"Are you completely, one hundred percent certain of this?"

"Matt I am positively, absolutely one hundred and ten percent certain of this. What's the worst that could happen?"

"We could crash and die a fiery and painful death." Matt deadpanned, his fingers drumming along the steering wheel with nervous jitters.

Foggy sighed heavily, rolling his eyes for the umpteenth time that day. It had been hard enough task just convincing Matt to get behind the driver's seat of one of his uncle's unused trucks, let alone putting the thing in drive. "Matthew, there is nothing but straight road and corn fields out here. So you see, no danger whatsoever."

"But what if I run us off the road?"

Foggy sighed in frustration, closing his eyes and running a hand over his forehead. "You won't." He assured.

Matt's head cocked to the right, the expression on his face clearly reading 'you can't know that for sure.'

"Okay scoot." Foggy said, shoving Matt to the side and cramming himself behind the wheel. He started the car, put it in drive, and then slowly inched forward. "Feel this? This is what road feels like." Foggy gently maneuvered the truck off the gravel and onto the surrounding grass. "And this, this is what not-road feels like."

Matt's eyebrows furrowed in concentration, easily memorizing the differences between road and not-road.

Foggy tapped the break and placed the truck back in park, scooting over to the passenger seat. "Got it?"

Matt still looked uncertain, his forehead crinkling the way it always did when he was nervous, but he nodded confidently. "Got it."

"Okay," Foggy began excitedly, "So there's two pedals under there. The one farthest left," Matt's foot automatically moved to find it, "yeah, that's the break. The one right next to it is the gas. Give it love tap."

Matt shifted his foot to the right, gently putting a small amount of pressure on the pedal. The truck revved and his eyes widened with an excited gasp.

"Ready?" Foggy questioned, a grin forming on his face.

"No." Matt responded truthfully, making Foggy's grin widen.

Foggy reached over and switched the truck into drive, waiting a moment, reveling in the calm before the storm, then, "Floor it!"

So Matt did.

The truck's tires spun, spitting gravel, before the vehicle lurched forward and shot down the abandoned road.

Matt and Foggy both released a loud, exhilarated shout, wind tearing through the open windows and messing up their hair.

Suddenly Matt slammed his feet over the break, the truck fishtailed over the gravel before it came to a screeching halt, both boys lurching forward in their seats.

The truck was silent save only their panting breath.

Foggy glanced at Matt, "That, was awesome!"

"Yeah." Matt nodded in agreement. When he turned towards Foggy his eyes were wide, his face a shade paler than usual. "Let's never do it again."

Foggy chuckled softly, but relented. Matt had experienced driving once, and if once was enough for him than once was enough for Foggy as well.

A/N: So I must give credit where credit is due. This idea belongs solely to my sister and I'm super happy she gave it to me cause I had a blast writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!