Chapter 3

A/N: Hey you guys, welcome to another chapter of Blood Vampire. I'm really glad all of you who are reading this are enjoying this so far. Hope it's a good read so far.

So this is part two of the first day at Yokai for Cayde. The other part I couldn't get in for some reason last time. But that's fine. Soon you'll see him in action in a moment.

So a lot of other ideas have been flooding into my head now after I just began binge watching Naruto. Yes, I'm watching the largest anime that a lot of people love to death. It's not that bad actually, but all that filler...

I'll now stop my ranting so you may now enjoy the story. And let me know what you think of the fighting that ensues here. Enjoy.

I remember one day when I was with my Uncle back in Whitechapel. He decided to take me and a friend of mine along for one of his usual patrol routines. It was a day patrol for him while I didn't have school that day. And my friend decided to come along since he had nothing to do. It was fairly slow, but it was peaceful.

Then I saw a prostitute being cornered against a building by two thugs. I remember things happening in a flash, my uncle and friend needing to tell me of what happened. They told me that I walked up to the two and beaten them to a pulp.

I do remember smashing one of their faces into a wall.

Glad my Uncle didn't arrest me since he understood why I did so.

But that was just me as what my Uncle and friends say back in The Ravenclaws. I couldn't stand the sight of women being bullied. I can't stand the sight of them being tossed around like toys and thrown away once they're no longer needed.

Then again, I'm not that fond of bullies.

Cayde panted softly, dodging past trees that stood in his way, legs not faltering as he rushed towards the origin of the scream. Eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on the handle of his cane. Another scream spurred him to urge himself to go faster.

"Shite, have to bolt it," The Hunter thought, his heart pumping unconsciously, beginning to have have the throes of adrenaline flow through the veins.

He soon arrived at a tree line of a clearing, just stopping a couple feet away, sticking to the shadows they offered, his clothing blending him in. But what he saw caused him to grit his teeth hard. Though he couldn't just rush headlong into the fray. His eyes looked around frantically before they found a rock laying close by. Bending forward, he grabbed it and tossed it a couple times in his left hand, leaning to the side to get a good line of sight before chucking the rock.

A few moments earlier...

Moka whimpered softly as she crawled backwards, her back making contact with a tree preventing her from escaping. A few bruises and cuts were shown along her face from being thrown around and hit in the face. "L-Leave me alone..." She managed to get out weakly trying to move away from her assailant.

Saizou merely smirked back at her, advancing towards the Vampire. "And what? You're going to stop me?" He responded, licking his lips with clear intention. But instead, he towered over her, skin looking like leather in a grey color with his collar replaced by small spike like formations, muscles bulked out with claws replacing his fingers.

The Orc was about to reach for her again before clutching at his head feeling something impacting against his head. "Damn it!" Saizou cursed, letting his arm drop showing the spot where he was hit, some blood being drawn. "Who's there?!" He snarled, taking a look to see it was a rock that hit him in the head before looking back at Moka. "Forget it. I'm going to do what I wanted to do since I laid my eyes on you," The Orc growled attempting to grab her again.

Both then flinched hearing a gunshot going off, the sound echoing off against the trees. Another gunshot went off, followed by a branch breaking with footsteps accompanying it. Saizou looked in the direction of the sounds while Moka took this as an opportunity to slip away unnoticed.

Saizou continued to look around, trying to see who was approaching. "Please don't let it be any of the teachers."

His eyes scanned around the surrounding trees, trying to find who was approaching. But no other sounds were being emitted now. Silence was the only thing present. He felt fear creeping along his spine, shivers stealthily crawling up his skin. And he swore he saw something moving within the trees.

He then heard a crunching of a branch behind him. Saizou spun around to see who was behind him before roaring in pain as he felt a hard object slam itself into the right side of his face, jerking his head to the left. There, he managed to see who it was.

A figure clad in dark grey, robes that fluttered from swift movement, a tricorn hat with a feathery like design on top with a mask that covered the face. He was then met with retribution seeing the figure moved behind him and yelped loudly feeling something impacting against his back causing the Orc to fall onto his knee. Lifting his head up, he saw a glimpse of the figure who was now in front of him. Saizou then saw the person reeling back as he swung a cane right into his face. His head jerked up before he fell flat on his face groaning softly.

Moka kept quiet the entire time, sitting against a tree, her legs actually giving out on seeing how the figure had dispatched the Orc the way he did, swiftly, and no mercy was shown whatsoever. "W-Who is that?"

The Vampire then gasped seeing that the figure turned his head towards her causing her to freeze in place. The very look of him was ominous, almost evil looking to her. One that struck fear into her beating heart. The figure then walked over to her, the robes behind him swaying along, holding tight onto the cane in the right hand while an odd looking firearm was strapped to the his left side.

She closed her eyes, placing her arms in front of her face to brace herself. "D-Don't hurt me, please," Moka pleaded.

But what happened next surprised her. The figure went his knee, looking at her closely before nodding. "Good thing I got here in time," A familiar voice spoke making her eyes go wide and arms go slack.

"C-Cayde?" Moka mumbled, trying to get a good look, tears welling up in her eyes.

Cade nodded once again before reaching up and pulled the mask down, a relieved look chipped onto his face. "Shh, it's okay. You're alright now-Shite!"

Moka was on him, latching on the Hunter, hugging him tightly not wanting to let go. She nuzzled her face into his shoulder, whimpering all the while. "C-Cayde... Forgive me... I'm sorry..."

Cayde groaned softly from the sudden hug attack before awkwardly rubbing her back in attempts to relax. "Calm down, Moka. Breathe." But in all honesty, he had no idea what was going on between the two of them at the moment.

Cue: Bloodborne Soundtrack- The Hunter

"Nice try... Think you can take me down?"

The Hunter snapped his head to look behind him to see Saizou getting back onto his feet. "Get behind me," He whispered to Moka as he stood up and helped her to her feet, now shielding her while glaring at the Orc as he pulled the mask back up over his mouth. "So, a sap like you is wanting more, huh?"

Saizou snarled at him, slowly advancing towards the two. "You were just lucky! This time, I'll crush you!" He growled threateningly making Moka shrink behind Cayde.

A smirk was hidden behind the mask as Cayde snickered. "You'll be needing to do better than that to scare me, mate. I managed to scare you before I even got close to you," He taunted at Saizou. "I bet even a babby could scare you."

The Orc roared and charged towards them, wanting to crush the both of them like a raging berserker. Cayde took a quick glance at Moka. "Hide. Now!" He ordered her before rushing headlong himself towards Saizou. His heart began to beat faster, sending adrenaline throughout his body. He then flicked his right hand subtly, turning the Threaded Cane around slightly before it back to break off into ragged looking pieces but stayed stuck together.

The two met in the middle of the graveyard, the Orc roaring and Hunter glaring as they closed in. When Saizou got in striking range, Cayde dove forward just as his opponent swung his arm trying to hit him. Rolling behind him, Cayde swung his cane across. The cane extended out just like a whip and wrapped itself around one of Saizou's legs before Cayde pulled hard, causing the other teen to fall down once again on his face. The cane retracted back into it's original length still retaining it's jagged shape, ready to lash down again.

Saizou quickly recovered and got back onto his feet only to see the Hunter was already on him. Cayde sprinted towards the other teen before bringing down his cane straight down, the whip like motion happening once again striking the Orc in the face and continued the motion of slashing at him with the cane before retracting it back for another salvo of attacks.

As the cane retracted back, Saizou took this as his opportunity and swung his arm suddenly catching the Hunter off guard. The arm collided with him in the chest sending him flying, making him drop his weapon in process. Cayde crashed into a tombstone with dirt being thrown into the air and the grave cracking from the force of the attack.

Cayde stumbled onto his knees before standing back up, cringing at the throbbing pain in his back. He saw how the Orc was charging for him once again and the absence of his cane. He slowly placed his hand on the gun strapped on his hip waiting for the opportune moment. Getting within range, the Hunter drew the pistol, firing a shot at him. The Quicksilver Bullet flew from the barrel and impacted against the tough skin of Saizou right on his chest. It slightly buried itself right in the strong hide of the Orc before falling out, drawing just the smallest amount of blood.

The other teen roared in pain and trampled forward blindly holding his chest in pain. Cayde then rolled to the side, narrowly dodging Saizou before running towards his cane that laid idly on the ground.

But he then yelped as he was tripped by the Orc and landed on the ground, just a few feet away from the cane. He then gripped his right hand on the dirt ground as he was picked up by Saizou, dangling upside down. "Gotcha now you little bastard!" He snarled.

The Hunter glared at him before snapping his right arm forward, releasing the dirt in his hand right into his eyes. The Orc cried out in surprise and dropped him, clawing at his face trying to get rid of the dirt on his face. Cayde landed on his back before crawling towards his cane and grabbed it. Getting up, he slammed his cane down on the ground, making it revert back to it's original form.

Cayde then rushed towards Saizou, wanting to end the fight before his opponent could recover. Gripping the Threaded Cane hard, the Hunter smashed it into his stomach, knocking the wind out of the Orc and made him bend forward. Holstering the pistol on his hip, he gripped the cane with both hands before swinging it down on his head, sending him into the ground a third time.

The Hunter panted hard, wincing at the pain in his left leg as he felt it getting crushed from Saizou, as well his back colliding with the gravestone not so long ago. His body was throbbing from the pain with just to numb it. He then narrowed his eyes at the Orc before sighing and turned around. "Sleep tight, ya git," He muttered softly before limping away, using his cane as support.

Moka was just dumbfounded of what she had witnessed for herself. She remembered him saying that he was a human outright to her face. But then here he was, holding his own against Saizou with speed and strength that a human couldn't posses. And the fact he was launched right into a tombstone spoke volumes.

She felt a small smile creep onto her face. The Vampire felt terrible for offending the Hunter and wanted to apologize to him. Then Saizou cornered her. She thought she was done for, but then Cayde appeared, fighting for her behalf, as if he hadn't remembered what transpired between them.

But before she could come over to confront him, her eyes drifted behind him and gasped loudly seeing how Saizou had gotten close to Cayde. "Fucking die already!" He roared before grabbing Cayde, his hand grasping around the entire frame of his body and started crushing him. "You'll pay for that!" The Orc screamed before bashing him into the ground a few times, the earth trembling from each punch.

"C-Cayde!" Moka shouted feebly, heart dropping seeing how his body was being pummelled.

The Hunter gasped from each pound into the ground, vision starting to darken before being held up high like some sort of blood trophy. Saizou laughed in triumph and squeezed harder, trying to crush him in his grasp. "I'll crush you just like a bug!"

Cayde sputtered out, some blood staining the inside of his mask, eyes trying to focus in on his opponent. "All talk... No brawn..." He weakly taunted, eyes half closed, all the while laughing softly.

Something snapped in Saizou and he roared loudly before chucking the Hunter into the woods as far as he could. But what surprised both of them was when Moka run in front of Cayde before jumping up, his body colliding with hers causing them to be flung deeper into the woods. They hit a myriad of branches and trees, Cayde taking the brunt of the damage as he unconsciously wrapped his body around the Vampire to shield her from the incoming harm before landing on the ground, the two rolling along.

They soon came crashing into a clearing, nearby a cliff that over looked the blood red sea. Cayde slowly let go off Moka and laid on his back panting heavily. He hissed in pain feeling multiple gashes and cuts on his body as the trees have pierced through his clothing leaving some splinters in there.

Moka groaned holding onto her head with some cuts along her face since she wasn't fully protected from the launch. "Ow..." She muttered before gasping seeing Cayde. "On no! Cayde!" She panicked and crawled over to him. "Are you okay?!"

The Hunter slowly sat up, clenching his teeth together from the multiple sensations of pain that emitted form the multiple injuries he has sustained. "I-I'm fine..." He coughed heavily, getting onto his feet, wobbling side to side before falling onto his knees.

They soon heard the splintering of wood and the ground shaking. There, Saizou charged through the treelike revealing himself with a proud smirk on his face. "Look at that. I guess he's running on empty!" He boasted, laughing all the while.

Cayde growled softly as he stood back up again. Gripping his cane still, he trudged towards the Orc before feeling Moka tug on the back of his robes making him look at her. "You're going to get yourself killed fighting him!" Moka pleaded with him. "We have to run away from him."

The Hunter shrugged her off and glared back at Saizou. "Don't worry, Moka... I'm not scared of death in the slightest... Died too many times to count already..." He muttered back at her making her go wide eyed, while the last part wasn't heard. His left hand subtly reached into the satchel found on the left side of his hip and rummaged around in it before pulling out a syringe out.

Moka saw this and gasped seeing him stabbing it into his leg, injecting the red liquid into himself. A groan of relief escaped the Hunter's lips before he stood straight up from his hunched position. She then noticed the notable tears in his clothes that showed his skin with numerous cuts. But to her shock, they began to heal at a rapid rate, closing up the wounds without him limping anymore.

"Clad like night... A transformable weapon in the right hand... A firearm in the other... Fights without fear and without mercy... No fear of death... Is he what I think he is?" Moka thought, eyes slowly widening as she remembered some of the stories she was told as a child. People dressed up as if they're the Grim Reaper himself, hunting down monsters or other humans. And it always ended in blood.

Cayde approached Saizou who was at the end of his rambling laughter, doing his best to ignore the pain in his body that remained. Slowly, he stood on both feet, staring straight at him. "So, you're wanting more, huh?" The Orc questioned with a grin.

The Hunter continued to glare at him before lifting his cane up. "I... I'm not stopping until... You apologize to the lady back there..." He mumbled, referring to his friend with a growl.

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll make sure you won't leave without a beating," Cayde threaten before trying to swing it at him. It managed to land on Saizou's side making him grunt behind the force.

The Orc tried to swing his arm at him to connect a punch before the Hunter stepped to the side to avoid it and swung the cane down on the arm hard, trying to disable him. "Fucker!"

Cayde got behind him, trying to bash his cane on his back before the Orc suddenly spun around and threw a punch at him. It connected onto his chest, knocking the air out of him, causing the Hunter to fly off his feet. Moka gasped herself before yelping when his body once again flew into her.

The two teens landed on the ground tumbling about. But Cayde didn't notice his hand flying out and landed on the rosary. By instinct, he gripped on it. And the rosary was plucked off with ease.

Moka gasped softly as they two stopped rolling on the ground and quickly sat up, looking at the chain that dangled about freely without her rosary keeping it down. "The rosary..." She managed to say before feeling dark energy within her surging out.

A pulse of concentrated energy emitted from her with the skies darkening and a horde of bats descending down, covering the Vampire's body all over before she began to transform.

Cayde stood still like a deer caught in the headlights with his eyes drifting down to the rosary in his hand. He was hunched over from the sharp pain on his chest trying not to fall down. But something inside him told him to run, yet he reluctantly stood his ground, now shaking a bit. "What the hell? This energy feels foul... Like Cainhurst... And Queen Annalise..."

Meanwhile, Saizou stood still, sensing the powerful yokai energy that leaked the surrounding clearing. "This... This can't be!"

The Hunter soon flinched seeing a bat flying off of Moka's body. Then another. And another. Soon, an entire swarm was surrounding her before flying off. There stood Moka, but with a different look altogether.

Unlike before, she stood tall with pride instead of bent over and humble. The pink hair that he encountered was now like the color of Quicksilver, as it seemed like to shine from natural light. She was a bit taller, just by an inch or so, with her curves more defined, like the women Cayde has seen on the streets of Whitechapel at night. But instead of it being inviting, it was rather more deadly looking, a hidden agenda hidden behind her facade. Her canines had elongated, poking past her lips.

Moka soon opened her eyes, and the Hunter froze in place with fear stabbing him like a shiv in the back. Instead of the emerald green orbs he has witnessed, it was crimson like Frenzied Blood, a slit in each eye that soon looked at him.

"Hmmm, you released me," She replied. Her voice was much deeper, maturity behind it. She spoke with pride and power, one that demanded full respect, like the Queen of the Vilebloods, even refusing to speak to her own kin who don't kneel before her.

Cayde breathed deeply, quickly regaining his composure before bowing before her with his left arm coming up to his chest, fist over his heart, in the iconic Hunter's Salutation. "Aye. I was trying to be wide until that git over there attacked us. Sorry if I woke you up from your kip," He responded calmly to her, as his eye twitched from the pain throbbing throughout his body.

The new Moka nodded before her eyes narrowed at Saizou, with a hidden intent behind them. "Well, I guess a lesson is in order for him" She began to walk towards the Orc unfazed and looked back at the Hunter. "And for you, I expect you to explain yourself once this is over on whom you are."

Cayde nodded at her and stepped back, his instincts blaring out of control suggesting he should get as much distance as he could. "Alright. We'll have a chinwag later then."

Saizou snarled, attempting to summon his courage to stand his ground. "T-This doesn't matter. I'll crush that bug over there before I'll make you mine!" The Orc got out.

Moka yawned as she gave a deadly smirk. "Oh? Then prove it," She taunted.

Saizou growled before charging towards the Vampire, fist reared back ready to punch at her, closing the gap quickly between them. He let out a loud roar before throwing his arm forward.

Her hand suddenly caught his large fist in a split second. A small shockwave occurred upon impact which made Cayde's robes started fluttering violently from it and covered his face from the boom. Shock filled both the guys seeing how she hasn't even budged from her position.

Her face had an unimpressed look while gazing at Saizou. "Really? This is all the strength you posses? Maybe your boasting is stronger than your fist." With that, she casually pushed the arm aside without any effort before jumping into the air and pulled her right leg back. It then snapped out like lightning and smashed itself into his face with unimaginable force. This sent the Orc flying into a nearby boulder and went through it and crashed into a tree, imbedding him into it.

Moka landed gracefully and stood up straight with a sigh. "Know your place," She said and turned around walking away.

Saizou groaned and growled and pried himself out off tree and roared with hatred. "THAT'S IT!" He shouted, running at her like an enraged rhino.

She growled softly and spun around ready to knock the Orc back once again before hearing a gunshot go off. Saizou held his chest in pain once again causing Moka to look back to see Cayde holding onto his pistol with the barrel smoking. "I'm tired of you, ya git."

The Hunter holstered his gun and then began to run towards the Orc, cane raised up by both hands. Closing in, he swung the cane down at one of his legs with a vengeance. This caused Saizou fall onto his knee. Cayde then spun the cane around to the other side and placed the handle on his neck and pulled him down. Swiftly, he reared back before bringing the Threaded Cane upwards, smashing it beneath the chin.

Saizou's body jerked upwards and caused him to fall flat on his rump. A dazed look was on his face before Cayde delivered the final blow with a fist being thrown right between his eyes. The Hunter gritted his teeth from the impact of his fist on Saizou's face, feeling like he had punched a wall. But it paid off as the Orc was launched back, falling to the ground with a loud thud and some dirt being kicked ip.

Cayde glared down at him and took a couple steps back, stumbling and shook his right hand a couple times. "Finally..." He uttered in triumph and slowly turned around to walk off.

But he froze in place when he saw Moka standing in front of him, rather too close to him with her crimson orbs staring right at him. "Now... Now listen here... You promised earlier we'd talk... But if you're wanting to have a go at it," He began, cracking his knuckles, preparing himself if he should fight again.

"I'm not interested in a fight with you as of now." She flicked her silver hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms right beneath her supple bust making them ballon out slightly. "I should be disgusted by you, I will say that I'm rather impressed by your determination and how you held your own without faltering. While you informed my outer self saying you are human, you clearly show more potential and traits that humans don't have. Mind explaining yourself?" Moka stated clearly.

Cayde pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a deep sigh. "Yesh, you're like that damn Vileblood, Annalise..." He muttered lowly and boldly. She seemed to catch wind of this but remained silent as he took off his hat and pulled his mask down. Blood stained his lips and parts of his cheeks, some still trailing down from the corner of his mouth.

The Hunter bit the inside of his mouth as he thought carefully on what to say to her, as she would demand a full explanation. Though in his case, it would rather be hard.

"Have you ever heard of the Hunters?"

It felt like ages as I talked to her as much as I could about myself and what I am. With me coming from another world, all the way from me leaving London to me fighting Micolash in the Nemsis Nightmare, I talked. And I talked. And I talked.

I didn't know if I was gone in the head while I talked to her, what made me explain my story. Either because she reminds of Queen Annalise, or just wanting me to win her trust, I just went on.

Moka just continued to listen to me, arms just crossed with her eyes looking at me with interest. She did say that my tale was a bit ridiculous from what I explained, but after her seeing me in action and her knowing of the stories about the Hunters, she seemed to have accepted my story, my very presence already being a huge factor.

She then asked me about my experience as a Hunter of Yharnam. I just explained what I could, why I had to. She seemed disgusted by it but understood that I killed those who were suffering to mindless beasts.

Soon after, she took her rosary back and instructed me to look after her other self while she rested. I think she's taking a kip by my standards then.

Once the bloody thing was back on that strange necklace, she quickly changed back to the Moka that I first saw. She collapsed before I caught her in my arms. I just held her in my grasp before limping towards a tree and laid against it and let her lie down on it as well.

Well, this place is awfully different, that much I'll say. But, it just reminds me of London's churning seas, which just brings a little hope in me.

Then again, I am a chancer.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I got a little busy so I couldn't post it back on Wednesday, a week after the last update of this story.

Now if you're wondering how Cayde is struggling against Saizou, as he is clearly more superior in skill and power since he's a Hunter, here's this. He reluctantly became a Hunter, and had to fight beasts stronger than him as he is pretty weak to them. So he struggled and still does.

The update times will now be a bit here and there now as I need to prioritize on my studies for school. But I'll try my best to be posting another chapter of this or another story soon.

And those waiting for Metro: A New Light, you just wait. A chapter is just around the corner.

Safety and peace to you all.