A/N sorry this took so long, i was halfway done the chapter and went to get a glass of water, and when i get back, my computer was dead and my work deleted. Lesson learned about saving. Thanks for sticking with me and my terrible updating habits.

Anyways, here goes...

None of Jace's friends hit my car after-all so, as soon as class is over Izzy and I say bye to Tessa, and then get into my car (Izzy has a Ferrari, but one of the tires has a scratch so it's in the shop getting all new tires right now) and head to the local coffee shop (Taki's) before going over to Izzy's to get ready to go to Pandemonium tonight.

Pandemonium, is Izzy and my favourite club. Tessa prefers libraries and coffee shops but Izzy and I need ways to vent, and dancing is our favourite. Especially when hot guys are added to the equation.

I get a black coffee, but Izzy goes full out with a large mocha frappuccino something or other. Once we have our coffees, we speed back to her place.

There is something about Izzy that you should know, her family is loaded. I mean they all have Ferrari's and live in a mansion loaded. But Izzy and I have been friends for so long that when we pull up to the gate of her house, it no longer fazes me how big it is, instead i feel as though i have come home.

When we get up to her room, I do homework for a bit while she browses her different social media's. But after a while we are both bored and when I say that i am hungry, Izzy shoots up with,

"I'll make you dinner"

"That's okay, Iz i'm not really in the mood for food poisoning tonight." I say with a smirk.

"You know you are at my house, you could show some kindness at my efforts" she says with a distorted face.

I just laugh and head down to the kitchen, where Alec is already making some food.

"Oh, thank god, you're making food! Izzy was trying to convince me to try her food!" i say to him with a hug.

"Anything to save your life Clary!" He replies with a glare at Izzy.

"Are you not making any for me? That looks like only enough for two people?" Izzy asks with a pout.

"Actually i'm going out tonight with a new friend of mine named Magnus, he goes to my Berkeley with me." Alec replies.

"Omg, is he that sparkly guy that was at the frat party in June?" Izzy asks excitedly.

"Yes Izzy, now, I have to leave so Clary can you finish the food for me?" Alec asks with a pointed look at Clary.

"Of course!" I say with a laugh.


We eat and when i start to head upstairs to lie down in the second bed in Izzy's room (it has been dubbed mine and Tessa's permanently), but when Izzy follows me I realize that we are leaving in an hour and Izzy is going to want to start making me up now.

When we get up the bedroom, i automatically sit in the chair and Izzy starts with my hair. This is going to be a long process. It's not like i don't do my hair or wear makeup for school, it's just that i like a bit more of a natural look for school but for Pandemonium, I let Izzy take the wheel and it's always pretty extravagant.

By the time she is don't, I am wearing a classic little black dress with 5 inch black pumps and my hair is in loose curls. Izzy has on a red shorter version of my dress, winged eyeliner, loose curls and as per her motto "Nothing less than seven inches." She is wearing huge heels that strap up her leg to just below her knees.

When we are finally ready we jump into my car and minutes later we are at the club. I give my keys to the valet and we walk in. A couple heads turn, but this is a usual occurrence, for us. Afterall we are pretty damn popular if i do say so myself.

We both grab some drinks and after a while we are dancing on the floor, giving our all into the dance. People have often said that we should take up dancing with a real team of studio, but i think part of the fun of it is making it up as we go.

It's about 11:00 or so when i notice that no one is looking at us anymore, everyone in the club is facing someone. I jump up to try and see who it is and low and behold, it's Jace Herondale. He looks up and see's me and says,

"Sorry for stealing your spotlight little red, i didn't know you'd be here."

"If you leave right now it's no harm no foul. Here's your chance." I say as i point to the door.

"I think i'd like to stay tonight" He says and winks. He winks! He has the audacity to WINK at me! I am going to kill that man.

"UGHHHHHH" i groan, and turn away so dance in peace with Izzy, but when i look over i see her dancing with a cute guy so i just shut my eyes.

"Shouldn't you be going home soon? I hear it's past your bedtime." i hear someone say. As if my single father would care what time i got home.

"I AM THE SAME AGE AS YOU!" I turn around and yell at what i thought was Jace, but as it turns out, is another face that i have not seen in years. A face that makes me feel the happiest i have in years!

Sorry to end on a cliffy... but i couldn't help it! :D I'll try to update soon so you guys find out just who came to see her.