It could hardly be considered a surprise... He had known this day had been coming for years. But in spite of his foresight and sequential preparation for the day, this day, and the sight left him raw.
He had tried to get over her and to all but perhaps his best friend it appeared that he had. All the dates he had been on had meant nothing to him. He had even lost his virginity, but that had meant nothing to him in the first place.
Some of his buddies, mostly on the soccer team congratulated him with fervor. He wasn't looking for praise, and he wished Akira hadn't told everyone. They all talked about how they thought he'd never get over her and that it was about time. Truth was he didn't do it because he was over her but to try and do so. It wasn't an act of love or even lust, just a silly attempt to distance himself from feelings he doubted would ever be reciprocated.
The event had marred a perfect day out in the digital world for him. It saw a group of teens around the lake enjoying the last weekend before school would start up again. The water rippled slightly while the grass swayed gently in the breeze. The weather wasn't the true perfection though, it was actually the level of peace the permeated the air.
All around the chosen life blossomed. Digimon of all sizes, shapes and even types went about their business around them. A Seadramon shot out of the lake creating a massive wave that a nearby Gomamon road towards the shore. The seal-like Digimon let out a cowabunga before crashing into a pair of Gazimon's sandcastle. His proclamation of how they were hating on his ability to hang ten went ignored as they buried him in the sand.
The second generation of chosen, minus two members who had disappeared after lunch sat and conversed about what they could expect from their next year of schooling. Their partners weren't far off enjoying a game of volleyball. His sudden exit from a playful argument with the year older girl of the group alerted his friends and by following his eyes soon found the reason. Leaving the tree line the previously missing members came back from their 'walk' hand in hand, her face painted with a slight blush while his was positively beaming.
He knew it had finally happened. The others weren't far behind in their realization and their reactions were exactly as he imagined they would be. Even down to the small but knowing look Ken gave him before diverting his attention. The rest of the group rounded on the new couple to convey their own happiness for them, but he was frozen, face set in a foreign expression.
He could hear Yolei go on about how they were always meant to be, something about hope and light and finally about destiny.
It was until he met her eyes that he was set free, her gaze piercing through his emotions.
Rising from the ground a sort of tension formed until he wrapped his arms around the pair a large grin splitting his face... He hoped it reached his eyes.
"Well what took you both so long!" The words ripped through him like lightning but the effect was instantaneous. Tension was erased and smile adorned every ones face. He took a mental picture of just how happy Kari looked at that exact moment. A slight blush accentuated the sunlight that made her seem as if she was glowing.
"No hard feelings?" TK asked reaching a hand out towards him. Through his grin he still looked almost nervous. His concern touched Davis and only assured him he was doing the right thing.
Davis accepted the hand but his eyes were on Kari when he replied "Naw, if your happy, I'm happy". It wasn't a lie either. He had come to that realization a long time ago.
He spotted tears in Kari's eyes as embraced him in a hug, her silky hair brushing his jaw. She had grown it out and it now reached down to her shoulders. The rush of emotion left him momentarily paralyzed and it was a stiff second before Davis could return the gesture.
Kari whispered a hushed "Thank you" and held him a little tighter.
The rest of the group averted their eyes as if it was an intimate moment and Davis couldn't help but feel like she fit perfectly beside him. Bringing his lips to his seemingly lifelong crushes ear he replied "Anything for you" his breath grazing her ear.
The depth of affection in his voice seemed to startle her and she slowly pulled away. Kari slowly pulled away and studied him, an unreadable look on her face. He trailed his fingers down her arm and held her hand lightly.
The attention was suddenly making Davis feel awkward as eyes returned to him. Usually being the center of attention wouldn't bother him, he lived for it when he was younger. But he wasn't that little boy always looking for approval anymore. He wasn't going to slug TP and tell him how Kari was his. He wouldn't try and sabotage their relationship or try and insert himself into it.
Who was he to stand in the way of love and destiny. He would just have to let go.
And so he did. Dropping both Kari's hand and her gaze Davis looked around and said "I think this calls for some ice cream! What do you guys think?" The group took to cheers and the excitement attracted the attention of their partners who were all for a frozen treat.
TK wrapped his arm around Kari possessively and they made their way towards the lakefront restaurant nearby. The Digimon were talking among themselves trying to determine which flavor was the superior . Davis only caught the Wormmon liked pistachio. The destined were discussing Tai's reaction to learning that TK was now his little sisters boyfriend. Davis only caught the stiffening of TK's body when it came up.
He was more interested in the swish of the leaves and the shadows they created around him. Thinking of everything and nothing, it wasn't until Veemon interrupted his thoughts that Davis noticed he had lagged behind the group. His digital partner had a look of concern on his face.
"Everything alright pal?" the little blue dinosaur asked him. His care for his well-being was heartwarming and Davis couldn't help but think about all the people on earth who thought Digimon were nothing more than a bunch of ones and zeros.
"Yeah I'm cool" Davis' voice sounding only slightly solemn. "How was volleyball, did you win?"
The look on his friends face told him otherwise and he confirmed it with a grumble "No. Me, Wormmon and Armadillomon were losing before we came to join you." Suddenly Veemon looked thoughtful and he added" It wasn't really fair though, Patamon was allowed to fly because he didn't have arms. If I had wings I coulda won! Can you digivolve me next time so I can play as Exveemon? I'll win for sure!"
His friends thought process brought a large smile to Davis' face and he laughed. "Yeah sure, but don't you think that would be unfair? Then you'd be a champion with arms and wings."
Veemon seemed to think about it for a moment before conceding. " I guess I can't have everything. I'm glad I'm not a Patamon anyway. He's shaped funny.". After the declaration and a snort from Davis the conversation fell, both of them in deep thought.
Davis couldn't help but think for the first time in a long time what TK had that he didn't. But as usual it led nowhere. Veemon's words seemed sagely to his own internal problems. He didn't want to be TK. He couldn't have Kari. But then he remembered the feeling of Kari against him and wished he never felt her in the first place. It made it so much harder.
Well that's the first chapter of my first story on here. Not sure what my inspiration was but I would be nice to know what everyone thinks. Anyway thanks for reading! Oh and btw, the cover image I chose belongs to Taichikun14 over at deviantart. Ill drop a link on my profile.