A/N So sorry it took so long to post the next chapter i was on vacation, and will try to update more often now!
And a nightmare it was! The moment he sat down behind me, he started poking me, and whispering things to me about how ridiculous our teacher was. I barely heard the whole lesson, but its fine because Tessa will give me all the notes. After our teachers lesson, on something to do with molecular bonding, she told us that we would have the rest of the class to work on worksheets with our friends.
I turn to Tessa and motion for Izzy to move over when i feel something hit my face... I turn my head to see what it came from and get another one on my forehead. And guess who threw them! JACE FRIGGING HERONDALE! I am going to kill that boy!
I give him my best glare and go back to my work with Tessa and Izzy, for the next half an hour i periodically feel paper balls hit me, but i ignore them as best as i can.
We are all talking while we work, and i guess Mr. Starkweather doesn't like that, becuase he yells at us for being to loud and begins a lecture that i can tell will last the rest of the period. Jace, as he has been doing the whole period, throws bits of paper at me, and i have to admit that it gets pretty funny because the teacher doesn't notice what he is doing to me at all. I start to shake from holding in my laughter so much that Mr. Starkweather stops his lecture to give me a look before continuing again. Jace just keeps throwing them at me and it's only causing me to laugh more. Eventually i get to the point where i just can't hold it in, so i ask to go to the bathroom, and sprint to the door. Once i am outside, i slide down one of the lockers and just let it out. I am laughing so loudly and out of control that i don't notice Jace open and come out the door of our classroom.
The moment he does though, all my laughter dries up, and i realize that i just missed an entire lesson and that Mr. Starkweather probably thinks that i don't ever do work, and it's all because of Jace!
"Do you realize what you just did?" I yell.
"Wow, calm down, 5 seconds ago you were laughing..." He replies.
The rest of the period he throws stuff at me but i just ignore him, and at the end of the class i leave so fast that he doesn't even have time to say anything.
I go straight to biology and when i get there i realize that i am the first one to class, so i pull our all my stuff, put my headphones into my phone and turn on the music. I only come back to reality when i realize that the rest of my class is here, including the teacher. I don't know anyone in this class so i just take notes and don't pay attention to anything else. I just can't wait until lunch, because as per tradition, Izzy, Tessa and i are going out to sushi for the first lunch of the year.
As soon as the bell rings, I leave the class and cross the street to where the school parking lot is (i don't really understand why its on the other side of the road but it is) and get into my white Audi A4 2015. After only a couple of minutes I see Tessa and Izzy, they get into my car and we go. When we get there we see Simon, who is another of my best friends but we have been friends since childhood, and we get out sushi. Simon goes to another school, so he doesn't really know Izzy and Tessa except for these sushi lunches and the other occasional thing that i am having that they all come to.
There is some light talk but i can't help noticing Simon checking out Izzy, this has never happened before but i know that it won't go anywhere, Izzy and I well we don't date so much as we go out, Tessa not so much but the two of us haven't had a serious relationship, ever really. I give Simon a pitying look, but he doesn't notice because he is staring at her so much, so i give it up. When we are done eating we say good bye to simon and head back to school, but we get back a little bit late and the only parking space available is one next to Jace's car.
There are so many people always going in and out of his car that i know someone is going to dent my car,but i don't have any other choice, there is nowhere else to park.
When we get to our lockers, i quickly grab my gym clothes before running off so i'm not late. I change quickly and as soon as i get out i look for Jace. When i find him i run up to him, and say...
"If you or any of your many bimbos, dent or do anything to my car, you will pay for the repairs and i get to use your car for the entire time mine is getting fixed, okay" i say, give him a menacing glare then turn around and start my warm up run.
I am only running for a couple of minutes before Jace has broken out of his haze and caught up to me.
"What in the hell are you talking about?" He asks with a confused expression.
"The parking spot next to yours was the only one left when i got back, and i know that you have a parade of girls and jocks using it, so if any of them accidentally or on purpose dents it or does anything to it, you are the lucky one that gets to pay and lend me your car, capische? alright run along now." i say and then i run away.
I hope this is good enough for you guys, and sorry again for taking so long, merry christmas everybody! :D