Hey guys! Told you I'd get rewriting, so here I am, it's gonna take a while to get into the swing of writing again but I swear I'm gonna get it done.
But I am having a few indecisions myself; firstly, I have no idea what to do about Watching HTTYD2, as I have explained on my profile page, I want to do the extra episodes and seasons as well- but that'll add extra time so it could be a while before I get it written- so if anyone has any opinions or suggestions I always love to hear them.
Furthermore, I'm way out of practice. Grasping the HTTYD characters may be poor on my side at first as I've been more focused on the HTTYD2/RTTE type personalities but I'll get the hang of it, it's just gonna take time.
I always love to hear your opinions and suggestions, and I'm going to really need them so feel free to drop a review if you want!
Also, whose seen RTTE Season 2?! IM SO FUCKING IN LOVE! I'll not spoil it but we all just need to take a moment to appreciate it for it is a work of art, just saying.
Finally, I'm changing my penname- don't know when, but I'll let yous know :)
Hiccup had just about had it with his day, and it wasn't even midday yet.
First, he had intended on waking early to give his father (and his poorly cooked meals) the slip, choosing instead to visit Toothless in the cove and quickly go for a quick fly around the island before he was supposed to meet the teens at the dragon fighting arena- maybe he could have even 'forgot' the arrangement entirely and wouldn't even have to try to win the 'honour' of killing the Monstrous Nightmare; if you asked Hiccup, that sounded like a pretty good day.
So, naturally, that's not how it turned out.
First, Hiccup slept in- which he rarely ever does- therefore hindering any chance he had at giving Stoick the slip. As a result, Hiccup was forced to sit for what felt like hours as his father eagerly shared with Hiccup the details of how Stoick had won his dragon training challenge 'back in the day' and had won the right to kill his own Nightmare, while Hiccup picked at his burnt breakfast and prayed for any interruption.
Alas, the gods must have been smiling down upon him that day as Spitelout burst through the front door, effectively cutting Stoick off just as he began to describe- in disgusting detail- how he took the Nightmare down with nothing but an axe; Hiccup silently thanked his Uncle before sneaking by the front door as the pair began to argue about Thor knows what.
However, as always, Hiccup's luck wasn't to last as the moment he exited the house he became swarmed by his 'new fans' and made haste to the Forge, where he knew he could be left alone to sneak out.
But, of course, that's not what happened.
Gobber wasn't at the Dragon killing arena, as Hiccup had assumed he'd be, but instead he was in the Forge, working on some new axes and shields; the moment Gobber noticed Hiccup, Hiccup knew there was no chance of escaping now. The blacksmith's face had positively lit up, as he eagerly swept Hiccup into the safety of the forge, babbling on about how long it had been since the pair had really got a chance to work together since the dragon training has started, Hiccup laughed nervously as he began to sharpen some axes, the whole time thinking about how alone Toothless must be in the cove- which just made Hiccup all the more desperate to get out of there (despite the lingering guilt Hiccup had for wanting to leave the blacksmith alone in the Forge, Hiccup had become rather close to Gobber over the years).
Eventually, it was time for the 'pre-Nightmare' challenge, and Hiccup couldn't feel more sick if he tried.
Without a visit to Toothless to calm his nerves, Hiccup wanted nothing more than to quickly flee to the cove- even for a few moments- just to see his bestfriend before the challenge, however with Gobber escorting both him and the other viking teens (who has showed up at the Forge 10 minutes previously to have their weapons sharpened for the challenge) Hiccup didn't stand a chance of slipping away unseen.
And then of course, the whole village has turned up to witness the new viking killing prodigies try their luck against whichever dragon would be facing them that day. Hiccup easily spotted Gothi in the crowd, and couldn't help but notice how piercing her gaze was on the group, or was it just him? Hiccup could never tell with that woman.
The challenge has started off well, the dragon had been a Gronkle- nice and docile (at least in Hiccup's mind), should be easy enough to subdue and lose to, right?
The twins were out, Fishlegs was out, Snotlout was out, Hiccup and Astrid weren't out, and that pissed Hiccup off no end.
Hiccup supposed it should be easy enough to lose to Astrid, she was easily the best dragon killer/hunter on the team, all Hiccup had to do was stay away from the Gronkle and let Astrid hunt it down (hopefully without hurting it), easy enough.
...Or maybe not.
It seemed the Gronkle recognized Hiccup from past encounters, and made a direct beeline for the poor viking, Hiccup let out a nearly inaudible groan of frustration as he tried to run from it, only to be cornered against a post. Somewhere in the background, Hiccup could hear Astrid's battlecry and some part of his conscious must have acknowledged that the tough viking girl was near, but it was too late, in Hiccup's moment of panic he had flung out his arm and scratched the soft spot in the dragon's neck, causing it to crumple in an array of purrs at his feet. He could hear the cheers of the vikings, and the cursing from Astrid opposite him as she flung her axe around in a blaze of fury; luckily, Gobber stepped in just as Astrid placed her axe by Hiccup's throat, her words being fuzzy in his head, as he was still not quite over the rush of adrenaline.
As the figured and sounds around him became more distinct he became aware of the Gothi up on the viewing platform, watching the two carefully as the trio turned to face her.
Hiccup's heart hammered wildly in his chest, praying to every God he knew that the elder wouldn't pick him to kill the Nightmare, he really didn't think he would be able to handle that.
His hopes plummeted as Gothi shook her head at Astrid, and Hiccup saw Gobber's incredulous face as he gestured to Hiccup, to which the elderly woman seemed to brighten up, as she nodded her head.
Hiccup could hear the roars of the crowd, cheering for the chiefton heir, he could see Astrid's face contort into one of fury as she slowly turned to face him, and he could feel Gobber grabbing his arms and shaking them excitedly at the prospect of his little apprentice killing the Monstrous Nightmare the next day while the other viking teens rushed in his direction, cheering and whooping, but all Hiccup knew was that he suddenly felt very faint, and that if one more person mentioned killing a dragon he may just vomit everywhere in that very moment; but before he could even utter a word of false enthusiasm, he along with all the other Vikings disappeared in a flash of green light with a POP!
The Vikings landed on the hard oak floors with a thud, some being lucky enough to land on their feet or on another viking, but most were not so lucky.
"You've got to be kidding me." Hiccup scowled, as he picked himself off the floor, before curiously glancing around the room they seemed to have landed in. "Woah..."
The design was very similar to that of the Great Hall, the only differences were that the tables and benches were pushed to the side and in there place there seemed to be weird new seating, of different variants and colours, scattered across the room, all facing the front of the Hall. There was also an upstairs, but nobody seemed to pay it much mind in their amazed state.
"Is this Valhalla?" Tuffnut gaped, as he looked around the room in amazement.
"Does this LOOK like Valhalla to you Tuff?!" Questioned Snotlout, irritably.
But before the twin had a chance to respond, Stoick stepped in. "No Tuffnut, I don't think this is Valhalla, but I do want to know what we're all doing in the Great Hall for what seems to be no apparent reason." The chief frowned, as he stepped to the front, and faced his clan.
"Well Stoick, there must be a reason, otherwise why would we be here?" Gobber shrugged, as he make a move towards the chief.
"Maybe it's to celebrate Hiccup's AWESOME victory at the arena today?" Ruffnut cheered, which was reflected upon all the other vikings except Hiccup and Astrid themselves (the latter of whom eyed the scrawny teen suspiciously).
It took a moment for the vikings to calm down, but once they had Stoick chuckled before again addressing his people. "Yes, yes, but as amazing as my son's victory is, I doubt that is the reason we are gathered here- afterall there's plenty of time to celebrate tomorrow after he kills the Nightmare."
And so returned that sick feeling Hiccup had just gotten rid of, could he not catch a break?!
To try calm his wave of nausea, he tried to focus on the room instead, perhaps to find any clues as to why they were there in the first place, afterall he had to get back so he could go visit Toothless and...TOOTHLESS!
In his moment of panic the boy had totally forgotten about the dragon, where was he? Did he get affected? Is he okay? How long are they going to be gone? Thor this is bad...
Well, all the more reason to find out why they're there and get out, Hiccup supposed, as he took a more thorough look around the room. Hiccup was able to come to several conclusions: one, was that the Vikings were indeed in the Great Hall- despite the renovations, it was still the same room, the second was that whoever- or whatever- furnished this place must be of some great wealth- the fabrics of the chairs were not easy to come by- some Hiccup hasn't seen before in his life! And the final conclusion was that, whatever the reason for them being there was, there must be an answer in the Hall somewhere- and Hiccup would bet that it was in that scroll that was lying on the deep green squishy chair at the front.
While the other Vikings argued, Hiccup slipped past and made his way to the front of the Hall, aware that as he ventured forward, the Vikings fell silent.
"Son?" Stoick inquired, only for Hiccup to pick up a scroll lying on some sort of round chair at the front of the Hall, before looking up at his father.
"We're in the Great Hall, the only thing different are these new refurbishments and that weird door on the left. I think that whatever took us here, left us this note, it could be our only way out." Hiccup didn't know when his kidnapper has become a 'what' but until he knew it's identity it seemed fair enough.
Stoick only nodded in response, before gesturing for Hiccup to read the contents of the scroll.
Vikings of Berk,
I do apologize for kidnapping you all right before what seemed like a very fun celebration was about to breakout, but I'm sure you'll all agree to my reasonings once you've read my reasoning.
I'm afraid my identity must remain anonymous, but I can assure you I mean nobody any harm- this is purely for the future to reap the benefits of your labour from, you'll thank me in a few month's time- I assure you.
Now, it's going to be very hard to explain, the situations of your named 'Great Hall' but no changes you see are permanent, you're old Great Hall can be back with you in a matter of hours if you cooperate.
Let's begin simple, the doors are locked, so no exit until I say so, also leave the door on the left alone- that is also locked.
The chairs? A bit advanced for you I'm sure but please just enjoy it and don't question it- perhaps some questions can be answered later if you're really that desperate.
And finally, the front wall. Doesn't seem like anything special but once you're all sat comfortably, a screen will cover most of it and will be filled with lights, images, and sound, again, don't question it, just enjoy. These images and sounds will form a story, the description of which will be told once you're all sat down.
No this isn't a prank. No this isn't magic. And no, it's most certainly not Valhalla.
Enjoy the story!
A friend
There was a murmur of apprehension and amazement amongst the Vikings as Stoick ushered them all to the peculiar seats, he himself opting for a deep green big chair with armrests in the center of the room, joined by Gobber, Spitelout and a few other friends.
The teens decided to join Hiccup at the front (Astrid begrudgingly), as they all took the seats on the right to Hiccup, who had made himself comfy in one of the 6 circlular plush seats, smiling at the letter in apparent relief.
PS. To Hiccup only: your 'scaly friend' is upstairs, perhaps you can see him again soon.
Gods Hiccup hoped so, he wasn't sure if he could make it a few hours with all these Vikings in one room, images and sounds or no.
Just then, a white 'screen' fell infront of the front wall, just as the letter had said, words filled the screen and Stoick read them out, his loud voice booming throughout the Hall.
This story of of one Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, set in the few weeks before this and a few months after this, sorry Hiccup.
"This day just keeps getting better and better." Hiccup grumbles bitterly.
Meanwhile upstairs there was a mass array of dragons making themselves comfortable. Infront of them all sat one lone Nightfury, Toothless, as he watched the screen intentedly also, keeping an eye on his little human and looking excited to start this so called story himself- dragons knew just as much about humans as humans did dragons. So essentially, they knew very little
And then the screen faded to black as the story began.