Hey you guys! Okay, so I know it's been months and honestly I have no excuse- so I do apologise but hey another chapter!
Anyway, I have decided this will be like a 'background project'. Basically, I'll still be writing it, but it'll take a backseat to other stories? If I post any of them, I have first/second chapers written- I just don't know if I like them.
Oh, and while I'm here can I just take a moment to thank you all for such sweet reviews? It really does mean so much to me! And if it's okay I have few replies to make?
ShiningHeart of ThunderClan : Thank you! That's really what I'd been aiming for so it's amazing to hear it's okay
Lizzypotterfan : Aw thankyou so much! I promise to try update more regularly now.
Revliledpembroke : I've always wondered the exact same thing, makes no sense in the place of things.
Also, are we talking about the new RTTE season? Because we need to talk about it.
Hope you enjoy this chapter :)
PS. Just to cover it, I changed my penname from LaurenJr, sorry if that invokes confusion!
Disclaimer: Characters and script are property of Dreamworks
The Vikings stared at a fuming Hiccup and Stoick, whose glares never left the other as they returned to their seating- about to resume the movie- when the doors (which had been previously shut tight on the left side) opened, and the Vikings stared at it expectantly.
There was a moment of silence, a beat of peace, before the incoming echo of (foot?)steps could be heard, before a black figure of a dragon burst from the door and bound to the front of the room- right towards Hiccup.
The familiar black silhouette that had been on screen not 2 minutes ago was currently affectionately nuzzling against Berk's resident fishbone, as Vikings sat frozen with shock.
"Toothless! Oh thank Odin, I missed you bud...I meant to visit earlier...make it up with another flight..." Hiccup's words became lost to the vikings as he murmured softly to the Nightfury- Nightfury!- beside him. What wasn't lost to the vikings, however, was the way their Chief had rose from his seat and raced towards the duo- especially not as a spike of wood shot up to trip the Chief, stopping him in his path and drawing the attention of the reunited dragon and viking at the front of the room. At this same time, another scroll landed aside Gobber, who began to read as Stoick picked himself up sheepishly.
"Apparently, when the scroll said no arguments- it includes between species." Gobber chuckled nervously, as the Chief shot him a venomous glare before returning to his seat.
The vikings then returned their attention to Hiccup and the Nightfury, as they curled up together on the floor, Hiccup leaning against the dragon comfortably.
Sadly for the vikings, the oddly peaceful atmosphere of the room had attracted even more dragons, whom had slithered into the room and made themselves at home in the rafters or by Hiccup and Toothless, as the vikings sat frozen.
This wasn't right. The most dangerous, elusive, cruel beast the vikings had ever had the unpleasantness of facing it's wrath was sat right before them and they could do nothing?! The singular beast alone had destoryed hard-built towers and homes, torn lives apart- and the vikings were supposed to forget it?! They glared at Hiccup as he softly ran his hands over the monster's ebony scales.
It was weird. It was unlawful. And, honestly, that Nightfury was scary.
The movie continued to play.
INT. STOICK'S HOUSE - Hiccup enters to see... STOICK, seated on a thick slice of tree-trunk. He is slouched over the fire-pit, stirring the coals with his axe. Embers waft around his beard. Hiccup tries to sneak past, up the stairs to his room. Stoick seems none the wiser, when...
STOICK Hiccup.
Hiccup grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, causing Toothless to snort in amusement- Stoick eyed the pair warily. He didn't like his son being so close to any of those damn beasts, let alone the worst of their kind...
HICCUP (CAUGHT) Dad. Uh... Stoick stands, takes a deep breath.
HICCUP (CONT'D) I, uh... I have to talk to you, Dad.
STOICK I need to speak with you too, son. Hiccup and Stoick STRAIGHTEN at the same moment.
HICCUP STOICK I've decided I don't want to I think it's time you learn fight dragons. to fight dragons. (BEAT) (BEAT) What? What?
Despite themselves, there was a ripple of quiet chuckles amongst the vikings at the irony- which fell silent not a moment later.
STOICK (CONT'D) You go first.
HICCUP No, you go first.
STOICK Alright. You get your wish. Dragon training. You start in the morning.
HICCUP (SCRAMBLING) Oh man, I should've gone first. Uh, 'cause I was thinking, you know we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings, but do we have enough bread-making Vikings, or small home-
STOICK -You'll need this.
Stoick hands Hiccup his axe. Hiccup avoids taking it.
"What did I say about not listening?" Hiccup sighed.
HICCUP I don't want to fight dragons.
STOICK Come on. Yes, you do.
HICCUP Rephrase. Dad I can't kill dragons.
STOICK But you will kill dragons.
HICCUP No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't.
It was the teens of the room turned to Hiccup, if he wasn't interesting in fighting dragons- then how did he do so well at training?
A question which irritated yet fascinated none more, than Astrid Hofferson.
At least she was still the best dragon fighter.
STOICK It's time Hiccup.
HICCUP Can you not hear me?
Apparently not, Hiccup shook his head
STOICK This is serious son! Stoick forces the axe into Hiccup's hands. Its weight drags him down. He looks up to see Stoick under-lit with firelight.
STOICK (CONT'D) When you carry this axe... you carry all of us with you.
"Because the axe isn't heavy enough already." Hiccup rolls his eyes.
Which means you walk like us. You talk like us. You think like us.
At this, Hiccup cringed.
No more of... (GESTURING NON- specifically at Hiccup) ... this.
Gobber frowned, he knew he wasn't one to speak but there were better ways to be encouraging.
HICCUP You just gestured to all of me.
HICCUP This conversation is feeling very one-sided.
The teens couldn't help but pity the dragon-favouring traitor ever so slightly, afterall, if they'd been ignored like that so much as one time...
STOICK DEAL?! Hiccup glances at the axe in his hands. It's a no-win argument.
HICCUP (RESIGNED) Deal. Satisfied, Stoick grabs his helmet and duffel bag... and heads for the door.
STOICK Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably.
Some of the parents in the room shook their head, not exactly a comforting thing to say to a son who already lost his mother to dragons. The very thing the boy seemed to be allied with, where the very monsters that killed his own parent- it was the upmost betrayal.
HICCUP And I'll be here. Maybe. Stoick heads out the door, leaving Hiccup holding the axe.
The silence from the vikings was short becoming painful, the only thing worse was the rising tensions- and yet, as Hiccup glances at the resting dragons in the room his chest lightened, ever so slightly. He would protect these dragons.
But, if the vikings would at least just ignore their violent bloodlust for the creatures, Hiccup would really appreciate it.