Disclaimer: I do not own any of the character of this story, only the plot of the fanfiction.
Warnings: Crude language and slight bullying
I apologize in advance for any and all errors, I do my best to fix them all. But I'm only human,
I make mistakes
(Author notes or A/N if any are needed)
The Betrayal
Chapter Two: Loneliness
"I loved,
and I loved,
and I lost you.
And it hurts like hell."
Fleurie - Hurts like Hell
Mikan woke up right on time for lunch. In fact, she got there early for once and waited for the cafeteria doors to open, to welcome her nose to the wonderful smells of the now fully cooked, and ready to be served food. Her lips curled up into a bright smile, her stomach will finally be satisfied with the deliciousness that she was about to consume. "You're such a pig when it comes to food, ya know that?" her friend's laugh rang through her head, making the young girl roll her eyes in a playful manner. "Oh please, Sabi, don't act like you don't love food too." she whispered to the voice, doing her best to be a silent as possible. Just because she was early, didn't mean that other people couldn't be either. Sabi pouted inside the young girls head.
"Like I would know if I like it or not," she muttered, "Unlike you, I cannot eat food, therefore I can't tell if I would like it or not, stupid." Mikan automatically frowned, she hated when she was insulted, for anything and by anyone, even if it was just a joke! It made her feel inferior to others, like she wasn't as important or as smart as the people around her. Realizing what she just did, Sabi immediately apologized for her name-calling and became quiet, waiting for a response. The young girl didn't say anything and continued to wait in silence for the doors to open. After this morning, she really wasn't up to deal with the insults just yet. She was very well aware that it was bound to happen anyway with the way her schoolmates were treating her, but even then she didn't want to put up with it.
After a few more minutes of waiting, the long awaited sound of the bell echoing down the halls was heard and the large doors to the cafeteria had opened. Mikan's mood shifted almost instantly as a smile appeared on her face once more. Her nostrils were filled with many scents of food, she could almost pick out individual smells. The fresh smells of fruits, the steamed veggies with rice, the salmon and the grilled steaks, and much more were almost too much for her nose to bare as her mouth started to water. Food was something that could, and will always, make her happy, no matter the situation.
She quickly walked to her seat and sat down anxiously waiting for her food to be served. As a no-star, she would have only gotten a small bowl of rice, a small piece of seaweed and a small bowl of soup. Now that she was a one-star student, she could get a better meal. Of course it wasn't the best meal, but it was enough to fuel her for the day. "Just because I can't taste food doesn't mean I can't be amazed at how it looks." The voice said upon seeing the tray of food that was just put down in front of the alice. Sitting on the plate was a nice sized salmon, a bowl of stir-fry and another bowl of curry, along with a large glass of green tea. "That looks so freaking good, Miki." Mikan laughed quietly at that statement as she took her fork into her hand and cutting a piece of the fish before putting it into her mouth.
"Trust me, it tastes even better then how it looks." she sighed happily after she swallowed the bite of food. Shortly after Mikan had began to eat her meal, students were starting to enter the room and taking their seats, their wonderful food waiting for them. The young girl looked around at the people surrounding the table for her friends. Surely they would sit with her at lunch, right? I mean, they've been doing that ever since Mikan started coming to this school, so they would definitely sit with her today, right?
Her chestnut eyes landed at the group of people at the very end of the table, with her in the middle of it. All of the friends she had grown up with, the ones who have always supported her and always have been by her side...were now by Lunas'. Laughing and talking like they would with Mikan, sharing stories or jokes with the blonde girl, things that Mikan found very important to her. Her heart sank low into the pits of her stomach, even Hotaru was sitting there, talking with a smile on her face with Luna. Hell, Ruka, Natsume, Sumire and the rest of her friends were sitting around that witch. It felt as if Mikan didn't even exist. She suddenly felt a wave of loneliness, frustration, and the urge to cry all at once. Why was this happening? Did Mikan do something that made her friends hate her? Or maybe it was Luna? Mikan felt her hands bundle into fists, "Luna." her thoughts dripped with anger, "It had to have been Luna! They wouldn't leave me, not unless she had something to do with it!" Sabi frantically tried to calm Mikan down, calling out to her wasn't doing any good and she wasn't something that could fully take control of Mikan's emotions.
The brunette stood up quickly from her seat, almost knocking over her green tea in the process and startling the students around her for her sudden change in behavior. She hurriedly walked over to the group before stopping behind Hotaru's seat, and crossed her arms in annoyance. The crowd had gotten silent at her arrival, it seemed that they were waiting for her to say something. Hotaru turned around in her seat, an annoyed look had replaced the smile that was once on her face. "What do you want Mikan? I'm busy right now." That only angered her even more.
"Busy my ass!" her outburst caused others to gasp and become quiet as they began to listen, "What are you doing ignoring me all day? I haven't done anything to you for you to treat me this way!" This time, it was the Ice Queen to stand up, making Mikan step back in surprise. "You haven't done anything? Oh, shut up you annoying little brat." her voice was sharp, cold, Mikan winced at her words,"Do you have any idea what it's like to be around you? To hear your voice everyday? It's unbearable." Mikan almost flinched, she could feel her eyes prick with tears, but she took a deep breath as she stood tall. There was no way that she wasn't going down without a fight.
"What? So you couldn't have just said it to my face?" she yelled back, fighting the urge to cry,"You had to run away and ignore me this whole time instead of telling me that you didn't want to be around me? You coward!" Mikan knew exactly how to get on her best friend's nerves, and this was a nerve that she regretted to strike...almost. She let out a surprised cry as she felt two hands push her back against the wall, a bang was heard as she hit her head against it. The nuliffier reacted quickly and pushed the girl off of her, causing her to hit her hips against the table and moving it slightly. By now, everybody in the group was standing, they all had hostile stances as if they were ready to beat her to a pulp.
"The hell do you think you're doing?" Anna called out, catching Mikan's attention. "Get lost! No one wants you here!" Ruka yelled, causing her to freeze and stare with wide eyes. There was no way that this was happening. "No... I didn't mean to..." she wanted to apologize, she wanted to say that she was sorry for anything she did, that she didn't mean it. She just wanted to know what she did wrong in the first place, why they started to turn away from her? "Why? Why do you guys ignore me? What did I ever do to you to deserve this?" Mikan couldn't hold the tears any longer, she could feel them slide down her cheeks and fall from her trembling chin.
"Oh, that's quite simple. Even someone as stupid as you could answer that." a males voice, all too familiar to her said, "It's because we don't want to be around you anymore. You're the most annoying, obnoxious, idiotic, and selfish person to ever live." His burning red eyes stared right through her, never once leaving them for even a second as her tears continued to fall, "You're worthless, useless, and contribute nothing good to this world, Sakura." Of course, this was none other than Natsume Hyuuga, her partner since the beginning of her alice life, and someone she cherished most. Her heart felt as if it had completely shattered from existence, her body felt numb and her face became blank.
"I think it's time for you to leave, Sakura." she could almost hear the smile in her voice, "You've caused enough trouble here, and I don't want you to be bothering my friends anymore." Mikan glanced at Luna from the corner of her eyes, and she was right. A large and proud smirk covered the blondes face and her eyes seemed to scream victory at the brunettes state. Everything around her became silent, nobody dared to speak as Mikan slowly walked out of the room, leaving everything she ever knew, and everybody that used to care, behind. Her friends were now Luna's, and she was all alone.
It was raining lightly now, the sky had looked so clear just this morning, but looks are always deceiving. The sound of an ax hitting wood could be heard echoing through the trees of the woods, it was when the sound stopped that it was completely silent once again, with an exception of the soft patters the rain made upon contact with the ground. A stuffed bear, old and in-need of new stitching, placed the ax down against the stump he was using to chop wood. He could feel the droplets of water soak through his cloth into his stuffing, making him feel slightly heavy. Quickly, he grabbed his umbrella that he kept near him at all times and opened it, preventing anymore water from touching him.
The bear began to walk back to his small house, ready to make a nice fire for himself when he heard a disturbing noise come from behind a tree. His eyes seemed to shine for a moment as he cautiously walked toward the noise, only to realize that it was the sound of somebody sobbing. He stood there for a moment to confirm that it was indeed somebody crying, and proceeded to walk around the tree to see who it was. The source of the crying was Mikan, and she was sitting with her knees up to her her chest, her arms wrapped securely around them. This wasn't a surprise to him, not in the slightest. This girl would always come to the woods to cry, because she knew that nobody else would be here except him and, on some occasions, her senpai Tsubasa.
He has known her since her first day, at first they really hated each other, but the bear had taken a liking for the young girl over the years. She loved him like he was hers, and he loved her as if she was his. They were like best friends now, and Mikan always treated bear kindly...or at least whenever they didn't try to get on each others nerves. The small bear walked slowly up to the crying girl before reaching up with his umbrella to shield her from the rain. Mikan noticed after a moment that she was no longer being soaked by the rain, and looked up at the familiar pattern of the umbrella.
They sat there in silence, one having nothing to say and the other not being able to say anything at all. After a moment, Mikan opened her mouth to say something, but quickly shut it. She glanced at the stuffed animal, her eyes looked empty and her face was pale except for her red, puffy eyes, cheeks and nose. The bear nodded towards the house, he knew that if they stayed out here any longer, she would most definitely become sick. Understanding his gesture, the young girl stood up, shaking from the cold air, and walked with him back to the small house made of logs. Once inside, he had her sit down on one of the chairs next to the fireplace and went to the stove to make her some hot chocolate after starting the fire.
Mikan stared numbly into the flames, she watched how they danced with each other, the way the shadows matched them and the way the logs began to fall apart from the flame. "Just like my friendships." She thought sadly, "They all went down in flames." She jumped slightly when she felt something touch her leg, when she looked down, she saw her small friend holding a mug filled with hot chocolate. The brunette smiled as she took it by the handle, nodding to him as a thank you. "Well...maybe not all of them." It was then that she realized how wet her uniform had become from the rain, and felt the burning sensation you get when your skin becomes irritated from wearing wet clothes.
She scooted herself closer to the fire in hopes of drying her clothes faster. She didn't have any extra clothes with her, and she knew without a doubt that the bear didn't have any for her either. Mikan had stopped crying when she entered the house, she felt like she let it all out at the time. Boy was she wrong. She felt her throat tighten again, her eyes became clouded with salty tears and a small sob escaped her throat. The bear heard it almost immediately and quickly walked over to her side, worried about her mental state. She felt him tug at her skirt and she brought her hands down to him before gently picking him up and hugging him tightly against her chest.
"They're gone, Bear!" she sobbed loudly,"They're all gone, they don't care about me anymore." Her sobs filled the room, the raining outside had gotten worse and thunder could be heard in the distance. Bear wrapped his small arms around the girls neck and hugged her back, he hated to see her like this. For now, he would let her cry till she calmed down, it was better to let it all out than to hold it all in.
After what seemed like eternity, Mikans' sobs slowly came to a stop and she had let go of Bear to wipe her tears away with her sleeve. She felt his weight disappear from her lap for a moment before he returned with a box of tissues. Silently thanking him, she took one and blew her nose for a little bit. Once she was fully calmed down and slightly cleaned up, she told Bear everything that happened from this morning to her coming to the forest. Mikan admitted that she wasn't even aware that she was near his house at the time he found her, she had just ran without thinking about where she was going and unconsciously came here. She said that she felt safe in these woods, and that she could never fully understand why everyone was afraid of them. Of course, she was scared of them when she was younger, but that was because her classmates made it seem like it was haunted and she was terrified of ghosts.
The two of them jumped slightly when they heard the loud rumble of thunder around them, the raining had turned into hail and was hitting the house with loud tapping noises. Bear gave her a look, almost a warning really and she couldn't have agreed more; There was no way in hell that she was going to walk back to school with the weather being like this. Mikan looked up at the clock hanging above the fireplace and it read 1:47 PM. Lunch was definitely over by now and class most likely started, but with this kind of weather it would probably be canceled and students would have to go back to their dorms. It didn't matter to her anyway at the moment, all she wanted to do was eat because she didn't get to eat all of her lunch today, and sleep because she was too drained from earlier.
To her surprise, there was already a bowl of curry and some rice waiting for her at the table. It seemed that Bear had predicted this or maybe he just wanted to make her feel better with some food. Either way, he managed to put a small smile on Mikan's face, and that's all that mattered at the moment. Bear sat down next to her as she ate, silence filled the room once more with the occasional roars of thunder outside and the dropping ice balls tapping against the windows. After Mikan finished her meal, her clothes were almost completely dry and she was ready for a nap. She asked bear for some stuff she could use to make herself a bed, and waited as he walked over to a closet and pulled out a sleeping bag for her. She didn't mind sleeping on the floor, in fact she didn't care at all, all she wanted was some sleep.
Mikan laid out the sleeping bag in front of the fireplace, not too close of course, in fear of somehow catching on fire in the middle of the night. After she slipped herself inside the nice and cozy bag, she stared into the fire and thought to herself for a moment. She took a moment to admire the beautiful bright flames before turning her back against it. The flames were only a painful reminder to her of someone she loved and lost to someone else, and it hurt. It was then that Mikan realized that Sabi was gone, this happened sometimes when she was upset. Sabi would purposely leave and hide in the corners of her mind and won't say anything to her till they've both calmed down. She was probably upset at Mikan for not listening to her, and they'll probably end up arguing about it again.
"So much for always being there." Mikan thought to herself as she heard the sound of light footsteps walk into another room and a door close. Bear wasn't the only one who needed some sleep, he too had a long day and planned on having a nice nap as well. Now, Mikan was alone in the living room, and she felt unbearably lonely. She prayed silently to herself, before drifting off into a much needed slumber, that some day someone will come and stay by her side forever.
A/N: Hey everybody! It's moi, and I hope you enjoyed the second chapter! It is short yes, but I do not really have the patience to do longer chapters.
So sorry about that, also I would like to thank you all who have followed and favorited my story, I appreciate it more than you'll ever know!
Shout outs to all those who reviewed on the previous chapter!
Aqua Fire Queen
Thanks you guys! I appreciate it so, so much! It's what fuels me to write this story!
Again, I would like to apologize for ANY and ALL mistakes that I've made, I try to fix as many as I can but I'm not perfect.
Well, I'll hopefully be updating soon, so be ready for that! I love you all!
Stella White