"I am no medicine cat; I cannot read the stars like Yellowfang or Cinderpelt, but I have always been willing to trust our warrior ancestors, wherever they might lead our Clan."
—Whitestorm to Fireheart, Rising Storm page 163
It was just another regular day
Well, alright, not a totally normal day, but, by my standards, it was.
It was a hot summer, that much I remember, and I had just gotten back from school, my ginger hair in a messy ponytail, my fair colored face feeling as if it was drenched with sweat, my simple black and white t-shirt slightly loose, though not loose enough to expose anything, and my black basketball shorts not hugging my legs, thankfully, though my brown backpack didn't help with my exhaustion
I had just finished with my last period, which happened to be gym, and to say the least, I am not a exercising person.
The Tucson heat didn't help either, living in the desert did have its downsides, what, with snakes, scorpions, and other weird creatures, it was hard not to wish to live at some other place, though I suppose my roots really did rest here.
I was walking back from school, glancing around to make sure no crazy dogs would come running after me, or that any creepy people were nearby, and the oh so lucky me was relieved when I discovered no one following me, and no dog trying to bite me.
The rest of my small walk was filled with silence, the crunch of the sand-dirt being the only thing to fill the air, that and my heavy breathing.
I really hate gym.
Relieved when I spotted my house, I rushed to the door, taking the keys out of my basketball pockets-is it just me or can you fit anything in basket ball short pockets?-before I unlocked my house, opening the big spruce door, and kicking off my flip-flops-believe me, the sand that gets stuck in tennis shoes!-before I went through the hallways of our small house, flinging my bedroom door open, and dropping my backpack.
My room was rather simple, plain white walls, a twin bed along my right wall with a star patterned comforter and a white pillow, a dresser on the left wall, and a window in the middle, with a chest in the middle containing my toys.
As you may or may not have guessed, we are kinda poor, but hey, its comfortable, so I have no complaints.
Dropping my brown backpack on the brown carpet floor, I collapsed on my bed, wanting to grab my pillow and cuddle it until I pass out, and to be awoken by my mom when dinner was ready.
Ah, but then I remembered.
Springing from my bed, I went to my dresser, where a set of books were lined on the top.
To be specific.
Warrior Cat books.
I remember I was around the age of...six, and I was born in 2002, so quite a few of them were out, and they were gaining more fame, and I heard it around the school I went to, so, I got it for myself- well, my parents did.
I had read them all, and begged for more, and now, I just got the newest special addition! Bramblestar's Storm.
I just started it last night, and I was already intrigued and enjoying it, and i just finished the prologue last night.
Excited to read more, I hoped onto my bed, expertly removing the warrior cat bookmark that I had bought awhile ago, and picked up where I left off.
""Bramblestar stood near the entrance to the hollow and breathed deeply. The sky was milky-pale with dawn, and mist drifted between the trees, but the air was full of the scents of fresh, growing things, announcing new life. Each twig was tipped with green, and tight fonds of ferns were starting to uncoil in the midst of the dead bracken-""
I had to stop.
Why was everything hurting?
I felt sick to my stomach, and it seemed like everything was shifting, colors were bursting and winding around me, what sounded like screeches and howling twisted and morphed, and I whimpered as I tried to cover my ears, my book dropping sounded like an explosion, and I yelped in pain, my ears practically falling off!
My body felt like it was twisted, broken, and then repaired in a matter of seconds, and before I knew it...
Everything went black.