edit 11/03/17: Even this was one of the stories that were checked multiple times before uploading it I was able to correct a small few mistakes, and neaten up the layout a bit.

The Umbridge Pester Squad/ TUPS

The Umbridge Pester Squad, or TUPS for short is a oneshot series with no storyline at but making the live of umbridge a living hell. It is just a series of short stories which I thought of when I didn't work on my main story, Death's lord commander. This story will most likely be small chapters of things the entirety of Hogwarts are willing to do to make the live of Umbridge a living hell, so, not serious, and I have no idea how many chapters this is going to have, so have fun.


7th of October, 1995

There was a ministry appointed DADA teacher this year, 'Professor' Umbridge. At the welcoming feast was the moment half of Hogwarts decided that this woman meant trouble, and most likely a lot of detentions for a certain 15 year old boy. So, the weasley's decided to act accordingly, they had to keep up their records of course as biggest troublemakers of Hogwarts, So they came up with the power of twin force with an huge amount of pranks for the entirety of the year.

So it is the two decided that the room of the toad was to clean for her, and there were too few friends of hers in the room, so what would be better then give the toad a few friends and a room makeover as a welcoming present.

Two days of planning and contacting people later and the two were ready to give the toad her welcoming present.

The day began with a bit of fun in the great hall. The Slytherins were walking with pink hair, the Gryffindor's with red hair, the Hufflepuffs with green hair, and the Ravenclaws with brass colored hair, the teacher were sprouting feathers, and couldn't say a word, without squawking like a frightened duck, old toady could only talk like a toad, not too much of a difference there.

That evening the toad fell asleep in her room.

The next day

Next morning she woke up, and did not even notice the 200 toads that were jumping around in her room, nor did she notice that her entire floor was missing, or at least… it was changed into one of the twins' portable swamps.

The toad stepped out of bed into the swamp and the rest you can fill in, something about "to the throat in the mud" or something.

When the woman finally came to breakfast the entire hall just looked right at her, keeping in their laughs at the woman covered in mud with a toad in her hair.

No one was found that day, and that day was the beginning of the hell called teaching at Hogwarts.