Special Thanks To

heavyinfinity who has been my light, my darkness, my friend, my student, and eventually my adviser.

Anadaybel for helping to get this fic going and helping me to keep it going by tossing ideas around with me, regularly.

MsEerieChastain who helped me find friendship and the confidence to keep writing and has been a great supporter and helper with this story.

IdreamofEddy for her know-it-all Peter, which I thoroughly used in this story.


mssmith who suggested Jasper take Bella on outings for Chapter 3

aixa00 for her suggestion on how Mike should react to the threat in Chapter 11

PhantomPhoenix- had the idea to shock her with a kiss which Jasper did in Chapter 25

Conan in love- suggested Jasper take Bella to an art show in Chapter 25

Raven Jadewolfe for suggesting Rose teach Bella how to care for her truck seen in Chapter 27

Lost Betwixt Worlds who suggested painting Edward baseballs for Bella in Chapter 27 and Bella's surprise kiss in Chapter 28

Sapphirepa who suggested going to a playground for a date in Chapter 31

*Hallmark is credited with the Valentine's Day card saying that was given to Bella by Rose and Emmett in Chapter 31

bookworm0902 for recommending the song Forgotten by Avril Lavigne and Jayann for recommending "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden, "Wait for you" by Elliot Yamin, and "The Last Night" by Skillet. These are the songs Jasper added to her iPhone in Chapter 32

GemmaLisa for her term "Ballsy Bella" in Chapter 35

snapes gemini for her suggestion of accidentally seeing Jasper naked in the shower that was altered but in Chapter 40

genuinef250 for the wonderful idea on expanding Jasper's powers in Chapter 43

michelle3113 for her idea of a male fashion show in Chapter 44

MsEerieChastain who named Bella's bubble the Black Bubble of Doom in Chapter 54

mama4dukes for the idea of Rose piercing Edward's ear in Chapter 55

A huge THANK YOU to all my reviewers then and now! You're the reason I kept up and eventually finished the story and reason I was willing to repost it. THANKS!

The sequel is up it's called Made of Stone and there is a cute outtake also please feel free to check them out, keep ideas coming although I now have a plan for Made of Stone mwhahahahaha…you're gonna love it! As always I make no promises for updates but with a plan I hope to get Made of Stone going again here soon.

