Bzzzt. Bzzzt. Bzzzt.
Levy groaned. Was there a bee somewhere in her room?
Bzzzt. Bzzzt. Bzzzt.
Seriously. What was that noise?
"Make it stop. Ughhhhhh." She tugged a pillow over her head and groaned. She'd had a lot of fun last night, but her stomach was queasy this morning and her head was throbbing like someone beat her upside it with a hammer. Was this what a hangover felt like?
"Levy! Are you alive? It's like, 8 o'clock! You've slept your day away." One of the girls called to her through her door. "Plus, I think you need to check Facebook." Levy's eyes scrunched with irritation, but she removed the pillow that was covering her head, tossing it to the side, and rolled her body to the cellphone that was laying on her nightstand.
The green notification light was blinking like a beacon. She'd remembered that it had died before Lucy and Juvia had gotten her home. Visions of the party came back to her and she groaned again.
She'd fallen asleep in Gajeel Redfox's bed. Fuck.
Levy fumbled as she grabbed for the white phone that was causing so much noise. It was like everyone on campus was trying to get ahold of her or something. Seriously – she'd never seen it act like this before. Hopefully nothing bad had happened…..
Pressing the center button, the screen flashed to life. Three Facebook notifications greeted her.
1. "You've been tagged in a photo by…."
2. "Minerva Orland has sent you a private message…."
3. "Gajeel Redfox has requested a relationship change…."
Levy rubbed her forehead, trying to comprehend everything staring back at her. Opening the app, she clicked on the picture first. The caption caused her to blush.
"Ladies, looks like Gajeel Redfox is officially off the market as of this morning. Is sophomore Pre-Med student Levy McGarden responsible for this unexpected change? We certainly hope so.
Xoxo – The Staff at Sorcerer's Weekly
Sorcerer's Weekly is your access to all of the best campus news and gossip; PUBLISHED DAILY ONLINE, WEEKLY IN PRINT. Stop by the office to grab your copy and support your campus! Go Sorcerer's!"
"You have to be kidding me." The words were out of her mouth in an instant. Staring at her was a collage of pictures featuring Gajeel and herself from last night. There was one from when she'd grabbed him for a dance. There was another when he'd held her hand and took her to his room. A third showed them looking at one another outside, a smile on Gajeel's face and a drunk grin on hers. And finally, the most damning of them all: a picture of the two of them, curled up on Gajeel's bed, his hand planted firmly on her ass as her arms looped around his neck. They were sleeping, of course, but the image was too intimate for her liking. After all, she'd just met the guy and he was turning out to be quite a dick.
"This cannot be happening to me."
Squeezing her eyes shut and rubbing her forehead, she decided to check the message that some Minerva Orland chick had sent her. Clicking on Minerva's profile image, she realized just who it was.
"I remember her from last night – that Minnie girl!" Levy smiled fondly, hoping that she really did check out Levy and Juvia's stylist. The purple would be flattering to her facial features. But a shocked gasp escaped her two seconds later. She knew EXACTLY who Minerva Orland was. Her father happened to be the Dean of…..No. This couldn't be happening to her, Levy McGarden, good girl, unexciting bookworm, and all around humanitarian Levy McGarden. The panic that settled in her stomach caused her to lurch forward and Levy quickly pressed open the message at the side of her screen. The little bubble sprang to life and her heart caught in her chest.
You've messed with the wrong person, Levy McGarden. Kiss your chances of getting into my father's medical program goodbye, you whore.
Tears welled up in her eyes and for a moment, Levy thought that her dreams had been flushed down the toilet. All because of one party. All because of one stupid boy. "This cannot be happening to me."
With the sides of her hands, she wiped away the few tears that had threatened to drop down her face, closing out of Facebook and ignoring the third request. She couldn't even comprehend that one in the slightest right now.
"LUCY!" Levy screamed from her bed, holding her head afterward because it throbbed from the exertion. The electronic device that had ruined her life sat in front of her on her bed, calling to her to check the other notifications on her screen, but Levy wasn't sure she had enough willpower.
"LU! I need you!" But Lucy never came.
Checking the time on her phone, she realized it was well passed dinnertime and Lucy had a study session with her calculus partner. She wouldn't be home for another hour. Until then, Levy was doomed to deal with this mess herself. There was no way that she could ask any of the other girls for help. There was no way that they would be even interested in….
"Levy? Are you okay?"
Her bedroom door peeked open, but there was no mistaking that voice. Long hair flowed around the intruder's shoulders and the smell of lilacs graced her nose. Levy was momentarily blinded by the surprise of it all, but the sob that wracked her shoulders caused the other girl to move quickly.
"Ezra….I should have listened to you. You're right. I shouldn't have gone to that party. I should have just stayed home with you!"
The warm embrace from her friend comforted her, but there was still something that Levy needed to do before she crumbled completely. "Can you just sit here while I keep trying to figure out what happened to me last night? I don't suppose you'd have any idea?"
Erza's head shook. "No, Levy, I'm sorry. Lucy said you'd wandered off last night for a bit. They couldn't find you. But if anyone would know about what happened last night, I'd say you'd need to ask…."
"Gajeel Redfox."
Immediately, Levy picked up her phone, flicking through a few screens before hitting her unopened text messages. There were quite a few waiting on her, namely from her friends Lisanna, Lucy, and Juvia. Two unknown numbers stared at her, and each of them had several messages for her to review when she got to them. But the final number that stared at her only had one message for her.
Gajeel Redfox: Text me if you're alive.
In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, I've started to write again! It's been a crazy couple of months, but let's see if I can finish a few Gajevy stories for you. As always, R & R is appreciated.
Welcome back to Skinny Love, everyone! 3