Hey guys long time no see, I've had this bouncing around in my head for a while so I hope you enjoy. My Pokemon story is not being put on hold, I've just been lazy. Don't worry! The next chapter will be soon! Who likes 1.9? I'm loving it so far, but that's enough from me. Follow, favorite and review. Especially review. I love reviews, all sorts of 'em. ONWARD!


Before Year 1 of Project HERO

The projector buzzed to life as the tape began to roll. Shadows fidgeted on screen until a light flashed and the face of a testificate holding a flickering torch was revealed. He was dressed in white robes and had on a pair of gold spectacles that reflected the flame.

"Testing. Testing? Is this working? The film's moving, so I'm going to assume it's working. Man, I miss that cameraman. Okay." The testificate cleared his throat and began to speak on a nasal voice.

"My name is Dr. H.R. Simons, and if you've found this you were probably looking for my science crew that should have been confirmed missing a week ago." A zombie groaned in the background, but Dr. Simons paid no heed.

"Half a year ago my team of cryptozoologists began a search for the legendary and lethal Herobrine. I am currently lost deep underground, and I believe that most, if not all of my team is dead.

"I don't know if anybody will find this recording, or if it will even survive my own demise. All I know is that I have made a revolutionary discovery: one that I must share quickly.

"When I began my search I did it in the hopes of confirming a theory that I stumbled upon in the Minecraftian nation's Vault of Secure Files. The record dated thee hundred years ago, back to the time of our late ruler King Ironhand. Yes, Charlie, the vault is that old.

"Two-hundred and eighty years ago King Ironhand was found guilty of using his own subjects in barbaric experiments. Ten years after that, the first recorded instance of what became the "Herobrine Phenomena" began. He attacked every decade, picking what always seemed like random locations, ranging for empty fields to big cities, and burning them to the ground. Nobody managed to even see a clear image of the phenomena until two-hundred years ago.

"Despite countless evidences to the contrary, many civilians, military leaders and even scientists denied the fact that he existed. This is because the cause of the periodic fires always had seemed natural: lightning, lava misplaced from the forge, the burning of zombies after the sun rose. The only thing each fire had in common was that netherrack was found in each city burned. For many decades, blame and accusations were thrown about like seeds. Some blamed the stupidity of players in leaving collected netherrack from the Nether out in the open. Others were convinced there was a terrorist organization of griefers run amok. Still more tried to find scientific proof that netherrack could be formed under the heat of naturally caused flame.

"Nobody looked to the Herobrine phenomena. Many didn't even know about the legend.

"I did."

Dr. Simons pulled a volume wrapped in leather from the folds of his robe.

"I have been studying this phenomena for twenty years. Granted, most of it was more folklore than research, since this is only the second time I've even been able to try to track him.

"I succeeded, and the world needs to know! Herobrine is not what we think he is! Even more important, he has allies. I have confirmed at least one ally of Herobrine's, a being much like himself and with similar abilities. I believe there is a second hiding somewhere I cannot find."

The testificate held the book up to the camera, his spectacles flashing. "In this book I have proof that Herobrine is not a demon, and is very much defeatable. I have notes on his possible allies and the phenomena himself, and I have notes on what I believe he is. There is hope yet for our nation, and I think it has something to do with an item called a Nether Star. I had wished to research more at a place called Lab Three, but there was not time before he was set to return."

Suddenly in the blackness beyond Dr. Simon's head, two white and glowing eyes can be seen.

"I'm afraid we can't allow you to do that. I'll be taking that book." Two distinct voices chuckled from the shadows.

Dr. Simons looked with a panicked glance back and forth between Herobrine and the camera, and then yelled "Remember me!" Somebody in the background laughed at that, and Dr. Simons slapped the button. The screen went black, and the lights in the stark white room turned on.