Feliciano sighed. He had nothing to do but wait. Lovino, his older brother, was supposed to bring him some medication, but had failed in doing so. So here he was, withering in pain, and puking in the bin beside his bed a few times also.
"Ve...where is Fratello," he coughed "or at least Ludwig?" softly he turned over on his side and fell asleep after a few moments.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Italy's Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A brunette woman stood proudly, yet wounded, in a abandoned field.
Her brown hair pulled up into a single ponytail with crystal crosses flowing down from the ribbon. her outfit was a strange combination of a dress, and an outfit Kiku would recognize.
Her face wasn't very distinguishable, but she had a fierce but kind smile
"You can never win, Galaxia," She shuddered " I will just be reborn into a world that hopefully knows no magic, I will be reborn into a fine warrior, and awake when the time calls."
You think that you will win? A pitiful mortal? HA! don't make me laugh!"
The mysterious woman smiled softly
"Oh, but you are so wrong, my dear"
"How? You can't even lend a scratch on my armor, how can you defeat me?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
She held up her hand and a beautiful, blinding ball of golden and silver light swirled in her hand
"MOONLIGHT. ETERNAL. CRESCENT. RHAPSODY!" She screamed and everything went black.
Feliciano woke with a start. he panted and sat up, feeling much worse than he should of. he pulled his legs over the edge of the bed, but couldn't help but notice how feminine they looked
"Ve...what?" he said to himself and stood.
He walked past his vanity, but didn't stop to look. he knew he probably looked like crap. But he failed to notice that his hair was just a little more shaggier and that his waist had caved in a bit.
Feliciano carefully walked down the hallway making sure not to make the floor boards squeak, and worsen his headache. He stumbled and caught himself on the doorknob of his brothers room, for when he visited, and shakily stood up and continued his trek to the stairs.
Careful and slow feet gently lowered themselves down the staircase. hands firmly holding onto the beige wall.
Feliciano had beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and he was panting softly. he started to feel even sicker and finally got to the bottom. He coughed and walked into the kitchen, he grabbed the handle of the fridge and took out the pasta from the night before.
He set it into the microwave and set it for 3 minutes. as he waited he sat down on the counter and started to think about his dream. who was that woman? why did he have that dream? was he in danger? he didn't know and didn't want to find out. he sighed and poured himself a glass of water, he slowly drank it, careful not to choke himself.
The microwave beeped and and he set his glass in the sink. sliding himself of of the counter, he walked over to the microwave and took out the pasta that was now ready to eat.
He sat at the table and nibbled on the pasta, since his stomach wasn't feeling well he didn't really want to eat but he forced himself.
After he ate he put his plate in the sink and walked into the living room. he sat on the couch and turned on the TV. he wasn't going to go back upstairs for that was a hike in itself. he turned his attention to the TV, and watched intently, before he fell into a dreamless sleep.
~~~~~~Ludwig's POV~~~~~~
Ludwig sighed as he pulled into Feliciano's home. Lovino had called him and said that his brother was sick and needed him to take care of him. naturally he asked why the older of the two wasn't able to take care of him, but he knew as soon as he heard Antonio call for him.
Ludwig opened the car door and got out. he grabbed the key to Feliciano's house off his key chain and started toward the front door. He couldn't help but notice the beauty of the italians home. The elegant but modest rose bushes wrapping around the entire border of the home, the beige columns on the high rise porch, with the tiny potted palm trees. he just couldn't help but stare.
He walked to the front door and slipped the key into the lock and swiftly turned it to the left then to the right. Turning the handle he walked inside, wiping his shoes on the mat, and putting his coat on the handle on the wall.
He walked through the hallway towards the living room. passing the kitchen he walked into the room and sighed at the sight. The TV was on and Feliciano was fast asleep on the couch.
Ludwig walked over to the couch and grabbed the remote, turning the TV off, he sat down on the only available part of the couch and looked Feliciano over. He looked the same, but...more feminine...must be his imagination.
He sighed and massaged his temples. He reached over and gently shook Feliciano
"Hey...Feli, wake up" He groaned and lazily opened his eye's...what?...they...they were blue..."ve?...Why are you staring?"
"your eyes..."
"Ve...what about my eyes?"
"They're blue..."
"Ve, that's impossible!" he smiled and got up. he must of been feeling much better, and walked into the bathroom down the hall...3...2...1...
Ludwig sighed and got up, he walked into the bathroom and looked at the italian and sighed. He was trying to see if someone put blue contacts in while he was asleep, and all Ludwig could do was sigh. What were they going to do, the world summit was just in a few weeks, and if they could't get Feliciano fixed by then, it would be a disaster.
Ludwig grabbed Feliciano and started to explain what they were going to do, and that he was going to be staying at his house for awhile, for the meeting was at the germans house this time.
~~~~~~~~~~2 week time skip (Feliciano's POV)~~~~~~~~~~~~
Feliciano woke to yelling down stairs and guessed that the meeting had started. then why hadn't they woke him up? he shrugged and closed his eye's again, only for Ludwig to bust in yelling and start ripping the blanket off of him.
He curled into a ball instinctively and shuddered,
"Because we have a meeting and you've missed twenty minutes of it." He replied.
Feliciano sighed and sat up groggily. He and Ludwig couldn't do anything about his eye's, and over the past few weeks they have changed a lot. They didn't have that happy go-lucky look in them anymore, they were more sharper and had a slight determined look to them.
He slide his legs over the side of the bed and had Ludwig help him stand. Over the weeks his body has changed a lot also, his hair was at-least shoulder length now, and he grew a few inches taller. also his waist was now definitely more girlish than normal, and they didn't know what was happening to him.
"Luddy...you can leave now, I have to change"
"Ja. i'll be downstairs with the others"
Feliciano nodded and smiled warily as his long time friend turned and walked out of the room. He had been keeping a small secret and didn't want his friend to know or he'll worry.
Feliciano took off his black wife beater, revealing six scars that wrapped around his entire body. Each from shoulder to hip. It was disgusting. They appeared only last week, and he couldn't help but cringe at the sight every time.
He pulled out his old blue uniform and slowly put it on. savoring his last few moments of silence.
Feliciano looked at his reflection and sighed, his hair looked like Felix's, his eye's were blue, and his body was like Lily's, and his chest was a little higher than normal. Also...his uniform kinda sagged off his body, because he hasn't really been eating.
He walked out of his room and closed the door behind him. He looked at the picture of him, Kiku, and Ludwig, all smiling and laughing, and Feliciano looked like normal. That made him sad, for they didn't know what was wrong with him and Feliciano has been having those dreams again more frequently, each have the same woman. They were kind of like...memories.
Feliciano shook his head and made his way down the stairs. He was kind of nervous, he hasn't seen anyone EXCEPT for Ludwig, and he was kind of worried what the others will do, especially his older brother.
He made his way down the hallway, towards the rising noise, and he was kind of getting aggravated...that's it. He heard a pot smash.
He walked down the stairs and into the living room, his brown hair swaying behind his head. He looked at all of the chaos and just snapped.
"EVERYONE! SIT DOWN AND MIND. YOUR. OWN. BUSINESS!" he screamed. everyone shut up because they had never EVER, heard Feliciano raise his voice in a angered manner.
They stared at him and Alfred stood up
"Feli? is that you?" he asked
"Ve, who do you think?"
Alfred looked taken aback and stared at him longer, he looked very different.
"Dude...I didn't know you were a chi-OW!" Arthur smacked him upside the head and cleared his throat
"Im sorry Feliciano...please sit and we can continue with this meeting...your eyes...I thought they were Hazel."
Feliciano sighed. This is why he was worried, he didn't need anymore stress. Ludwig came over and guided him to his seat, while Felix gushed about how awesome his hair was now, and how they were "Twinsies"
Feliciano sat down in his seat and noticed Lovino giving Ludwig the stink eye
and gave him a look that said "Stop it right now, before I make an even bigger seen"
That made him turn his head, but he still stole glances.
"Okay, let's push all of the global warming problems away for a moment," Ludwig began
"We need to focus on Feliciano. At the moment he has a...problem."
He gestured for him to stand and he did.
"Feliciano, take off your jacket and shirt, not your tank top."
He nodded and did as instructed.
"We don't really know what is happening but...Feliciano is changing...for the better or worse."
Feliciano sighed and scratched his arm.
"Yo, Feli dude, like are you turning into a chick? cause you've got a little man boo-What the crap Arthur!"
"You need to stop being so rude," Arthur started
"It's fine," Arthur looked at Feliciano
"It's Fine. I don't really know what's happening...but i've been having these..dreams...they feel like memories, because each one is different. My hair, it's growing and getting darker. My body is DEFINITELY changing, and my eye's have changed.
The strange thing is, is that in my dreams, there is one woman. So I think...i'm becoming her..."
Everyone stared.
"Woah...how did you figure all that out? I mean your so stupid," Feliciano walked over to where he was
"You could't find your way-"
"Care to finish that sentence?" Feliciano said standing behind him
"What are you going to do? A "Wet. Paper. Bag." he said mockingly.
Feliciano cocked his fist back, and punched the american with all of his might. he punched him so hard he made a large noticeable dent in the table.
" I warned you." He said and sauntered back to his spot, Ludwig looked horrified, and Lovino looked proud.
"Now. back to the problem at hand, we have to find a way to stop this. but I don't think we can." he said sadly. Everyone nodded solemnly. Ludwig stood and coughed into his fist,
"Meeting dismissed." he said loudly, and everyone stood and started filing out of the room. His brother came over and patted Ludwig's shoulder, then went back into the basement. Lovino came over and whispered something into Ludwig's ear that just seemed to tick him off, then left.
Feliciano sighed and went back to his room, changed into his Yellow shorts, and pink tank top. He looked into his mirror and grabbed a rubber band, he looked at it for a second and pulled his hair back into a pony tail. Heh. Didn't look to bad. He walked over to his bed and crawled into it, he rolled onto his side ad closed his eyes, falling into another 'Memory'
Authors Note I hope you liked the first chapter of The Sailor Project, it is in fact a remake of "Italy's a girl!" because I wasn't very happy with the first one. so I remade it. The chapters are going to be longer, and it's not going to be as rushed. But I should say thank you for reading, and please Read & Review, so I know for certain you want more chapters. Thank you.