Thanks to Skye Phoenix Dove, AnimeKnightmare, Cardfighter by Maple, Nomadic Defender, stormpix, Ariaprincess, LunaLovegood'sBestFriend, AphHetaliaLover, pastaaddict and Story Critic Kat for reviewing
I'm glad to see that you guys are enjoying this. I've never had such a positive response on a prologue or first chapter before. But there are more surprises coming.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.
Chapter 2
Canada sighed happily, relaxing into the chair of his private plane.
When his phone rang at about two o'clock in the morning, he was not pleased, and had let his mask slip as he answered. Fortunately it was San Marino, so a mask wasn't required.
The Italian nation had told him that it was time for him to start his negotiations with Mexico. She was important in their plan to take care of America, and if he couldn't get her to join willingly, then he would have to convince her through force. Canada rather liked that idea. He was tired of pretending to be passive-aggressive.
He kept an eye on the news, and when he saw something titled 'mysterious air bombings in Germany', he knew that it was finally Judgement Day.
It wouldn't be long until he no longer had to speak in that stupid whispery voice, and that he could tell the world exactly what he thought of them. Soon shy, polite and quiet little Canada would be no more.
He closed the laptop and stretched on the chair. He still had a few hours before he reached Mexico, and he could use that time to catch up on his sleep.
And then he could finally get to work.
The Nordics were watching the news in horror. Denmark was especially transfixed, knowing that his neighbour was the one that was being attacked.
"We have to get to Germany," Denmark said.
"It's not safe," Norway said. "Not while the bombings are going on. And even when it's over, we don't know when another attack will come. We don't even know who's doing this."
Denmark glared at the screen, gritting his teeth in frustration. Finally, he took out his cell phone and dialled a number. He waited for a few seconds, before he angrily removed the phone from next to his ear.
"The landline's dead," Denmark explained, dialling another number.
He waited for another minute, before removing the phone again and dialling again. He looked extremely nervous, and when he removed the phone again, he almost looked afraid.
"Both Prussia and Germany's phones immediately went to voicemail," he said.
"I'm sure they're alright," Finland tried to reassure. "I mean, you know how tough those two are."
"Finland's right," Sweden said. "I'm sure they're alright."
Denmark sighed, staring at the screen forlornly.
They heard Ladonia and Sealand arguing about something as they came closer, and once the two micronations entered the room they stopped, turning to regard the nations.
"What's wrong?" Sealand asked.
"Someone's attacking Germany," Iceland said. "Does whoever's doing this realise that it could be seen as a declaration of war?"
"I think so," Norway said. "This isn't the work of terrorists. It's too big. Too organised."
"But it's also completely random," Denmark said.
The two micronations said nothing as they watched the screen, odd looks in their eyes.
"Can we go to Seborga's place?" Sealand asked eventually, tearing his gaze away from the TV to look at Finland.
Finland nodded his head, a small smile on his face.
"Will you two be fine going on your own?" Finland asked.
"Of course," Sealand said. "You know how tough we are."
Finland chuckled, before he stood from his seat.
"I'll call Italy to tell him that you're on your way then," he said, walking with the two towards the front door.
When they were out of earshot of the others Finland's smile fell, and he turned to look at the two micronations, who both looked just as serious.
"Do you think Judgement Day has arrived?" Ladonia asked.
"I just need to check in with San Marino," Finland said. "But I think that it's a definite 'yes'."
"We'll be in Seborga if you need us," Sealand said. "Be sure to tell that to San Marino as well."
"Of course," Finland said. "Now, run along. Go have fun with your friends."
"It's finally here," Ladonia whispered as the two micronations walked out the door.
Sometimes Finland envied the micros' ability to go to-and-fro between different nations in an instant. It would make traveling so much easier for them all.
Finland took out his cell phone and dialled a familiar number. As soon as the person answered, he spoke.
"It's Finland," he said. "Is Judgement Day a go?"
"Si," San Marino said. "Veneziano already let me know that Germany and Prussia had been neutralized. Stand by for any instructions."
"Understood," Finland said. "Sealand and Ladonia are on their way to Seborga, where they will wait for any instructions."
"I see. Do you have any idea how the rest of the world would be taking this news?"
"The other Nordics are in shock. Denmark especially, considering his neighbour had been attacked and all. They have no idea who is doing this."
"Good. The element of surprise is still on our side. I will call once I have orders for you."
Finland hung up and he turned back to look in the other Nordics' direction, a cold look in his eye. Soon his mask could be removed, and no longer would he be nice, caring little Finland, but the Finland that made Russia terrified during the Second World War.
The same Finland that he would be for the Third World War as well.
Germany and Prussia were led by Liechtenstein and Switzerland into the back of a black car. Germany still winced occasionally from all of the bombs, and Prussia remained quiet, fuming about their surrender, but unable to deny that under the circumstances, Germany made the right choice.
Switzerland and Liechtenstein spoke outside for a moment, before Switzerland climbed into the driver's seat and Liechtenstein went back inside the house.
"Where are you taking us?" Prussia demanded as Switzerland started the car.
"Vatican City," Switzerland replied. "No one will go looking for you there."
"I have to say, I'm impressed," Germany said. "Everything you've done, it shows a lot of planning. Who is responsible for that?"
"Poland and Italy are the masterminds," Switzerland said. "The rest of us don't care, as long as we get what we want."
"And how much are they paying you?"
"Not a cent. Like I said, I was an ally of theirs before I declared neutrality. We needed someone to see every war from an outside perspective, and I volunteered for that. The fact that the previous World Wars happened literally around me was a bonus, and when you bought your weapons from me, you only made my job easier."
"So, you worked intelligence for them," Prussia said. "And what about that part where you used to be Vatican's mercenary?"
"All part of the plan. And I wasn't so much a mercenary as his bodyguard. He needed to get on his feet, and I helped him out."
"And what about Liechtenstein?" Prussia asked. "How does she fit in all this?"
"Remember when I took her in during the Depression? Helped her recover? Sure, she was thankful to me, but more than that, she felt vengeful to the rest of the world for allowing her to be in that state. When I told Italy about her, he immediately asked that I get her on board. She was more than willing, to be honest."
"So she wants revenge," Germany said. "And what do you want?"
"To never again have to rely on other nations for my own survival," Switzerland said. "Your land will make a good means to accomplish that. I'll make sure to have a few coastal cities of my own."
"I can't believe you're taking part in these partitions," Germany said. "You must really want me out of the way."
"We've been planning this before you were even born," Switzerland said. "Believe it or not, it's not all about you. We just chose to start with you, that's all. And don't worry. You won't be the only nation that's partitioned. France will come soon enough, and let's not forget America or Russia."
"If you think you can do that, you're wrong," Prussia said.
"We have three nations that Russia is afraid of on our side, two of which could easily defeat him in winter, one that has already done so. Not to mention, we've also got the element of surprise."
"How do you figure that?" Germany asked. "The others will hear about this soon enough, and they'll know it's you."
"No they won't," Switzerland said. "Since they don't know where the planes are coming from. Poland had them fly above the cloudbanks before circling around. The eastern attacks look like they're coming from the west, west from east, south from north and north from south. If anyone tried to look, they'll think that it's coming from the very heart of Germany."
The two brothers gaped at the Swiss for a moment, before they realised that his words were true. It would be hard to determine where the attacks came from.
"You're all a bunch of arschlöcher," Prussia said. "Do you know that?"
"Maybe, but we don't care," Switzerland said. "We've been waiting too long for this day. Oh, and if you think you'll be able to appeal to our merciful sides, don't bother. I don't think any of us even have a merciful side anymore."
"Who are the others?" Prussia asked. "I want to know who to add to my list of arschlöcher."
"I think you'll find out soon enough," Switzerland said.
"How do you plan to get us into Vatican, anyway?" Germany asked. "You still need to cross the borders, and I'm not sure if the humans would just let you through with two people tied up in the back of your car."
"Oh, they will. Every single one of our people knows what we look like, and what we are doing. One mind controlling the masses, so to speak. They've been ready for this war almost as long as we have. And the only borders we'll be crossing are mine and Italy's. So if you think the humans are going to save you, guess again."
"You really have thought of anything, haven't you?"
"Like I said. We've been waiting and planning for a long time."
"One thing I still don't get," Prussia said. "How did Italy and Poland manage to convince the world that they were idiots, if they're so smart?"
"It's because they're so smart that they managed to act the fool. Oh, and if you're wondering, the two met in the early 1500s. Italy had planned for the Italian Wars to start, and then an Italian duchess married a Polish king. The two met, and they made this little plan. They've been gathering allies ever since."
"And you went along with it?"
"Of course. At first Italy employed me as a bodyguard for Vatican, then he realised that I would be useful to them, so he asked me to join them."
"And you have no regrets?" Germany asked.
"Nope. Not at all."
"You're probably brainwashed to believe in their promises," Prussia said. "You're going to fail big time."
"We'll see about that. Just keep in mind that you're the ones being transported to another country, after the capital of your own was bombed without any warning. And also, the planes that we used were kept top secret until now. Untraceable to us."
"And what will you do when the rest of the world finds out about your little plan?" Germany asked.
"When the rest of the world finds out, World War Three will become official, and we'd probably already own half of the world."
"I highly doubt you'd be able to move that fast without attracting attention," Prussia scoffed.
"We could, if we manage to gain a lot of territory through a regional meeting. Like, say, the African Union's meeting which is in two days' time."
"What?" Germany asked. "What makes you think that the Africans are just going to allow you to take them?"
"We already have five Africans on our side, and one of them is a leader in the Union. If we can get the other two on board, the rest will follow without much fuss. The Africans know more about survival of the fittest than anyone else. They'll do whatever it takes to survive. You should know that. Didn't you have your own African colony?"
"They still won't cooperate."
"We'll see about that."
Egypt was packing his bags in preparation for the African Union meeting in two days' time. His TV was blaring in the background, repeating the news of Germany's fate.
He placed a stack of papers into his briefcase. Each of these papers was enchanted for the sole purpose of gaining new territory. Territory that had a lot of promise.
He had received his call from San Marino as soon as the news had reached him about Germany. He and the other four would attempt a peaceful takeover of the African continent. And if that didn't work, they had bombers waiting in each of the African countries. It would be easy to attack one of them on a whim.
And if anyone tried to fight them off, well…
They had planned this a long time. They had an underground military, a different rule about how economy worked and a secret supply of technology that would make Japan seem outdated.
An advantage of keeping this secret for so long was that they had far more strength than everyone thought. Sustaining a double economy, handling two militaries, and of course having similar allies tended to do that to you.
If any of the others tried to resist and actually fight them off, they would show just how strong they truly were.
But they would need to focus on Nigeria and South Africa first. Ethiopia was already one of them, so all that was left was to get the other two leaders.
South Africa should be pretty easy, considering she had two landlocked nations depending on her. Nations that were physically still children. By threatening the two of them, South Africa would be more compliant. They could also get Mozambique through Swaziland.
And if Zimbabwe was smart, he would surrender fast. He was physically weak, what with a horrible economy and a dictator for a boss. He wouldn't be too hard to convince.
Islands such as Seychelles and Mauritius would also be easy to convince, since they knew that they didn't stand a chance when threatened by an attack.
There were other Africans that would agree for the sake of survival, but there would most likely be those that would be too stubborn to see reason. And then there was Morocco, the only African that wasn't part of the Union.
They would need to work on her afterwards.
He turned his attention to the outside. There were fires burning, and he smirked. The mosques were being burned. He had waited so long for this day. The day when the Arabic influence in his land was forced out, and he could return the land to his mother's glory.
He would need to pass on the message to other Middle Eastern nations. In fact, now that he thought about it, he could also get Israel to join them, as a form of camaraderie.
But that would have to wait, since he had never gotten a chance to get to Israel, and he didn't receive any orders to do so. But he believed that Israel could be a pretty valuable ally, especially considering his history.
And if they managed to get South Africa to join them, then Israel might be more inclined to join as well. The two nations knew each other's nuclear secrets, and they did have a special relationship until a few years ago. In fact, Egypt was willing to bet that the two of them had been very close.
But that might make things difficult. There was a possibility that South Africa was currently in a relationship with Brazil, he wasn't sure. The two were pretty close, and with South Africa being teasing towards him and Brazil being naturally flirtatious, it was hard to tell. He would actually need to ask someone about that, preferably India.
But it didn't matter. Besides, taking care of Brazil was the job of their South American allies. They should be doing their job soon enough anyway.
Speaking of which, he glanced towards the clock. The meeting would be held in Addis Ababa, and while Ethiopia wasn't too far away, they would need to continue their planning. They would need to discuss how they would go about getting the other nations to sign the papers.
He had received them from Italy after the last world meeting, and he knew then and there that Judgement Day was approaching. And when he received the call from San Marino and saw the news, he knew that he was right in his assumption.
He stared out the window for a moment, simply enjoying the sight of the new movement taking place. Egypt would return to the glory days of old.
And while the mosques burned, he felt nothing. He never truly considered them a part of him, and his lack of sensation at them being burned was evidence of such.
Canada finally arrived in Mexico after a few hours of flying. It was still early morning, and he hoped that she wasn't still asleep. He was just glad that she was more patient with him than she was with America.
He would need to work with her dislike for America in order to get her to join them. He would also use her resentment of Spain to his benefit.
He rented a car at the airport and drove towards her house. He looked around and sighed. Sometimes he wished that his own country could be this warm sometimes.
But when they took care of America, he would have a lot of new territory to choose from. Some of the warmer states, for example.
Oh, but he would need to leave some for Molossia. The micronation wanted a coastal territory, and after all of his hard work as a spy for them, he deserved it.
After a few minutes he arrived at Mexico's house, and he sighed in frustration. He would need to use his whispery voice, at least at first. But then, he could show his true self, and he hoped that Mexico wouldn't be resistant to the idea.