Today, Lorraine had one purpose: going to her roommate's work and finding out what happened to her. Valentina had a tendency to sleep at her lovers' homes but she would usually contact Lorraine to give her a heads up that she wasn't coming back that night. However, it's been 48 hours and Lorraine hasn't heard a word from Valentina. She tried calling her, texting her, calling her different lovers, their mutual friends, and no one had seen her. Needless to say, Lorraine was getting worried. That morning, after checking her cellphone one last time, she decided to head down to Valentina's workplace to see if anyone knows anything.
She quickly took a shower and got dressed. She wore white jeans with a plain white tank top and a forest green jacket that went well with her rich auburn hair. She opted to wear kitten black heels since the location was at walking distance. As she looked at herself at the mirror before heading out, she smirked. Valentina would have disapproved of this outfit, just like she did all of her outfits; "Lorrie, it's too plain! Bring some sexiness damn it! That's how we women get ahead in life! We have sexiness that men don't have and need!" she would say and Lorraine would retort that everyone has his or her own style and that hers was elegant and classy. Just like that happy thought popped in her mind, it quickly left. She needed to find out what happened to her best friend.
Once outside, she made her way to her destination and arrived within 15 minutes. She was faced with two huge doors, so she knocked and waited. Two minutes passed, then five, so she knocks again. Nothing. She pushes the door and is met by a long hallway.
"Hello." She yells out as loudly as possible. "Hello." She yells once more as she makes her way through the hallway. She soon sees an elevator and as she's about to push the button, she feels someone behind her and hastily turns around. There stood a tall pale woman with mahogany hair and hazel eyes.
"Good morning, how may I help you?" she asks Lorraine, smiling widely and showing off her white perfect teeth. A voice was telling Lorraine not to trust this woman.
"Good morning, my name is Lorraine and I'm looking for a friend of mine who works here. Her name is Valentina. Do you know her?"
"Ah yes, of course I know Valentina. What about her?"
"Well, she's been missing. I, well we, our friends and I haven't heard from her and it's been over 48 hours. That's very unlike her, so I was wondering if you know anything."
"I'm sorry but there really isn't anything that I can tell you. All that I know is that she resigned and left. She didn't even take her personal belongings with her."
"That's so odd. I know for a fact that she loved this job and wanted to be promoted. I really don't understand."
"I'm sorry but there's nothing more that I know of."
"Well thank you for your time, ma'am."
"You're welcome and I wish you luck."
"Thank you." But as Lorraine was walking away she quickly remembers a name and stops. "Santiago. She had a crush named Santiago. Would I be able to talk to him? He might know something."
This clearly agitated the pale woman. Lorraine felt like she either knew something and didn't want to share, or she frankly didn't care. 'Or both.' The inner voice whispers to Lorraine.
"Yes. There is an employee named Santiago, if you come with me I'll introduce you. We just have to take the elevators."
'Do not follow her!' The voice orders her. Quick minded, Lorraine replies, "Would it be okay if he comes here instead? I'm scared of elevators and I need to report back to her parents. I told them that I was coming here and they're waiting for my call."
After a moment of looking at Lorraine straight in her eyes, she reacts, "As you wish." And then disappears into the elevators. Once she was out of sight, Lorraine quickly shares her location via iPhone with her friend Simon, and asks him to come. A minute or so after the text was sent Simon arrives.
"How the hell did you get here so fast?" Lorraine asks.
"I was literally across the street when you texted. So tada! What are you doing here?"
"This is where Valentina works."
"So you still haven't heard from her?"
"No and check this out. According to the woman I was talking to, who works here as well, Valentina gave her resignation letter."
"The girl loved this job! This was the first job that she ever loved because, according to her, it was easy money. And she kept on saying something about the "promotion of a lifetime". So after all that, she just suddenly resigns? Makes no sense!"
"Maybe the work was too much? Or she realized the amount of work that this promotion would bring?"
"No and no. Besides, why no tell me? Or come back home?"
"It wouldn't be the first time that she hid something from you, Lorraine."
"Let's not talk about that, Simon, and besides that's not the point."
"I'm just saying that this girl is not the innocent saint that you're making her out to be. Besides, she's disappeared before."
"And tells me about it beforehand."
The elevator doors interrupt the conversation. The tall woman came back with a dark skin colored man with long dark hair and black eyes. Next to him, was a pale tall man with short brown hair and black eyes.
"I see you've got company now." The woman said.
"Yes, this is my friend Simon. Simon, this is, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name? "
"My name is Heidi. This is Demetri and that is Santiago."
Lorraine pays full attention to Valentina's crush, Santiago. "Hello. Mr. Santiago, my name is Lorraine and I'm a friend of Valentina. Valentina is missing and I was hoping that you would have some information."
"I am sorry but I don't. I just know that she resigned and that was the last that I heard of her."
"Did she say why she resigned?" Simon asks Santiago.
"No. She told me that she was going to resign and that day she did. I have not heard from her ever since."
"We still have her belongings, you should take it with you." Heidi says.
"Okay." Simon starts moving toward Heidi when Lorraine puts her hand on his arm.
"Thank you but if Valentina didn't take them that means she didn't want them. Or it might be a sign that she's coming back." Lorraine quickly explains. "Thank you so much for your help, do have a wonderful day." Lorraine grabs Simon by the arm and quickly disappears.
The refusal to get Valentina's "belongings" surprised all three members of the Volturi. Heidi's powers clearly worked on Simon but Lorraine easily shook it off.
During the entire exchange, Demetri was quiet and closely observing Lorraine. She wasn't as gorgeous as Heidi and some women he's met during the centuries, but she can definitely hold her own. She had tan skin with rich auburn hair and hazel eyes. Her friend Simon was a redhead.
Another thing that he noticed that worried him was her scent. She smelled fresh, as if coming from the sea, it was comforting and peaceful; which was unusual since the reason why she was here obviously brought her some stress.
"There's nothing to worry about. She will not come back." Heidi says reassuringly, however she couldn't shake away her unease of not being able to influence the girl. Santiago shakes his head as a sign of agreement.
But Demetri disagrees, "She's strong-willed. She might not come back here but it's not over for her."
* I am trying my hand with Twilight. Demetri is a character that always intrigued me. *
* Please review/comment. I want to know if I have readers and if I should continue with the story. Thank you. *