AN: Thanks to a few suggestions in the reviews I have decided to make the pairing for this story Percy/Rachel

The Silver Hunter

Chapter 3


"So what if we tried putting this piece here?" Annabeth asked him, pointing at one of the runes on a magical array they were working on together. Annabeth had apologized, an honest one, and had admitted that she let her hubris get the better of her. He had forgiven her, since even he could tell that she was sorry…that and she gave him the kicked puppy look. Now they were working together on a few projects before he got called to the big house as he knew someone on the council, probably Zeus, would start an argument about him existing which would lead to a quest, which would lead to shit being blown up, and then to him getting his shit back.

"I tried that once, instead of creating an EMP It somehow conjured a giant chunk of cheese." He said shrugging, his own bewildered expression at the memory showing that it wasn't a joke.

"Wha…I'd don't…how?!" Annabeth asked flabbergasted as he shrugged.

"I don't know. OH! I almost forgot. You know how I'm probably going to get a quest soon right?" he asked her.

"Duh Kelp for Brains," She teased him with a smirk "the sky's been rumbling for the past three days since Poseidon claimed you."

"Well how'd you like to come with me." He asked "I made some weapons for you if you say yes?" he almost sang the last part as he teasingly offered her a bribe.

"Oh! Gimme gimme gimme!" Annabeth said eagerly, turning into a little kid at the thought of getting weapons…something he didn't blame her for.

"Voila!" he called out as he brought up a box of two basic pistols made of celestial bronze, the items looking like a regular pistol instead of his more…unique design. "They each conjure celestial bronze bullets. Unfortunately they don't have an overly fast firing rate compared to other guns."

"Haven't gotten that part of the enchantment to work right?" she asked testing the weight of the weapons before watching as they turned into bracelets on each wrist.

"Not exactly." He sighed, "They take too long to conjure bullets for a truly rapid fire like in a machine gun. I think if someone had a connection to the divine metal, like children of the underworld do with Stygian Iron, then it could work but it's just a theory."

"Shame." Annabeth said, feeling a little sad that they couldn't further the study of his new weapon type.

"Yeah but enough of that. What are you going to call those beauties?" he asked her, curious as to what she'd name the new weapons.

"I'm thinking…'Pride' and 'Prejudice'." She said with a grin at the book reference for her new weapons, "Hey, what are your weapons called."

"I'm so glad you asked." He said proudly as he pulled out his two pistol scythes "These are 'Butter' and 'I can't believe it's not butter' while my Sniper Riffle is 'Kindness'."

Annabeth was silent for all of two seconds before a resounding face palm shattered that silence like an egg, "Why am I not surprised?" the daughter of Athena asked him exasperated but he could see the corners of her mouth twitching up in amusement.

"Because you know how awesome I am." He said smugly, causing them both to laugh as he put away his twin weapons, turning them into silver emblems on his leather cuffs.

"So who else is coming with us on the quest?" Annabeth asked "And are they getting anything cool?"

"I'm thinking Lou Ellen." He said, thinking about the daughter of Hecate who he had been talking with about his magic arrays, "Some extra magical oomph will really be helpful. As for cool shit…well guns are out. I've seen that girl shoot and I wouldn't trust her with a nerf gun let alone one of these beauties. I've actually been spending the past several days, even before the capture the flag game, making those two pistols and a sword for her. I knew I'd get a quest eventually and she seemed like a good person to have early on."

"What kind of sword are you making her?" Annabeth asked intrigued.

"You ever played Metal Gear?" he asked her but got a blank look in response "It's a video game? Really popular? Never mind. Anyway, there's a character in the game who uses a High-Frequency blade as a weapon. It has a powerful alternating current reinforcing it which makes it resonate at extremely high frequencies. Using this it can weaken the molecular bonds of whatever it cuts which increases its cutting ability. Lou likes the games so I made her one like the Murasama used by Raiden in the game. The celestial bronze I used in the alloy to make it also prevent the sword's oscillation from weakening itself."

"That's…pretty freaking cool." Annabeth said impressed as he gave a smug grin.

"I know, after all, I made it." He boasted jokingly, giving an over the top laugh as he threw his head back…and was promptly hit in the face with a pillow.

"Aw come on!" he pouted as Annabeth giggled.

"Alright there ya ego maniac," she teased, "let's get back to these arrays."


A flash of light caught his eye and drew him out of his nervous pacing which had been carving a track in the grass in front of the big house. Seeing Dionysus, he asked urgently "What was the council's decision?"

"It started out with Zeus demanding the boy be killed and sent straight to the Fields of Punishment, Artemis agreeing with him." Dionysus scowled. "Poseidon, Hephaestus, and Athena protested that action and even threatened civil war of Zeus does that. Most of the council agreed with them, myself included."

"I'm guessing that didn't go over well." He frowned, frustrated by his brother's idiotic paranoia.

"He says that if Percy doesn't return his bolt by the Solstice then there would be war and Zeus would unleash every monster he could to have the boy killed. Artemis also promised the aide of her hunters in having Percy murdered."

"Joy." He sighed "Call Percy, it's time for him to receive a prophecy for his quest."

"I already sent Mr. Underwood to fetch him." Dionysus said with a nod as they waited for the three quarter god to show up which took around five minutes.

"Let me guess, quest time?" Percy asked as Dionysus nodded, "And if I fail I die because part of the council is paranoid?"

"Pretty much." He sighed, wanting to backhand his brother so badly right now.

"At least things aren't boring." Percy shrugs, "What is the quest?"

"Zeus' master bolt was stolen and he decided that you must have stolen it for your father."

"Wow…Zeus is a dick. Anyway, is the Oracle still in the attic?" he asked, peeved at how paranoid the king of the gods was.

"How…damn it Sally." He sighed as Percy and Dionysus chuckled, "Just…just go."


Climbing up to the attic, he shivered with anticipation at getting a quest, the chance to go on an amazing adventure. Looking around he saw dozens of trophies and various spoils of war left by other demigods, all leading to the shriveled husk like mummy that he knew contained the spirit of the Oracle. "How may I recover the master bolt?" he asked the mummy as its mouth slowly began to open.

The Mummy's mouth began to glow as green fog pooled out of it, filling the attic room as he heard the trap door he entered through slam shut. The room was soon full of so much mist he could see nothing but it, himself, and the mummy that released it. Rising from its stool the mummy hobbled forward, before uttering:

"You shall go West, and face the god who has turned,

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned,

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,

And a great rift shall be born in the end."

"Thank you Lady Oracle." He said, bowing slightly in respect to the cursed spirit "I pray that it helps me succeed in my quest." Turning, he pried open the trap door and walked back to the front porch where Chiron and Dionysus were waiting for him.

"So…please tell me we have good news." Chiron pleaded when they saw him.

"Well…yes and no." he admitted sheepishly as he repeated the prophecy to them.

"Why can't things ever be easy?" Chiron asked despondently.

"Because the Fates get bored and use us for entertainment." He shrugged.

"So who are you bringing with you?" Dionysus asked, "And when do you plan to head out?"

"I'll bring Annabeth Chase and Lou Ellen with me and we'll head out tomorrow morning." He answered the god of wine.

"I'll talk to your grandpa so he can set up a reality show for your quest." Dionysus chuckles.

"I want a share of the portion!" he called out after the vanishing god.