Demetri gently shakes Lorraine awake.
"I just wanted to tell you that I was leaving." He tells her. "Will you message me?"
"I will, baby." She responds half asleep.
That simple nickname gave him chills. Happy, he leans in to kiss her and then makes his way back to the coven.
An hour later, Lorraine wakes up to her phone ringing.
"Hey, where are you?" Kyle asks.
"We were supposed to meet at the gardens! The one with the waterfall. Did you forget? You got my text, right?"
"Sorry, I was asleep. Give me 30 to 45 min, I just got up."
She hangs up and goes straight to the shower. Today was a beautiful sunny day, so she opted for a dress. Her dress of choice was short and has the color of orchid with orange flowers. She picked tan kitten heels with double straps. Her make up was on the light side. She texted Demetri to tell him where she was meeting Kyle, then texted Simon to ask him to meet her, grabbed her purse and left for the gardens.
It took her 15 min by taxi to get to there.
"Lorraine! Over here!" She hears Kyle calling out to her as she arrived. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. So where are the papers?" she asks as she sits down to look at the menu.
"Straight to the point huh? I already ordered a calzone for you."
"Thank you but I won't be able to eat that. I think that I'll get a Greek salad instead." 'Yes, Greek sounds perfect! Especially since I had one the night before.' She thinks to herself and giggles.
The waiter comes over and she orders her salad.
"Only a salad? I hope that you're not on a diet because you look great!"
"Thank you, and no not on a diet but I'm cleansing."
"Oh okay then. So, how have you been?"
"I'm great, sad but great."
"How can you be sad and great at the same time?"
"Oh you haven't heard, have you? Valentina is missing." She informs him. She preferred omitting that she had died because there was no physical evidence to prove that she was actually dead, only her mother's vision and her dream.
"Oh. I didn't know. I hope that everything turns out okay for her," he says uncomfortably, "I know that you girls are close."
"Listen, I don't mean to sound insensitive because I know that you're sad but I really need to talk to you. Just like you went straight to the point, so will I." He says but stops to take a deep breath. "I know that I've fucked up with you. I truly do but I honestly miss you. I could say that I miss our friendship, which I do, but I mostly miss our relationship. I loved you, I still love you and I will do whatever it takes to have you in my life again. I was thinking that we could go to couples counseling to work on our problems. We had a month apart and had time to cool down, so now would be the best time."
"Kyle, I'm not interested whatsoever in getting back together with you. I loved you as well, truly and deeply, but you easily threw that away."
"Listen, I was mad and it escalated. I didn't want you to find out the way you did. Shit, I didn't want you to find out at all. I know I fucked up, I knew I was fucking up but I was mad. You know how I am when I'm mad: I don't think, I just want to hurt."
"Honestly, there really is no purpose in continuing this conversation. I came here just to sign the papers and for nothing more. Just give them to me to sign."
"There are no papers. I needed a way to get you to see me because I knew you wouldn't have let me into your apartment. I'm sorry for lying but I was desperate. A desperate man does desperate things."
"Look, when I said goodbye to you, to us, I meant goodbye forever and not goodbye for a month. I'm simply done. There's nothing that you could ever do to make up for what you did. Nothing."
"You have someone else, don't you?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. And even if I didn't, my answer would still be no."
There was an awkward silence. Lorraine was now eating her Greek salad while Kyle was looking at her and breathing hard to calm down.
"It's because you saw us." Kyle says, "You saw us fucking and the image is stuck in your head. But my question is this, why forgive Valentia and not me?"
"She's my best friend."
"Apparently not, if I, your boyfriend, was able to fuck her."
"Maybe so but I have my reasons. But tell me something, was it worth it?"
"Not at all. But let me tell you something, when she comes back from wherever she is, stop being friends with her. That's my advice to you, for your sake."
"Is that a threat?"
"Not at all. You have to admit that the girl is not all right in the head. I know that she was envious of you but I honestly think that she borderline hates you. When you caught us, we stopped. Well I stopped. The girl pursued me relentlessly. And one night, she showed up to my place, drunk as fuck, complaining how you thought that you were better than her. Apparently you always got the cuter boyfriends, the better grades, the big house, better friends, and great job. She was bitter when it came to you and said that her life would be better if you were dead."
"I don't believe you." She says taken aback by what he said.
"Believe it. She was envious of everyone but especially you."
"Tell me Kyle, what did you do when she came to you drunk? Did you fuck her or send her home?"
"She got fucked." He responded without shame, "Why wouldn't we fuck her?"
"Jason was staying over. When she came over drunk, she kept on saying that she was better than you in everything, especially sex. So I asked her to prove it. I asked her to take us both. So we both took turns with her, we even took her at the same time. That bitch loved it. And once we were done, we kicked her out."
"So you took advantage of a drunk woman? Is that what you're telling me?"
"Oh she knew exactly what she was doing, trust me. And she loved every minute."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"So you know everything, so when we get back together it truly is a clean slate."
"Kyle we're not going to be together. Never. So stop trying because you'd be wasting your time."
"For you, it would never be time wasted. I love you, Lorraine and I wont stop."
"Dude, whatever." She says but realizes something. "Why were you mad at me? We didn't have one fight while together."
She hit a nerve: his jaws clenched up and a sneer was slowly appearing.
"Simon." He says.
"What about him?"
"You know damn well what about him. You guys were always together, giggling and laughing. I know you two messed around. Don't ask me how I knew but I just did."
"What the fuck are you talking about? Simon is my best friend. He's the brother that I never had. Nothing ever happened between us, and nothing ever will. You have fucked up issues! Would you fuck your sister?"
Kyle scoffs at what she was saying.
"Believe me if you want, I honestly don't care, and it most certainly doesn't matter. So Kyle stop calling me unless it's work related. And especially don't call me at 4 freaking in the morning. You woke my boyfriend up!"
"How quickly we move on."
"At least I moved on after the relationship ended."
"That was a low blow."
"That was the truth."
"Shit the tension is high in here! Thank God that I'm interrupting!" Says Simon as he drags a chair to the table.
"Of course, you had to show up!" Kyle basically yells out.
"Kyle here is blaming us for cheating on me with Valentina! He said that he was mad at me because he thought that I was cheating on him with you." Lorraine updates Simon on their conversation.
"Seems to me like Kyle needs to grow some balls and say that he wanted to fuck around and was dirty enough to fuck with your best friend. That's what I think."
"Fuck you, Simon." Kyle spits out.
"Oh shit Lorraine, Kyle's bi now! Sweetie, if you're able to suck both of my balls while stroking me, I might give you a shot. I'm not making any promises but I might." Simon mocks him.
"I'm leaving. Lorraine, I'll call you in a day or two when you've calmed down."
"Kyle, I am calm. Don't call me. We're over. Goodbye." And with that Kyle walks away.
"Why on earth would you want to meet with him after all that he put you through? What a twat!"
"He lied to me. He told me that I had forgotten to sign some papers from the embassy and they needed to be sent
ASAP." She explains to him. "But enough about that, let me tell you what happened after you left last night."
Lorraine proceeds to tell Simon everything from the night before, from calling the taxi to this morning; she didn't forget any detail including the width of Demetri's shaft.
"He was glorious!" She exclaims.
"When you say 'he' are you talking about Demetri or his dick?"
"Both damn it! Both!"
"Miss Lorraine, I have to say that this is very unlike you."
"I totally know!" She responds giggling, "But I don't know why Simon, there's a connection there."
"He's your soul mate."
"What? Since when do you believe in soul mates?"
"You know how sometimes I can sense certain things. That's what I sense here. Demetri is an old soul with secrets, very dark secrets. For instance, if someone came up to me and said that Demetri was a hitman or has killed before, I'd say yeah sounds about right."
"Simon, you're freaking me out. Now I'm thinking that he's going to try to kill me, to kill us."
"He won't. Trust me on this, he won't hurt you or us. Did you see the way that the man was looking at you all night? He was fucking claiming you as his. When you guys were dancing, I was looking at you and he was completely lost in you, smelling you. I don't know if it was magical or mystical or weird, but it was something."
Lorraine knew that Simon had supernatural abilities, he could easily decipher someone, and he could sense things from people that were unexplainable. So if Simon told her something, she would believe him 100% and never doubt a word. Last night was truly magical; it felt like she was lost in Demetri and not the other way around. If something strong and meaningful can come out of this, Lorraine would be grateful.
"You know that I never liked Kyle. Never have and never will. He's a spoiled rich boy. However, he did have feelings for you; I'll give him that. Too bad they weren't strong enough to change him."
"Too bad for him! Did you know that he had a threesome with Valentina? Him and Jason."
"Jason? As in Jason from accounting?"
"The one and only!"
"The man is single so he can have threesomes if he wants to. But Kyle's a fucking pig."
"That's my story: ex-boyfriend fucking best friend… Do you know that he said that Valentina borderline hated me?"
"I believe that. The woman was envious of you, of everything that you did. Since we're on the topic of Valentina, I have to tell you something. I think that Demetri knows what happened to her."
"Either he was there or knows something. I'm not quite sure. But can I say something that might piss you off?"
"Go on…"
"First, how important is it to solve this? Do we have to solve this?"
"Simon! Of course we do!"
"Okay, okay. Second, what will happen if you realize that Demetri was involved?"
Lorraine was just quiet. She had never thought in a thousand years that Demetri would be involved. Shit, she never thought that she would be involved with a man so dashing as Demetri. Simon's questions were making her dizzy and making her realize that everything was happening so fast. However, things with Demetri felt timely and right. What if he was involved with Valentina's murder? Surely, she couldn't stay with her killer?
"I don't know, I guess I'd have to leave him." She finally responds.
"How about just forgetting about it?"
"Well I'd have to eventually forget about him."
"No. I mean forget about it, about his involvement. He has a link to this and whatever the link is forget about it and move on. Valentina is not worth your happiness and believe me when I say that Demetri is going to be in your life for a long time."
"Simon, how can you honestly think that I'd stay involved with my best friend's murderer? What if it was you?"
"You need to stop calling this woman your best friend! She's not your fucking best friend! And yes, you will act differently if it was me because I'm your actual best friend!" Simon yells out. "I want you to pretend that I'm a woman, I'm Simone. I, Simone, your best friend would not have fucked your boyfriend. As much as I hate Kyle, he did not take advantage of Valentina. They used each other to get back at you: him for whatever backward reason and her out of hatred. Baby, it's time to face reality. Valentina was not your friend, let alone your best friend. So if you have to choose between Valentina and Demetri, Demetri should be the winner."
"I know that I have something with him. Feelings? Yes. Sexual attraction? Definitely. And I know that I want this man in my life. But if he's involved in Valentina's death… And to be honest, I do have to face the fact that a friend wouldn't have betrayed me in such a way. I know that. I truly do but it's hard for me because of her childhood and let me stop you right now. I know that eventually we need to outgrow our past, I know that. But maybe she wasn't there yet." She says while sighing. This was too much; she puts her elbows on the table and puts her head in both hands.
"I just have one final question." Simon says.
"Did you at least shave the punani? You didn't force the man to fight the bush to find paradise, did you?"
"Homeboy looks like he's a pounder and wouldn't care about the bush."
"A pounder?"
"You know? Pound you into oblivion. Bam, bam, bam! He's going to fuck you at every turn."
They both laughed so hard.
Lorraine's cell beeps indicating that she has a message.
"It's Demetri. He's asking me how my meeting with Kyle went." She responded that it was dramatic. She then poses to take a selfie to send to him. "Hey come take a selfie with me to send to Demetri."
"Ha! Okay. Oh let's do duck lips!"
"And this is why we're best friends."
Meanwhile, a huge smile was on Demetri's face as he receives the pictures from Lorraine. He made the one of her alone blowing him a kiss as his screensaver.
"She is beautiful, Demetri." Marcus admits.
"I apologize, Master. I did not hear you come in."
"I'm the one who should apologize, I've entered your quarters without asking permission. So, I apologize Demetri."
"No apologies necessary. How may I be of service?"
"No services required. I just wanted to know how the investigation is going."
"She's still searching for answers but her actions are being thwarted. She is not a threat."
"Very good, Demetri. Another question, if you don't mind."
"I do not, Master."
"The woman in the picture, who is she?"
"She is someone that I am courting."
"Is she your mate?"
"I believe so, Master."
"Is she also the same woman being investigated? Valentina's friend?"
"Yes, Master." There was no point in lying to Marcus.
"Thank you for your honesty, Demetri. This woman, how do you know that she is your mate?"
Demetri tells him of the past days spent spying on her and his reactions to her actions. He included their lovemaking session and her scent. However, he did omit his suspicion that she was clairvoyant and her dream.
"I see. Those are the signs of a mate, however we can be certain once I met her. Do you intend on turning her?"
"I wish to with my Masters consent, of course."
"Consent will be given. We cannot separate a family, that's for sure." Demetri knew that if Marcus were on his side about turning Lorraine, the rest would follow. Ever since Marcus lost his beloved Didyme mysteriously, he has been a proponent for mating.
"Thank you, Master. And thank you for insisting that I be the one in charge."
"I sensed a change when you came back from our visitors. I saw a slight rope attached to you, thin and golden, so I just assumed. I give you permission to tell her about our world and when she's ready bring her to us. I know that Aro will want to see if she has any powers. Be well." And Marcus walks out of the room.
Demetri walks over to the windows and awaits the sun to go down or the clouds to come out to go back to Lorraine. His cock is hard; he's in desperate need for relief. And relief he'll get. This morning, Lorraine had looked too peaceful to fuck so he had just said his goodbyes. However, once he's back with her, he won't have mercy for her body.
So now it was just a waiting game.
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