Okay! So I went to go find prompts to write and I found this one.
A and B are in class. A, who had left their pencil case at home, asks B for a pen, and they oblige. When A tries to give B the pen back, they say, "write me a letter with it first," and so they do. 15 minutes later, they are kissing hard against a locker. Let's see how I can make this work.
Athena was searching through her bag, looking for her pencil case.
"Oh no!"
"What's wrong?" Apollo asks, worried.
"I left my pencil case on my desk at home doing that SA last night." Athena says, tone of regret in her voice. She started to wonder what to do when a pen appeared in her face.
"Use one of mine." he says barely glancing at her.
"Thank you so much, Apollo!" She practically yells, causing the students in study hall to shush her. "Sorry!" She apologizes. She started to work when she felt a tap on her arm from the other side of her. It was her best friend Juniper, or Junie as Athena called her. A note was quickly passed into Athena's hand and Juniper turned back around.
'Using the ol' left my pencil case at home trick I see ;) You guys will be a couple in no time!'
Athena rolled her eyes. Even when Junie is crushing on Apollo she always teases Athena and him about liking each other.
'It's not a trick! I honestly left my pencil case at home :(! And besides don't you have a crush on him? I couldn't do that to you!'
She quickly sneaks her hand under the desk and rests the note on Juniper's lap. She seen the girl give a smirk while reading the note. Athena then feels the little paper on her lap again.
'I used to have a crush on him, that was before I seen you two together, besides I think Clay Terran has been trying to get my attention for a while now. And if you wanted something to write with why didn't you ask your best friend over here huh?'
Athena just glared at Juniper, while doing so she seen Clay sneaking a glance and Juniper, only looking down when he seen that Athena caught him.
Well yo'u go get em' tiger! And fine if it bothers you that much, I'll give his own back and borrow yours.' The process of note passing begins again with a red Juniper replying with
'Oh stop! Isn't that your pet name that Apollo gives to you? And fine, lets see if you can give up your precious boyfriend's pen.'
This time it was Athena's turn to blush. They continued the note passing until the bell rang.
"Finally!" Athena shouted in relief, not caring that other students are shushing her again.
Athena was grabbing her things for next period period when she seen Apollo.
"So your giving him the pen back right?" Junie asked, smugly. Athena was almost scared she never seen Juniper act like this.
"Fine! I'll give him his pen back! Just go back to normal Juniper." Athena said as she walked over to Apollo.
"Thanks for letting me use your own but Junie said she would lend me one." Athena says holding out the pen to him with a smile on her face.
"Sorry, but I can't accept that pen back yet." he says a bit to mischievous for her liking.
"What do you mean? It's your pen." She dead pans.
"I mean, before you give the pen back I want you to write a letter to me with it." He tells her, with that adorable smirk of his. Adorable? Has she always thought his smirks and smiles were adorable?!
"Umm..yah okay! I'll have that letter to you by next period!" She blushes. The bell for their next class rings and she quickly hurries off hooking Juniper by the arm on the way to class.
"Can't let go of his pen I see?" She taunts.
"No, I tried but he wouldn't let me unless I wrote him a letter with it!" Confusion in her tone.
"And since when have you done what he's told you?" Juniper questions with her eyebrows raised.
"S-Since never! I don't know if it's his tone, his eyes or that beautiful smirk he gave me after he told m-ahhh!" She screams. "Junie help! I think our right I think I like him!"
"Not just like, I think you loooove him." She coos.
"Don't be silly Junie! Even I did love him..I don't think he feel the same to that degree." Athena pushes her fingers together.
"Don't do that, you look like Mr. Fulbright when he's scolded by another teacher." Juniper says and they both bust into giggles.
"I guess I'll just write him a thank you letter." She says casually.
"Umm..Thena I'll catch up with you! I have to go do something real quick!" And juniper quickly sped off.
Like Juniper said, she was back pretty quick and so began last period. Juniper could see Athena writing the letter and when she was done, she stuck it into the back pocket of her bag. Juniper quickly took out a piece of paper and wrote her own letter to Apollo and signed it as Athena Cykes. Of course being her best friend all these years, she would pick up on how she writes. She carefully and quietly slipped Athena's letter with her own.
Mother bell rang and Athena quickly picked up her bag. "Well, I'm going to go give my letter to Apollo! See you tonight for movies?"
"Of course!" Yes! Of course...she knew her friend would call to reschedule their movie time because of something more important.
"Apollo! I have your letter." Athena bounded down the halls.
"Alright let's have a look." Apollo said a little to excited. Athena could see his smile get wider, and she couldn't believe he would get this happy over a letter. All of a sudden she was pushed against the locker..hard, with Apollo's lips on hers. Athena didn't know what to do, but she couldn't let this opportunity go to waste so she grabbed him by his collar and brought him closer. When they parted they were gasping for air.
"Wow..Did you like my letter that much?" She asks, still out of breathe.
"Read it for yourself." Apollo chuckles.
As Athena looks through the letter, she realizes this isn't the one she wrote. She looks down at the bottom of the page to see a side note that says
Have fun on your date -Juniper Woods
She should've known her best friend would've done this. Athena had to call her and tell her 'thank you' big time and cancel their movie plans for tonight, which Juniper is expecting.
"So how about I take you out to your favorite noodle shop." Apollo asks.
"Alright, it's a date!" Athena cheers. Thy lean in for one last quick kiss and go home to get ready for a night that has been long overdue.
Wow! So cheesy! Anyways I have a question for us guys! Would you rather me
A, make another Firsts chapter with the type of 'first' selected by you (one prompt per person. First five prompts to be submitted will be selected.)
B. I'll do another prompt request from someone!
So send it what you want guys! And yes since this is an AU story Clay is alive. This was probably a bad idea to write the the night before my ACT testing lol! But I hope you guys enjoyed this!