AN: Sorry for the wait but this took a while and I was busy and stuff and yeah so yeah here we go.
Chapter 7: Cliche Evil Villains #56-61
The northern parts of Hi no Kuni were vast forests and rivers that were uninhabited by anything other than wild animals. The Sandaime Hokage wanted to establish several outposts and Garrison Units here but the forests held animals that were too dangerous to live around. Massive tigers and bears were common in the Forest of Death but in the northern parts of Hi no Kuni it was rumored that massive reptiles roamed the forests eating anyone who came across them. There weren't any confirmed sightings because anyone who went looking never came back.
Naruto found himself anticipating an encounter with one of these reptiles of the forests. It would be an interesting test of his strength to fight enemies like those. The rational part of his brain told him that it was just myths that some civilians came up with but the childish part of him really wants to slay a dragon!
Kakashi surveyed the forest with his lone grey eye. The mission scroll stated that the kidnappings happened around here, the Jōnin felt an odd aura surrounding the forest. It was also strange that in the past hour he hasn't seen nor heard any animals in the forest, it was like the animals themselves avoid this part of the forest. 'Something is definitely up. Hopefully it isn't too much for my little Genin to handle.' Thought Kakashi.
Naruto turned his head to his left, he had a frown behind his mask as he stretched he senses. Naruto's eyes widen as he felt the chakra signature in the distance, the sheer amount of chakra. It surpasses his mothers!
"We got a problem!" Naruto said seriously gathering his teams attention. "To the east, roughly eight-hundred meters there is a Chakra signature that is larger than anything I have ever felt." Warned Naruto.
Kakashi's eyes narrow at the news, large Chakra signatures weren't always a sign of strength. But strength is always accompanied by large Chakra signatures. Hopefully it's someone born with large reserves and didn't train to utilize it. Though he can't worry about that now, his mission most likely centers around the mystery person to the east. This'll also be a wonderful learning experience for my little Genin.
"From here on out we will be approaching as quietly as possible. If it comes to it I will watch as you engage this unknown enemy." Ordered Kakashi, he received three sweat-drops in return.
(Location of the Signature)
Suisei looked over his facility with a frown on his face. Suisei was a tall medium build man with silver hair that fell over his eyes. He were a form fitting black shirt, he had forearm bracers and over his black pants he were shinguards. The most prominent feature were his eyes, they were a steel blue that glowed slightly with some sort of energy.
His work was coming along slowly and his subordinates weren't the most helpful. They have gathered attention with the local Shinobi Village, which was bad considering it was Konohagakure no Sato. The civilians that they have taken are serving their purpose but aren't surviving the process, he might need to consider taking a Shinobi, they are way more resilient than civilians.
"Suisei-sama! Rena sensed four signatures approaching from the west." Alerted one of his subordinates. Suisei noted that he was one of his stronger ones but couldn't recall his name.
"Confront them and bring them to me. It's time we try using Shinobi rather than civilians for the harvesting process." Ordered Suisei. After his subordinate left he went to the back of the room he was in and sat in the seat to wait while his subordinates handled the intruders.
(With Team Seven)
Naruto held the ram seal with his eyes closed to sense for his enemies. He could still feel the powerful signature in the distance but several smaller ones were approaching them at a fast pace.
"Sensei! We have four signatures approaching! All around Chūnin level in strength." Reported Naruto.
Kakashi silently nodded and thought over his options. He could take them without a problem but that wouldn't be a good test for his team, he'll sit back and watch for now. Who knows…maybe he'll get to see what his students have been working on in secret.
Naruto turned to see what his sensei's orders will be and frowned when Kakashi waved his hands as if blowing off the threat, but Naruto knew his asshole of a sensei better than that. He wanted them to fight as some sort of a test.
"Sasuke, Sakura. Kakashi-sensei isn't going to help so we need to work together if we're to survive this without sensei." Naruto said will following the approaching signatures so he wouldn't be caught off guard when they got here.
"How long until they get here?" Asked Sakura with a worried face, this would be her first life threatening fight and she was understandably nervous. Naruto gauged their distance and speed "Roughly thirty seconds." Answered Naruto.
"We should ambush the strongest then separate the remaining three and take them down one on one." Suggested Sasuke, Naruto would have agreed but he was worried that Sakura wasn't capable of fighting a Chunin level opponent.
"I agree." Said Sakura surprising Naruto as he was about to deny Sasuke's plan. It would seem that Sakura had confidence in her abilities. Naruto wasn't about to question it, he was curious to see where his teammates stood against other opponents. He knew that they were strong but weaker than him, he liked to think he could take on Chūnin with his speed alone.
"Hide us and I'll figure out the biggest threat." Said Naruto. Sakura weaved through hand seals and the three of them blurred from existence concealing themselves under the Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique).
The four enemy shinobi arrived and looked around trying to find the enemies that were supposed to be right here. There were three men and a women.
All four of them wore the same grey pants and long sleeve shirts. The only women had dark purple hair that was held in a ponytail, her black eyes were narrowed as she searched the area.
"Rena! Where are they?" Asked one of the men, he was large, had scars covering his face and bald.
"Kanben, calm down." Rena admonished the now named Kanben. The other two men looked around but were unsuccessful at finding the enemies.
Inside of the Genjutsu Naruto signaled to the women to tell his teammates that she was the strongest among the four. Sasuke nodded and thought over their options, from what the bald guy said the women was also the sensor of the group, he doubts that this Genjutsu will cover them for that long. They'll need to act fast.
Sasuke whispered to his teammates his plan, both nodded and Sakura started to weave seals.
Rena felt a small pulse of chakra to her right and broke the Genjutsu while the three next to her fell under the jutsu' affect. She was forced to dodge a wolf of lightning that ripped Shinjo in half. Kanben and Muko looked at their fallen comrade in shock.
"Get it together you two! We're not out of this." Ordered Rena shaking the two from their daze. She was forced to dodge a barrage of Shuriken that would have shredded her while Kanben was engaged with some dark haired brat and Muko looked like he was in a daze still.
'So Muko is against the Genjutsu user, they have either been planning this or it was a very lucky guess. Muko is the weakest against Genjutsu. Now…who am I against.' Rena surveyed the area and could feel someone moving around her very fast.
Naruto looked over the women as he sped around her, she was average build but held herself with the confidence of an experienced Shinobi. He knew that she was a sensor so she probably knew that he was circling her, but other than that she's a mystery to Naruto which is dangerous in these types of situations.
Having enough of his moving Rena slapped her hands together in the snake seal and blew out a concentrated beam of Fūton Chakra that cut through anything it touched, several trees were cut in half and fell to the ground making a thundering crash that shook the forest.
Naruto flickered towards her with his impressive speed and buried his fist in her stomach nearly knocking her off her feet onto her back. She lashed out with a Fūton encased chop that cut the log Naruto replaced himself in half without any trouble.
Despite being in a fight to the death, Naruto couldn't get over the two Jutsu that he was definitely going to try once he got home. Knowing that close quarters would be incredibly risky, Naruto sent some clones forward while he observed.
Rena with her Fūton incased arm swung her arm in the air towards the clones several times creating nearly invisible blades in the wind that destroyed his clones before they could get near her.
Naruto tsk'd to himself. He didn't have any jutsu that could get through her. His Raton jutsu would be taken down by her Fūton abilities and from what he can tell she has better control over Fūton that he does. He has a few new jutsu but they weren't very offensive…but it couldn't hurt to at least try.
Naruto took a deep breath and weaved the four hand-seals and converted his chakra to water and molded his chakra to form the jutsu. It was here that his studying came into play, he read that the Nidaime Hokage would use the Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water formation Wall) offensively instead of defense by making a wall of water then have it crash down on his opponent. Granted Naruto knows that he is as close to the Nidaime's skill as a Genin could be to a Kage but he has to at least try.
Naruto spews out the water and molds a large barrier of water thats nearly six meters high and three wide. Naruto stopped molding chakra and the water already having momentum collapsed and started falling towards Rena who's eyes widened at the attack.
Naruto wasn't done he made the snake seal and used his strongest jutsu Raiton: Raijū Tsuiga (Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang) that ran on the water both electrifying it and bolting towards it's target.
Rena made a short of wedge of Fūton Chakra to make the water pass by her. She didn't notice the Raiton Jutsu coming and was electrocuted by the water that managed to hit her offsetting her control of her jutsu and was hit by the lighting beast frying her heart killing her instantly.
Naruto collapsed to one knee after Rena fell. Using a Water jutsu of that level tired him out then following it with the lightning beast was a little too much. Naruto took out his water canteen while he gathered himself.
(With Sasuke and Sakura)
Sasuke ducked under a kick from the enormous Kanben then jumped back from a fist that smashed into the ground where he was standing. The Uchiha narrowed his eyes at his opponent, he was quite fast for his size and very strong like he expected.
Sasuke let out a breath and activated his Sharingan, he awakened it a week ago during his training with Shisui and decided to keep his awakening of the Sharingan under wraps for now. But it would seem that his opponent was too powerful to fight without his kekkei genkai.
Kanben saw that his opponent's eye changed and wondered what it meant. Before Kanben could go on the offense he ducked under a flying Muko he turned to where his comrade flew from and saw a pink haired girl.
Kanben observed the Konoha Kunoichi,'This little girl…she doesn't look that intimidating whatsoever. Perhaps that is exactly what she wants, maybe she is stronger than Suisei-sama and hides under an unassuming-' Kanben was stabbed in the chest breaking him from his thoughts, his eye widened and he fell to the ground dead.
Sasuke raised his eyebrows in confusion, 'What happened…he just froze…for like ten seconds.' Thought Sasuke bemused before shaking his head. It didn't matter and he killed his opponent, apparently he was so intimidating with his Sharingan activating that his opponent couldn't move after seeing it. That sounded about right.
Sakura walked up with a smile, "Good job Sasuke-kun, that big guy must have been very scared of you. My guy didn't even know what Genjutsu was, what an idiot. Two hand-seals and a chakra infused kick to the neck and it was over." Said Sakura happily.
Sasuke nodded, it was pretty lucky that Sakura got the one opponent that was terrible when it came to Genjutsu. He wonders how Naruto is doing against that women and where their good for nothing sensei is.
Both Genin heard clapping to see Kakashi walking up while clapping with Naruto slung over his shoulder. "Good job you two. Naru-chan here got a little tuckered out-"
"Hate you." Growled Naruto only for Sasuke to snort and Sakura to giggle, "Hate you all…"
Kakashi eye smiled, "Yeah…anyway. We got one more opponent who's in their base over to the east. I sent a Clone to scout ahead, so I know where we need to go." Informed Kakashi sound very happy at the turn of events. "Even better is that the boss of these guys is much stronger…most likely as strong as me if not even stronger. So I think this will be a valuable learning experience for you three, I will be watching and taking notes while you fight so when we get back to Konoha we can fix what you are lacking in." Chirped Kakashi before dropping Naruto on the ground.
Naruto grunted from the fall and glared up at his sensei. "Seriously! We can't beat you and you expect us to fight someone at your level if not stronger! Are you insane?!" Shouted Naruto losing composure at his sensei's lackadaisical attitude.
Kakashi waved him off not bothered by his outburst, "Now now, don't worry. Then it becomes too much for you three I'll step in to fight him." Assured Kakashi.
"Don't tell me you're scared Naruto." Teased Sasuke with a smirk. Naruto glared at Sasuke but didn't say anything. If Sasuke wasn't afraid to fight then neither would he.
Kakashi clapped his hands to get there attention, "Okay my cute little students! Onward!" Ordered Kakashi as he started to walk towards the last enemy ninja. With the three Genin following behind making mental promises to kill Kakashi once they're capable.
(Rouge Shinobi Hideout)
Suisei tsk'd at the last of his subordinates being killed, it would seem that he would need to find some more minions. With how things have been going over the past few weeks it might be time to start taking over the world, with his new power it should be quite easy.
The building he was in started to shake from some sort of attack. The rouge ninja sat in his throne like chair as the door to the room he was in opened and three children walked in with a one-eyed Jōnin walking behind them.
"So you are the ones that killed my underlings. How underwhelming…" Trailed off Suisei not impressed in the slightest at his enemies.
"Thats right and these three are going to kill you." Answered Kakashi. Naruto slapped his forehead at his sensei's response considering he was angering their enemy for no reason.
Suisei stood from his chair and walked forward, other than the white haired sensei none of them seemed very strong.
Naruto narrowed his eyes at this new opponent, if he was stronger than that women then he was in for a real problem. Deciding to test the waters with a jutsu Naruto flashed through seals and sent out a Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough). The entire room became the center of a tornado his teammates were barely keeping themselves still while the man in front of them looked unimpressed by his jutsu.
Sasuke was observing Naruto's jutsu with his Sharingan, this guy was way stronger than them. He would need to use everything that Shisui taught him to even hope to scratch him. Sasuke took out a scroll and unsealed a sword and threw the sheath on the ground and took his stance. Sakura followed suit with her tantō while Naruto created three clones.
Suisei tired of waiting burst forward in an impressive show of speed. The Genin lost sight of Suisei before they were blown off their feet by a kick that they couldn't even see coming.
Naruto was laying face down on the ground after the hit and managed to look up to see that the guy was just watching them with bored eye. 'How are we going to do this!? I have a few things up my sleeve but nothing that will seriously help. I doubt the Kyūbi will change too much, this guy is really fast and I can't control that power yet.' Thought Naruto frantically. This was turning into a really bad situation, he and his team had no chance.
Suisei was about to attack once more but was intercepted by the Jōnin of the group. 'I underestimated this guy. I expected a average Jōnin not someone like this, he is most likely just as strong as I am, which makes me really stupid when you consider I threw my little Genin at him.' Thought Kakashi before pulling up his headband to expose his Sharingan to his enemy.
Suisei's eye widen at the sight now recognizing the Jōnin in front of him. It would seem that the S-Rank Shinobi Sharingan no Kakashi was his opponent today. What a good chance to test his new power. Suisei flared his chakra and started to take on a yellow glow, the room started to shake and the stone under him cracked from the pressure.
"You are fortunate. You are the first to experience my new power, all those people I had my subordinates capture, I used a Kinjutsu to harvest a persons life force and convert it to my own amplifying my power nearly ten-fold!" Roared Suisei. Kakashi carefully absorbed all the new information politely thanking whoever made it so that the fools he fights like to explain their powers as they fight helping him come up with a strategy to fight them. He made a mental note to make sure his students are never dumb enough to do something like that.
Suisei powered up enough rushed forward aiming for a haymaker only for Kakashi to dodge under the attack and send a lightning fast punch to his kidney. Suisei spat out some blood but jumped back to get some distance from Kakashi.
The rouge-nin jumped to the side to avoid a stream of fire and jumped into the air to avoid the spikes from a Doton jutsu. While he was mid-air Suisei noticed a barrage of Kunai flying at him and managed to twist to avoid them only for his eyes to widen in shock and to vomit blood. He looked down to see a lightning covered fist sticking out of his chest.
Kakashi landed onto the ground and wiped the blood from his arm. Suisei grunted and flipped onto his back to look at Kakashi, "H-how?" Grunted Suisei.
Kakashi covered his Sharingan before eye smiling at the downed enemy. "You said I'm the first you fought with this power, meaning that you aren't used to it yet. One of my students have a similar problem; like you he too has large reserves and it makes him vulnerable to Genjutsu. I never used those Katon and Doton Jutsu, I just made you jump into the air so I could replace myself with a kunai and kill you." Explained Kakashi before throwing a Kunai faster than Suisei could follow that buried itself between the rouge-nin's eyes killing him instantly.
Kakashi sealed the rouge-nin's body inside of a scroll to take him back to Konoha. The Kinjutsu that this guy was using was too powerful to leave out in the world for someone like Orochimaru to find. The Jōnin walked back to were his genin were sitting, they looked at him with unimpressed eyes.
"And that my young and impressionable Genin is why you never reveal anything about your abilities no matter how strong you are." Lectured Kakashi with a smile getting snorts from his students as well as nods. Kakashi blurred through seals and pricked his finger on a kunai for the Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique). Out from the small cloud of smoke was a bored looking pug wearing a Konoha headband.
"Whats up Kakashi?" Asked the dog with a surprisingly deep voice. "Pakkun, I need you to tell me if there is anyone still alive in this building." Ordered Kakashi, he doubted it but wouldn't want to leave someone behind.
Pakkun walked around the room sniffing periodically before walking back to his master. "There isn't anyone other than you four." Reported the Ninken. Kakashi nodded and dismissed his summon.
"Well little ones, time to head home. This mission is over, killed the bad guys and found the missing people even if they were killed. So lets go home." Said Kakashi while walking out with the Genin following behind.
Naruto pouted slightly, he never did get to see any of the reptiles that were said to be lurking in the forest. Perhaps they really were imaginary.
(Days Later: Hokage's Office)
Minato listened as Kakashi briefly went over the events of their latest mission. From what he's hearing the mission would be classified as a B-Rank mission at least, especially considering that the three Genin fought Chūnin level opponents.
"So thats about it Hokage-sama. I would like to request the opportunity to have my Genin tested for the upcoming Chūnin Exams in three months." Said Kakashi shocking the Genin and surprising Minato.
"You do know that it will be held in Kumo and thats why we are testing the Genin before hand? Are you sure they are ready Kakashi?" Asked Minato seriously. Not to mention the teams that go will have the mission of killing every opponent they come across, not something he particularly wanted to put on his son.
Naruto's world froze at the mention of Kumo, the exams were in his greatest enemies village. This was his chance, a chance to show them he isn't weak and to instill as much fear as he could to make sure that he is never taken again. "We're ready. And in three months we'll be more than ready." Said Naruto answering for Kakashi.
Minato looked at Naruto for a moment and hesitantly nodded to Kakashi, "We will have the possible Genin tested one week before the exams." Informed Minato.
Sasuke and Sakura looked excited at the chance of attending the Chūnin Exams so soon, while Naruto has a blank expression.
'I hope I don't regret allowing Naruto the opportunity to attend the Exams in Kumo.' Thought Minato worriedly, but he squashed his worry with the faith he has in his son. He knows that Naruto wouldn't ask for something like this unless he knew that he was ready.
"Well! I want you three at Training Ground three tomorrow bright and early! It's time you stop slacking off ja ne!" Said Kakashi before leaving in a Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique) that allowed him to dodge the shuriken that was thrown by his Genin all sporting tick marks on their foreheads.
Naruto shook his head at his aggravating sensei before leaving to go to the Shinobi library. If he was going to Kumo, then it was time to go all out. He'll need everything if he wants to come out on top of the other Genin in the Chūnin Exams.
(One Week before the Exams)
Team Seven along with several other Genin teams were waiting in Training Ground 4 for their Jōnin leaders and the Hokage. There was going to be team on team fights for the three spots that Konoha has in the Kumo Exams.
Naruto observed the teams trying to find who were going to be challenging. Teams eight, nine and ten from their class were here, an older team dressed in similar purple uniforms they looked a few years older than them. There was also another team that was one maybe two years older that had a Hyuga and a strange green spandex wearing guy that was doing push-ups with a grin on his face with a girl next to him with her palm on her forehead. So there are six teams that want entry so it would seem that who ever wins their fights get the slot.
Naruto was confident that his team would get a spot. He has been training non-stop in the past two and a half months in preparation, he would put himself several times stronger than he was during their B-Rank mission. He decided to forgo any and all inhibitions about training with clones and has been reaping the benefits of the training. He researched several different Taijutsu styles to add to his arsenal, he has defensive styles, offensive style, grappling techniques and has been heavily training his most powerful Taijutsu style and his favorite, the Tenpen Kobushi (Striking Phenomena of Heaven and Earth Fist). It utilizes the momentum of an opponents attacks to off balance them before striking in vital points with lethal precision.
In the other disciplines Naruto made headway in Genjutsu in that he is getting close to almost casting them, not quite there but making progress. Ninjutsu; Naruto added several new jutsu both offense and defense.
He was impressed with the growth of his female teammate, she has been working with Kakashi a lot in the time between their mission and now. She has been adding more and more Genjutsu to her arsenal and training with her Tantō. Her speed was on par with high-level Genin and her stamina has been improving more and more after each training session.
Sasuke has shown improvement during their spars, he was becoming a troublesome opponent thanks to his Sharingan and his increased Katon abilities alongside his Raiton making his Kenjutsu quite fearsome. If both his teammates were going to wield swords maybe he should as well, more thought on that later, for now he likes his Taijutsu with Ninjutsu supplementation. Overall Naruto would put his team near the top of all Konoha's Genin teams.
The Yondaime and Jōnin captains arrived to the training ground and called for the surrounding Genin to come forward.
Minato signaled for them to quiet down before he began. "Okay everyone, I understand that all of you want to attend the exams in Kumo but only the top three teams here will get to go this time. First up will be Team Gai vs. Team Eight." Called Minato getting a surprised look from Kurenai who knew that the Yondaime knew of the feud between the Main branch and the Side branch families.
As the other teams joined their respective captains Teams Gai and Kurenai stayed in the middle of the training ground.
Minato deciding that he didn't want to stand alone went over to be with his son. Sure it may look like he's favoring Team Seven but he wants to spend time with his son and if they had a problem with that then he would introduce them to his rasengan.
"Tou-san. Thats a very smart/awful thing to do." Commented Naruto getting surprised looks from Sasuke and Sakura and curious ones from Kakashi and Minato. "What do you mean son?" Asked Minato, already having an idea at to what Naruto was hinting at, after all his son was remarkable bright.
"Pitting Teams Gai and Kurenai against each other will only have one outcome. Team Gai drastically outmatches Team Eight and Neji openly hates Hinata and will most likely go for the throat. But this is beneficial in that you can hold back a team that isn't ready, I don't know for sure about Kiba but Shino is the only one who would be ready for the exams to my knowledge. And finally only one Byakugan will go to Kumo no matter the outcome." Summed Naruto getting shocked looks from Sakura at Naruto's cold logic while Sasuke was nodding along with Naruto's descriptions. Minato and Kakashi had small smiles on their faces, it would seem that Naruto picked up on the reasoning behind this match up.
"Well you're not wrong." Commented Minato not wanting to really confirm anything Naruto said despite everyone knowing that it was true. All of them stopped talking and turned to the fight that was about to start.
(With Teams Gai and Kurenai)
"All I'm saying is that my fate isn't determined by a weirdo like you! Lets go Akamaru!" Hollered Kiba his partner barking along with him. Hinata was unsure of herself as she saw her cousins cold stare forcing her to avert her eyes. Shino was calmly analyzing the opposing teams, two seemed like Taijutsu powerhouses and the other was a kunoichi…interesting.
"Foolish mutt." Snarled Neji as he took his stance. Despite knowing that it was their fate to loose, he analyzed his opponents. The pathetic heiress was actually quite capable if she works up the courage, in the unlikely chance of that happening he would need to be the one to fight her. She may be pathetic but she has received high level training from Hiashi-sama himself. The Inuzuka was a fool and brash, Lee could take him out without much trouble. The Aburame was a wild card, Neji wasn't sure about their abilities but hopefully Tenten can take him from long range.
Kiba came flying towards Team Gai spinning at such a high speed it looked like he was a tornado flying towards the waiting team. Lee grinned at his youthful opponent and put all his power into rushing Kiba and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to the Inuzuka launching him across the field.
Neji wasted no time in rushing Hinata who took her stance and activated her Byakugan in preparation. She bent backwards under a palm thrust from her cousin before sending two of her own that were defeated by Neji. As Neji deflected the Heiresses attacks he subtly closed the tenketsu in her wrists making her Gentle Fist useless. Now that he opponent was rendered without a means to attack Neji went for the a powerful palm thrust to her chest, as he was striking he jumped back less he get swallowed by a cloud of bugs.
Shino blocked a new wave of shuriken with a kunai as he controlled his kikaichu to defend Hinata. He suspected that she would have trouble with her cousin, if he could finish the girl then the both of them could take Neji and hopefully Kiba can finish his opponent. Shino barely avoided two kunai from Tenten only to see at the last second that flash tags were attached to them. Momentarily blinded, Shino lost his focus on his insects and Hinata was now on her own.
Over on the other side of the Training Ground Kiba was being pummeled by Lee. Despite training for the past few weeks his speed was no where near Lee's and he was experiencing what it was like to be on slower and weaker side for once. He was used to being the fastest and strongest on his team during their spars. Lee rolled out of the way from a Tsuga (Piercing Fang) from Akamaru and rushed Kiba hoping to end the fight without revealing too much of his abilities. The Inuzuka was hit by a powerful kick to the chest knocking the wind out of him and launching him into a tree knocking him out.
(With the Others)
"Wow I didn't expect Kiba to loose so fast." Said a surprised Ino who knew that the Inuzuka was among the top in Taijutsu during the academy. Shikamaru to her left snorted at her comment.
"Well this other team is a year old which means more experience and they look like they heavily favor Taijutsu. I give this match to team Gai." Said the lazy Nara getting an annoyed glance from Kurenai who was standing next to Asuma, she didn't like when her team was written off so quickly but reluctantly agreed with Shikamaru.
Takeo Hashima frowned at his classmates poor performance against the older team. To him, only Shino was ready but he couldn't defend Hinata and fight at once, it was only a matter of time until the inevitable. He looked at his teammates wanting to see if they were worried or not, Sokuro didn't look worried but he was a cocky guy that never thinks he can loose until it happens.
Yakumo looked slightly worried but was determined none the less. She was lucky to have even gotten this far in her shinobi career, it was only thanks to the sealing abilities of Kushina Uzumaki that she was capable of fixing the problem of Ido and supplements from the Akimichi Clan to help her body become stronger. She hopes that her training with Takeo and Sokuro will be enough.
"Wow. That was fast" Said a surprised Sakura unknowingly agreeing with Ino. She expected more from Team Eight, but it could be that she underestimated this Team Gai who looked like they mean business. Her teammates and Minato didn't comment just choosing to continue watching the fight.
(Back in the Fight)
Shino blinded by the flash tag lost focus on his insects that were defending Hinata leaving her on her own. Neji was quick to capitalize on this and rushed her with all his speed delivering several precise strikes to her torso severely injuring her as well as knocking her out.
Neji shook his head in disgust at the Hyuga Clan's heiress' lackluster abilities. After finishing off his cousin he turned to see where his teammates were in the fight, Lee managed to finish the Inuzuka quite fast. As he was going to help Tenten with her opponent the Aburame held up his hand.
"I forfeit, I can't fight the entirety of Team Gai on my own." Said Shino.
Minato stepped forward, "Team Gai wins and is granted one of the spots in the Kumo Chūnin Exams." Team Gai nodded and went to stand by their sensei.
Maito Gai gave his team a huge grin and a thumbs up, "That was great my youthful students, now it's time for you to show your magnificent flames of passionate youth in Kumo!" Shouted Gai getting Lee to let out tears of passion at his masters speech while Tenten and Neji just ignored their more flamboyant teammates.
Kakashi sweat dropped at Gai's loud nature and looked towards his sensei to see who was next.
"Will teams Kakashi and Jakudo come forward." Said Minato, he watched as his son and his teammates came forward with their game faces on. Team Jakudo came forward, the only one who's face was showing was a young man with silver hair held in a pony tail and large round glasses.
"I think we can take a few rookies." Said Kabuto to his teammates. Misumi and Yoroi nodded behind him and took their stances.
Naruto tried to figure out what these older Genin were capable of, he couldn't tell what they were good at by their appearance, all of them wore matching purple outfits and wore glasses.
"Lets separate them, I'll take the one in the center." Suggested Naruto getting a nod from his teammates. Sasuke used the Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Grand Fireball Technique) causing the three to jump away and for team seven to take positions in front of their respective opponents.
Sakura looked across at Misumi, if she recalled his name correctly. He was standing there with a smug and confident look on his face. She quickly unsheathed her sword and rushed forward taking the older Genin by surprise at her impressive speed. He ducked under her swing and sent out a predictable kick that Sakura avoided and slashed his legs slicing into the muscles making his leg useless. Sakura quickly casted a Genjutsu over her opponent knocking him out hoping to avoid him feeling the pain of her attack.
(With the Others)
"Wow look at her go!" Shouted Ino, she was surprised that her rival was so good after only a few months out of the academy. She always thought that she would be carried by her teammates but it would seem that she could actually hold her own. The other didn't comment but turned their attention to the other fights the only change was that Kakashi had a smile on his face.
"Go Naruto-Kun!" Came a shout from next to Minato, he turned to see Kushina with an exited look on her face. Kushina heard from Minato that her son and some of the other Genin were being tested on whether or not they will be able to go to the Chūnin Exams and she finished shopping and decided to watch her son mop up the competition, that and she doesn't really know that much about his skill at this point and was curious.
Minato smiled at his wife before watching his son engage Kabuto.
(With Naruto)
Naruto jumped back from another meaningless exchange with the older Genin, Kabuto so far hasn't done anything other than probe his defenses, no matter how unfruitful he just kept trying. Never let it be said that Kabuto wasn't persistent.
Kabuto tsk'd to himself, he was suppose to keep watch on the movements of Konoha for Orochimaru-sama but it was annoying having to hold back and fight the Yondaime's son. Throwing some caution to the wind Kabuto activated the Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel) before rushing Naruto.
Those watching were interested in the new Jutsu used by Kabuto and watched with interest, Minato and Kushina felt a bit of worry for their son but kept faith in their son.
Naruto took a very strange stance with his left and raised at shoulder height in a fist but with his pointer, middle and thumb extended. His right arm was lower at stomach height with his hand in the same shape. Naruto centered himself and waited for Kabuto to get within his range.
The purple clad Genin got within range he went for a palm slap to Naruto's shoulder to sever his muscles taking him out of the fight. Naruto watched as the strike came and with his left hand redirected his strike and the left delivered a chakra enhanced finger stab to his ribs shattering the one that was hit and nearly breaking the surrounding ones. Naruto used the momentary pause that Kabuto had from the pain and delivered two more strikes, one to his abdomen and the other to the neck immobilizing the Older Genin. Even with Medical Ninjutsu, chakra infused strike to pressure points will take anyone out.
Naruto dusted off his shirt and went over the fight in his head. The Tenpen Kobushi (Striking Phenomena of Heaven and Earth Fist) worked very well for the first time in combat outside of his clones.
(With the Others)
'…Wow…' Was the collective thought of the observing Genin. Naruto took out an older and far more experienced Genin without any trouble in a lightning fast exchange.
Maito Gai was the only one without any surprise on his face, rather it was serious. "To think a Genin would be capable of utilizing that style. It is unheard of." Said the Taijutsu master, his mini clone was surprised that his sensei was so serious.
"I don't get it Gai-sensei what is so strange about that? Naruto-kun has always been a step ahead of the rest." Asked Lee not getting what was going on. Despite no one else saying anything, everyone wanted to hear what the green-clad Jōnin was going to say.
"That was the Tenpen Kobushi (Striking Phenomena of Heaven and Earth Fist). That style is the anti-Taijutsu style, it specializes in countering and redirecting any physical strikes making it very difficult to combat in pure Taijutsu, and a master of that form would be unbeatable in hand to hand combat alone. I myself have only managed the beginner stances and counters." Explained Gai, getting surprised looks from everyone that time.
Kushina turned to Kakashi with a curious expression. "Did you teach this to him Kakashi?" She asked getting a negative head shake as a response.
"No. I haven't heard of it until just now." Said Kakashi filing away the name of the style to study it himself, it sounded amazing.
"Naruto-kun hasn't been wasting his time. He's proving that he is ready for the exams." Said Minato, the pride was evident in his voice.
(With Sasuke)
'I swear, Naruto and Sakura didn't waste anytime. Do they not enjoy playing with their opponent or what? Oh well might as well finish this, this guy was definitely the weakest of the team or the only one worth a shit was Kabuto.' Thought Sasuke with a sigh, he expected more from the older team but the more he thought about it the more this made sense. If a team were still Genin at this age then they would have experience but wouldn't be strong or they would have been promoted already.
Yoroi's palm was glowing with Chakra thanks to his Kekkei Genkai giving him the ability to absorb Chakra out of his right palm, rushed forward. Sasuke activated his Sharingan for his next attack, the Uchiha readied his sword and leaned away from Yoroi's grapple and sent a shallow cut to the older Genin's back. The instant the blade hit flesh it caused the skin to burn thanks to the Katon Chakra flowing through his sword.
Yoroi collapsed and passed out from the pain of third degree burns. Sasuke put away his sword and joined his team in the middle of the field.
"Winner Team Seven!" Came the voice of Minato, "Teams Eight and Nine please come forward!" Ordered Minato and the Genin in question did as they were told.
Chōji looked worried as he piled chips into his mouth as he looked over his opponents. But he already had an idea considering that they were his classmates, well except for the brown haired girl. Ino had a hand on her hip as she eye her enemy and Shikamaru let out a sigh trying to discreetly leave the area to get out of this. Off to the side Asuma and Minato chuckled at the Nara's attitude both used to the Nara clan's laziness.
Takeo unsheathed his sword with a look of utmost seriousness on his face, he has only suffered one loss in his shinobi career so far and that was his one spar against Naruto during the academy. But he has been training with his father to make sure such a thing doesn't happen again, he can't wait for his rematch.
Yakumo took out a drawing pad and brush and readied herself. Sokuro had a cocky smirk and set himself in a relaxed taijutsu stance.
Takeo lowered himself, "I'll take Shikamaru, he the strongest. We need to keep them separated." Ordered Takeo before blasting forward with an impressive show of speed.
Shikamaru jumped back barely avoiding a horizontal slash from his former classmate. 'This will troublesome, he's faster than me and knows how I fight.' Thought Shikamaru as he molded the Shadows to converge on his opponent.
Takeo smirked at his opponent, this is what he expected from the Nara, over reliance on the shadows. Takeo molded his chakra and spewed out a Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Release: Wild Water Wave) catching Shikamaru off guard at the sudden elemental jutsu he didn't expect Takeo to use so soon.
The Nara canceled his Jutsu to avoid the incoming Suiton Jutsu and blocked another slash with a kunai. He nearly buckled under Takeo's strength but managed to bat him away and gain more space.
Shikamaru molded the shadows and managed to catch Takeo this time and smirked. The smirk changed into shock when he felt cold steel against his throat.
"I give." Sighed Shikamaru knowing that his mother won't let him hear the end of this. The Takeo in front of them collapsed into water showing it was a Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Technique). Shikamaru didn't feel to bad about his loss, Takeo was near the top of the class and only has one loss in his academy career.
(With the Others)
"I see he's ready for the rematch." Commented Naruto, he sounded happy. Most of the other were surprised, not by Takeo but by how much fight Shikamaru put up even on his own.
"It seems Takeo-kun takes after his father, they fight almost exactly the same." Said Kushina with a smile she was friends with Toroi since the last war. She was impressed with her friend's son and how strong he is already.
Sakura awkwardly inched next to Kushina, "Kushina-sama…Who is Takeo's father, I didn't think he came from a shinobi family?" Asked Sakura.
Kushina smiled down at her son's only female teammate before answering. "Actually Takeo's father Toroi fought in the third Shinobi World War with me during our battles against Kirigakure no Sato. He's a very powerful shinobi feared in Kiri as an A-Rank ninja." Kushina said with a smile.
Sakura and some of the other Genin were surprised that Takeo was from a shinobi family with a father who was that strong.
(With Yakumo and Ino)
Ino was not having a good time. This Yakumo girl was quite fast and really liked Genjutsu, she managed to break the first two easy enough but now she is having trouble figuring out if she's in one or not.
She's been chasing Yakumo for what seemed like forever and whenever she got close, Yakumo would replace herself with a log and it would start again. Ino caught up with Yakumo again only for her to replace with another log getting a sigh from Ino.
The Yamanaka jumped suddenly managing to avoid three shuriken that flew in from the tree line. Ino ran towards the trees and saw Yakumo and began the chase again. After catching up once again Yakumo replaced herself and Ino avoided three more shuriken. As Ino went to charge the tree line she noticed Yakumo once again.
Outside of the Genjutsu, Yakumo was standing over a prone Ino who's eyes were glazed over still being caught in her Genjutsu. The Kurama heiress smiled to herself at beating another clan-heir, despite being a fan girl Ino still had top-class training.
(With the Others)
"That might be my fault, Genjutsu isn't my thing so my team is still quite weak to it." Commented Asuma lowly, he only knew a few and couldn't have his team practice on dispelling them that often. He felt bad the both Ino and Shikamaru lost their matches and unless Chōji pulls out some super secret clan technique to allow him to win this was it.
"Good match Asuma." Said Genma the Jōnin of team Nine. He was wearing the standard Jōnin uniform but his headband was a bandana and he was chewing on a senbon.
"To you as well, your team looks good." Replied Asuma. He wasn't wrong either, all of team Nine looked ready for the exams much like Teams Gai and Seven who are also going. This Chūnin exams will be very dangerous if teams like these are the standard, he was almost relieved that his team won't go.
(With Chōji)
The Akimichi was winning the fight without much trouble, Sokuro was strong and fast but not stronger than him and couldn't overcome his clan jutsu.
Just as Chōji was about to finish his fight Takeo landed next to Sokuro taking a stance with his tantō. Chōji was worried for his best friend and fought the urge to look to see if he was alright. Yakumo walked up a second later making Chōji slump in defeat, both his teammates lost, there wasn't a real point to trying any more. He might be able to win with his clan's Kinjutsu but if he has to win for his whole team then it wasn't worth it, it showed that as a whole they weren't ready yet. Chōji looked at Asuma out of the corner of his eye and saw him give a slight nod.
"I forfeit." Said Chōji in defeat, he wanted to go to the Exams but he knew that they weren't ready.
"Congratulations those who won your matches, you will leave in three days so you will make it to Kumogakure no Sato in time for the exams." Said Minato getting nods from the Genin in attendance.
Most started walking away from the training ground. Naruto was about to leave but he was rushed by Rock Lee.
"My youthful friend Naruto-kun, I am very interested in finding out where you learned that Taijutsu style you used against Kabuto-san." Said Lee, the others who were still there were interested in finding that out themselves.
Naruto sighed, "Sorry Lee, I'm afraid I can't tell you." He answered getting a surprised look from Lee and raised eyebrows from the rest.
"Why not?" Asked Lee.
"Well…Because I destroyed all of the records after memorizing them. It was too dangerous to allow others to learn the secrets to the style." Answered Naruto before flickering out of the training grounds.
Rock Lee was shocked that someone would destroy something like that, keeping his comrades from learning it. It also made him angry that he would take away one of the few things that he could learn, since he had no talent in nin or genjutsu, Taijutsu was all he had and Naruto just destroyed one when he was done with it.
Gai frowned to himself, 'I would be angry that Naruto destroyed something like that but I have scoured the Archives for different Taijutsu styles and never have I seen that one in there. Where did he find the scrolls for it?' Wondered Gai.
The rest of those in the Training Ground left after that.
(Namikaze Household)
Naruto got to his bedroom and played down in his bed. His execution with his newest style was slow and his strikes weren't as precise as he wanted but he'll work on it more before the exams.
Unfortunately he had to show the Tenpen Kobushi (Striking Phenomena of Heaven and Earth Fist) but none of his ninjutsu so it was okay in the end. Hopefully these exams are going to be exciting.
Authors Note
Man that was a brief hiatus or a long wait but whatever. I hope you guys liked the newest chapter. Naruto's new style or one of his new ones is based off of Silverfang from One Punch Man, that style is way too bad ass (to me at least).
I hope the mission was ok, I was laughing to myself as I wrote it. Also, Kabuto isn't weak but he was holding back and was caught off guard.
Any thoughts or suggestions then leave a review.
Peace Out!