Dear Jack,

I've wanted to write you for a while now. My name is Belle. I'm not a believer. Yes, you read that right. I'm writing to someone I don't even believe in. But it's more complicated than that. It's rather hard to explain, suffice it to say I believe you exist but I believe I don't see you, therefore I believe I don't believe in you. It's all quite confusing.

But, my belief or lack of said belief isn't the point of this letter. The topics that will be covered are:

Movies you and the others should watch

Pitch's backstory (or part of it)

Christmas presents



And that sounds like I'm a professor, with a lesson plan and everything, but I just wanted to say what I'll cover. So first, movies.

The first movie you should watch with Tooth, North, Bunny, Sandy, and Pitch. Now, I know what you'll say. What? Pitch?! No way I'm watching a movie with HIM. He's evil! He tried to take over the world!... et cetera, et cetera. But, what I need to say to you is Shut your icy, judgemental mouth before I get out my duct tape. I'll get back to movies later, right now I need to educate you on the history of NightMares and Pitch.

You know him as Pitch Black. I know him as my second-favourite character. The people of the Golden Ages, however, knew him as Kozmotis Pitchiner, the bravest general of their time. Weird name, I know. Just go with it.

So, a little before the Golden Ages, NightMares, Nightmare Men, Fearlings, and Dream Pirates roamed free. The first three were pretty similar in powers but the last one- *shudder* - those were horrible. They stole childrens' good dreams and either sold them on the black market or used them as power for themselves, can't remember which. Anyways, they were all seriously bad folks. People were in a constant state of war with them, until Kozmotis Pitchiner came along.

He was, quite literally, the bravest general they had. He was the one responsible for the Fearlings and NightMares to be captured and locked away. But then, a troop of Dream Pirates stole into his home while he was away and killed his wife and daughter. Supposedly. See, Emily Jane heard them coming and managed to get out a window before they killed her mother. Pitchiner, on his return home, found his mansion ravaged, his wife dead, and his daughter nowhere to be found. Thinking her dead as well, he volunteered to guard the Fearlings he'd recently captured.

For years, he stood on the barren prison planet, making sure they wouldn't escape. His only comfort was a silver locket of his, inside which was a picture of Emily Jane. But then they discovered this, his only weakness. What else was there for him to care for? One day they began whimpering, pretending to be his precious daughter. They begged him to set "her" free, that "she" was scared of the shadows. Pitchiner tried to resist, and did for a while, but a father is a father, and he was no exception. Finally giving in to the beseeching voices, he flung open the door and a thousand Fearlings poured out, getting inside of his mind and twisting him to suit their own evil will. And that, my dear new Guardian, is how Pitch Black came to be. Now, back to movies.

The one I wanted you to watch was Nightmare before Christmas. On a separate page I've enclosed my notes on it, which I want you to read aloud as the scene comes on. I think you'll rather like it, especially with Halloween coming up. In fact, watch it on Samhain. Sorry, I meant Oct. 31st, I've been reading lots of Harry Potter and Samhain is the wizarding holiday. On Christmas, ask Jamie or whatever believer you have to look up a movie with the initials RotG. DO NOT LOOK. I am serious, you are not allowed to hear the full name, see the cover, or know anything about it other than its initials until you actually watch it. You aren't even allowed to see the menu, keep your eyes closed until it actually starts with the words Darkness. That's the first thing I remember. Then, and only then, may you open your eyes. Not before then. I promise, it'll be much better if you're surprised.

That movie is your Christmas present, here are things you should get the other Guardians from me.

North- Nicholas St. North and the Battle of the Nightmare King

Bunny- E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earth's Core

Tooth- Toothiana, Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies

Sandy- The Sandman and the War of Dreams

Your gift, as I said, is the movie, and also the fifth book in that series that comes out next year.

Now for strategy. Much as I'd like to get a reply, DO NOT SEND ME A REPLY LETTER. If you do, I will be a firm Believer and my plan will be ruined. Last time something huge and horrid happened, Pitch tried to destroy all Believers. If anyone tries something like that again, then you can write back, or give California some frost/snow, or something like that. But not before. Remember how Jamie was the last light and he kept you all alive? That would be me, but you'd have to get me a Believer status at the last second because- *shrug* - I'm a teen. So, stubborn as I am, I probably wouldn't be able to believe for long- 24 hours or so. :( I wish I could see you now, but then I'd be all used up. So, no replying. Got it? Good. This way, you'll have a secret weapon that gets activated just before Armageddon.

That's all, I think. I'll write again! See you if there's trouble, write you if there's none. Enjoy the movies!

Your non-believer who will make a great secret weapon when the time comes,

Belle :)

PS: Snowflakes for you, just 'cause I felt like it! *.'*.'*.'*.'* Enjoy! Bye for real now. :)

A/N: Review, all you little snowflakes! :) Belle=me. Mei is on vacation. Keep an eye out for the next chapter! I'll have the notes AND the letter to Pitch. Double-length chappie for you all! Now, tell me how much you'll appreciate that in a review. Please? *Sirius eyes* *read the books to understand* I'll give you a lemon-flavoured ice lolly! A Chocolate Frog if you get the reference as well! :)