Harry Potter: A Life before Hogwarts
Chapter 11 – We're off to see the Wizard (01-Sep-1991)
To say Harry and Hermione were excited to go to Hogwarts would be an understatement. It was some of the people there they could wait to see; Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape come to mind.
During the last few extended day's at the Grangers, Harry has just started getting comfortable talking to Hermione, though he still finds it easier talking to adults than children.
Getting to the station early, Harry and Hermione were able to bring Dan and Jane on to the platform by letting them hold on to their shoulders as they walked through the wall between platforms nine and ten. The gleaming red and black engine of the Hogwarts Express was really something to look at. After walking around the platform for a while and storing their trunks in one of the cars in the back of the train, the Grangers and Harry came back out to give Dan and Jane another hug, and helped them go back out through the portal back to the main lobby of Kings Cross.
Returning to their car, both Harry and Hermione got into their robes and got a book out to read. For Hermione it was the Standard Book of Spells Level 4. For Harry it was a thick tomb from the College of Arms, where he could get more acquainted with who was who in the magical world. Of course the tomb looked more like a mundane book called 'A Brief History of Time' by Stephen Hawking. That ought to keep the other people from wanting to look at it.
The hardly noticed as the platform started to get busier and busier as the wizarding parents came together to see they young sons or daughter's off for another year at Hogwarts. Harry and Hermione didn't notice that they were out there, nor did anyone try to interrupt them in their reading. Before they knew it, it was 11:00, the train whistle sounded and the Hogwarts Express started heading out of the station. If Harry or Hermione would have been looking they would have seen a group of four red headed children all running for the train, carrying their trunks and cages jumping from the platform to make it on to the train. Most of the red-headed children went right to one of the cabins in the rail can and sat with their friends, it was only the youngest of the brothers that kept on walking up and down the length of all the cars as if looking for someone.
Flashback Previously at Hogwarts:
Headmaster Dumbledore was more than just a little upset. When he has sent Hagrid to get Harry Potter to introduce him into the wizarding world, from the Dursleys, he could not be found. He called in his Deputy Headmistress to see if she could shine a little light on the situation.
"Minerva, do you know why Mr Potter is not at his family's home?"
"I told you Headmaster; I took Mr Potter away from those awful people and took him to his 'Loco Parentis'. Those animals are no more young Mr Potter's family than a mountain troll is. I have been made assured that Mr Potter will be on the Hogwarts Express and will be here to start his magical education."
"Minerva, that's not good enough. I NEED to know where Harry Potter is and who his 'Loco Parentis' is. I MUST have control of Harry for the greater good!"
"The 'Greater Good' Albus? What about what's good for Harry?"
"I'm sorry Minerva, you just can't see the big picture like I can when it comes to Harry and the part he plays in freeing the wizarding world from the terror of Voldemort."
"What are you talking about Albus? 'He-who-must-not-be-named' has been dead for ten years now. What does that have anything to do with Harry or the wizarding world?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that Minerva, but there are some very good signs that point to the fact that Voldemort may not in fact be completely dead, just mostly dead which is to say a little alive."
"I don't understand what you're talking about Albus, but I will warn you that you will leave Harry Potter alone. You are his Headmaster, NOT his 'Loco Parentis'. If you want to talk to Mr Potter about anything school related, I will come with him as his head of house. If you have something other than school related, you must first get permission from the 'Loco Parentis'."
"But how can I do that when I don't know who they are Minerva?"
"Exactly Albus, you're not supposed to talk to Mr Potter about anything other than school related item. Now just leave him be or I will have to get the DMLE involved with your interference in Mr Potter's life!" With that, Minerva leaves the Headmaster's office to finish getting ready for the students to arrive in just a few hours.
'Oh Minerva, if you only knew that even as we speak, Voldemort has found a host to bring him into the castle. That is why I must be the one to guide young Harry. Only I can prepare him for the last great confrontation that will inevitably come.'
End of Flashback
Hogsmeade Station
(Announcement heard throughout the train)
"All students will please leave their trunks and pets on the train. They will be transported to the castle for you. All first year students please report to Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts. He will be aiding you in getting to Hogwarts."
"First years! All First years over here!" Came the booming voice of the largest man either of the children had ever seen.
A/N – This is not where I wanted the story to end – just the background. But this is also when I ran into problems. The story was about 8500 words too short for the NaNoWriMo contest and I just couldn't regurgitate the first three years of Hogwarts as thousands of other authors have done before. I may, in the future, come back and do a sequel to this story, but real life is putting more pressure on my time.
I hope you have enjoyed the story.