Percy Pov
I had always admired her, even before I became an Olympian. Yes, the great and mighty hero of Olympus is a god, big whoop! But what about Annabeth, some of you are wondering. That spawn of wisdom is dead to me. Why you ask? Well after she led me on for 2 years and then broke my heart when she accepted godhood, I declined it and I explored the world for about 3 years and saved many demigods and slaughtered many monsters. So soon the gods noticed my feats and asked once again, if I would accept godhood. This time, I had nothing to lose, I had gotten over Annabitch and happily accepted their generous offer. When I was in the throne room the fates appeared and ordered the Olympians to make me the thirteenth Olympian and return Hestia's throne. I was made the god of Time, Tides,So I'm Tidal Lord, Loyalty, Heroes and Bachelors much to everyone's surprise. That is how I got to where I am today, of course Annabitch tried to take me back, but this time I was the one to break her heart.
Currently, I am sitting at a long table, watching my fellow Olympians make fools of themselves with minor gods, by drinking and popping Christmas crackers. They were acting like children, but hey, they were having fun. It was Christmas Eve, and I know that Christmas is a Christian thing, but us Gods celebrate what the mortals deemed fun. And Christmas was fun, we had secret Santa this year, I gave them the Idea, it was nearing the end of my first year as a god. In the middle of the throne room, where Zeus's throne was supposed to be, was a giant tree, and under it, many presents. All the thrones had disappeared and were replaced by something festive, there were couches and fireplaces, it was the perfect Christmas setting.
I sat in my seat staring at the gorgeous lady of the hunt sitting across from me, Artemis. As I said earlier, I have always admired her, she is one of the very few respectable gods, and actually has morals. I remember when I first met her; I made a fool of myself in front of her. Thinking back on it, I blush from embarrassment, I never talk to Artemis often unless we are discussing matters in the throne room because...let's face the facts I just never had the guts. She was just such a beautiful woman, I always got tongue tied, and she would always laugh at me, apparently I am the first male god to make her laugh out loud in a council meeting. I have always wanted to talk to her and have wondered what she thought of me. Hestia told me, that Artemis told her, that she thinks I am amusing, and make her laugh. I don't know whether to feel praised or insulted with that comment, but Hestia teases me a lot, saying how I like Artemis and won't admit it, this might be true, but she would never love me back, no man is good enough for her. I will admit that I feel drawn to her, like she is pushing and pulling me towards her unintentionally. I can't help but feel calm and serene when I'm near her, like we are meant to be together, but she is a maiden goddess, my feelings for her will never be returned, no matter how much I want them to be.
Artemis was sitting in her seat quietly and in her 20 year old form, I think she looks absolutely stunning! Her hair was in a side bun with few strands of hairs loose to frame her gorgeous face and a silver moon crescent through it. She had a pale complexion that went perfectly with her silky Auburn hair, and the fact that unlike the other goddesses, she was wearing hardly any make-up, she was more beautiful than the other woman in this room. She had only a little bit of red blush and had mascara and silver eye make up with silver glitter by her eyes, it all fitted perfectly with her long dress, that dragged along the floor, with a long slit going all the way to her hip, revealing her miles of pale long smooth athletic legs.
Artemis had a look of boredom on her pretty face. All the other gods were talking and laughing, or dancing and drinking, while Artemis just sat in her chair looking bored out of her mind sipping a wine glass. I felt a sense of sorrow, I am just sitting here and doing nothing to put a smile on her face.
"Go talk to her Perseus" Hestia said gently
I shook my head, "I can't, I'll make a fool of myself. Besides, she is Artemis, THE maiden goddess, for what reason I don't know. I don't understand, how can someone as beautiful as her be a maiden goddess?" I asked Aunt Hestia, who was giggling with, "Aphrodite?"
"Yes Perseus? Don't mind us, we are jut laughing at how love sick you are, you should just talk to her" The love goddess told me giggling.
"I am not lovesick! And what am I supposed to say?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe ask her to dance, talk about random things, or your and hers adventures" Aphrodite said in a duh voice, Hestia laughed.
"Why hasn't anybody asked her to dance? Surely someone with her looks should have suitors lining up to ask her"
"They are too scared. Many want to, but are afraid to be turned into a jackalope, you see, she has gained a reputation, but I believe she is actually being cautious" Hestia put, and Aphrodite agreed.
"I see, because of Orion and those...incidents, she had her heart broken a couple of times didn't she?" I asked
The two goddesses seemed surprised at my answer, "You are smarter than you look Percy" Aphrodite said, I blushed.
"But nonetheless, talk to her, I'm sure she would enjoy your company" Hestia told me with a smile and walked away with Aphrodite.
I looked at her, she was staring at the dance floor longingly, does she like to dance? I asked myself.
I made up my mind, I was going to talk to her, of course I gulped down a shot of vodka first though. I stood up and walked over to Artemis, I sat down next to her, and she seemed genuinely surprised.
"Perseus, what can I do for you?" Her eyes full of curiosity
"Nothing, I am just here to talk, you look bored, why is that?"
She sighed, "I am. Every year, I am the only person, besides Hestia that doesn't get...what's the word...hammered! I don't even know why father makes me come, I get so bored. Every single male, just doesn't have the guts to talk to me, instead they talk to a goddess who they know will, once again what's the phrase your generation says today...put out"
"Hmm, I personally think that these gods are stupid" Artemis quirked her eyebrow as if to say how come? "They are missing out on a perfectly good chance to woo the enchanting moon goddess, they are too lazy and don't like you enough to work for your attention."
Artemis smiled lightly, "You are wiser than people make you out to be Percy"
I beamed, she looked at the dance floor again, "You like to dance don't you?" I cocked my head to the side.
Artemis faced me and put her chin on her hand" Hmm?"
"I said you like to dance don't you?"
Artemis's enchanting silver pools had a twinkle in them, "How did you know? No god has asked me to dance"
"You always look at the dance floor longingly. So I ask" I bowed and held out my hand, "May you do me the honour of allowing me this dance?"
"Are you not scared?"
"Of what?" I asked looking up at her, still bowing.
"Of me, you know...Artemis the big scary man hater"
"Actually, no. I think people are wrong about you."Artemis looked at me curiously, "I think you aren't a man hater, I think you are just being cautious, and people gave you the reputation of man hater. So I ask again...may I have this dance?" I gave her a toothy grin, people who overheard me this time looked at me feeling sorry for me. First year as a god, and I was going to die people thought.
Artemis cocked her head to the side slightly and smiled, her eyes shining with...I don't know, but it made me smile, she looked cute.
"You are the first man to ask me in years, of course I will" She took my hand, I led her to the dance floor. Everyone was staring at us mouths agape, or just watching curiously, as Artemis never danced with a god. Many gods were looking at me jealously; I gave them a 'You were to scared to ask her' look.
I swirled Artemis around, she smiled at me when I pulled her close. I could feel her body pressed against mine, her head reached my chin, I put my hand on her hip, and held her hand, she had her right hand on my shoulder while the other held mine. I put my chin on her head taking a chance, she didn't seem to mind, and put her head on my chest.
"You're a good dancer" I told her
"Thank you, so are you." We swayed to the music contently, basking in the others embrace.
The song ended, Artemis leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Thank you for the dance Perseus. More importantly, thank you for gathering up the guts to even talk to me, I appreciate it" her breaths against my ear made me shiver.
"You're welcome" I whispered back
I noticed that everyone was staring so I took her hand led her to the couch, "Everyone was staring"
"I know, they are all, well...surprised"
I nodded. After that we just started talking about random stuff like Aphrodite said. She told me how her adventures REALLY happened, and I told her about my travels. We were both laughing and giggling, we didn't notice people stop what they were doing and stare.
" eventually Zoe literally threw a rock at its eye?" I laughed
"Yup, and it actually worked!" Artemis said and laughed harder.
"Something similar happened to me when I first left. I encountered-"
"But what I have always wondered Perseus is why you left in the first place?"
I sighed, and told her the sad story. Artemis put her hand on mine, "I'm so sorry. She is an embarrassment to our gender, acting like a male. If I'd had known, I would have taught her a lesson, she did not deserve you."
I chuckled and blushed at our hands, "It's fine, she tried to take me back when I became an Olympian, I rejected her "breaking" her heart. She only wanted me back because I was back on top."
"She's a bitch!"
I laughed, "Her nick name is Annabitch with my friends and I"
Artemis giggled but suddenly said, "Well don't look now, but someone is jealous" Artemis glanced to the crowd, she was right. Annabitch was glaring at our hands, and
I growled, "Can't she just except that I talk to other woman?"
Artemis got a mischievous glint in her eye, "Well why don't we teach her a lesson?"
"You mean like make her so jealous she leaves me alone?" I asked
"Yes" Artemis grinned evilly, I smirked mischievously and nodded.
"I think she's coming over, so we should do something"
"Okay, put your arm around me" Artemis whispered quietly, I blushed but obliged. She leaned on my chest and giggled, "Oh Perseus you're just so funny!" She then sat on my lap and put her arms around my neck and looked at me "laughing".
"Well you are just such a good listener! My ex never listened! You know how much sexier you are than her?" I said the last part a bit louder so Annabitch would hear.
"I don't know tell me"
"No words could describe how sexy you are!"
"Good, but if she tries to do anything tonight she will endure my Olympian wrath!" Artemis faked anger.
I took a quick glimpse, Annabitch stopped walking here and pretended she was just going to get punch that was next to us, and walked away blushing, at our "PDA" and comments.
Artemis and I burst into guffaws, "Oh Gods" I wiped a tear off my face, "That was hilarious, did you see her face? How did you learn to do that?" I asked
Artemis gave me a dazzling smile, "I just know. Didn't that sitting on your lap thing just sell it?"
"Fuck yeah!" I blushed, "Sorry, I shouldn't swear in front of a lady. Yes it did" Artemis laughed at me, it sounded like bells.
"It's fine, you're not the first"
"But the sexy comment sent her off the edge, admit it" I poked her, she giggled.
"Your right, well done"
POP! A champagne bottle was opened, and Christmas crackers were pulled. I smiled and took Artemis's hand, "Come on"
"What are we doing?"
"Getting champagne" I stated simply
"Trying to get me drunk Perseus?"
I blushed, "No Artemis, not like that, I swear it's just –"
"I'm kidding Perseus! I can joke to you know"
"I know that!" We were now standing by the drinks table.
Artemis picked up a champagne bottle that said Lust and conjured a knife.
"You going to kill me?" I asked jokingly
"What no! I thought we established-"
"I'm kidding Artemis! I can joke to you know" I teased her, Artemis rolled her eyes playfully.
"Whatever, I bet you 100 drachmas I can open this with a knife"
"What? There is no way, you can do that!"
"Deal then? 100 drachmas" She held out her hand, I looked at it warily, but complied.
"Okay, but don't hurt yourself. It looks like I'll be 100 drachmas richer after tonight"
"You sure about that? Watch this" She brought the knife to the bottle and analysed it for a couple of seconds. She took a step back and sliced upwards, the cork went flying with a loud POP!
"Holy-How did you do that? That was amazing!"
"Practise. Now pay up" Shit! I thought
"Oh come one" I conjured up a bag of 100 drachmas and handed it to her.
She grinned, "Now get glasses"
I picked up two glasses and held them up, she poured Champagne in them so that the foam was overflowing and splattered on the floor.
"What shall we toast to?" I asked
"I don't know"
"How a Merry Christmas!"
"That's so cliché" Artemis giggled
"Okay fine, to an AMAZING night!"
"Now that's more like it!" We knocked our glasses together with a CLANG!
I gulped my alcohol down quickly, Artemis did the same.
"Hey who' your secret Santa?" I asked
"I can't tell you"
"Uhh...Because it's SECRET Santa" Artemis sounded like she was talking to a child
"Yeah, but you can tell me. Pwwwweeeaaaaassse" I pouted
"Fine...its Apollo"
"Oh, I got you"
"Oh" She raised her eyebrow, "What did you get me?"
"That you can find out later. "
She groaned, "But I want to know"
"Nope" I pulled my tongue at her.
"I bet everyone got cheap gifts"
"Maybe" I laughed
"Did you get someone else a present, you know just because?"
"I got Hestia, Aphrodite, Apollo and Athena a small gift. We are friends"
"I got Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hestia and Aphrodite gifts"
"Hey do you wanna pull a Christmas cracker?"
"Yeah let me get one" I got two crackers and let her hold each side.
"One for each of us. Okay, 1, 2, 3!"
I picked up the paper crowns and put one on my head, "Here milady" I put the crown on her head, she giggled.
"What cheap toy did you get?" She asked
"I got a miniature stack of cards, you?"
"A tiny chess/checkers set"
"Everyone is going to throw them away won't they?" I said
"Most likely" Artemis smiled amused.
"Everyone gather around!" Zeus announced, "It is time for gifts!"
"Let's go Arty"
"Don't call me that"
"Fine...moon beam" She glared at me playfully.
"Whatever, I'm going to give everyone their gifts"
I nodded and went under the tree to find my presents.
"Here you are Aunt Hestia" I handed her a gift
"You didn't have to Percy, thank you" She handed me one as well, I made it appear in my palace, "I see you and Artemis were having fun"
I blushed, "Yes we were, now if you'll excuse me"
I walked off, and gave everyone else their gifts and received some myself. I gave everyone their present, all except one person...Artemis. Everyone was exchanging gifts happily, I scanned the crowd for the moon goddess. I saw her giving a gift to Apollo.
"Sunscreen sis, really?" People sniggered, Artemis laughed.
"I'm kidding Apollo that was your secret Santa, here's your real gift" She threw him a box with golden wrapping paper.
"Hey Percy!" She smiled at me with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Don't think I forgot about you" I handed her a small box, she blushed and took it gently.
"I hope you like it" I was too busy watching her that I didn't notice Hestia, Aphrodite and Apollo watching us excitedly.
Artemis opened the box and her eyes widened, "Percy...this is beautiful! You didn't have to do this" She gasped looking in the box.
"Well what did he give you?" Someone shouted, were people watching us?
Artemis picked it up, people gasped.
"That's beautiful!"
"I wish he was my secret Santa!" Someone exclaimed
I got Hephaestus to make it specially. It was a silver pendant of a bow and arrow, which was in crested with pure white diamonds for the outline and sea-green jewels for the inside, and the pendant was on a silver chain.
"Do you like it?" I asked
"Who wouldn't? This is one of the prettiest necklaces I have ever seen. This is too much for a secret Santa Percy!" She exclaimed
"Oh that's Nonsense! May I?" I gestured to the necklace.
She nodded blushing and I gently took the necklace and walked behind her. I unlocked it and put it around her neck slowly, I locked it and Artemis turned around.
"Thank you Percy, it's beautiful. But I feel bad because I didn't get you anything"
"It's fine it-"
"But I can give you this" She leaned in gave me a peck on the cheek. There was wolf whistles. Her lips were so soft. I blushed furiously and touched my cheek.
"Tha-Thank yo-you" I stuttered.
"It is now officially Christmas day! Well it was 3 hours ago" Zeus announced embarrassed for not checking the time
"I must go then. I must put all the hunters presents under the tree before they wake"
"Oh okay, may I walk you out?" I felt saddened that Artemis was leaving, but I think it's nice that she celebrates Christmas with her hunters.
"You may" She started walking to the giant doors of the throne room.
She turned to me with a dazzling smile, "I had fun at this event for once, thank you Percy"
"You're welcome, I also had a lot of fun, and it was all thanks to you and your knowledge on how to get your ex to leave you alone" I grinned
She giggled, "Yes, and just so you know, any time you need to rid yourself of her, give me a call" She threw me a drachma from the bag she won from me. I rolled my eyes playfully, "gee thanks"
Someone then suddenly wolf whistled, I glared at them, many people were staring at us trying to look like they were doing something else, do they think we're idiots! I thought.
I saw Aphrodite squealing and jumping up and down holding onto Hestia's arm, while Hestia who was next to her, just stood there with a small amused smile. I didn't know what they were so interested in until I saw Aphrodite glancing at something above Artemis and I. I looked up, I blushed a new shade of red.
Artemis saw this and asked me, "What's wrong?"
I glanced at the leaves above us, Artemis looked up, "Oh...Mistletoe" She stated as if it was nothing.
"Kiss her!" A minor god yelled
"Yeah! It's tradition!" Another screamed
Artemis smirked rather slyly, "Perseus, will you please enlighten me on the "tradition" they are talking about"
"It's Uhh...tradition when two people are standing under it to Uhh...kiss!" I stuttered
"And you are under it with a maiden goddess...what do you do?" I think she knew what the tradition was.
"Umm...I don't know" I replied rubbing my neck sheepishly.
"You say mortals do this?"
I nodded, "Usually"
"Well if it's tradition" Artemis said coquettishly (An: it means seductively)
"Huh?" I was red; Artemis smirked flirtatiously and put her finger under my chin.
I realised what was happening and I froze like an idiot. Artemis giggled and carried on. Our lips touched, her lips were so soft and taste like cotton candy, they were delicious. It soon got a little bit more intense. You see at first it was a gentle kiss, but I got so into it and licked her lips asking for entrance, forgetting that this was her first time, so you can imagine how surprised I was when she opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought like wolves. Damn this girl is a good kisser! She was so good I moaned and I could feel her smile victoriously as I did this. Her hands then moved from my chin to being wrapped around my neck, and I slowly moved my hands to her waist. I could hear ALOT of wolf whistles and whoops from our audience.
I broke the kiss due to lack of breath. I was panting and tried to catch my breath, Artemis seemed unaffected.
"That was...amazing!" I gasped
"I'm glad, you're a good kisser Percy" I blushed at her comment.
"I think that honour belongs to you" She smiled, "But why? Why did you kiss me I mean?"
Artemis smirked slyly, "It would be a pity for us to go against the tradition that has been alive for generations wouldn't it Percy?"
I blushed, and grinned sheepishly, "I guess it would Moon beam"
I leaned in for another, she put her finger on my lips pushing me back, "Nu uh ah Perseus. Tradition states you only have to do it once, don't try for another you big fat chancer" She wagged her finger in front of my face. The gods sniggered and comments were thrown around.
"Someone call the medics because you just got burned!" Apollo yelled.
"You are the medic Apollo!" Hestia yelled, Apollo blushed as everyone laughed.
"Oh yeah...but still. That's my sister!" He gave Arty a thumbs up.
"So you do know the tradition!" I exclaimed
Artemis smiled innocently, "Who doesn't?"
"But then-"I was going to ask her more questions before she cut me off,
"I must leave now Percy, it was a pleasure. I had a great time" She leaned in and brushed her lips against my ear, I shivered, "By the way, I really think we should do it again sometime" She purred sultrily, I was about to respond but she smashed her lips onto mine and slipped her tongue into my mouth. I moaned once again, kissing her felt like complete and utter bliss. She pulled away after a couple of seconds, and smiled seductively, "By now Perseus" She flashed out.
I stood there stunned, "What just happened?" I thought out loud.
(An: Just a random thought, I think this is what Artemis's alter ego might be, so yeah. Tell me if you want a second chapter, I already finished it, but I think if it carries on, it will be 3 chapters max. Pls review!)