Miraculously, the next week was nightmare free. Neither he nor Jim awoke because of a dream.
Two weeks in and Spock could only assume things were finally improving.
Two weeks and five days had Spock almost entirely convinced that Jim was okay, until a knock on his door startled him from his meditation.
"Good evening Jim." Spock greeted upon opening his door.
"Hey." Jim replied distractedly.
Aside from his obvious nervous demeanor, Jim looked significantly better than he had the first night he'd knocked on Spock's door. The dark bags under his eyes were all but gone, his cheeks less hallow, and his skin tone more closely resembled that of a living being.
Spock stepped aside to let Jim through, but instead of making himself comfortable in his bed, as was Jim's habit, Jim began to pace in front of Spock's bed. "Jim?" Spock questioned with a tilt of his head.
"Sorry to bother you Spock." Jim mumbled in reply, continuing his nervous pace back and forth.
"I have said it before Jim: it will never bother me to assist you. Do you wish to lie down?"
Jim paused a moment and regarded the bed in contemplation. "Yeah, yeah sure." He finally relented.
Spock crossed the room and settled onto the mattress next to his Captain. "I am surprised you are here tonight Jim. After 2.4 weeks without any nightmares I had assumed they were getting better."
"Yeah." Jim seemed distracted and that worried Spock; it must have been a particularly bad bream to have this kind of effect on Jim.
"Do you wish to discuss it?" Spock questioned but Jim remained silent, tapping his leg with his fingers incessantly.
The room lapsed into a comfortable silence and stayed that way until Jim shifted, pivoting his body so he was facing Spock. Their faces were fairly close together and in the dim light of his bedroom Spock could see the seriousness in Jim's eyes.
"I have a confession." He said quietly, never breaking eye contact.
Spock's eyebrow rose in intrigue but he remained silent.
"I didn't have a nightmare tonight."
The two sat for a moment, Jim's wide, nervous eyes never leaving Spock's small, collected gaze.
"Please explain then Jim, why is it you have come to my-" Spock began, but was interrupted when Jim leaned forward and planted his lips firmly against the Vulcan's.
It was unlike anything Spock had ever felt, desperate but passionate, a bubbling energy, like electricity that transferred between the two of them.
Jim pulled back, breathing deeply and looking anxiously up at Spock, mouth slightly agape and apprehension showing in his eyes. He was waiting for Spock to make the next move, nervous but excited all at once.
Then Spock did the most illogical thing of all; he kissed back. In the end he wasn't even sure why he did it; love was not logical.
Then again, neither were nightmares.