Chapter 3 - Sinful Thoughts
A/N - For those who like a bit of lemon. Fluff included
The first thing he felt was the warmth on his back, illuminating his marks so they sparkled through the open window. The second thing he noticed was that the bed was cold. He opened an eye, and saw that where Charlotte should've been, was an empty space. His hands were under his pillow and he was lying on his stomach, his messy bed-head standing like he had been electrocuted. He smiled, his eyes fully opening. He lay there for a few seconds, appreciating the silence and the warmth on his back a little longer.
He rolled over and swung himself into a sitting position on the edge of his bed, drinking the rest of his water. Henry walked over to the cot, peering in to see a sleeping Charles. At least there will be some peace before he wakes up, he thought.
Making his way down the stairs, his hand messing up his hair even more, he went instinctively to the kitchen. He knew she'd be there, making breakfast. She liked to cook, but mostly left it to Bridget.
He padded silently toward her, his bare feet making no sound on the floor.
He came up behind her, slipping his hands round her waist and kissing her shoulder. She gasped slightly at his touch.
'By the Angel Henry, I didn't hear you come in!'
He smiled into her hair and tightened his grip on her waist.
'What are you making?' He asked.
'Bacon, eggs, sausages and toast.'
'Mmm, sounds good. And eggs are my favourite, I could-'
'Eat them all day?'
'Exactly.' He replied.
'Is Charles still asleep?'
'Sound asleep. We should have a bit of peace before he wakes up.'
As the rest of the Institute weren't up yet, she set aside food for Henry and a small portion herself to eat at the table so she could get straight to work.
Charlotte read and replied to letters, filling out Ascenson forms and the like. It seemed like it was only her and the Institute, peaceful and quiet. Henry had gone down to his laboratory to finish his invention, and Charlotte knew this was probably the first morning that she was able to concentrate in peace without Charles since he was born. Not to mention the rest of the Institute's usual commotion.
It was 8 o'clock, and if she knew correctly, people would start waking up at around 9. This gave her plenty of time to spend the rest of the day without work on her mind.
When she had finished, she decided to see if Charles was awake. But when she got to his crib and peered in, he wasn't there. He couldn't have crawled out, he wasn't at that age yet. Unless...
She walked down to the crypt, where Henry held a squealing baby while trying to take notes on a peculiar object in the middle. She came up behind him, her hand going round his waist and the other on his shoulder. She could see the adorable smile on his face that she so dearly loved, and juggled Charles playfully in his arms.
'I heard Charles giggling from upstairs so I got him out and decided to come down here with him. He seems to like it, but I think he likes watching you work more. Several times I've had to keep him from grabbing things and putting them in his mouth.'
Charlotte giggled herself, stroking Charles' tuft of red hair and leaning on Henry.
'What are you doing, darling?'
'Oh, just taking some advantages and disadvantages of the functions of this invention. I think it needs re-programming, if only I could find the damn wires-' he searched around his desk, looking for them. Charlotte knew he needed two hands so she took her son and rocked him up and down, much to his delight.
'Ah! There they are, better remember to put them somewhere safer next time.'
He started to work on the object, his hands making quick work of it, and Charlotte watched them gracefully untie the wires. She had always thought Henry's hands, like the rest of him, were clumsy, but now as she watched, they proved very skilful and quick.
'I didn't know you could work that fast!'
'I do if I want to get anything done in here. It's always busy!' He said cheerfully.
She fed Charles, letting go of Henry's waist and walking round him to observe what he was doing.
It was a quiet morning, and Charlotte watched Henry until he stood back and admired his work. She praised him, then went gladly back up the stairs, whilst Henry chatted to her and pulled her close.
It was a typical day in the Institute, people getting her to do things, or asking her questions, which she enjoyed, because it whiled away the day. They played with him on the sofa, Charlotte's head resting on Henry's shoulder with Charles bouncing on their knees.
She loved it when it was just them three, the small family on the sofa, not really saying anything, but not really having to. Sometimes just simple actions said it all. They played with his toys, making Charles laugh which filled them with pride. He was nearly at the crawling stage, and Charlotte dreaded when it would come. She really did not like the idea of an infant crawling around the Institute, especially not in Henry's lab or the training room. She would have to keep a very close eye on him when he started.
Will and Cecily came in, clad in their gear, and Charles bounced happily at the sight of their weapons.
'Are you coming along to get rid of the Dravaks?' Will asked.
'There's a whole group of them in an abandoned warehouse.' Cecily added.
Charlotte sighed. She knew she couldn't go, as much as she wanted to. She had to stay and look after Charles, and that was her priority. Nothing else remotely mattered in contrast to keeping her baby safe. But then she knew the other itching thought at the back of her mind. A memory, one that cropped up in her nightmares frequently. She knew Henry would volunteer. She knew he loved getting out and killing demons, as she did. She knew he was about to ask the question to her. But she didn't like it, didn't like it at all. Yes, it was their mandate. Yes, Henry was certainly entitled to risk himself as part of the law. Yes, she was being silly, because of course Henry has fought demons countless times before. And yet, her mind pulled back that memory, the agony she had felt when Henry was closest to death than he was to life. When he lay there, motionless, while a sobbing Charlotte tried fruitlessly to wake him up. She owed her life to Magnus Bane, because she wouldn't have wanted to live without her Henry. Even with Charles, who would have reminded her of him too painfully and as a reminder that she couldn't do anything to save him. From that horrible ordeal she had also gained 'letting go' issues, which is why she didn't want Henry to leave her at all.
But Henry was an adult. A brave one at that, and too noble to pass up the opportunity to keep the Institute's residents safe. That, and she knew he loved the adrenaline just as much as she did.
'Could I?' Turning to her, the most adorable 'please' face she had ever seen. He drew circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. She almost felt comforted.
'I'll be fine.' He added softly.
Sed lex dura lex. Charlotte found this painstakingly true. She knew it better than anybody, and knew she couldn't stop Henry from going anyway. But it still warmed her heart to know he was asking her permission.
'Of course Henry. Just come back in one piece this time.' She answered softly. He gave her a reassuring smile and squeeze of her hand before he was gone to ready himself with gear and weapons.
Resuming to play with Charles, acting like nothing had happened at all, and trying to keep the smile on her face for his benefit, Charlotte tried to think positively. Not Henry, not anyone she cared about in this Institute would be hurt. If they had survived an army of clockwork creatures, they would indefinitely be safe with a cluster of demons, something that was normal for them. She knew that the well being and safety of others had always been her weakest point, her flaw. But Charles was more important and everyone would understand that. And besides, half the Shadowhunters here were adults now.
She stood up as Henry came in, wearing his gear with his broadsword strung to the side in the loophole of his trousers. He grinned as he came in toward her, and Charlotte's heart melted. Every time, Henry in gear always seemed to take her breath away. He looked soldier-like and handsome, his bright red hair vibrantly contrasting to the blackness of his gear.
She instinctively upturned his collar the right way and looked into his eyes.
'Be careful. I don't want only half of my husband coming home to me, alright?' She said, trying for humour. He laughed. 'I won't, I'll be careful.'
'I will kill you if you come back deathly hurt Henry Branwell, I swear I will.' She said, trying to lighten her mood once again.
'You won't have to, I promise.' He laughed again, bending down to kiss Charles on his head.
She put her arms round his shoulders and leant into him, stroking the back of his hair. 'Okay.'
He kissed her sweetly, and Charlotte tried desperately to prolong it, but he withdrew too soon. He gave her another of his reassuring smiles, ruffled Charles' hair and raced out of the room to catch up with the others.
Charlotte sat back on the floor playing with Charles. She was being silly, she knew. But no one understood how nerve wracking it made her feel knowing and reminding herself everyday of what she had been through. It was just that ordeal that made her overly protective and cautious. It couldn't've been helped. Already, the silence captivated her.
She felt like the odd one out, all these couples off to fight, and she was the one having to stay at home. But of course, she had her Charles, her boy, her baby to look after. She loved him with every pound of her heart and every breath that she took and knew there would never be a more extraordinary feeling than having her child cradled in her arms.
She felt the Institute was magical in the sense that everyone in the Institute had met their partner here. She had met Henry in this Institute, Sophie had met Gideon, Cecily had met Gabriel, Tessa had met both Will and Jem. Her heart ached to think of Will and Jem, they were so close, and not just because they were parabatai, because they generally were brothers, regardless of their lineage.
Will had seemingly and slowly been able to regain his happiness with Tessa, and she felt happy for him, as everyone else had regained happiness with each other. She felt like a mother to all of them, not just Charles but everyone, like they were her own sons and daughters, and she loved them all dearly. She remembered when Will had told them of his curse; how he had pushed away anyone to show affection for him, all because he thought they would die. Her heart had ached for him when he'd told them, and knew that even when she had doubted, Will did care enough for them, had wanted to prevent them from dying, even if it was a false curse.
She remembered a tear spilling from her eyes as she had hugged him for one of the only times since she had known him.
It was getting later, the sky deepening to a richer blue and the clouds passing like a thin veil over the moon.
Charlotte decidedly did the washing up for Bridget to take her mind off things.
She put Charles to sleep, her bemusement at hearing his snores almost uncannily like Henry's.
She heard the door open while scrubbing at a pan and turned her head. Sure enough, she heard voices. She hurried out and into the hallway toward the door.
Emerging from the door was Henry, his red hair sticking out in every direction and his gear splattered in black oil, with drops of his own blood combined. He had some scratches on his face, but otherwise looked unscathed. His face was lit up with the adrenaline rush of battle, his triumphant smile and his voice enthusiastic, talking with the others. He turned his head, noticing her. His arms widened to take her into a hug and she breathed a sigh of relief.
She felt warm in his arms, like nothing else could ever harm her.
'Are you okay?'
'A few scratches, but I've stuck to my promise.'
She smiled.
'Where's Charles?'
He kissed her forehead. 'And what have you been doing?'
'You'd've thought the Institute would be spotless by now.'
She laughed. Henry could take away all her worries, her anxieties, her doubts, and make her feel like the happiest person alive.
She hadn't even noticed that everyone else had dispersed, leaving them alone in the hallway.
'How many where there?'
'A fair few. Three clusters of the Dravaks and a group of Raveners that took us by surprise. I estimate...around three or four hundred.'
She nodded, beginning to walk down the hall.
'I wish you were there. We could have gotten rid of the horde ten times faster.'
She always got a thrill from hearing his compliments, mostly thinking she didn't deserve them.
'You know I had to look after Charles.'
'You won't have to once he's grown up. Actually, once he's at that age, he'll be able to fight with us.' He smiled.
'Henry, please, I don't want to think about that yet.' He laughed, his arm extending round her shoulders and pulling her to him. She sighed, laughing herself.
'He's still a baby.'
Henry watched as Charlotte undid her plaits, a hunger in his eyes that she never thought she would see.
He lay spread out, his lean arms crossed behind his head.
She crawled into bed, her hands under the pillow and facing the other way.
She tried to ignore the fact she had a nightgown on that exposed a little more of her legs than was necessary, or that she knew Henry was staring at her. She had put it on because all her others were being washed, and it was the only one spare. She still fit into it, despite having worn it when she was seventeen, and when she was a little shorter.
A sigh of relief escaped her as she felt his warm body pressed against hers, his arms draped across her stomach with his lips to the back of her neck. She could feel his breath and the rhythm of his heart, his warm hands placed on her abdomen, his legs tangling hers, both of them on top of her own. She no longer felt cold with Henry there.
Love pressed through her like a dagger to the heart.
His hand slowly caressed her body, stopping where her nightgown ended, which was inappropriately short. Of course it was the nightgown that caught his attention. He nuzzled her neck, and gripped ever so slightly tighter. Then he bent down to kiss the vulnerable part of her neck where her temple was and she gasped, making a whimpering noise as Henry's laughter tickled her ear. He knew fully well that was her weak spot.
He grabbed her shoulder and turned it round to face him as he kissed her passionately and started to climb on top her, his hands caressed her upper torso.
He nibbled at her ear, hearing her whimper again and trailing kisses down her neck to her chest. Hands gripped on her waist, he kissed her neck repetitively, teasing her, knowing it was driving her crazy. He kissed her weak spot again and again until she couldn't whimper at all, just groan as his lips tickled her sensitive flesh.
'Henry...please stop.' She groaned.
'That was my turn to tease you.' He mumbled, giving one last peck to her neck and straddling her fully, his thighs resting next to her hips. She arched upwards to kiss him, her tongue exploring every crevice in his mouth she could, and his own doing the same to hers. She ferociously undid the buttons on his shirt and let it fall to his shoulders. He eventually shrugged it off as he grabbed her waist and returned her kiss, forceful and needy. Her arms wrapped round his neck as Henry lowered her back onto the bed, his hands clenching the bed sheets. His body moved against hers, and they're kisses grew deeper and slower, making it more passionate and heated. She revelled in hearing the sounds they both made, their gasps, whimpers and groans. Not an inch of space revelled against their two bodies, and Charlotte thrived in the body heat that was hotter than the weak sunshine in London. His hand gripped her hip, his legs still wrapped either side of them, as his other moved up her leg extra slowly, tantalising her, disappearing under the nightgown just as Charles began to cry from his cot. Henry turned to the crib, his hand still under her gown as Charlotte closed her eyes and cursed quietly to herself. Charles always wanted attention, even when they were in the throes of passion in the middle of the night. Typical.
She sat up, feeling the weight and warmth of Henry's body lift from her own and hating the sudden coldness, the sudden exposure, her thigh still tingling with the ghost of his touch. Sighing, she got up from the bed, picked Charles up and rocked him against her, trying to soothe him back to sleep. She avoided looking at Henry, who was perched at the edge of the bed and focused on her son. As much as she tried to comfort him, he wouldn't give up his crying. She took him over to the bed, still cradling him in her arms and sat down. Charlotte looked into his big, forgiving eyes and saw her own look back at her. She watched him as he sucked on her breast and drifted back to sleep. With a sigh of relief she put him back carefully, bringing the coverlet tight around his neck and crawling into bed, still avoiding Henry.
Her head resting back on her pillow, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but was instantly awoken when Henry resumed the position he was in and nestled in closer to her. This time she could feel the temptation, desire, lust that thrived through his body, and no doubt the sinful thoughts that were entering his mind too. As if to prove his state of mind, he slid his hand back up her nightgown. Charlotte held in a breath. She knew Henry had his eyes closed and was breathing loud and deep on purpose, adding to the tension.
This side of Henry always made her feel uneasy. But he fell straight back to sleep and Charlotte wondered if he had even meant to.
She closed her eyes and hoped Charles wouldn't wake her.