'Sup guys?
So, this story was inspired by another work by 'wolfswimmer' called 'A Watch To Remember'.
It's freaking awesome and ya'll should go read it btw
It was a fairly dark evening, the day he found it. Bobby had been cleaning out his second spare room, so the boys would have a comfortable place without being in the same room. The room was dusty and filled with some old boxes and books on lore. There had been some salt and weapons up there too. Damn, he needed to go through his stuff more often.
He had just finished taking the last of the boxes and books up to the attic, where they would be out of the way, and was about to make the beds up when he saw the small package sitting on the edge of the bed. A disk shined up at him, lighting up his face in a small flash of light with, seemingly, no source other than the DVD. He would swear, the disk hadn't been there when he left, the lack of dust on it proving his thoughts.
He had shrugged, having decided that he could look into it later, at the time he'd had to get the room ready for his boys.
After he had finished he reached for the disk that he had set on the dresser and took a closer look at it as he walked out of the room. Ha had decided to put it in the TV to see what it did. And that's what brought him to this predicament.
He had been confused at first, watching as a night sky and a familiar looking house appear on the screen. And that bugged him, because he knew that house. He did. He just didn't know from where. And that's when he noticed what was written at the bottom of the screen.
Lawrence Kansas, 22 years ago
Lawrence Kansas was were John and the boys are from, but 22 years ago? That would have been around the time Dean was born. The scene changed, from outside to inside what looked like a dark nursery. Then a woman stepped in, blonde and beautiful, carrying a small child in her arms. Both looked very familiar.
"C'mon, say Goodnight to your brother"
Bobby watched as the familiar woman flipped the light on in the room, carrying, whom he assumed was her son, to the crib, and set him down. The young boy reached over the side of the crib and kissed the baby's forehead.
"'Night Sam"
At that, Bobby quickly stopped the video in disbelief, finally placing the woman and the house. And he said the only word that came to mind.
Sam was practically bouncing as they pulled up into Bobby's drive, needing to get out of the car and stretch his growing legs. And maybe see if Bobby had any leftovers he could snag a bite of. When the car stopped, he was the first out, Dean following quickly behind, as they raced to the trunk to grab their duffles and rush up the porch. Neither boy cared that they were 17 and 21, and acting like restless five year old's.
They didn't bother to wave or watch as John quickly pulled out of the driveway, headed up to Florida to look into a haunting or something. They knew he wouldn't be watching. And if he did on the off chance see them, he wouldn't care. The two boys looked at each other, smiling as Dean lifted his hand to knock, when the door opened and a pale looking Bobby Singer greeted them.
"Boys, is yer daddy here?" he asked.
The three of them were sat around the living room, as Bobby began to explain.
"Well, you see boys... I was cleaning up the extra room, so you could have separate rooms while you stayed for the next two weeks as yer daddy goes off god knows where. And after I had taken the last of the junk outta the room, I found this disk," Bobby says, holding up a shiny DVD, "So, after I fixed up yer rooms, I thought I should play it. To see what it was. What I saw...It wasn't pretty. And considerin' the date, I'd say it was from the future boys."
Sam's eyes went wide, "What do you mean 'The Future' Bobby?" he asked, soft brown eyes widening wonder and... maybe a little bit of fear and hope.
"What I mean, boy, is that it says at the beginning 'Lawrence Kansas, 22 years ago'. But the night it showed was only 17 years ago," he said gruffly, giving the boys a pointed look.
Dean's eyes widened, as he put the pieces together and figured out what Bobby meant.
"You mean... it showed that night" he whispered out unbelieving. Bobby only nodded, at the same time as Sam's eyes widened again in understanding.
Bobby had sent the boys upstairs soon after they finished discussing the disk, all agreeing on watching it in the morning to see what it showed.
Sam shifted in his bed, not able to sleep because of all that was on his mind. If it weren't for pictures, he wouldn't even know what his mother looked like. And in the morning, he's going to see her on a screen. Moving and alive. He's going to hear her voice for the first time. He was excited. But he was also nervous, extremely nervous.
After a few hours of restlessness, Sam contemplated going to his brothers room and see if Dean was awake, but decided against it. Instead he got up and went to warm up some milk in the kitchen, hoping that would help him sleep.
10 minutes and one warm mug of milk later and Sam was happily slipping off into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, Sam was woken up by the smell of coffee and bacon coming from downstairs. Well, Bobby was up at least. Sam slowly lifted himself from the covers, and made his way down the stairs. He entered the kitchen, smiling tiredly as he grabbed a mug of steaming energy and greeting Bobby. Dean was already in there, nursing his own coffee, watching the bacon like a hawk.
Bobby soon finished with the bacon and eggs, setting three plates down at the table and nodding that the boys could eat. "Dig in"
After breakfast, Bobby set the dishes into the sink and turned to they boys. "You two up for watching that disk?" he asked, looking at his boys. Dean nodded his head slightly, and Sam smiled at Bobby.
"Yea, lets go watch some TV" Dean said jokingly. They all moved to the living room and sat themselves down around the TV. Bobby put the DVD into the player and sat back, after making sure the disk would play.
Again, the house and tree appeared on the screen, with the words 'Lawrence Kansas, 22 years ago' appearing with it. Dean let out a small gasp though, when the scene changed to inside the nursery and Mary appeared with a small four year old Dean in her arms.
"C'mon, let's say goodnight to your brother."
"'Night Sam."
"Goodnight love." Mary had leaned over and brushed her fingers over baby Sam's head, kissing his forehead like Dean had done moments before.
"Hey Dean" a voice said from behind them, John is standing in the door way wearing a USMC t-shirt.
"Daddy!" little Dean says, rushing over to his father. John chuckles a bit, scooping Dean up into his arms.
"Hey, buddy. So what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet?" Dean shakes his head, laughing.
"No, Daddy." John laughs.
"No." John agrees with his son.
The three crack small smiles at this, Dean in remembrance and Sam in Bobby in mild surprise.
Mary passes John and Dean on the way out of the room. "You got him?" she asks John.
"I got him." he replies, hugging Dean closer.
"Sweet dreams, Sam." John says, carrying Dean out of the room, flipping off the lights. Baby Sam watches them go, gurgling, then tries to reach his toes. The baseball-themed mobile above Sam's crib then begins to spin on its own while Sam watches. The transportation-themed clock on the wall ticks, ticks, stops, and the moon-shaped nightlight flickers.
Sam looks at Dean with wide eyes. The demon was there.
The scene changes to a master bed room, Mary curled up on the bed. The lights begin to flicker over a baby monitor sitting on a nightstand next to a photo of Mary and John. Strange, unnatural noises begin to come through the monitor. Mary, in the bed, stirs before she turns on the light on the nightstand.
"John?" Mary calls out, turning only to notice she's alone. She begins to get out of bed.
The scene changes again, this time to the hallway. Mary walks down the hall to Sammy's nursery. A figure, presumably John, is seen only in silhouette, standing over Sam's crib.
"John? Is he hungry?" the figure turns his head.
"Shhh." he whispers.
"All right." Mary heads back down the hallway to her room. The light by the stairs begins to flicker. Mary frowns a bit and goes to tap at it till the light steadies. "Hm." More flickering light is coming from the downstairs area: Mary goes and investigates. A war movie is on TV and John is seen has asleep, having been watching it before he passed out. She runs back upstairs.
"If John is there," Dean says, "then the man upstairs can't be John and Sammy's in danger." he pointed out, scared, although he already knew what would happen in a way.
"Sammy! Sammy!" Mary yells before she enters Sam's nursery and stops short.
It goes back to John in the living room. Upstairs, Mary is heard screaming and John wakes up.
All three flinch at the sound of Mary's scream. "Balls" the boys hear Bobby mutter from his chair. They don't look away from the screen though, to entranced to be bothered to look away.
"Mary?" John scrambles out of the chair. "Mary!" John runs upstairs. Back in the nursery John bursts through the closed door. "Mary." The room is quiet and appears empty except for Sam awake in his crib and John. John glances around and pushes down the side of Sam's crib.
"Hey, Sammy. You okay?" Something dark red drips next to Sam and John touches it. Two more drops land on the back of John's hand before he can pull it away. It looks like blood. John looks up.
Mary is sprawled across the ceiling, the stomach of her nightgown red with blood, staring at John and struggling to breathe. John collapses onto the floor, staring at Mary.
They all gasp, Dean shouts out with the John on the screen.
"No! Mary!" he shouts as Mary bursts into flame. The fire spreads over the ceiling.
Bobby lowers his head sadly, and Dean tries to hide the tears forming in his wide, shocked eyes, he thought he would never see something like that in his life ever.
John stares, frozen. Sammy wails. John, reminded he's not alone, gets up and scoops Sam out of his crib and rushes out of the room.
In the hallway Dean is awake and coming to investigate. "Daddy!" Dean says, before John shoves Sam at Dean.
"Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!" Dean turns and runs. John turns back to the nursery. "Mary!" The entire room is on fire. Mary herself can barely be seen. "No!"
Dean again screams with John, staring at the screen in horror, unable to look away. Sam stares at the screen, tears forming in his eyes as well. "You carried me out..." he whispers quietly.
Outside, Dean is running, holding Sam close. "It's okay, Sammy." he says to the baby in his arms. Dean turns to look up at Sam's window, which is lit with gold and flames. John runs outside, scooping up Dean and Sam, carrying them both away.
"I gotcha." Fire explodes out of Sam's nursery window as he says this.
The Lawrence fire department has arrived. A Firefighter gets out of a fire truck and takes over at the gauges for another firefighter. "I got it. You go hold the line up." The second firefighter goes to the back of the truck and takes a hose from a third firefighter. That firefighter takes the hose towards the house where a fourth firefighter is spraying through Sam's nursery window. A paramedic opens the back of an ambulance. A police officer waves some neighbors back.
"Stay back. You have to stay back." he says. Across the street from the house, John and Dean sit on the hood of John's Impala, John holding Sam. John looks up at the remnants of the fire, a strange, haunted look on his face.
Sam lets out a shaky breath and looked to where his brother was staring wide eyed at the screen, eyes slightly glazed. "Dean?" Sam asked, "Dean you okay?" he reached out to touch his brother. Dean jerks his head and stares at Sam, eyes looking wet.
"Sammy..." he breaths out, grabbing his baby brother and pulling him close. "I'm sorry Sammy" he whispered.