Disclaimer: I do not own Sakura Wars nor the characters involved in the story. Sakura Wars, Shinjiro Taiga, Gemini Sunrise, and Geminine Sunrise is copyright Sega and Ouji Hiroi.

Author's Note: After this chapter, I'm afraid this story will be on hiatus until further notice. But, I do like this idea of shipping Shinjiro with the twin of Gemini. Besides, Geminine could totally help Shin get a spine.

"Since Geminine and I arrived in Texas, we visited the place where Gemini and Geminine's sword master, Mifune, has passed away and where his grave lies near. After Geminine payed her respects and placed flowers, the both of us went to a hotel where we rested for the night. However, unfortunately for Geminine, we had to share the same room since most of the rooms is occupied for the holiday. She was not pleased at all, so to vent out her frustration, she went to a bar, hoping to drink a few cups of alcohol. Though, if you ask me, she wouldn't get into any trouble. For some reason, I feel a genuine concern for her since the train ride." Shinjiro lied down in his bed in the dark room. As he closed his eyes, he sighs and tried to sleep through the night.

"Ugh..." Shinjiro suddenly woke up, feeling nauseous. However, as he moved, he felt binded by chains until his eyes fully opened. His hands and feet were tied to the bed he lies.

"I know my sister loves you. However, I can't say I feel the same for you. Maybe its beyond that. But who knows?" Shinjiro recognized the voice as he looked up and saw Geminine. Geminine smiled as she took off her bath robe, revealing a body in lingerie.


Geminine went into the bed and kissed Shinjiro as she slid her tongue into his mouth. Shinjiro tried to break free, but to no avail.

"Taiga...ever since you came into my life, I've never liked you the moment we even met. However, as time passed on, my sister grew to love you and only you. But why? I've told her many times you've lacked a spine and even now, you still do. So why? Why does my sister love you?" Geminine looked at Shinjiro with glaring eyes similar to that of a hawk. She placed her hands on Shinjiro's throat and started choking him for a while.

"I...I've got to break free." Shinjiro effortlessly tried to struggle from Geminine's grasp, but the more he struggled, the more the light in his eyes will fade.

Before Shinjiro ran out of breath, Geminine let go and went down the bed to stare at his privates.

"Hmph...I was hoping you'd put much more of a fight. Maybe I should give you some incentive." Geminine licked her lips as she forcefully started tearing at Taiga's undergarment boxers, slowly revealing his privates.

"N-No...Geminine..." Shinjiro's eyes widen as he felt his member grow to a large size.

"Oh..." Geminine smiled as she took off her bra, revealing her fairly large chest. Shinjiro turned his head and closed his eyes, trying not to look.

"N-No...I refuse..."

"Hm...ah yes, my sister was upset you've started seeing another woman...what was her name again? Ah, I guess this is what happens when I sleep too much within this body." Geminine pressed her chest against Shinjiro's privates and rubbed back and fourth.

"D-Damn it...Diana...I'm sorry..." Shinjiro eventually gave in to Geminine's actions as he felt liquid coming out of him.

The liquid comes out, in a whitish color, covering Geminine from her head to her upper torso.

"Now, for phase two. This is for my sister. Taiga, when I come to think of you, you were the person that I want more than anyone else. From this day forth, Taiga, you belong to me and nobody else." Geminine put her hands on Shinjiro's throat and slightly choked him.


"Now, Taiga, I want to see the light fade from your eyes."