige fur and a fluffy plume of a tail with wide amber eyes
Queens: Dapplefall, a white she cat with brown dapples and amber eyes, (mother to Jaystar's kits, Stonekit, a pale grey striped tom with amber eyes, the left one he is blind in, and Honeykit, a brown and white patched she-cat with yellow eyes, and foster mother to Aspenkit, a mottled ginger and brown she-kit, with her muzzle, chest, underbelly, and feet being white with lightly visible tabby stripes on her forelegs and green eyes.)
Brightmist, a strong but beautiful golden tabby she-cat with dark amber eyes, (mother to Rocktooth kits, Maplekit, a big brown and white tom with amber eyes, Cloudkit, a solid pale gray she-kit with bright amber eyes, Dovekit, a gray tabby she-kit with golden/tawny patches and a white belly, and yellow eyes, and Goldenkit, a golden tabby tom with dark amber eyes)
Rosethorn, a lithe ginger tabby she-cat with pale green eyes, (mates with Rowantail)
Elders: Mallowberry, a ginger and grey she-cat with dull blue eyes
Snowlight, a young white she-cat with pale red-pink eyes (Albino, was forced to be an elder due to she could not preform warrior duties)
A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated! I admit, may be hard to keep track of every cat, but I shall try my best!
The story is up, under the name of Warrior Cat's: The Three Clan's of Day, and the prologue is done and I shall be adding this exact allegiance to the second chapter.
Thank you for everything! Ya'll are amazing! :D