A/N: Hey guys! I'm finally back! I actually wanted to write an update, but found that my original draft lacked a lot, and it was in simple words getting rather boring in my own opinion. So I decided to do a rewrite and change some of the events, hopefully correct what I saw as flaws. Chapter 1 more or less covers the same thing as original but in a different way.
Chapter 1
Emma's head was spinning. In the past 24 hours, she had given birth, given up a child, run away, stolen a child and then ended up who knows how at this place, of which she could neither recognize nor understand anything.
She tried to get up, but found that she had indeed twisted her ankle when she thought she slipped and fell near the exit board of that town called Storybrooke.
But she hadn't fallen to the ground, at least not immediately. She had closed her eyes, preparing for the impact, but it took a little too long to come, and when it did, Emma was more hit by the surprise of hearing the sea. She opened her eyes to find herself on a deserted sea beach, which slowly seemed to recede into a forest.
"Where am I?" she thought numbly.
Slowly, her breathing evened, her heartbeat slowed down and normalized. She tried to think back to what had happened.
She was in that town called Storybrooke; she had seen the board while entering. But her destination had not been decided by her. She had somehow got into the back of a truck to escape once she realized she would be shipped back to the prison and got off it the first chance she got, and then just ran along the roads, ultimately landing herself in that place.
But it seems her fate wanted to put her through more, so she ended up trying to hide in what turned out to be none other than the mayor's house.
"Who are you?" the mayor, a beautiful and smart-looking woman probably in her early thirties, asked aggressively. "How dare you break into my house?"
"I'm-I'm sorry," Emma had stammered, "I didn't mean to-I thought the house was deserted-"
"So you're free to break into it?" She thundered, "I'm calling the sheriff, you'd better have a good explanation for this, or I'm afraid this is going to get quite bad."
Emma pleaded with her, requesting her not to put her behind bars. She picked up her phone, about to dial the number, but at that moment a baby's cries filled the room.
"Henry..." the mayor sighed.
It was now that Emma noticed the cot and the baby in it. Suddenly struck by inspiration, she raced to the cot and picked the baby up before the mayor could react and ran for the door.
"No, don't -" she screamed.
"I'll give you back the baby, just let me go!" Emma shouted back in desperation.
But the mayor seemed unwilling for any kind of negotiation and was storming towards her while finally dialling the number.
So she ran, ran as fast as she could towards the town exit, desperate to outrun the people who, as she believed, were chasing her.
And then she had tripped, and the next she opened her eyes she was lying on sand, water spashing against land not far away. The baby was still clutched in her arms. She sat there helplessly, with no idea what to do or which way to go.
That was the state in which Killian Jones found her.
Killian was caught by surprise when suddenly a bright light appeared near the shore, followed by a gasp of pain. He started in that direction immediately, knowing this wasn't going to mean anything good: there wasn't supposed to be anyone, or at least anyone awake, on this island except for himself and her.
He stood at a distance, behind her, observing her, and debating whether he should go talk to her or straightaway tell her about it. An eyebrow rose up as he took her in; she wasn't wearing clothes familiar to him. He was hardly surprised, she was carried here by a portal.
She moved a bit to adjust something in her arms, a bundle. He looked closer. It was a baby.
"Where the hell am I?" she muttered after a while, "And what am I supposed to do?" her voice rose higher in panic, and she almost fell forward holding her head. Killian took pity on her and decided it was time to help her around a bit. Perhaps, he wouldn't count on it but perhaps, she might help the lass, if for nothing but the proper continuation of her own plan.
"Lass?" he called out, and she jumped, turning her neck so fast he could swear it cricked. He took a step forward. "Are you lost?" he asked.
"Who are you?" she said warily, taking in his form. Her hands instinctively pulled the child closer, her eyes protective and fierce, and he got the distinct impression of a tigress protecting her cub. He took a few more steps forward and she backed away as much as possible, her eyes never leaving his face. She couldn't even dare to blink.
"I mean no harm" he assured her, holding both his hands up as if in surrender. She, however, continuing eyeing his hook and the sword in his belt suspiciously.
"Believe me, I'll throw them both to the ground right now if I wasn't concerned for my safety." he smiled at his own joke, but the girl didn't seem to find it funny.
"Who are you?" she repeated firmly, "And what is this place?"
He sighed. "Apologies, milady, I don't know where are my manners. Killian Jones is the name, or as they so appropriately call me these days, Hook."
She raised her eyebrows. "As in Captain Hook?" she asked skeptically.
"Ah, so you've heard of me. So you aren't from another realm after all, or has my fame reached other realms as well?"
She scrutinized me for a moment, her expression somewhere between confused and amused, then burst out laughing. He waited for it to subside, his eyebrow raised again, wondering what she found so amusing.
"Okay," she finally said, "that was a good one. Now, what kind of a prank is this exactly?"
"Prank?" he asked, confused.
"Yeah, great idea for a laugh, really, not that anyone's gonna take it seriously." she spoke on. "Is this for some T.V. show or something?"
"T-what?" he asked, dazed.
"There's no need to play dumb, you know, you're not gonna fool me." she said, laughing a bit. "Anyway, what exactly did you do? Kidnap me and bring me to the set? There must be more people here." she looked around for people, or perhaps to find the edges where the world she knew started.
"Lass, look here." Killian said, understanding her dilemma and intending to explain things to her. "You're trying to cook up some explanation to this, but what you're thinking is not what this is. This is no deception. This is real, you really have travelled into another realm, and considering that you don't know about all this, I'd guess you're from the land without magic."
"And this is what, the land with magic? A fairytale land where there are evil queens and dwarves and fairy godmothers who go 'Bibbity Bobbity Boo'?" she said incredulously, a grin still on her face.
"More or less, yes. It's called The Enchanted Forest though, and it's one of the many realms that has magic." he said.
"You know what, I changed my mind." she said, her expression challenging, "This is damn stupid. I just might have believed it if I was, I don't know, six or something. You'd better try on one of those. Just tell me how to get out of here, if you please. I have enough problems without dealing with this nonsense."
Killian sighed and looked around, trying to muster some amount of patience. "Look, lass, you'd better believe me, for your own good. You came here through a portal, unknowingly by the looks of it, and now you're stuck here until you find a way out."
"You're joking." she said, laughing disbeleivingly. He waits for it to subside. "Aren't you?" she asked then, hoping, praying, wishing for any sign that it's a joke, but she gets none.
"You've got to be kidding me." she mutters, last hints of smile fading. She looks up at him again. "Am I dreaming?"
"I wish I could say yes, but no, you're not. You really are stuck in a land of magic." he says.
She looks away from him, at the far away horizon, where the sun was slowly sinking. He watches as her face slowly falls and she digests the information. She is stuck in a fairytale land. She's stuck in some land of fairytale characters, with Captain Hook volunteering as her guide or helper or whatever, and as ridiculous as it sounds, it's true. And icing on the cake, she's brought the mayor's child into it along with herself.
"What the hell did I get myself into?"