A/N: Hey guys, this is a five part fic taking place over a time span of about 8 weeks. It's set basically directly after Into Darkness when they begin their 5-year mission. Like I already said this is developing Spirk with cuddles! One more thing, I apologize if Spock is OOC, he is a little more personal since the whole KHAAAAAAAAAN thing so hopefully none of this seems too weird! :P Enjoy.
Spock was stumped; unfortunately it was not an entirely new experience for him. Ever since he had officially become second in command to the most illogical being he had ever met, he'd been faced with several problems concerning the human that seemed to have no solution.
Yet this problem wasn't related to his Captain. At least, not directly.
Spock had been experiencing what he knew humans referred to as nightmares. He'd tried meditating but it didn't help, often times during meditations he found his mind drifting to the object of his nightmares: Jim. Specifically Jim trapped and dying from radiation poisoning inside the ship's core.
It wasn't a problem he could bring himself to talk to his father about, no matter how frequent the dreams were becoming.
So, not for the first time that very week, Spock found himself awakening from one of his nightmares, having to exhibit great control to get his heartrate down to the correct rhythm. He sat for a moment in silence, breathing deeply in the darkness of his quarters.
Suddenly the silence was broken by quiet gasping noises and the sound of running water from the shared bathroom between his and Jim's quarters.
Curious as to what his Captain was doing up so late, Spock ordered the lights to fifteen percent and made his way over to investigate, knocking softly on the door.
Spock distinctly heard the Captain gasp, quickly followed by a string of hushed curse words. The door opened to reveal a very disheveled Jim Kirk, and the fact that he had not even attempted to make himself presentable set off alarm bells in Spock's mind.
"Spock? Did I wake you up?" He seemed slightly perturbed by the possibility so Spock was quick to end that line of thinking.
"No Jim, I was already awake. I heard what one could consider sounds of distress emitting from this room and I believed I should investigate."
"Oh." Jim blinked. "Well thanks but-"
"Can I enquire as to what is causing you distress Jim?"
Jim blinked again, taken aback by the forwardness of the Vulcan. "Uh, it's- it's really nothing." He finally responded with a hallow smile. "Illogical."
"As a being that relies heavily on logic, I can determine whether or not it is actually illogical, and please know Jim, even if it is illogical, it would not hinder my opinion of you in any way, nor would I pass judgement upon you."
Jim studied Spock for a moment with a wary expression, then swallowed thickly, averting his gaze quickly before opening his mouth to speak. "Sometimes I can't always tell what's real and what's fake, and when I have dreams about my- about what happened in the core it just kinda freaks me out. And then I wake up alone, in the dark. It just takes my brain a little while to figure out where I am, what's real."
Spock remained quiet for a moment in surprise, but the Captain misinterpreted his silence. "Told you it was illogical." He mumbled.
"No Jim, you misunderstand. I am merely surprised because I too have been experiencing unpleasant dreams surrounding the events that transpired in the warp core."
Jim's eyes snapped up to Spock in disbelief, "Really?"
"Vulcans never lie Jim."
Jim released a sigh that could only be interpreted as relief, though relief for what specifically Spock couldn't be sure. "I guess I just- I don't know, I thought I was the only one."
"To suffer ill effects regarding what happened to you in the warp core? Now that Jim, is illogical."
Jim huffed out a laugh, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. "So what do we do? Don't suppose you know any Vulcan voodoo to make this go away."
It was a statement, attempted jest, Spock could tell it wasn't an actual query. "I am afraid I do not." He replied anyway, eliciting a small grin from Jim, "and I am afraid to report that even my meditation had not helped."
"So we just live with it and hope it goes away soon."
Jim looked so crestfallen and defeated, so much like a shell of the usually vibrant person he was. Spock believed it was that look that prompted him to say what he said next, no matter how illogical it seemed. "I have heard that contact often helps to make one feel more comfortable. If you would like, you can rest in my quarters for the remainder of the evening."
A sly smirk overtook Jim's features, making him look more like the jovial man Spock was accustomed to seeing. "I'm flattered Spock, but I usually prefer to have dinner first."
"Usually?" Spock countered with a raised eyebrow.
Jim opened his mouth to argue but quickly realized he'd backed himself into a corner. So with a gentle smile he gestured for Spock to lead the way.
Spock obliged easily, settling onto the floor to meditate.
"Uh," Jim sounded uncomfortable. "I don't wanna kick you out of your bed."
"You have not, I would have sat on the floor to meditate whether you had accompanied me back or not."
"Oh." Jim shrugged before sitting down on the bed, but even though he eventually did lay down, Spock could tell by his breathing rhythm that he'd never actually fallen asleep.
It was more than likely going to be a long, slow road to recovery.