oK SO this is where she wakes up in the Naruto world confused as well as some hardship/ rough situation i guess?
Dont like dont read
Disclaimer in the first
Waking up was a slow thing. It was as though she was in a tube, with an underwater current pushing against her. She was getting closer and closer to the surface, and yet she could not make it to the top; before she could she was dragged back down into inky darkness. Occasionally she could see shapes and lights that were distorted throughout her vision, she could hear muffled, slurred voices, even the faintest scents of rotting wood and sweat. These happenings were very brief, for as soon as she comprehended the use of even one of her senses, she was overwhelmed, and slowly dragged back under.
However, she gradually fought her way to consciousness. She observed as blurs got sharper, and listened as the murmurs became clearer, and eventually she even managed to slightly pry open one eye. Then the other. Blinking sluggishly, she looked around to see that she was in a room. In a bed. There were many other small beds fitted snugly into the space, until it seemed as though there was room only for walking betwixt them. The sheets were threadbare from too many washes, stained and yellow from time as well as the little bodies likely fitting into the little beds.
Viewing as much of her body as she could, she felt a jolt of panic. Blackness began closing in around the edges of her vision. She was small. She was much too small to be a teenager as she had been previously. She looked as though she was almost a toddler again, although underweight and thinner than most, her arms were still slightly chubby with baby fat, and her body was dwarfed in what she had only just seconds ago dubbed a 'little bed'.
She promptly passed out once again.
Upon her second awakening, she managed to keep conscious. She panicked when she again came to the revelation that she was in a child's body, but she did not pass out. She was rather embarrassed about that, she wasn't really the type to faint. She chalked up the fainting to her strange situation, and vowed to disallow such behavior in the future. So, instead, she stared blankly at her little body; well, what she could see of it outlined under the covers. As she was lying supine, it was nigh impossible to get a good look, and keeping her neck in such a strained position was both difficult and a bit painful. Despite those things, she simply could not tear her gaze away.
Ultimately she decided that this was a dream or the afterlife. But if it was a dream, then why she would want to go back to when she was a toddler- roughly around the age of four, judging by the size of her body- she had no clue. This time period of her life was not the most pleasant- perhaps that was why she was in this age? Her subconscious' attempt at finding closure? Then again it could also be the afterlife, which was a complete unknown.
If it was a dream, her theories still hardly made any sense. If closure was the problem, then she wouldn't be in this room. This room was small and made of dark, worn wood; barren save for the many beds fit tightly within, all in compact, orderly rows,with sloppily made beds. Her own bed was pushed up with the area where a dashboard would be pressed against a side wall, situated in a line with the other beds. There was also a distinct musky scent of rotting wood and urine that made her nose crinkle up. There was one window- if you could call it that- set high on the wall to her left. It was cloudy and cracked, looking to be rusted shut, with dirt and dust acting as more glue to ensure that it would never open again- not without being broken. It was glowing ethereally with the sunlight shining behind it trying to get through.
She had just woken up, and going from what she had observed, she had been sleeping for a while. However, her head was starting to hurt, and she felt kind of tired. Why would her body still be wanting sleep? Why was she even feeling these things so vividly?
She heard a sharp gasp on her left. Whipping her head around, she found herself looking at a young boy. Much like her own body, the boy was underweight; he was also wearing cheap and worn clothes. Before she could think to say much of anything, he had already dashed out of the room.
Next thing she knew, there were heavy footsteps accompanied by softer, littler ones, marching toward her. She could feel a rock form in her stomach, and her shoulders tightened. What was coming? More like who was coming? The door, that was left cracked in the little boys haste to get out, was thrust open harshly, causing the door to smack harshly against the wall. The empty opening was then filled with the hulking mass of a stern looking woman. As she walked through the doorway, her presence alone seemed to suck up all the air.
She had steely grey hair, pulled up tightly in a bun on the top of her head. Her face bore the marks of someone who lived demandingly; her eyes were lined, and the sides of her mouth had furrows carved in deeply. The Ladies' eyes were like lasers, and they were fixed right on her little form in the bed. When she stopped, right on the edge of the bed, she opened her mouth and… was that japanese?
She just sat and stared blankly for a moment. Of course she knew the language, to an extent, but she had no clue why she was in this situation where she was being spoken to in it. Suddenly the lady stopped, then yelled,
"Yori!" She was confused. Trust? Somehow she felt as though she should know that word- or was it a name. It felt familiar, even though she knew that she had only ever heard it a few times before while learning the language. Was that her name here? Wait, what was her name again? Why could she not remember? But the lady was not done, and she seemed to not be amused by 'Yori's' behavior.
"Sickness is no excuse for this stupidity! You will get up and do your chores at once. Your fever went down days ago, you lazy chit!" The lady's eyes were hard and dark. Yori- as she decided to refer to herself now, while she was living in this dream or afterlife experience- felt a jolt of fear go through her. She moved her heavy body as fast as she could, which was depressingly slow. Her limbs felt like lead and her feet like they belonged to someone else. Overall her body was in rough shape.
When her feet slapped the cool ground on the side of her bed, her knees would have given out if it weren't for the calloused hand that gripped her ear. Pinching painfully and dragging her out of the room at a pace she could hardly keep up with considering her short legs- she was running on her tippy-toes- it felt as though the matron lady was trying to tear her ear off, the pain was so severe. She reached up to grab ahold of the hand attempting to rip off her ear but it was futile, and just when she thought she could take no more, she was released. Well, more like tossed.
She was just glad that her ear was still attached. Grasping it with both hands as she slumped on the floor where she had been so roughly thrown, Yori looked around. She was surrounded by basic cleaning supplies, as well as toilets and some showers. It was all filthy looking. The ground had some sort of mold it looked like, and the showers had no curtains. There was simply a nob in the wall, with a rusted drain in the ground for all the old shower heads that looked off-white with soap scum. The toilets as well had no privacy. They were simply off to the side, in the corner, looking menacing to her small form. The scent of the room itself was horrendous, not to mention what it must smell like closer to those porcelain monstrosities; they seemed to radiate their own aura of filth about them.
At the sound of an indrawn breath, Yori quickly snapped her eyes back to the lady.
"You have five hours. You will clean this bathroom and then you will go outside. You will be back on time or you will receive no food." With that she turned on her heel and marched off, to Yori's great relief.
She was shocked, but she didn't say anything. Perhaps she had been bad in her life, and this was her hell? She thought hard, she didn't believed she had been that bad. Then again this could also be a dream, so, a nightmare? She didn't know what to think; it was all so real. From the sights to the sounds and smells- all with so many miniscule, lifelike details. Even now she could hear the sounds of children trickling through the thin walls and the dripping of the faucets. She looked down, even if she was dreaming she had her work cut out for her. She screwed up her face in disgust.
Her body still weak with aches and pains, and her ear was throbbing under her hand, she did her best to move around- she started with her legs, controlling them to get them to do what she wanted. Twisting them at the ankles, bending the knees, flexing her toes. It was a very strange experience. It was like it was her body, but not. Like she didn't know how to use it properly yet. The fact that she was exhausted didn't help much. She did the same with her arms what she had done to her legs, and once she finished, she guessed that about thirty minutes had passed. She looked around herself and sighed.
At least she wouldn't have to ask anyone where the bathroom was- she suspected that she would already be expected to know.