I don't own Sailor Moon or Hetalia, If I did, i would make a spin-off series with this!
Also, when Feliciano turns completely female, i'm still going to use male pronouns until the characters decide other wise.)
_few weeks later_
Standing in the middle of a field was a young woman. Her hair was to her mid back, as it was not in a ponytail. Though the crystal crosses, were delicately weaved in her brown hair. He features were more defined now; She had a sharp but soft jawline in an oval square shape, with soft thin lips and sharp narrow blue eyes. She had a scar from her left cheek to the bottom of her neck, and many others that were not seen. She turned around and smiled innocently, the face so familiar to the dreamer when looking in a mirror stared back at him.
"Hello, Feliciano...You may call me Amaris." She raised a small yet calloused hand and opened her eyes,
"Come fight again, like we used to, little hero." She disappeared in a flash of light and the dreamer awoke.
-End Dream-
Feliciano awoke with a start, but this time he didn't feel as if he ran a marathon. His hair pooled behind him as he sat up, with his legs thrown over the side.
"Little Hero?..." He mumbled softly, then took attention to his chest. He stared for a few seconds before promptly grasping and squeezing one of his newly acquired breast. He made a horrified expression,
"AAAHHHAAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAA!" He screamed, his voice much lower but more feminine than before. He heard a loud thumping in the hallways before his door burst open, and there stood a panting german
"FELICIANO ARE YOU O-...kay..." The german blushed and Feliciano let go of himself, he still had a terrified look on his face
"I'm...still changing..." He mumbled standing up. It seemed he had grown more also, he was neck to neck with the german now.
"Feli...It's okay-" he started,
"Amaris." He said softly
"Amaris...I learned her name..." He looked at the other with a soft look gracing his features "It's strange...do I even classify as a male anymore...?" His eye's slowly
watered and Ludwig quickly hugged him
"It's alright. We'll work through this...I had invited everyone over for Gilbert's birthday in a few days...You just focus on getting better clothing, and eating more. Understood." He ordered, and the other nodded, motioning for the german to leave. With a worried glance he did.
As soon as the other left, Feliciano moved his hair. He gasped and a few tears leaked through his eyes. It was true. It was completely true. There standing in all its glory was the same gruesome scar he saw on the girl. He wiped his eyes and had a determined scowl, and he looked his body over more. He had definite definition his arms and legs, and he still had his six pack. He sighed and patted his crotch, still feeling his area he had been accustomed too. He sighed, the look still on his face
"I guess...I should go shopping...ve..." He said solemnly, and changed into dark blue skinny jeans, which still fit -thank the gods- and an now oversized black tee-shirt. He didn't have anything for his chest so he put a tank top on under the tee-shirt, and wrapped the bottom half around the top, kind of making a make-shift sports bra.
He walked out after putting on his boots, and brushed his hair. In all honesty, he looked the same, except more feminine. Ludwig was in the kitchen
"I'm going to get more appropriate clothing. See you in a bit." he said softly in the doorway as the german grunted in reply as he made breakfast. Feliciano walked out of the house and closed the door, walking over to his car and turned on the ignition. He buckled up and backed out of the driveway before making his way downtown to the mall.
-Time Skip 30 Minutes-
Once He arrived he got out and locked the car. He quickly walked into a Jcpenny's and started to look around. He bought some undergarments of course, and a lot at that. He bought jeans, Tee-shirts, tank-tops, and shorts. But no skirts. He honestly used to love skirts, now he had a sudden urge to throw them to hell.
"Oh Amaris...such a tomboy.." He mumbled to himself as he was looking through shoes and boots. His shoe size was the same, a 12 in mens, so that's what he bought, but only one pair, since he wasn't in need of shoes.
He also bought some dress shirts and slacks, since he needed those for meetings, though he was likely to dress casual at the next one. He sighed again and went to pay for the clothing. Once he did, he went to the changing rooms after asking and changed into a powder blue tank top and denim shorts. It was cute, and comfortable he guessed and slipped on his boots once again and walked out of the store feeling a little better.
Feliciano walked to his car and placed everything in the back before buckling in. He looked at his hair, he was NOT going to have it this long. He was going to cut it back to his original length, because he couldn't stand it being on his neck and back like this. He pulled up to a hair stylist, and made a at the moment appointment since they weren't busy at all today. What he didn't notice before was that his hair had curled extremely throughout the months, so when it was cut, it made a cute little style.
He thanked the guy who had cut his hair and made his way home. Once he was there he grabbed all of his belongings, including his newly acquired clothes, and walked inside. Ludwig was sitting on the couch and looked up when he saw Feliciano and he did a double take. He blushed slightly
"You look nice." He mumbled, and Feliciano smiled brightly
"Grazie Luddy!~" Feliciano replied as he quickly walked up stairs and placed his things in his room. He walked back down and hugged Ludwig
"So what about tomorrow?" He had asked while getting food. Ludwig had sat himself at the kitchen table between this time period
"Well everyone is going to be here..." He said in his usual tone. Feliciano nodded slightly "That's alright...ve...I don't like all this changing...but her personality is merging with mine...and her memories, keep flooding in and situating themselves in my mind as if they had always been there..." he smiled softly "I miss Otto-what...Ignore that" he had frowned after he said that and shook his head before taking a bite out of his food.
They talked about there situation some more, before cleaning their plates and setting them to dry. Feliciano sighed and had walked up to his room before curling up on his bed. It was around three o'clock in the afternoon, so he threw off his bra and shoes, and quickly changed shorts before lying back down. He got himself comfortable before falling asleep soon after.
Amaris turned to him with a calm, but slightly worried face
"Little Hero, you are going to be changing faster now than ever. A horrible threat is coming, and you need to be prepared."
He looked at her, and he suddenly found the ability to speak,
"How...Please, explain to me this threat. Explain to me everything." He said, his voice mimicking the woman's.
Her frown deepened at her next words.
"It is the negakingdom, or negaverse. Whichever you prefer I suppose, but it is a horrible thing to reckon with." He tilted his head, deciding to not interrupt was best.
"The queen, Queen Beryl, was once a nice, lovely woman who lived on earth, thousands of years ago. She wished to marry the prince, Edymion of earth. But could not, as he was to betroth the princess of the moon, Serenity. She grew cold and bitter, and sought the help of Chaos. An evil entity that can collapse a universe in the blink of an eye. She grew in power and destroyed the Moon kingdom, accidentally taking the prince's life along with Serenity. Her mother, Queen Serenity, used the imperial silver crystal to send all of us, 1,000 years into the future. We all were reborn, we the sailor soldiers were born on our respective planets.
Except for me and Serenity, who was renamed Usagi. My real name is Mitexi, you may call me whichever name you prefer. Serenity was, of course born on the moon, while I was born on Jupiter's moon, Triton. We were given broaches to transform us into our magical forms, which helped us battle. When you awake it shall be on your dresser. My dear, I shall answer a few questions. But, my time is running short for right now."
As she said all of this, Feliciano was listening intently, never averting his attention. When she finished he only had one question.
"May...I use your name?" he asked, which caused Amaris to chuckle
"You are forgetting, we are one in the same. It isn't MY name, it is OUR name." She said as everything was starting to slowly disappear.
"Bu-" He started to get frantic
"I'll see you the next time you slumber. I will never truly go away, as I had said. We are one in the same." Everything faded to white and Feliciano awoke.
-Dream, End-
When Feliciano awoke, he felt completely different, but this time he knew what was happening, and what had happened to his body. He was fully female now. He averted his attention to his dresser, and true to Amaris's word, there was a broach there. He stood up and walked over, his breast obviously had grown to the size he had suspected they would, a size C, and picked it up. It was a soft turquoise color in a round crescent shape, with gold outlines. It was covered in diamonds and sapphires in a beautiful design. It was slightly heavy, and once he opened it, there was a teal and white gem staring at him. It was absolutely beautiful in his opinion.
He smiled and changed into a off-white blouse with ruffles at the bottom, and blue skinny jeans. He placed the broach in the middle of the bow on the front of his shirt. It contributed nicely. he brushed his hair, and he put some white diamond studs he used to wear when he was a much younger nation.
He smiled at his appearance and bounded down the stairway. he had slept throughout the night, so he had a lot of energy to spare. When he looked at the wall clock it was about 12 in the afternoon, so everyone should be here and outside. They haven't blown out the candles since the cake was untouched, and the party had only started at 11:48. He slipped on some flip flops and walked outside. Everyone was talking and mingling, with drinks or plates in hand. When he walked out everyone turned to look at him.
"Ciao everyone~!" He said cheerily, and a few of the fellow nations dropped whatever they were holding.
Alfred walked up "Holy shit dude...Feliciano?"
"Yes and no." he corrected with his smile still on his face. Alfred backed up with a blush as his brother ran at him,
'Máni. That is our brother, prince of Triton, just as we are, Princess of Triton.' Amaris said to him in his head. Feliciano had a complex look of confusion on his face, as he stared at the back of his brothers head as he screamed at everyone.
'Does he remember?'
'It seems he does, as looking through your memories, his eyes were hazel, and now they are green.'
'I never noticed, but i understand.' He nodded and a bright look over took his features again.
"Máni, calm down." He said softly in the language of the moon.
"YOU IDIOTA-..." He stopped and looked at Feliciano with a look of utter surprise. His eyes started to water and he hugged him "Mitexi...you remember." He said softly, speaking in the same language
Arthur walked up with a sigh
"You two have a lot of explaining to do, you know?" they both nodded with a sigh. Arthur and Ludwig herded everyone inside which was about only 20 people and sat them at the retractable tables and chairs they had set up.
Feliciano and Lovino sat side by side, each with the demur they were taught by their royal advisors.
"To start it off I suppose, would be our real names." started Feliciano
"I am Máni."
"I am Mitexi."
-Authors Note-
And that kicks that off! Is it good? I hope so, I mean...Like I've had a lot of stuff happen to me, and I haven't had a lot of inspiration for drawing, but I have tons of idea's for Fanfics, so thats what i'm going to do. So Ask me for fics, i'll post a journal about about the things that I do.