Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece Duh
A lone figure stood atop a cliff overlooking the East Blues full glory. The sky was exceptionally nice today, only partly cloudy with a chance of drizzle. It was a good day to go sailing, to continue an adventure or even begin a new one. In fact it made sense for the East Blue to be rejoicing as its biggest monster silently wept before the grave that held his brother.
Luffy bent to one knee with hat in hand, the pain almost too much to bare. This was going to be dark day for all, because it was the day Luffy began his vengeance on the world for what they did. If only the World Government knew what was coming. The storm that was brewing to the bubbling point. A rage filled demon would finally sate his desire. But now, at this very moment, the demon allowed one final act of mourning.
"I'm sorry Ace," spoke Luffy with a sorrow filled grin, "I know real men don't shed tears of goodbye." The disfigured teen stood up and turned away, placing his straw hat on and covering the uneven patches of dark hair. "I'm going now. I'll make a name for myself and fulfill your dream." The straw hat boy walked slowly down the hill and through the charred remains of what use to be a massive forest. As he moved, Luffy made sure not step on any newly growing plants springing out the dirt. Funny how life persevered even after a catastrophic event like the Buster Call.
Luffy walked past a blackened enormous crater, the size of an amphitheater. This was the place he had honed his skills as a fighter which only served to make the crater deeper in time. Walking to a different part of the mountain, the teen saw another place that brought forth much emotion and trepidation. Luffy walked forward and bent on one knee and removed his hat once again, paying respects to had been the best (only) mom he'd known. The long since burned building seemed to groan at his presences.
"I'm leaving today Dadan. I-I'm sorry that this is the path I've chosen. The risk will be great, but it's something I must do."
No tears were shed this time, and not because Luffy didn't feel strongly. He had simply cried out the last tears he had to give. After a good ten minutes of kneeling, the teen once again lifted up and began walking down the barren wasteland that had once been Dawn Island. This slow pace walk lasted nearly two hours before he reached Foosha Village.
As Luffy walked among the blackened ash, he could almost hear the souls crying out for vengeance. Practically drove him mad. These people had done nothing wrong. They were only living their fucking life until everything ended that day.
"Why are the marines firing at us?!"
"It doesn't matter, just keep running!"
"Woop Slap! Common I'll help you walk, please just keep moving!"
"Leave me Makino! I said Go! Run into the forest as quick as possible!"
"But the entire forest is a blaze! Oh Luffy, Ace!"
"Ok then. Go to the Bar cellar! It's your only hope. Go, go, dammit! Leave me be!"
Luffy looked up at the finally place of mourning. It was the remains of Makino's bar, which had oddly sustained the most damage of any home. Mysteriously the whole thing was completely ripped from the foundation, leaving only the layout left instead of a burned out shell. For the final time, his knee hit the ground and hat was taken off in respect.
"I'm leaving Makino. The day me and Ace dreamed about has finally come. I-I'm sure you would say that as long as I'm happy your happy. That was just the type of loving, caring human being you were. And tell Woop Slap sorry that one last criminal has to come from this village."
With that, Luffy rose from the lowered position. He wore only a simple gray thermal shirt, black pants, and combat boots. This was all he could pillage from the wreckage of Goa Kingdom, which was fine for now. He could get some new clothes at the next island. His right good eye was bloodshot from the crying, the hole where he use to have a left eye ached with pain more than usual. Luffy looked at the docks where his boat waited for him.
The boat had been constructed by his own hands over the course of 9 years. After a lot of remodels and many splinters, a version that could actually float was built. Finding timber that wasn't completely burned or useless had been a difficult challenge. Salvaging wood from Foosha village had been out of the question after removing a piece of timber and finding a charred family underneath. They were holding each other even in death. Family was a bond even death couldn't sever.
As far as Luffy was concerned, he had no family. Not anymore.
The straw hat stepped onto the simple row boat. Picking up an ore, he slowly began rowing away from the shore. He wouldn't miss this place. This was a place of nightmares and destroyed dreams with him being the lone survivor. A single avenger.
"It should have been me Ace," voiced Luffy to the now clouded sky. "You should be mourning me and setting out on this grand adventure. I was always weak and could never keep up with Sabo or you. I should have been the one to die, but instead you shielded me. Even gave me power to avenge the fallen. I swear I won't waste this chance."
Luffy continued to row for hours without stopping, enjoying the change in scenery. The ocean was so very beautiful. Endless possibilities resided in its majesty. Deep in thought he almost missed the large pink ship currently sitting idle behind a large reef. Looking closely, he saw that the ship was definitely pirate judging by the black flag. This struck Luffy as odd, because what pirate would have a fucking pink ship with hearts painted on. Although it had been a long time since the raven saw other human beings. In fact this was going to be the first time in 9 years.
However, before Luffy could leap aboard, the ship started moving out from behind the reef. Luffy followed the vessel with his eye, trying to follow the path it was headed to. Far off, there was just a blip on the horizon that seemed to be the destination. Using Observation Haki, he sensed that this must be a civilian ship considering how weak the auras were. Then again, Luffy was comparing them to himself.
It was an odd sensation to feel other life forms again, especially humans. The feeling wasn't something that could be described to people who interacted with others on a regular basis. It wasn't an entirely good experience either. There was something a little terrifying about it.
"Pirates are attacking!"
Wow, that was the first voice Luffy had heard in 9 years. Husky and rough, filled with fear and apprehension. The pirate ship proceeded to fire upon the civilian ship, caving in half the deck and destroying the mast. At once the pirate began to board the stranded ship, causing havoc and chaos. Though the takeover didn't last at all.
Luffy's boat finally stopped beside the pirate and civilian ship. Which one to board? Odds were that either way he would have to fight someone, which was perfectly fine with him. In fact that was what he wanted. The straw hat jumped aboard the civilian ship by braking through the lower window, landing with a roll into a small storage room. He heard a shrill yelp that sounded like a wounded puppy.
Turning around, there was a young boy with pink hair cowering in the corner who was shaking like a leaf. Not knowing what to say or do, Luffy tried to speak but it came out like a growl, frightening the boy further. Before he could try again, three burly men walked in sporting beards, tattoos, and sabers.
"Coby, where…who the hell are you," spoke the first man, eyes shifting to Luffy. The pirate visibly recoiled when he saw Luffy had an empty hole for a left eye. The others followed suit. Nobody really moved for a while before the pirate in the back asked:
"A-Are you a bounty hunter?"
"No. I'm the new Pirate King."
Everyone went silent. If anyone thought this was a joke or found it funny, they didn't show it. They could tell something was off about this guy. The last one was actually backing out the room until Alvida screamed from the upper deck.
"What in the hell is taking you all day!"
Damn, that Alvida might be the scariest person on the sea. That's how her crew saw her anyway, which is why the men sprang into action. Well that word was actually inaccurate because it makes it sound like they were eager to fight. No, something deep inside was keeping them grounded to the floorboards even after hearing their captain. Finally the first one jump forward and swung downward. Midway, Luffy threw a lighting quick punch, his fist going through the pirate's stomach with sickening slosh noise.
It was only until the pirate's sword hit the ground did everyone react.
"Aaaaahhhhhhh! Run! Run! Get the fuck out!" The remaining pirates fled like death was on their heels.
As Luffy pulled out his hand, the man's insides slid out along with it. Blood quickly pooled at Luffy's feet and seeped through the cracks in the floor. The one eyed teen looked toward Coby, who was crying and shaking extremely violently. The boy even shit and pissed his pants right there. Seeing nothing to do here, Luffy left and began looking around.
Meanwhile the terrified pirates nearly broke their necks getting upstairs. Because they had taken too long, Alvida had also been walking down the stairs and in the haste of fleeing the two men pushed their captain down to get out. As soon as they got to deck, they jumped from the civilian ship to Alvida's ship and finally ran to a corner to cower.
Iron Mace Alvida sat up and dusted herself off, noting to kill those two after this was done. However, when she began walking down the corridor, the captain noticed that blood was pouring out of a room. Walking far enough to look through the doorway, she saw one of her men disemboweled on the floor and Cody sitting in a puddle of his own excrement. This didn't look to good. Could be that bounty hunter Zoro that did this.
"Alvida! Alvida!"
Hmm, looks like something was wrong. Alvida hefted her mace onto her large shoulders and ran up the stairs back to the deck. When finally up there, she noted that all of her crew had jumped back on the pirate ship. There were two men that lacked heads slumped over next to a rather short man with one eye and a straw hat.
Similarly, Luffy looked at Alivida, but with great indifference. Opting not to wipe off the blood off his hands, Luffy turned to the obsess women and began walking towards her.
"Do you feel like fighting to?"
Alvida for the first time was greatly afraid. This man wasn't a normal human. "I-I-Are y-you Roronoa Zoro," she stammered.
"No. Tell me about him."
Alvida complied, not knowing what else to do. Staring into his empty eye socket was like staring into the void. Same goes for his right eye in that respect. "H-He is a famous bounty hunter in the East Blue that uses t-three swords. T-they call him a demon."
"I see. Well my ride is here, thank you for the good information. In return I will not kill you."
Then Luffy walked past the stunned women just as cannon fire erupted, sending the scene into chaos. After snapping out of her stupor, Alvida ran and jumped onto her ship, screaming commands to get the fuck out of here. Two Navy ships had showed up, firing cannons at an incredibly slow rate.
Luffy stood for a second. Thoughts becoming a jumbled mess as the past flashed before his eyes.
"Luffy run faster!"
"I am Ace! Why is this happening? Why is Gramps letting this happen?"
"Don't ask questions, just move!"
"What the hell! Is-is that lava!?
"Didn't you hear me? I said KEEP MOVING!"
Luffy snapped out of his thoughts only after a cannon whizzed by his head and splashed in the ocean. The pirate jumped into the air and geppo'd over to the first ship. Oh he would relish this. Though it would only be a fraction of the revenge he would dish out. The straw hat landed behind the marine captain currently trying to bolster his troops.
"We will be capturing Iron Mace Alvida today men. We must take heart, as she is probably the strongest pirate you will all face in-"
Luffy cut the man off by first latching on to his neck, then jerking upwards ripping the head off. Blood erupted in all directions, drenching Luffy and others in range. The body slumped over and fell with a splat on the deck. To in shock to move, the other marines watched as the clearly crazy man took the captain hat off the now deceased marine and placed it on top of his own hat.
"I am now the superior officer of this ship. As superior, I say we go to the marine base currently holding Roronoa Zoro. Any objections will be a sign of treason and the penalty for treason is death. So, are there any objections?"
Not one sound was heard out of anyone. They all cried as silently as possible.
"Good! I knew you were a smart bunch."
It was then Luffy turned to the other marine ship currently stationary beside them. It was an eyesore that could be dealt with easily. With a large grin present, Luffy activated his devil fruit. Bright red flames replaced his right hand, growing hotter at the second. This also caused the marines present to jump backwards in fear and awe.
This one is for you Ace.
Luffy reared back his cocked fist and sent an enormous fiery wave at the unsuspecting ship. His brother's iconic attack burned so hot it melted the steel on impact and vaporized the wood. The hit like an atomic bomb, the ones killed never even realized what occurred.
"Fire Fist!" The stream of fire continued for 10 seconds until he stopped the flow of fire.
Smoke and steam rose from the sea, consuming the last remnants of the marine ship. Everyone looked at the steaming part of the ocean until Luffy turned back around.
"Did I say to sit around with a thumb in your ass?"
The marines showed speed that could make Kizaru jealous. Rushing to their posts and turning the ship around in the direction of marine base. Luffy grinned and looked at the clouded sky.
"Shishishi! I'm doing it Ace! I'm going to be King of the fucking Pirates!"
A/N: What did you guys think? Should I continue? Comment and Follow.