It is the wind that first snatches the beloved necklace away from her, an unexpectedly strong force on a mild day snatched it out of her grasp. For a moment she is speechless. The one moment where it was not connected to her very being was the moment nature had struck.

However, her shock is only temporary. She leaps to her feet with an undignified roar and shunpos after her most precious possession. It only takes her a few seconds to catch the silver glint as it soared across the sky, but those few seconds stretch out into a millennia in her haste.

She tangles her fingers in the chain and holds it close for a moment, thinking of the first time she met the man who gifted it to her.

It had been the shift in the wind that had first alerted her to his presence over her weakened form all the years ago.

It had been the shift in the wind that had taken him away from her towards Aizen on the Sokyoku Hill, sealing him away from her in the Negacion.

And finally, it had been the wind that had mingled her tear with his last breath as he sighed out a goodbye.

Some would say that it is pathetic, but Rangiku Matsumoto does not. Ignoring their criticisms, she continues. Pages flock the desk around her, but they are not her paperwork. (Either way, if Toshiro walked in at that moment, Rangiku is sure that the wintry taicho would still suffer a heart attack. Not that the situation could happen. Rangiku is hidden away within her private quarters, not the clean cut lines of the office. This kind of work is too dark for the bright lights and windows of the office.)

Instead, the papers fluttering down around her are notes. To the only man she has ever loved, each starts out exactly the same.

Gin… I'm sorry...

For several, that is as far as she got. Others go on, detailing adventures of her life to the man that can no longer hear them, like a dragon describing its hoard to the skeletons that sit atop it. Although it has been months, years even, since the death of the double agent, Rangiku finds that she cannot let his image rest. And so, she writes letters.


So here's a couple more blurbs. Very GinRan-centric. This'll probably happen a lot. Let me know what you guys think!