A/N: Hello all. So I really don't know what to say about this other than it is entirely for fun. There really is no plot, and it doesn't tie in to book or movie cannon. But who cares right? It's for enjoyment, so enjoy it!
While on his adventure, Bilbo had become accustomed to quite a few of the habits of dwarves, and could deal with most of them rather well actually.
For starters, they had no sense of boundaries. Bilbo had become acutely aware of that fact when they had basically invited themselves to dinner at his house, mercilessly raiding his pantry and re-arranging his furniture however they saw fit.
Another thing, they were sloppy eaters; talking with their mouths full and spilling food and drink all over, not even seeming to care that they did so.
Perhaps the worst though, was their snoring. Perpetual snorts and groans would echo throughout the caves or caverns they decided to sleep in and it took literal hours for Bilbo to fall asleep.
It was on one such occasion, when the ceaseless drone of snores was keeping the poor hobbit awake, the he first noticed it.
Fili and Kili snuggled.
It wasn't just a simple, one-armed hug around the waist snuggle either. No, their arms and legs were completely entwined and their bodies were contorting in such a way Bilbo winced at the pain they would surely feel in the morning. But come first light, the two siblings detangles their limbs then stood, stretched, and went about their normal business showing no signs of any discomfort whatsoever.
Perplexed and the tinniest bit jealous, Bilbo made it his own personal mission to observe the brother's as they slept. Now, that may have seemed to be a slightly creepy thing to do, but Bilbo didn't mean any harm by it.
And that is how Bilbo found himself lying awake almost every night, as close to the brothers as he could manage.
Their form was almost identical each night. Fili would lie down first, joined shortly after by Kili, whose head fell to rest on his brother's shoulder. One of Fili's arms was wrapped around Kili's back, and his fingers would trace gentle circles over the warn material of his brother's shirt until he drifted off to sleep.
Fili's other arm was curled up by his own side, staying out of the way of Kili's middle so as not to cause his brother discomfort.
Kili was the one whose limbs always ended up all over the place. He would fall asleep with one hand on his brother's chest but at some point during the night, his arm would snake its way up and behind Fili's head, gripping his brother's hear gently enough that it didn't hurt but sternly enough that even a giant couldn't have pulled his fingers away. His other hand ended up in a pocket of Fili's vest, usually the pocket furthest away from him. Their legs would end up snagged together somehow, but Bilbo could never really figure out who started it.
Either way, by the time the sun would first start to rise over the horizon, the brothers would awaken, stretch and stand, as if sleeping literally on top of one another was the most normal of things in the world.
'Then again,' Bilbo thought with a shrug, 'Perhaps for them, it is.'