Hermione In the lead, DJ Dimes followed.

"This way," She said. She walked quickly around corners until she neared a pair of two large oak doors. She grunted as she tried to push open these heavy doors, which didn't take long since DJ Dimes helped her. "Thanks," She said, flashing a smile before turning and quickly heading into the Great Hall. "This is the Great Hall, you'll come here for speeches, feasts, and sometimes, activities," Hermione Told Him. "Can't wait," He said excitedly. DJ Dimes looked from left to right, noticing large banners hanging overhead the tables in which large symbols were embroidered. These symbols ranged from snakes to badgers, to eagles, to lions. DJ Dimes was absolutely mesmerized- and not to mention the huge crowd of people all chatting happily, and all the different teachers discussing what to teach next. There was so much to learn, so much to do... The incentive to find out more about the wizarding world is what drove Hermione to be the top of her class. So What's DJ Dimes going to do? Will he be the next Hermione Granger? He did as Hermione did an sat down. DJ Dimes watched as Harry and Ron, Her two best friends, joined them. "Como Estas?" Said Ron. "So You speak Spanish now?" Hermione asked. "Nah, I know a few things," Ron said over the loud chatter emanating from the other students. "And where'd you learn that?" Hermione asked. "I Picked it up," Ron replied, grinning. But to tell the truth, he'd pick it up off of one of DJ Dimes songs, Liberation. Talk about the money, shut the fuck up... i got 25 cuff-ups, walk in the crib to my homies, Como Estas, to my bronies. That's where he'd picked it up. But why is he listening to that? Rap is the hottest music genre, that's why. Luckily for DJ Dimes, He's earning more money because more people are into rap.

"So, What do we do now?" DJ Dimes called over to Hermione. "Usually the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore gives a speech, then the feast starts," She Replied. Suddenly Dumbledore stood up, and everyone immediately stopped talking and turned their attention instead over to Dumbledore. "The very best of evenings to you! Now, to our new students, welcome, to our old students, welcome back. Another year of Magical Education awaits you," He simply said, before sitting back down. Just then, a new teacher stood up. She was a plump woman, with a big nose and plush red lips, her hair tied in a bun. she had tight wrinkles over her eyes and cheeks. She scanned the silent room before clearing her throat and saying, "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. The rare gifts with which you were born may come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction. The ancient skills unique to the wizarding community must be passed down the generations lest we lose them for ever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by our ancestors must be guarded, replenished and polished by those who have been called to the noble profession of teaching. Every headmaster and headmistress of Hogwarts has brought something new to the weighty task of governing this historic school, and that is as it should be, for without progress there will be stagnation and decay. There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering. A balance, then, between old and new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation because some changes will be for the better, while others will come, in the fullness of time, to be recognized as errors of judgement. Meanwhile, some old habits will be retained, and rightly so, whereas others, outmoded and outworn, must be abandoned. Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited." "What does that mean?" Harry asked Hermione. "It means the Ministry of Magic has complete control over Hogwarts," Hermione said, a Worried Expression on Her face. DJ Dimes looked utterly confused. Hermione shook her head. "You have a lot to learn," Hermione said, looking plainly at DJ Dimes. "Something ain't right with her," DJ Dimes Replied. "You professor Trelawney now?" Ron asked. DJ Dimes turned his head slowly and stared at Ron, as if saying, "You'd better not say anything else." Ron stiffened his neck and turned back around, Hermione attempting to stifle her giggles. Suddenly a bunch of plates with food and dining ware appeared before them. "Finally, I'm starving," DJ dimes Said. "You're beginning to sound like Ron," Hermione said. DJ Dimes curled his lips, as if trying to smile, only he was too tired to. After that, they all engaged in laughter and chat, enjoying the feast.

DJ Dimes awoke to the golden sunlight gleaming into his four-poster bed from the open window. He opened his eyes and blinked quickly, as if attempting to blink dirt away. He sat up, stretched, looked around, his thin mustache moving as he ruffled his mouth. He slipped out of bed and turned toward the calendar. October 28, it read. nearly one month had past since he transferred to Hogwarts, and he was already getting used to it. He ruffled his hair, but then slowly rubbed back and forth, as to not mess up his waves. He took out his hair brush and brushed vigorously, then put on deodorant and cologne, brushed his teeth, and put on his muggle clothes for that day- a pair of Levi jeans, relaxed fit, a black t-shirt which read 'rebel' and his Air Force Ones. He didn't forget to get his jewelry- he picked out a shiny, golden watch and a single golden cross chain. giving himself one last glance in the mirror, he exited the common room to head down to the Great Hall for Breakfast. Hermione's course was different- she got up, looked in the mirror and took her time, making sure to comb her hair to the waves met perfectly. she rubbed lotion on, making her skin appear shiny and smooth. After that, she put on her clothes, Levi Relaxed fit, with some converse sneakers, and a plain white t-shirt. she then applied her pink lip gloss, carefully rubbing over the surface of her lips. After that was done, she applied her perfume, which smelled of lavender and strawberries mixed thoroughly together, and lastly, she put on a golden chain she received from her mum as a birthday present. Giving herself one last glance in the mirror, she left her dormitory, down the stairs, out the common room, and into the Great Hall just as DJ Dimes Did.

As always, the Great Hall was bustling with excitement, chatter, laughter, kids enjoying their 2 days off. It was an early Saturday morning- eight o' three to be exact. DJ Dimes sat down at the table and gave a small sigh. He sat there, just staring, contemplating the universe- the meaning of life. A few minutes later, Hermione showed up, a blue book in her hands. "Hey, D-"She stopped there. "What's your real name?" She asked DJ Dimes. "Isaiah," He replied. "Hey Isaiah," Hermione said. "Hey," He replied. Silence. "So, what are we doing today?" Isaiah asked. Hermione put the thin blue book on the table. "We're learning some new spells?" Isaiah asked, a smile starting to form. Isaiah was eager to learn more after he learned his first spell- he felt as though he could do anything. "Yep, but this time it gets more in-depth," She replied. "Cool, can't wait to start," He ejaculated. Isaiah continued to look at Hermione, still highly attracted. It was a good thing I met her at the party, Isaiah thought to himself. I have never been so attracted to someone before, he thought... He snapped out of this state of dreaming and focused on reality- what was going on in his surroundings. He looked down at his bowl of porridge and thought some more on the matter. He had to do something, fast. He slowly sit there and ate his porridge, but he couldn't keep his mind off it. He looked under the table, where Hermione's legs were, and glanced down at her feet. Her beautiful feet, covered with her black, long stockings and Mary Jane Shoes. If only he could grasp them, feel them, smell them, touch them, taste them, succumb all his will and power to them. fall under their utter control. Smell the beautiful scent of strawberries and lavender, in which Hermione had always smelled. her rosy cheeks, button nose, perfect boobs, rounded ass, plush lips, it was all too much for him to handle. "Um, excuse me, I have to, um- er, go to the- go to the restroom," He said a quick smile to Hermione he dashed out of the Great Hall, up the stairs, into Gryffindor common room, into his dormitory, up onto his four-poster bed. He lay there, trying to think a sexy thought of Hermione. He took out his penis, and, breathing heavily, started jolting it. He imagined him fucking Hermione, her feet, Hermione sucking his dick and giggling, him sucking her boobs, fucking her boobs, getting throatfucked by her feet, cumming all over her face. He jolted his throbbing shaft heavily with the numerous thoughts of Hermione that popped in his head, and within minutes, his Hot, Sticky Cum Spewed out all over his hands, some flying high into the air, and landing on his stomach with a splat. He lay there, breathing heavily. "Oh my god," He said to himself. "Scourgio!" He said. With a flick of the wand, all the mess was cleaned up. He pulled his jeans back up, zipped them up, and headed back for the Great Hall.

"Well, That was fast," Hermione So Proclaimed. "Yes, I just had to clean some MESS up," He said, adding emphasis on the word 'mess'. Hermione slightly reddened at this, and scolded him for it. He shrugged, a slight smile on his face. "Thank you," He whispered to Hermione, so low as to where she would never hear him.

"Come On," Hermione Said. Isaiah Followed Hermione into an empty classroom. "I had to teach Harry, time to teach you," She said, "We're going to learn the spell Accio," Hermione said. "It's a summoning spell," She Said. "And it's achieved like this," She said. she flicked her wand in an almost swish-and-flick pattern, uttering the words 'Accio' ''Ah, I see,'' Isaiah Said. "Now, try to get the dictionary from my hands using the spell 'Accio'," she said. He flicked his wand saying the words Accio, and the heavy dictionary zoomed out of her hands. Isaiah dropped his wand in an attempt to catch it. He did, and he was complemented. "Very good, but you could use more practice," she said. "I mean, with more practice you can use it on any object, even objects miles away," she added. He looked up at Hermione and grinned. "Well, thanks for teaching me," He said, now starting to sweat from being in the same room with his crush with nothing else to do. There was a brief silence. "You want to practice some more?" She asked slowly. "Oh! Yeah- Sure," Isaiah Said. And so they did, they did for hours on end, Isaiah enjoying every minute of it. He gets to spend hours alone with his crush, doing something he loved. When the practice session was over, they collapsed on the couch. "Woah! I think you've got it now," Said Hermione, sounding exhausted. "Yes, I think so too," He Said. There was another silence as they just relaxed on the comfy sofa, it's red cushions and everything. They just listened to the crackle of fire, Until suddenly Isaiah realized that his hand was reasonably close to hers too... But He kept it there. He loved it. He just kept it there. And Eventually, they fell asleep, Hand on Hand.