Chapter 1: Setting the Scene
Today, an adventure started.
I never would have thought that life would throw me so many curveballs, but I can't say that I'm disappointed. Being a part of this guild has always been the light shining into my life – even when I had no other light to look forward to.
Today, I train to become stronger, to show the world that I'm not someone they can overlook. The Grand Magic Games await my companions and I.
Today, we have started to reclaim a title that is rightfully ours.
Today, I learn to live again.
With 3 months until the start of the games, various Fairytail members retreated to their respective training grounds. Although she desired a different location with a different team, Levy McGarden could honestly say that she was impressed with her friends that trained with her. Their power was impressive already – something that Levy knew she would never be able to match with her own strength – but she knew that with her help and the help of those around them, the individuals she trained with would become even stronger, turning them into savage opponents during the game. Levy was proud of her guild mates, and even prouder when they specifically requested that she assist them in their training. Games like these were not meant for Levy – she would stand by on reserve if she was needed – her skills were more useful in preparation.
"Come on, Levy! Lighten up! It's not like you won't see Gajeel again!" Natsu slapped her on her back as they walked from the train station. A look of horror crossed her face and she gaped without sound before she finally found her voice.
"Who said anything about Gajeel?" She questioned, walking alongside the dragon slayer. Sure, Levy had been harboring a crush on Gajeel ever since Tenrou. Even more so when he'd started dancing with her a few weeks ago during lessons that eventually enveloped the majority of the guild. But she hadn't made that public knowledge…well, except to a few girls in the guild. Namely Lucy. The others just got lucky, like Juvia, and pulled out her feelings with a good guess.
"Come on, Levy! Don't cha know word travels fast in Fairytail?" Natsu grinned at her as Levy continued her doe eyed stare. Natsu gave her another pat on the back and ran forward toward the other guild members, leaving Levy alone to wait on Lucy as she grabbed her belongings.
"LU! You're in big trouble!" Levy's face was bright red as she tapped her foot in impatience. Lucy would have a lot of explaining to do – it was obvious that she was the one who would have told Natsu about her one-sided crush. "I can't believe you told Natsu, you traitor!"
It was obvious that Lucy and Natsu were extremely close. They were on the same team and Lucy had mentioned that Natsu and Happy crashed her place more often than they didn't. Surely they would talk about things….Levy had just hoped that her personal life would have stayed out of their topics of conversation.
Akane Beach was a favorite hideout for the Fairytail guild. Erza was particularly happy with the training site selection – she'd been dying to get on a beach since their return to the guild. Levy had thought that she remembered Erza mentioning a vacation prior to Tenrou. Perhaps this was her excuse for a replacement.
"Today, we start our training." Erza's voice rang out, alerting the other members to their task at hand. Of course, everyone had their own plans for training – the morning was primarily spent playing around and enjoying the beach, which was much to Erza's chagrin. But if everyone else was slacking, so would she…for now, anyway.
Levy was lying on the beach with Lucy, chatting away about random things, enjoying the lick of the sun on her skin. She'd have to look through that rule book sooner or later. Plus, Wendy needed a little assistance with the notes that she'd gotten on her sky dragon abilities. Levy was glad that she could assist the guild like this. If it meant that they had an advantage over the others, she'd work twice as hard to ensure it.
"Are you nervous, Lucy?" Levy asked her friend with curiosity.
"I don't know. I mean, how likely is it that I'll get the chance to compete?"
"Yeah. I know what you mean, Lu. You're still going to train though, right?"
"Of course! I need to get stronger anyway. We're so far behind everyone else. Tenrou really messed things up for us."
"I know. I have so many books to read. I need to get caught up to speed on happenings around the world. I don't feel as useful as I used to be." Maybe that's why Gajeel didn't want me to go with him. I'd just get in the way. Levy's cheeks blushed at the end of her thought, but she quickly turned her gaze back up to the clouds in the sky as she placed her hands behind her head in the sand.
"You're still very useful, Levy! What makes you think Master wouldn't pick you to be on a team?"
"Lucy, I appreciate your kindness, but….I'm just not a fighter."
Levy heard her friend sigh. If she would have looked at Lucy, Levy would have seen her shaking her head. You just don't know your potential, Levy. Lucy thought as she listened to her friend. Levy hadn't ever thought much about her own power. She didn't give herself enough credit.
Days and then months passed, but it hadn't seemed like long at all. Lucy's spirits had invited the group to the celestial world for a party, although at first, they'd all been quite convinced that the spirits were in dire circumstances. One day of fun had cost them close to three months of training, and when they returned back to Earthland, Levy knew that her team was in trouble.
More eventful happenings took place, and they were all opened to their second origin of magic. Levy had hear of this 'second' origin previously, but it had been nothing but hearsay and fairytales. Now, as she felt her own power, Levy knew that this was nothing to be misbelieved.
"Alright guys, I'm all fired up!"
"Cool it, Natsu. You need to save your energy for the games."
"You're such a party pooper, Gray."
"Now, you two, stop your bickering. I hope we're prepared enough for this."
"Everyone – it's time to head back to the guild to meet up with the others. Pack your things and meet in the lobby in one hour. Our train leaves shortly."
"Yes, ma'am Erza!"
The ride to the guild was a silent one. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts as excitement and nervousness began to build. Levy thought about the other guild members – the Strauss siblings, the Thunder Legion, and then…Gajeel. Her heart pounded in her chest at the thought of seeing him again. It had been such a long time, even if it had only felt like days.
The guild stood before them. It hadn't taken all that long for them to return home. Levy couldn't wait to put her things down and freshen up in her own home for a day or two. They'd be leaving soon to head to the capital for the games. But everyone else would be returning today too, which prompted Levy to scurry about once they returned. She couldn't let Gajeel see her like this. She needed to primp.
Of course she'd been disappointed when Gajeel hadn't returned. Everyone else was back at the guild with the exception of Laxus and his lackeys, Gajeel, and Lily. Levy wondered to herself if it had been possible that they had forgotten to return or if something more…dire….had become of them. She fretted over the iron dragon slayer, but her attention was eventually stolen from her as the Fairytail team was announced.
She shouldn't have been surprised by the selections, but she was surprised when the Master came to speak to her afterwards.
"I have another task for you, Levy. Please don't be offended that I didn't select you for the games this year."
Levy couldn't help her face from dropping as he reminded her that she wasn't good enough or strong enough to be selected, but when the Master placed his hands on her shoulder, her chin rose in a smile.
"Don't worry about it, sir. Please, how can I help?"
Although Freed had been the one to find the loophole first, Levy had been the one to ensure its accuracy and kept the second team formation a secret. She assisted the Master as he decided who would be on the team – throwing in the other half of the Guild's strongest members. He'd wanted to do his best to ensure that both teams would make it far into the competition, so dividing up the power so that it was split evenly was his best bet.
"Don't get me wrong, sir, but I'm not entirely certain that two teams is the best idea…." Levy had expressed her concerns one afternoon, but the Master merely laughed and patted her on the head. "You think too much, my dear. I promise this is our best bet."
Gajeel and some of the others had already been alerted to the plan prior to Levy's arrival, and thus, she had yet to lay her eyes on the dragon slayer that she had deemed one of her dearest friends. Sure, Natsu was fun and helpful and kind….but there was something about Gajeel that attracted Levy like a moth to a flame.
"Levy-chan! Where will you be staying?" The hotel in Croccus was the cheapest one they could find. The guild had lost a lot of its wealth over the years, but some of the members that had disappeared had retained some stockpiles of money. Contributing a pretty penny to the cause herself, Levy was proud that they had found enough funds to secure warm beds for most of the guild. The support that came from their friends was astounding, and Levy knew that regardless of what happened during these games, the competitors from their guild would never know what it was like to be alone during them.
"Er, I'm two halls over." She raised her hands above her head and stretched, a yawn escaping as she did so. "I think I'm going to retire soon. Are you guys going out to explore, Lu-chan? It's been a long trip. You should get your rest! Everything starts tomorrow."
She bid her friends farewell and retreated to her room. She placed the key into the lock, turning the knob after it had clicked. With a slight push, the door opened, and Levy entered her home for the next week.
"GAH!" She cried out in surprise as a head of dark hair came into view, followed by the white wings of an Exceed. "GAJEEL! LILY! What are you two doing in here?"
"Think you could keep it down, Shrimp?"
"Yes, please, Levy. Don't go shouting like that or you'll spoil the surprise, giheehee."
The bags she had been holding from her shopping trip fell to the ground and Levy stared at the two intruders.
"How is it that you get your own room and I'm stuck with those other losers?"
"Yeah. Laxus snores. I can barely sleep myself."
"Hey, you're one to talk about snoring, Cat."
Levy's face was flushed – she wasn't a fan of being taken by surprise, especially when her clothes (including her intimates) were spread throughout the room. Marching over to Gajeel, she stood in front of him, her nose almost touching his as she raised her voice.
"Is that any way to welcome your hero?" Gajeel gave her a cocky smile which faltered as he quickly realized his choice of words weren't his smartest decision. "Fine. Look, Shrimp. I need some help powering up." Gajeel pushed her back a bit, so that he could have his own breathing space. "Ain't no reason to get your panties in a bunch. I just need some iron."
Iron. He just needed some iron? What did she look like? An iron dispenser?
"Gajeel." Her voice was scarily calm but her eyes closed as she picked up a suitcase. "You've invaded my privacy….especially since my UNDERWEAR is in plain view!"
Minutes later, Gajeel ran out of the room and Lily was punted out the door after him.
"Take your damn iron and stop barging into other people's rooms without asking! Especially rooms of girls, you stupid boy!"
And without more than a few words of magic coming from her lips, Levy shut the door as Gajeel felt a heavy weight on his chest take his breath away.
Author's Note:
Okay, y'all. Here we go - another Gajevy story with hints of others tossed in. I definitely feel a little adventure/angst/romance in the air. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
R&R always appreciated! 3