Chapter 1
A/N: Oh, why hello there fellow viewers, and welcome to whole different story. That's right, something isn't RWBY related.
Don't worry, I still love the series. It's just that I'm just waiting for Vol. 3 to finish since I don't want to release a chapter and have to make changes because of what has been shown in the newest episodes. I know fanfiction is your own thing, but I'd like to be kept up to speed. While yes I did update Becoming Human, I was up to speed with the current information Volume 3 offered. Just holding back for now because I don't want to bash my head against a wall when I see I need to change, like for example, Renewed with Winter actually being an older sister instead of a younger.
So in short, not many updates on any crossover fics with RWBY until the volume finale. Besides, I've always wanted to do this. It's been festering over in my head for a good bit thanks to reading a story called InFamous Vampire by a guy named Wraith002. I got inspired to do this after playing hours on end of Bloodborne. He's an amazing writer, even more so than me and his work is phenomenal. Give him a look up as well. And thanks to telling this to a friend, I wanted to see how this'll go.
And a side note to leave, I won't be going word for word from InFamous Vampire, just some inspiration.
I hope you guys like this. And leave a review, whether good or bad.
Disclaimer: I don't own Bloodborne or Rosario + Vampire. They belong to their respective owners.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
-H.P Lovecraft
Beannachtaí, I am Cayde Fola. I live with my aunt and uncle in good ol' London after moving form Dublin. Late teens, currently in school, and burdened carrying some kind of mysterious disease that every doctor I've went to don't know what it is or can't cure it. So I went to Yharnam despite my aunt's warnings. From what I've heard, that city is famed for curing people like me. Who couldn't resist such a temptation? I would be cured and I'll make my way back home.
I was desperate, you see? I didn't want to die young, including dying as a virgin. And before you question me on that, I'm in my late teens already and have to take care of myself most times. Hey, don't judge me.
I just wished I listened to her, because now I know why the driver told me to get out of the city as fast as possible. Now I'm learning the hard way.
Yharnam is the home of Blood Ministration, a medical procedure that does wonders to the human body. From what I heard in Dublin, the famed ministration was flawless. It beckoned to me like a siren to a sailor out at sea. How I made a fool of myself.
Yes, the Blood Ministration did wonders for me. But... It came at a cost. Little did I know that I threw my own life into a game of escape or rot.
I remember passing out in that damn clinic after that old man gave me that ministration. And I soon found out I was in a city filled with death and decay.
I remember what I became. I remembered dying mere moments after awakening. Everything was black before I came around. Right in front of a house. After some investigation, I encountered someone. Gehrman, who soon introduced me to what I became against my will, and sadly, to myself from my own arrogance.
I became a Hunter, a warrior that could fight monsters with relative ease and with no worries of dying. My conscious was tied to this... This Hunter's Dream. I would die sometime, maybe from a fatal blow to me, maybe a beast killing me, or embarrassingly, a high fall. But no matter how I died, I'd reawaken back in the Hunter's Dream.
And to be honest, I've forgotten the number of times I've died since the beginning of this madness that beset upon me.
I was also tasked to hunt down the beasts that now roam the streets of Yharnam and to find the source of the Scourge of Beasts and put an end to it. Doing so will let my leave this awful nightmare that I thrusted myself into.
And I want to escape it was fast as possible, or least I become a shell of my former self
Blood. That was the one thing that always assaulted his nostrils no matter what. The stench of the sanguine fluid was prominent everywhere. It even became appalling every now and then. The crimson liquid gushing out like water coming out from the faucet with a single large cut on his victim. Even the mask that covered the lower portion of his face never fully blocked the smell. Then again, it was better than nothing.
And least to say, he never enjoyed one bit of it, of that dreaded stench. It felt like it has been the only scent that he has smelled for years. Even memories of freshly baked bread to the ocean seemed to have faded away with the smell of blood replacing them.
Walking down the desolate streets of the gothic city of Yharnam was a lone figure. Even though in reality that it has been a few hours since he has arrived in the famed city of Blood Ministration, it felt like he's been there for days on end. The plus side was no sleep, but that didn't mean he didn't get tired.
He was currently wearing the clothing of the Hunter's Workshop. From the Hunter's Hat to the boots, he wore what Hunters before him weared against the Scourge. The signature hat with the feather like design on it, the dull grey coat with the robes cascading around his legs, the classic trousers and the gloves used to hold the Trick Weapons of old. After all, Hunters exchanged the protection of armor to move swiftly like death, discrete and carefully. The only thing that was different was the small cape on his back was removed. It was used to wipe blood off as Hunters would be caked in a thick layer of the crimson liquid after hours of hunting, but it seemed encumbersome to have along.
A long sigh came from his mouth as his eyes shifted upwards to the sky. It was deathly red with a paleblood moon hanging low in the night sky. Shivers always crawl up his spine and along the skim when he makes eye contact with the blood moon. As if it was taunting him to give up. He couldn't give in yet.
"How much longer does this have to be?" He muttered to himself. His robes swayed in the unseen breeze as he gripped a lone blade in hand tightly. He was tired, yearning to find rest, but he couldn't rest yet. A duty that had to be fulfilled before he could succumb to the clutches of sleep.
His mind was still burning from the fresh sight he saw not long ago. It pained his thoughts, a pulsing sensation of guilt overflowing his body. "I couldn't save you, Eileen... I could've saved you..." Tears collected within his eyes wanting to burst out, but he kept them in instead of crying out on the dead streets.
Thankfully, yet woefully, footsteps ahead cracked the train of thought within him. Looking before him he saw a group of five figures walking ahead. They had weapons in hand ranging from meat cleavers, maces and sabers. One carried a torch in hand for the illumination of the dark and another held a wooden shield in a vain attempt for protection.
"Yharnamites," Cayde muttered lowly seeing them. His heart began to pulse a bit faster at the sight of the locals, something he took note of every time he would get into conflict. Adrenaline seeped into his body, eys steeled ahead of him unfaltering.
One of them turned around and was taken aback seeing him. The figure thought it was ironic for him to be set back seeing to how deformed his face was. It was a sickly pale grey with a bristly beard adorned on the lower jaw. But what most people would've seen was the hair starting to grow from the skin. He was inflicted by the Scourge of the Beasts along with his countrymen. But sadly, not one realized it.
"B-Beast! Beast!" The Yharnamite shouted in dismay pointing his cleaver at the figure.
"How many times, it's Hunter..." Cayde thought, annoyance stiring in the back of his head.
Another Yharnamite turned around and yelped in surprise seeing him. "Away with you, foul beast! You're not wanted here!" He shouted, waving the torch around madly.
The Young Hunter merely scoffed walking towards them. This caused the Yharnamites to slowly back away in fear seeing him approaching. "W-We'll kill you where you stand, damn thing!" The one holding the shield proclaimed before running towards him to attack.
The Hunter smirked behind his mask and stepped to the left as the Yharnamite swung his cleaver in an attempt to cut him down. He then brought the blade up and stabbed it through the Inflicted's chest. "I wish you could kill me," He whispered into his ear before drawing the blade back. A soft groan of pain escaped the Yharnamite's mouth before he fell down dead onto his back. Blood seeped out from his wound staining the ground turning into a small puddle around the body.
The Hunter felt the familiar surge on his body after the kill. He couldn't deny it felt invigorating. He brought his dark blue eyes that seemed to have been glazed over at the four that remained. Blood dripped off the blade, glistening in the pale red light, a hidden grin behind his mask. The four remaining Yharnamites slowly began to back away from Cayde, feeling an ominous aura emitting from him.
"Who's next?" The Hunter asked with a dark laugh emitting from him before rushing towards them, fury now unleashed on the Yharnamites poor souls.
A minute had just passed, and the ground surrounding the Hunter was slick with blood, bodes of the Yharnamites in mangled heaps of flesh and bone.
Cayde slowly removed the blade from the skull of one of the bodies and twirled it around in-between his fingers. He shivered in both delight and fear from the adrenaline rush he was in, causing his blood to boil. "The Blood... How it resonates inside me..." He uttered softly with a low breathe.
The last Yharnamite of the five whimpered in fear watching the Hunter walk towards him unfazed by the kill he just made. "L-leave me alone..."
"I'm afraid I can't do that," The Hunter replied back. Taking another step forward, he slashed the blade at the Yharnamite's leg causing him to howl in pain and collapse on the ground holding the wound. Cayde sighed and placed his foot on his back pinning the Inflicted man not to go anywhere. Hefting his blunderbuss in his left hand, he softly pressed it to the back of the skull with the Yharnamite squirming to escape his clutches. His finger found the trigger and began to apply pressure. "Just doing my job."
What scared you the most when you were a kid? Was it the dark? I don't blame you. I was scared of the dark once you know. My auntie always told me that if I was a bad child, I would be dragged into the deep blackness and be eaten by monsters. A good way to disicpline children.
And to be honest, I still slightly am afraid of the dark. But with good reason. You do not know what lurks behind those darkened corners. Yharnam truly brings this back to haunt me until I croak my last here.
Old Yharnam seems to be a distant memory from the history of the city. Before, it was a bustling place where people came and went. It was a lively city once full of life. That was until Old Yharnam came under a disease called Ashen Blood. It slowly killed the populace of the city, poisoning them. The people yearned for a cure to relive them of their damn pain.
Eventually, The Healing Church came into sight and offered their miraculous salvation, Blood Ministration. The people reluctantly took it and they found themselves cured of their afflictions. And it saved them from the infection that was among them. That's when Old Yharnam bloomed into a city of miracles.
"Poor fools didn't know what they got themselves into." Standing on top from a tower in the abandoned city was a man looking over the streets once filled with people. Now, beasts stalked the streets with fire still burning on smoking corpses and buildings.
"Was the only choice we had was to burn all of Old Yharmam to ashes? There could've been another way. Damm Healing Church... If only there was some other way." His ears perked up hearing movement behind him. "Ah, it's you. Been far too long," He said turning around.
It was the Young Hunter getting up from the ladder leading up to the rooftop. "Djura, it's good to see you." He dusted himself off from the climb up and walked over to to the older man. "Holding up well, ol' man?"
The Ashen Hunter smiled slighty with a chuckle. "I was a Hunter once. I can take care of myself. So tell me, how goes the Hunt? What was your latest kill?" Djura asked with curiosity.
Cayde sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Damn, bhí sé ar mire," He cursed softly. "I killed something that was basically a mass of bone and meat. And it wasn't pretty, Djura."
"I can imagine. Still, you slaying beasts at your age makes me concerned. But you're just doing your job," Djura answered back to the Young Hunter.
"You did threaten me when I first came to Old Yharmam. Then you shot me to death when you first saw me," Cayde replied back. "And that was me when I was still confused about Hunter's and everything."
"Heh. Sorry 'bout that. Just been a reflex of mine. While you did slay some beasts here, it was merely in defense or for your own sake. I am not for one to keep someone of your age to remain in the Hunter's Dream for long."
But the Ashen Hunter sensed an uneasiness within his friend. The past few times he has visited since the first meeting they've shared, he was met by fierce determination and courage that would never be extinguished. But here before him was a Hunter filled with grief, something he hasn't seen for some time.
"Hey, Cayde? Something bothering you?" Djura asked him placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm fine... Fine and dandy..."
"Something is clearly on your mind. Care to share? But I'm not want to force you into telling-"
"It's Eileen..."
"The Crow' still squawking?" Djura asked with a cheerful tone Cayde has barely heard at times. "Haven't heard from her in ages. What's she up to now? Still hunting other Hunters? The lass sure is crazy I tell ya. Nothing could dissuade her."
Cayde swallowed a dry lump in his throat trembling trying to stay in a calm composure. "She... She died..."
Djura was shocked from this news hearing this. "She's dead?"
"Saw it with my own eyes, Djura... I tried to save her... I couldn't do a thing... So I killed the Hunter that killed her... I killed that bastard... Fucking Cainhurst won't leave me alone..."
Djura bit his lower lip from the news given to him. It was grim news to hear from such a young person. Especially from a juvenile like Cayde. "She was a good Hunter... A very good one... I'm sorry, lad. I know she was something to you." But his eyes soon caught a glimpse of the blade his friend had on his side. "That blade."
Cayde darted his eyes down to his right seeing it. "It's Eileen's... Her blade..."
"Huh, strange."
"The last time I saw that blade, it seemed bigger. Could be me or I had a lot of drink that night."
Cayde shook his head laughing softly. "If you're wondering why I have it on me, I'm keeping it as a memento. She was the first Hunter I've met after waking. And she's been supporting me for a long time..."
Djura just gave him a smile. "I'm sure she's proud of you."
"I hope so... I'm just gonna head back to the Dream. Take some time to rest."
"That'd be best for you, Cayde. Hopefully I'll see you soon. Take a load off."
Cayde smiled behind his mask and nodded. "I hope so too." Reaching into his satchel on the left side of his hip, he pulled out a ragged piece of paper that seemed to have been weathered and ripped apart. On it bore a strange symbol that only few know what it is. The Young Hunter took in a deep breathe before crushing it in his hand and placed his fist on his head. An ethereal glow surrounded his body before he began to dissipate into nothingness before the Ashen Hunter.
Once Cayde was gone from the rooftop, Djura shook his head smiling. "May you find your worth in the Waking World," The Ashen Hunter recited the familiar words he once heard himself.
The Hunter's Dream...
Cayde breathed slowly, standing up straight from his kneeled position. "Dream sweet Dream," He mumbled to himself. He looked ahead to see the house before him and started walking towards it.
He heard movement to his left and saw it was The Doll. She was currently tending to some white flowers blossoming from a bush. Cayde cleared his throat with a smile catching her attention. A smile of her own appeared on her face before walking towards the Young Hunter with eagerness. "Welcome home, Good Hunter."
Cayde nodding smiling giving her a small wave. "Hi, Anna. How are you doing?"
The Doll waved back with a small giggle. "I am well, Good Hunter. Now, what is it that you desire?" Anna asked nodding.
The Young Hunter sighed deeply covering his face. "I need some time to rest. Had a rough time out there."
"Very well. You may rest within the house, Good Hunter. I can also provide you some rel-" Anna stopped her speaking when she saw Cayde with a confused look on his face. "Good Hunter? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Anna. But I thought I just saw someone, or something, in front of me."
Anna tilted her head worried about her Hunter. "Is it worrying you?"
Cayde shook his head at her and waved her off. "I should be fine, Anna. I-Woah!"
She widened her eyes seeing how Cayde recoiled back going into an offensive stance gripping the blade from Eileen tightly. "Good Hunter?" She shouted in distress.
Cayde had his eyes widened with his left hand crawling up onto his face. He knew he has been seeing things ever since he has slain Rom not long ago, despite him not wanting to slay the Great One. "Is it the moon?" He muttered to himself. But this was beyond anything he has seen.
Faint outlines of people walked past by him, appearing and disappearing. Some entering the house and some leaving. An outline even passed through him which caused him to recoil earlier. "Good Hunter, are you okay? Do you need anything? Medicine? Vials?" Anna asked, getting more worried each passing second.
Cayde clutched his head tightly gripping at the leather hat he wore early in The Hunt. "No... No... No..." He muttered like a broken record over and over again.
The Young Hunter slowly looked up from the ground where his gaze was and began to look around. Something was beckoning him, a certain light piano tone to be certain, but it was soothing to him strangely. He looked into the field of white roses seeing the gravestones of each Hunter. But what surprised him was seeing someone standing in the field. The figure was dressed in white monk robes. The face was covered in a dark shroud, with two bright yellow lights flashing beneath the hood. He merely raised his arm up and pointed at Cayde. "You..." A voice echoed in his head.
Cayde gasped loudly sitting up straight. His heart pounded with fear and confusion. "Cad é an ifreann atá ar siúl anseo?!" He exclaimed trying to make sense of what he is seeing. Just once glance around told him he was no longer in the Hunter's Dream, practically, not where near Yharnam at all.
It was reminiscent of the Forbidden Woods near the city, with the trees looking devoid of life. A scarecrow was near him with a pumpkin serving as it's head with a witch's hat on top of it. He realized he was also near a cliff and looked at the horizon to see the sea. But it was different. The water was red, and this wasn't like this at all in Yharnam.
Reaching up to pull his hat down to cover his eyes from the sunlight he hasn't experienced in over the course of days. But Cayde widened his eyes seeing he didn't have his Hunter's Hat. Instead, he gripped at the new hat on his head and pried it off. Glancing at it, it was a newsboy cap in a light brown colour, running a hand through his semi short dark auburn hair, albeit a bit wavy. Looking at his upper body to see he was wearing a black vest with small bits of a white dress shirt's sleeves coming out as well the short tail. He also had a dark brown jacket on with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a fingerless black glove on his right hand. Now casting his eyes upon his bottoms to see olive green pants and dark brown work boots. And his skin finally see the light of day again, the light peach skin that reflected the light off of him.
Slowly standing up, Cayde inspected his clothing before sighing in relief feeling something weighty in his pocket. "At least it's my clothes... And my brass knuckles are here... I don't care if they're here suddenly... I have to find out where I am right now..."
Three days later...
Cayde had his hat over his eyes as he was leaned against a tree. A small fire was lit with some branches he broke off from the trees and managed to make a kindle after finding a flint by chance and used his belt buckle to create sparks.
"Where the hell am I? Haven't seen a single beast prowling around. At least it's not like a reef in Yharnam and there's no smell of blood." The Young Hunter just sighed heavily and faced down on the ground trying to make sense to what is going on. But he had to admit, the withdrawal of the disturbing scent brought him relief to some extent.
"Does it mean I'm free of that nightmare? I sure as hell hope so."
An hour passed on by as the fire dimmed slowly. Cayde stood up with a groan and stretched with a relaxed sigh. "More wood then," He muttered. Grabbing a branch beside him, he broke it in half before tossing it into the dying fire. The flames licked away at their newly added fuel and ate away greedily.
"Humanity always seemed to take after fire... Always hungry for more, only to die out once the fuel completely gone..."
"Fine, let's just say that I'm no longer in Yharnam. Okay, good. Then I guess I could be a little more... Lenient... But I should probably keep my guard up either way. I should be ready for anything. It's like being on the streets of Southwark... One moment you're fine. The next at knifepoint from some thug."
Cayde then heard some rustling in the bushes nearby. He instinctively reached for a large, thick branch and stood up walking towards the disturbance. Hefting it tightly, he raised it up over his head with his left hand clearing away some foliage. Cayde was ready to swing down to hit whatever was there. But he widened his eyes and felt relief rush over him. "Son of a bitch... A Messenger," He uttered lowing the branch to his side.
The pale, sickly looking creature looked up from it's spot and nodded it's head in delight seeing the Hunter before him. Cayde knelt down in front of the creature and softly petted it's head. He heard a faint purr coming from the Messenger before it looked up at him. "Hey, what's going on? Where am I? What happened?" Cayde asked the Messenger.
The Messenger hissed softly rubbing it's sickly hands together. "Cayde... Good to see again... But broken... Severed..."
Cayde tilted his head hearing those last few words. "Broken? Severed?"
"... You... You are no longer part of Hunter's Dream..."
Cayde froze hearing that from the Messenger. He was no longer a part of the Hunter's Dream? If he was no longer part of it, that meant if he was to die...
"What? I'm no longer part of it? How?"
"Yes... But... You are still connected... Just can't return... Still have your equipment back in Dream..."
"And if I die here?'
"Do not know what will happen... Suggest you don't die... Look after yourself..."
"Alright. That much I can do. But where the hell am I then? I know I'm not in Yhranam."
"... Don't know where you are... But you are in Waking World..."
Cayde held his breath with his hands now cupped beneath his chin. "This is strange. Far to strange... Could be the effects of killing Rom... Hey? Can you still get me my equipment?" The Hunter asked. "Anything at all? Amd please tell me my other clothes are there."
"Indeed... Can still get you weapoms and clothes... Gehrman insisted we help you until he can resolve problem... That is if he can... But... What do you request, Hunter?"
The Hunter clapped his hands in relief at this. "Good. Very good. Bring me my cane and Hunter clothing. I feel naked in these slacks."
The Messenger was about to reply before something unexpected happened to Cayde that a Hunter would never expect to happen.
He shouted in pain when a bicycle tire bashed itself into his face right between his eyes. Cayde flew back a few feet and held his face in pain. He heard something crashing on the ground along with someone falling to the ground.
"Holy Fuck! What are you?! Some chancer that's-!" Cayde cursed, slowly picking himself up from the ground. His head shook from the tire ramming into his face holding the area where it hit him. Cayde soon focused his vision on what laid on the ground. He narrowed his eyes for a moment before they widened in shock. A bicycle laid on the ground near where it hit him. But a few feet away from the Hunter was a girl laying passed out on the ground. "Oh Cayde you gobshite..."
Scrambling himself up to his knees, he crawled towards the girl feeling concern fill him, replacing the worry of pain from his head. The girl somewhere around his age, though shorter he assumed, perhaps by at least somewhere half a foot. Bright pink hair cascaded down from her head past her shoulders with a pale cream color skin tone. His eyes inspected her face that was somehow in a heart shape. Upon closer observation, she was wearing a school uniform, that in what was for girls. A green jacket with a white blouse behind it that came along with a plaid skirt that barely hid above her knees.
Softly placing his hands on her shoulders, Cayde began to shake her, trying to wake her up. "Oi, up and at 'em. Don't doze off around here," He said continuing to shake her.
The girl let out a small groan from the constant shaking. The Hunter stopped hearing this making him sigh in relief. She slowly opened her eyes and faced Cayde with eyes filled with guilt. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you. My anemia was catching up to me making me dizzy," She said softly.
What he saw was perhaps an eye relief to him since he entered Yharnam. Bright emerald green eyes flashed from her, and it strongely brought him at ease.
"Ah, don't ya worry 'bout me," Cayde told her, gently getting her to sit up. But despite her rather innocent looks, he still kept his mind on the alert if anything funny was to happen. "Least you ain't banjanxed. Otherwise we'd be in a whole heap of trouble," He mumbled lowly to himself. "You alright?" He asked standing up and offered her a hand. "Oh, and to introduce a bowsie like me, names Cayde. Cayde Fola."
The girl smiled shyly at him and took his hand standing back up. "It's nice to meet you, Cayde. I'm Moka Akashiya. So, are you going to the academy too?"
Cayde was a bit confused hearing this from her. There was a school in the middle of these woods? Then again, there was Byrgenwerth, a school that was deep within the Forbidden Forest. He needed to start somewhere as well, asides from hiding out in the forest. Besides, he was dying from thirst and needed something to eat. Deciding that this was the only option he had, Cayde nodded at her. "Y-Yeah. I just so happen to get myself lost heading there."
Moka nodded at this before having a horrified look on her face. "C-Cayde... Your head... You're bleeding..."
Cayde raised an eyebrow hearing her say this. "Bleeding?" He then realized that his head felt a bit damp before placing a hand on his forehead. Glancing at his hand, he groaned seeing that he indeed was bleeding. "That's just brutal..."
"Here, let me help," Moka told him. She reached into her pocket before fishing out a white handkerchief and gently applied it to the small wound on his head to stop the bleeding.
Since Moka had gotten into his personal space, Cayde managed to catch a whiff of her scent. He couldn't help but relish in the smell. "Roses... Vanilla... Bubblegum... Such a deadly scent."
He soon snapped out of his trance when he heard sniffing from her. Cayde was taken aback when he saw that she was sniffing the handkerchief she used to stop the bleeding. "Ummm, Moka?"
She slowly opened her eyes which seemed to have a small haze to them. "Oh, I'm sorry. I... I just can't help myself. But you smell so good, Cayde." Moka leaned a little closer to him and had her face cuddle closely into the Hunter's neck. "It's because... I'm a vampire." She opened her mouth which revealed her canines had become longer before they pierced his flesh.
Cayde was frozen for a split second before placing his hands on shoulders firmly and pushed her away from his neck. He reeled away holding onto his neck feeling some of his blood staining his hand. "What the hell?! She bit me! But... It was just a small prick..."
The Young Hunter slowly slipped his right hand into his pocket, placing a light grip around a small object ready to retaliate if necessary. He eyed the now revealed vampire before him, blood now starting to boil beneath his skin. But it confused him to as why she didn't come onto him wanting more.
"I-I'm sorry, it's just been awhile since I've had some blood. And the scent of your blood made me want to have some. I didn't mean to do that," Moka softly squeaked out at him with regret heavy in her words.
Cayde relaxed his body hearing this from her. His time back in London in Devil's Acre and in Yharnam showed that even innocent looking people, or in Yharnam, things, can be deadly. But she was clearly showing regret and pity that she had came onto him like that. And those were emotions that could barely be toyed with.
With a sigh, he nodded before flashing her a small smile. "No, it's fine. Had my fair share of others bitting me. My fault that I shoved you away like that. Reflex of mine from where I'm from." Playing nice was something he decided to go with, to truly see if she was being honest with her words. "Are you alright though? My grip might've been a bit too hard on you."
"I'm okay. You did react in the moment." Moka just smiled at him before growing nervous, shrinking in a bit. "Well, I'm also new to this school... Do you want to be friends? It would be nice to be with someone familiar there."
Cayde felt his heart being stabbed viciously seeing her like this. It was like seeing a kicked puppy with tears in it's eyes. There was no way she could be deceiving him with this act. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt if you don't randomly bite me again Nothing against vampires, just sudden bitting is something I'm not fond of. But then again, two heads are better then one."
Moka nodded blushing but smiled at his kindness. She quickly snatched his hand before he began to pull Cayde along with her. "Great! The opening ceremony should be beginning soon! Let's not be late for it!" She chirped out, going at a fast pace.
The Young Hunter held onto his cap being pulled along by his newly gained friend with a nervous expression of his own. "Something tells me this is Yharnam all over again."
Editing note, imagine the jacket as I mention of what he wears to what Jacob Frye from AC Syndicate wears, similar as that. The Simply Jacob Outfit.
So, that was something. I'm glad I managed to finish and post this during my vacation. Sorry if some things are mispelled and everything, had to do this from an iPad.
But yes, Cayde has once again thrusted himself into a situation. How will he manage to cope with his decision?
See you guys soon. This'll probably be the only thing I'll be able to post while om VK. So while I'm on said VK, let me know what you think of this. Positive and negative feedback is welcomed.
Translations, Irish to English
Beannachtaí- Greetings
bhí sé ar mire- it was crazy
Cad é an ifreann atá ar siúl anseo- What the hell's going on here
I also decided to use some Irish slang here for Cayde. You guys look them up to see what they mean. And to any of my viewers who happen to be Irish, I'm sorry if I happened to use them wrong. I would like some tips and all.