Disclaimer: I do not own Sakura Wars nor the characters involved in the story. Sakura Wars, Shinjiro Taiga, Gemini Sunrise, and Geminine Sunrise is copyright Sega and Ouji Hiroi.

Author's Note: Before reading this story, I'd like to confirm this is a story regarding Shinjiro and Geminine's relationship rather than a mere Shinjiro and Gemini story I've seen on many places such as this, Pixiv, etc. While Gemini still has involvement, I want to focus around both Shinjiro and Geminine. Of course, the rest of the NYCR is also involved, but they have minor roles.

Shinjiro is the protagonist, while Geminine is the antagonist. Period.

Rated M for slight sexual context and mild language.

"Mrs. Sunrise, you cannot be serious about this."

"Please Mr. Sunnyside, I beg of you."

Sunnyside sighed as he looked through the vacation request papers thoroughly one last time. Seeing the return date especially caught his eye.

"Will you be sure you will return by the date as shown in your request?"

"Yes sir," said Gemini.

"Very well then." Sunnyside pulled the lever to a drawer, took a stamp, and stamped the papers. "Permission for vacation granted. I am worried you might be lost on the way and back, so hopefully you don't mind if I send in company to keep you in line."

"Thank you sir. I will not disappoint you."

"One more question: your aura is different. I presume you're actually Geminine?"

Geminine closed her eyes and nodded in agreement.

"I see. It does feel good to get something out of the chest, yes?"

"Yes, I agree. Though, may I ask who you will send with me?"

"I really cannot tell you. However, you will be surprised, but at the same time, you won't be surprised who it is. Anyways, you are now dismissed."

Geminine nodded as she leaves Sunnyside's office and the building as she heads towards the elevator.

"Of all people Sunnyside had to send with me, it had to be you...Taiga Shinjiro..."


Geminine sighs as she and Shinjiro watch the view of the wilderness from outside the train.

"So Geminine...I hope you don't mind. Is there a reason you want to go back to Texas on a vacation?"

Pissed off at his question, Geminine gave Shin a good punch to the gut.

"Ugh...what the hell was that for!?"

"Isn't it obvious!? You're so clueless and you lack a spine. No wonder everyone forces you to crossdress like the little bitch you are!"

"H-Hey! I only did..." Shinjiro covered his mouth, hoping nobody got the gist of his and Geminine's words.

"You did what!? Threw away that so-called Frontier Spirit. Please, you don't mean shit. You're nothing but a dog that barks more than he could bite," said Geminine.

Shinjiro felt the bluntless and brutal honesty of Geminine's words within his heart. He knew it is best not to tick her off any further. Not to mention, he would also get in trouble with the twin sister within Geminine.

"I'm sorry...I should have been a man I could've been."

"Again, you jackass, your words don't mean shit. Prove it with your actions," said Geminine.

Shinjiro sighed, knowing Geminine is right. He does indeed lack a spine and it doesn't help that his background gives him limited knowledge of the world outside of Japan. Not to mention, unlike his uncle, he doesn't have quite the experience with women, especially for someone like Geminine.

"Uncle, if you were in my situation, what would you do?" Shinjiro thought to himself as the hours passed.

Soon, Shinjiro noticed Geminine slowly falling asleep. Acting fast, he went to sit next to her, then all of a sudden, she gave a threatening look.

"Go near me, Taiga, and I swear I will punch you again. This time, I'll make sure I aim for your face."

"You have a point Geminine. However..." Ignoring Geminine's warning, Shinjiro attempted to sit next to her, much to her chagrin.

Geminine punched Shinjiro as she threatened, but he didn't flinch, only suffering from a bruised right cheek.

"You bastard," said Geminine.

"If you need to sleep, then...go ahead and rest on my legs. You may be sticks and stones, but you won't break my bones," said Shinjiro.

"Oh really, let's see how you can last in the next twelve days as we're stuck with each other." Geminine sits back and puts her legs on top of Taiga's legs, but she smiled devilishly as she harshly aimed an ax kick at his privates. He felt an extreme jolt of pain, breathing slowly and trying not to show weakness as he took her kick as she starts to sleep.

"Twelve days with Geminine...this is going to be interesting." Shinjiro thought.