A/N: Anywho, yeah, I put the warning above on all my stories if you're an older reader of this story. I felt it was needed~

BUT, real quick, I'm gonna let you know about one of the edits I've made to my OC in this story. The only one you need to know about in regards to what I have of her already revealed in my story is her is no longer Exnira Claude; I've changed it to fit more with the lore (I guess?) she's based off of. (Ya know, like how all the RWBY characters are based off like Snow White, Cinderella, etc.? Yeah, that.)

Other than that, I don't believe there's any other major changes that would like confuse you, they're prolly just gonna be really subtle changes more than anything.

On an airship to the famed Beacon Academy stood many students that will soon be attending there.


We're not focusing on them.

We're focusing on me.

I stood about my fellow soon-to-be students, watching with my green eyes. I guess you could say my appearance is a little more eccentric then some of the other teens around me. What with my black hair, which I tie off the end with a green hairband, with dyed bright teal ends and bangs, which happen to go straight across my forehead. My eyebrows can't normally be seen unless I'm in an exceptionally foul mood. Thankfully that doesn't happen often.

Oh, right, I got off track. Sorry.

My outfit is pr-etty stylish, If I do say so myself. It's got that Steampunk feel to it, with earthy tones of green, white and black and brown leather. Unfortunately, words could never describe the sheer beauty that is my style of dress.

Yes, I teased you with my outfit. You're welcome.

So, back to the airship, I just looked around to the other teens inhabiting it with me. I looked from a really queasy looking blonde to another blonde seemingly strangling a shorter black-haired girl decked out in red. I continued to look about, patting the blocky dormant form of my crossbow-halberd WhispBlade.

"Hi!" an overly-cheery voice exclaimed near my right shoulder. I gave a jump and looked to the ginger who was brightly grinning at me.

"Uh, hi," I greeted awkwardly. Now don't let this fool you. I'm typically a very extroverted person when I wanna be, but she literally came outta nowhere and scared the daylights outta me. I'm honestly surprised my semblance didn't activate from the abrupt greeting. Never had the best control of it when I got spooked.

"Nora!" cried an ebonette with a single pink streak in his hair. Thank dust I'm not the only one with colored dye in their hair. "Why did you run off so suddenly?!"

"Ren!" she directed her sea blue eyes to the approaching male. So her name was Nora? And his is Ren, I guess. I'll prob'ly have to store those in the memory box for later. "I'm making friends!"

Ren shook his head at the shorter female. Why does it seem like this happens all the time? "Nora, it looks more like you gave her the scare of the day." Huh, well, he's not wrong.

"Oh, don't be such a party pooper!" Nora waved off her friends comment. She turned back to me, "So what's your name? I'm Nora Valkyrie! and this is-"

"Lie Ren," the pink-eyed male finished. He has really pretty eyes. And hair. And face. Yeah, he's really pretty.

I gave a wave, now finally used to the pair and their antics. Yeah, I'm surprised, too. "Diana Meranict, at your service," a mock bow accompanied my introduction.

"Ooh, can I hire you as a minion?!" the ginger questioned excitedly. She took that seriously, okay then.

"Nora, no."

"Aw, c'mon, Ren!"


Nora was going to argue when the news program nearby changed to show a hologram of Glynda Goodwitch, a huntress and one of Beacon Academy's teachers.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon," the light blonde hologram greeted, "my name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among the privileged few who have received the honor of being able to attend this prestigious academy." Oh geez, it's one of those speeches. We already know how fancy the school is, but they always remind you of it for some reason. "Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future hunters and huntresses it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task. And now, it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and training needed to protect our world." With that, the hologram faded out.

Everyone then turned their focus to the approaching building that loomed closer, sounds of awe being released.

However, one teen wasn't admiring the view like the others. The blonde looked like he couldn't take the queasiness anymore as he booked it to the other end of the airship. Thankfully, we were much closer to the docking station and he made it just in time as the doors opened, the blonde quickly running out to a trash bin.

"Poor guy," I commented to my new companions as we exited the airship. "So," I started looking to Ren since he seemed a little more reliable than Nora. Okay, I'm lying he seems a lot more reliable. "Any idea as to where we head to now?"

"I would assume the best option would be to follow where everyone else is headed," the ebonette replied, pointing to the other teens walking straight ahead.

"Alright, that's easy enough."

"Ooh, ooh!" Nora started squealing, drawing looks from me and Ren.

"...What?" we asked simultaneously. It seems with Nora around, me and him may be on the same wavelength.

"Let's have a race there!" Our male companion didn't even have a chance to protest before Nora ran at high speeds away from us.

Pink and green eyes just watched as the hyperactive teen got smaller and smaller in size. "How often is she like this?" I don't think I really want an answer, but I got one anyways.

"Too often."

Thankfully we caught up with hyper ginger and stood in a crowd of students. The three of us were actually standing near the blonde and black-haired girls from the airship. Actually they were behind us. Same thing.

Ren was standing in between Nora and me, so he was taking the full brunt of the girl's ramblings.

Thank you, Ren.

I was able to eavesdrop on the girls behind us. I was bored, all right. Apparently the short girl, Ruby according to the blonde, had "blown up". What a great first day of Beacon for her, am I right?

"Are you being sarcastic?" the busty blonde sang with a smile.

Oh my, she really thought Ruby wasn't serious.

Wait, how did any of that equate to sarcasm?

Also they're sisters. Prob'ly half-sisters since they have a lot of dissimilarities.

Ruby began rambling about the situation until a harsh "You!" cut the younger girl off.

Oh no.

Not the heiress, oh no no no.

Ruby, for the love of dust, keep her attention on you; she absolutely hates my guts.

"Oh god, it's happening again!" the red clad girl cried as she jumped into her sister's, I think I faintly remember Ruby saying her name was Yang, arms.

"You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!"

Yang stared Ruby with wide violet eyes, "Oh my god, you really exploded." Yes, blondie, I don't think anyone kids about it if they ramble like Ruby did.

"It was an accident," the silver-eyed girl was let down from her sister's arms and repeated her defense more vehemently. However, a pamphlet was shoved in the teen's face, "What's this?" Weiss started rambling about the Schnee Dust Company's policy regarding their dust. "Uhh..."

Ice blues eyes glared into silver, "Do you really want to start making things up to me?"

"Absolutely," Ruby squeaked.

"Read this and don't ever speak to me again."

"Look, uh," seems Yang wants to be the peace keeper; funny since she seems like the type to have a fiery temper, "it just seems like you two got off on the wrong foot! Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?"

Ruby tried taking this advice but Weiss just gave her usual sass, even involving the queasy blonde from earlier.

Everything seemed fine now.

Oh, wait, we locked eyes.

Oh, she looks angry.


"You!" a manicured finger was jabbed in my direction as she stalked forward.

"Heyy, Weiss," I greeted nervously, "how have ya been? You look as lovely as ever to-"

"Do not try to sweet talk your way out of this!" I looked into angry icy orbs, "You left serious damage on the company's factory when you came last week! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"Look, Weiss, c'mon!" I held my hands up in defense. Her temper is not short but still quite scary when she wants it to be. "You know how clumsy I can get! I can't help that when my family comes for product negotiations, I'm forced to come as well!" I looked off to the side and muttered, "Trust me, I really wouldn't come if I didn't have to..."

"That doesn't matter!"

"Uh, what's up your dress?" Yang questioned my dear friend curiously, looking between me and the heiress. We had drawn the attention of both the sisters and my new friends.

"Excuse me?! She has caused substantial damage to some of our factories! Of course, I'm upset!"

"Yo, my family covers the damage costs just fine!" I cried indignantly. I really get how Ruby felt now 'cause I really want her to stop yelling at me. Especially with her voice that shrill, oy vey.

"Ooh, Ren, we have our very own soap opera!" Nora squealed.

Ugh, the betrayal.

Weiss calmed down, if only a little bit, and huffed as she turned away from me. I sighed in relief.

I decided to provide explanations, since I was receiving three very curious looks. "Like Weiss, I'm the daughter of a very well known company; however, unlike her family, mine sells weaponry rather than dust." Why are Ruby's eyes lighting up like that? "We supply the parts needed to build weaponry to Signal Academy as well as build custom weapons for those who order them." Okay, she's scaring me now. "I'm acquainted with Weiss 'cause our families often collaborate to make weapons powered by dust."

"Okay, then why is she so mad?" Yang inquired, holding back her sister.

I started pressing my index fingers together and laughed nervously, "Ya see, I tend to be an awful klutz, and whenever my family goes to the Schnee factories, I always end up breaking something and now Weiss hates me..."

Ruby looked like she was going to explode for the second time that day, but the sound of a clearing throat got our attention.

"I'll keep this brief," Professor Ozpin said into a microphone, pushing up his glasses. I turned around fully to face the stage. "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy." Something's up with Ozpin... He seems weird today. "In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will only prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

The silver-haired man walked off the stage as Goodwitch took his place at the mic, "You will gather at the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins." Her eyes sweeped the room as she finished with, "Be ready. You're dismissed."

"Yo, anyone else saw somethin' wrong with Ozpin?" I asked, looking to the others.

"Yeah, he seemed kinda...off," Yang replied as she looked to her sister.

"It's almost like he wasn't even there..."

"I'm a natural blonde, you know," we looked over and saw, as Weiss referred to him, "tall, blonde, and scraggly".

"Ayy, queasy blonde!" I greeted cheerfully, watching as he fell to the floor in despair. Snickering, I left the group with a wave and walked with Nora and Ren.

Yeah, this place seems fun.