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{}Pearlescent Skies{}

A boat was prepared, what was left of his possessions were placed on board. Or should you say what little possessions. Not many people came to the pyre, weather it be to not confront their distressed chieftain, or just the reflection of their dislike to the deceased Hiccup. Stoick of course, hid his emotions behind a stoic, apathetic face. Hiccup's 'surrogate' father; Gobber, was the opposite. He was extremely distraught, essentially on the verge of tears.

Others also came, those who didn't hate to lanky boy. One of those worst hit was Astrid, constantly berating herself for not effectively following Hiccup.

But the whole village knew one thing; Hiccup was dead. They may have been stupid, but they knew Snotlout was not a good replacement for heir. They were doomed. Unless…


Hiccup sat on in the grass on this uninhabited land. The knee height grass swayed in the cool northern breeze. Hiccup ate from his small meal of berries and fish. Toothless was bounding around the clearing, curiously chasing after a butterfly which had landed on him earlier, much to Hiccup's amusement. 'Breakfast and a show' he called it.

But to much of their disappointment, they were to soon leave this pristine meadow, to find a new home. For Hiccup, it was still far too close to the epicentre of his pain. Berk's chagrin way's spread across this flat earth like a plague, a corruption which one could not rid.

But Hiccup could see the light beyond Berk's venal sphere. A place where peace could finally find a way to stop seeping into his heart, but flow like a torrent of liquid hope. Toothless was taking him somewhere, he did not know where, but he hoped it would be better than Berk.

Hiccup turned his gaze to a mountainous island off to the north. The island was some sort of strange mesa of stone and snow, much unlike this island. On top of the mesa stood a massive multi growth of ice, like the back of a porcupine, extending many more meters into the air. The ice glistened an aqua blue, reflective of the ocean below it. Hiccup had seen dragons come and go from it, some in swarms. Hiccup thought it was some sort of nest. but it was much too far from Berk to be the nest where all the raids came initiated. It must be a second. This nest looked far less menacing than Helheims gate. There was no danger filled fog, no smell of smoke and charred wood. It seemed almost inviting if it weren't for the possibly hostile wild dragons. All in all the whole site was bewildering. (LOL)

Hiccup was broken of his stupor by a heavy weight landing on him, grunting in the process.

"Toothless! Get off!" The only answer Hiccup got was a throaty draconic laugh. Hiccup managed to push the useless reptile off himself, and pulling himself to his own feet. They were to head out, using what little daylight they had here in the north. To whatever location Toothless was taking them to.

Hiccup mounted his steed and best friend, preparing for another harrowing flight ahead. The further north they flew the colder it got. So Hiccup's frail body would not be able to withstand anymore. He was hoping the Toothless would understand.

But soon enough, they were both in the air, leaving the world behind. the chilly air wisped through Hiccup's hair, stinging his eyes and nose. Their destination far ahead, shrouded by the horizon. Shrouded by the looming storm ahead.


It seemed as if the whole village had grown sombre. The clouds had covered for the whole day, hiding the sun away from the Berkian's. Many did not step outside, often found sitting at their tables within their lodge. Others persevered, attempting to get on with their daily jobs around the village. But there were a few, a select few who did not care about the runt.

You see most had thought back to how they treated the poor boy. Finding that they only treated him with such selfish malice. They took their frustrations out on young little Hiccup. But others, like Mildew, Spitelout and Snotlout, They didn't care. Mildew was a grumpy ol' git, and the other two only saw chiefdom in their self-centred eye's. Spitelout would be chief vicariously through his own son. That's all he saw.

Stoick himself had retired himself to the comfort of his own home, having refused to leave, even refusing to open the door after the sea-burial had finished. Alone, Stoick sat, watching the fire flicker in the hearth. The only movement to be seen in the lodge.

Gobber, had retreated to the forge after the pyre, taking out his childish frustrations on the damaged weapons in a failed attempt to repair them, often only making more work for himself. He took the loss harder than anyone. Loving the boy as his own. Even feeding and bathing the boy when he was young, when Stoick was still infuriated, and boiling with vengeance for his lost wife. The one Stoick considered his Maiden, his Valkyrie.

The day was cold, a storm brewing in the north-east, and a chilly wind stung at Spitelout's skin. But the burly man shook it off. He approached the smiths, he had to order a gift for his son, a celebratory gift for becoming heir. A new hammer perhaps. something fancy, something fit for the greatest chief alive.

"Gobber!" Spitelout belched. Gobber only groaned, turning his head toward the greedy man.

"Yes Spitelout, what can I do for you?" Gobber's voice was dull and annoyed, dripping with his heavy accent. His words not seeming to complete. "And to point out, I'm not taking orders today."

"Well Gobber, This is not an order you should pass up." Spitelout clearly didn't care for the smiths grievance, he didn't share any himself.

"Spitelout. I said; I'm not taking orders on this day." Gobber's voice was developing frustration, something Spitelout had simply brushed off.

"Gobber, I want you to make me a hammer fit for my son as chief, as a gift for him for becoming heir." The man really had no brains.

"One; I'm not taking orders today, two; your boy is not heir to the Hooligan tribe yet, Spite." Gobber had gotten to his 'leg and peg', and had looked straight into Spitelout's eyes, daring him to speak further.

"Oh Gobber, you really should get over that runt, uh, boy. He's gone, and who better to replace the waste of air than my son, a true Viking." Spitelout tone was condescending, it cut through Gobber's temper like a hot knife through butter. "Don't worry Gobber, I will pay well, of course I do get the chiefs discount."

"Spitelout, you simply don't get it, come back tomorrow, and maybe I won't rip your head off. By the way, your not the chief, you don't get a discount." And with that Gobber went back to hammering the misshapen sword he was working on previously, allowing no room for the narcissistic Jorgenson to retort.


Hiccup had thought Toothless could handle the storm fine. Toothless thought he could handle the storm fine. They were both wrong.

Large swirling funnels, massive bolts of lightning. These were all things the two were now dealing with. The rain hurt Hiccups face, it felt like razors were falling from the sky. But the hail was like something from Niflheim, the realm of Ice, falling like rocks, hitting Toothless's wings.

"We have to get out of here bud!" Hiccups voice barely threw over the wind. Toothless was trying hard not to get caught in a nearby super-spout. Hiccup spotted trees within the spout, a indicating that land was close enough for the spout to pick up massive pine trees. "Toothless, there is land nearby!"

Toothless head dropped, scanning the ocean for any signs of land but the rain was too thick for him to see through. But it was all in vain.

A large piece of hail hit the prosthetic tail, locking it up. Toothless grew unbalanced a dropped from the air, Hiccup thrown from the saddle. Toothless cried for his rider, his boy. only to see blurred outline fade further into the storm, his muffled cries becoming more and more inaudible

Toothless continued to roar and cry out for his lost rider, only to receive nothing in return. His roars silenced, a forest coming to meet him very quickly, causing him to meet unconsciousness.

"No. I must go...get...Hiccup" Was the last thing he thought before hitting a cold hard ground.

Eyes from the dark had witnessed the whole thing.


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Thank you ladies and gentlemen. This is the next chapter of Pearlescent Skies My completely original story, based and inspired off others. Lol

I have basically completely the whole basic storyline, so chapters should flow through my fingers smoother. But you must know that I am back at school, so updates will be slower, just a warning.

Other than that hope you enjoyed and see you next time.
